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Using all the libraries

Pablo Mayobre edited this page Mar 18, 2015 · 5 revisions

#Using the whole set of Libraries

If after reading through all the features this library provides you have come here then that is Awesome!

Using this library as a set instead of as separated libraries is way easier. You just need to require material-love inside love.load (it needs access to the LÖVE modules)

local m 

love.load = function ()
    m = require "material-love"

Now you have access to all the modules inside material-love



To use shadows you can just call m.shadow in your love.draw function:

love.draw = function ()

The PatchObject is stored in m.shadow.patch for you to access it methods and properties.

For more info on the parameters of the shadows check the Shadows page


The FAB draw function is mapped to the m.fab function so it is pretty simple to use it too

love.draw = function ()

For more info on the parameters and why you should set the color to your desired color first, check the FAB page


The color module is available through the m.color space, and all the functions are also exposed

m.color ("red","A200")
m.color.main ("cyan")
m.color.mono ("white","divider")
m.color.variations ("brown")
m.color.background ("dark")
m.color.list ()

For more info on each of this functions check the Colors page


You can create Ripple objects through the m.ripple table with the appropriate functions,y,w,h,r,g,b,a,tim),y,ra,r,g,b,a,tim)

Also if for some reason you dont want to use the objects methods you can:

  • Update them through the m.ripple.update function
  • Draw them through the m.ripple.draw function
  • Start a ripple on them through the m.ripple.start function
  • Fade the active ripple on them through the m.ripple.fade function

For info on each of this functions check the Ripples page

Rounded - Rectangles

Accessing the roundrect function is simple, it is in the m.roundrect variable, the arguments are the same and the return value too.

Use it as you would do with roundrect

love.load = function ()
    m = require "material-love"
    p = m.roundrect(x,y,w,h,xr,yr,precission,{true,true,true,true})

love.draw = function ()"fill",unpack(p))"line",unpack(p))

For more info check the RoundedRectangle page.


The Roboto fonts are accessible through the m.roboto table, though you can also use it as a function as you the normal roboto table "body2")

For more info check the Roboto page

Icons & DrawIcons

Icons and DrawIcons are merged into a single table, called m.icons with just two functions:

  • m.icons.get which acts as icons
  • m.icons.draw which acts as drawicon

For access to the icon table we provide m.icons.table which is a deep-copy of the icons table without the metatable.

Check the pages for DrawIcons and Icons for more info on these functions.

Nine Patch

The Nine Patch library can be found on the m.nine table. Using it is the same as using the nine.lua file

local PatchImage ="material-love/images/ninepatch.png")
local PatchTable = love.filesystem.load("ninepatch.lua")()()
PatchObject = m.nine.process(PatchTable)

For more info on these functions check the Nine Patch page which explains them in detail

That is it!

I hope this can be useful to you, if you have doubts dont doubt to ask me, you can use the Issue Tracker (check the Guidelines), the LÖVE forums (which I check periodically) and you can send me a mail (you can find my e-mail here)

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