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Binance Rest Api and Web Socket Integrations for c#

  • Provides both Async and Sync Methods
  • Added an Example Console App which contains all API calls.
  • Usage examples for each function can alse be found in the test project.
  • You need to enter your own Api Credentials in the App.config file of the test/example projects if needed.


Note: If you are having trouble with nuget managed libraries: From Visual Studo go to Tools => NuGetPackage Manager => Package Manager Console and run command "Update-Package -reinstall" it will resolve libraries and update your solution accordingly.


By default ALL Api methods return Task so you can use them asyncronously. For convenience Sync versions of all methods are also provided for developers who may prefer not to use async results.

var timeResponseAsync = publicRestClient.Time();
var syncResponse = publicRestClient.TimeSync();

Supported API Endpoints

Public Methods

var publicRestClient = new BinanceClient();

//Gets the orderbook for the given symbol. 
var depthResult = publicRestClient.Depth("NEOBTC");

//Get only the first 10 Orderbook records
var limitedDepthResult = publicRestClient.Depth("NEOBTC", 10);

//For getting Compressed/Aggregate trades list
var aggregateTrades = publicRestClient.AggregateTrades("NEOBTC");

//Get KLines/Candlestick data for given Trade Pair
var kLines = publicRestClient.KLines("NEOBTC", KlineInterval.Month1);

//Get Daily Ticker for given Trade Pair
var dailyTicker = publicRestClient.TickerDaily("NEOBTC");

//Get All Ticker Information
var allPricesTicker = publicRestClient.TickerAllPrices();

//Get AllBookTicker information with price and quantity data
var allBookTickers = publicRestClient.AllBookTickers();

Signed Methods

var restClient = new BinanceClient([APIKEY], [APISECRET]);

//Get Account Info and Current Balances
var accountInfo = restClient.GetAccountInfo(true);

//Initiates an order. 
//Ensure that isTestOrder parameter is set to false for real order requests (By default it is false).
//ClientOrderId is optional. It is useful if you might need follow up requests like cancel etc. If you dont set BinanceApi assigns one for the order.
var orderResult = restClient.NewOrder("NEOBTC", OrderSide.Sell, OrderType.Limit, TimeInForce.GoodUntilCanceled, 100m, 0.05m, true, "order1");

//Query the given order result.
var orderQueryResult = restClient.QueryOrder("NEOBTC", null, "order1");

 //List Current Open Orders for given Trade Pair
var openOrders = restClient.CurrentOpenOrders("NEOBTC");

//List All Orders
var allOrders = restClient.ListAllOrders("NEOBTC");

//Cancels an open order by using either orderId or clientOrderId
var cancelOrderResult = restClient.CancelOrder("NEOBTC", null, "order1");

//List Trades
var trades = restClient.ListMyTrades("NEOBTC");


  • You can use anonymous functions
using (var wsClient = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    wsClient.ConnectDepthEndpoint("ethbtc", depthMessage => logger.Debug(depthMessage.EventTime));
    Thread.Sleep(10000); //to keep socket open, you need to implement your own logic accordingly
  • OR Explicitly define a handler function
private void DepthMessageHandler(WebSocketDepthMessage message)
using (var wsClient = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    wsClient.ConnectDepthEndpoint("ethbtc", DepthMessageHandler);

Depth Messages

using (var client = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    client.ConnectDepthEndpoint("ethbtc", depthMsg 
        => Console.WriteLine($"{depthMsg.EventTime} {depthMsg.Symbol} {depthMsg.AskDepthDelta.Sum(b=>b.Quantity)}"));

KLine Messages

using (var client = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    client.ConnectKlineEndpoint("ethbtc", KlineInterval.Minute1, klineMsg 
        => Console.WriteLine($"{klineMsg.Symbol} {klineMsg.KLineData.NumberOfTrades}"));

Trades Messages

using (var client = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    client.ConnectTradesEndpoint("ethbtc", tradesMsg 
        => Console.WriteLine($"{tradesMsg.Symbol} {tradesMsg.Price} {tradesMsg.Quantity}") );

User Data Messages

//Listen User Data Endpoint
//Return ListenKey if you need to explicitly call CloseUserDataStream, KeepAliveUserDataStream from the rest client
//Automatically makes keepalive request every 30 seconds
var restClient = new BinanceClient([APIKEY], [APISECRET]);

using (var client = new BinanceWebSocketClient())
    var listenKey = client.ConnectUserDataEndpoint(restClient,
        accountMessage => Console.WriteLine("UserData Received! " + accountMessage.EventTime),
        orderMessage => Console.WriteLine("Order Message Received! " + orderMessage.EventTime),
        tradeMessage => Console.WriteLine("Trade Message Received! " + tradeMessage.EventTime)