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Workflow Overview

This documentation provides an overview of the high-level workflow involved in processing single-camera datasets using is currently the most up-to-date script, incorporating efficient optimization routines for finding a suitable smoothing parameter given data, and is the most useful script to walk through in order to provide a high-level understanding of the EKS workflow.

Here, we will progress through the high-level workflow of Further details on key functions ensemble_kalman_smoother_singlecam and singlecam_optimize_smooth are provided as well.


The script demonstrates how to process and smooth single-camera datasets. It includes steps to handle input/output operations, format data, and apply the Ensemble Kalman Smoother (EKS).

Workflow Steps

  1. Collect User-Provided Arguments:

    • Define the smoother_type as 'singlecam'.
    • Parse command-line arguments using handle_parse_args(smoother_type).
    • Extract and set various input parameters such as input_dir, data_type, save_dir,
    • save_filename, bodypart_list, s, s_frames, and blocks.
  2. Load and Format Input Data:

    • Use format_data to read and format input files, and prepare an empty DataFrame for output.
    • If bodypart_list is not provided, use keypoint names from the input data.
    • Print the keypoints being processed.
  3. Convert Input Data to 3D Array:

    • Convert the list of DataFrames to a 3D NumPy array using np.stack.
    • Map keypoint names to their respective indices in the DataFrames.
    • Crop the 3D array to include only the columns corresponding to the specified body parts
    • (_x, _y, _likelihood).
  4. Apply Ensemble Kalman Smoother:

    • Call ensemble_kalman_smoother_singlecam from with the prepared 3D array and other arguments to obtain smoothed results (df_dicts, s_finals).
  5. Save Smoothed Results:

    • For each body part, convert the resulting DataFrames to CSV files.
    • Use populate_output_dataframe to integrate the results into the output DataFrame.
    • Save the output DataFrame as a CSV file in the specified directory.
  6. Plot Results:

    • Use plot_results to visualize the smoothed data.
    • Plot the results for a specific keypoint (keypoint_i).

Key Function: ensemble_kalman_smoother_singlecam

(from eks/

This function performs Ensemble Kalman Smoothing on 3D marker data from a single camera. It takes as input a 3D array of marker data, a list of body parts, smoothing parameters, and frames, and returns dataframes with smoothed predictions, final smoothing parameters, and Negative Log-Likelihood (NLL) values.


  • markers_3d_array (np.ndarray): A 3D array of marker data with dimensions corresponding to time frames, body parts, and coordinates (x, y, z).
  • bodypart_list (list): A list of body parts for which the data is being processed.
  • smooth_param (float): A parameter controlling the smoothing process.
  • s_frames (list): A list of frames used in the smoothing process.
  • blocks (list): Optional. A list of blocks for segmenting the data (default is an empty list).
  • ensembling_mode (str): The mode used for ensembling the data (default is 'median').
  • zscore_threshold (float): The Z-score threshold for outlier detection (default is 2).


  • tuple: A tuple containing:
    • Dataframes with smoothed predictions.
    • Final smoothing parameters (per keypoint).
    • NLL values (used for finding the ideal smoothing parameter value)

Detailed Steps:

  1. Initialization:

    • Extract the total number of frames (T) and the number of keypoints (n_keypoints) from the markers_3d_array.
    • Define the number of coordinates (n_coords) as 2 (x and y).
  2. Ensemble Statistics:

    • Compute ensemble statistics by calling jax_ensemble with the marker data and ensembling mode.
    • Extract ensemble predictions (ensemble_preds), variances (ensemble_vars), and average keypoints (keypoints_avg_dict).
  3. Adjust Observations:

    • Calculate mean and adjusted observations by calling adjust_observations with the average keypoints, number of keypoints, and ensemble predictions.
    • Obtain mean_obs_dict, adjusted_obs_dict, and scaled_ensemble_preds.
  4. Initialize Kalman Filter:

    • Initialize Kalman filter values by calling initialize_kalman_filter with the scaled ensemble predictions, adjusted observations, and number of keypoints.
    • Obtain initial means (m0s), covariances (S0s), state transition matrices (As), covariance matrices (cov_mats), observation matrices (Cs), observation covariances (Rs), and observations (ys).
  5. Smoothing:

    • Perform the main smoothing function by calling singlecam_optimize_smooth with the initialized values, ensemble variances, frames, smoothing parameter, and blocks.
    • Obtain final smoothing parameters (s_finals), means (ms), and covariances (Vs).
  6. Process Each Keypoint:

    • Initialize arrays for smoothed means (y_m_smooths), variances (y_v_smooths), and predicted arrays (eks_preds_array).
    • Loop through each keypoint to compute smoothed predictions and variances, adjust predictions based on mean observations, and compute Z-scores using eks_zscore.
  7. Final Cleanup:

    • Create a pandas DataFrame for each keypoint with smoothed predictions, variances, and Z-scores.
    • Append each DataFrame to a list (dfs) and a dictionary (df_dicts).
  8. Return Results:

    • Return a tuple containing the dictionary of DataFrames and the final smoothing parameters.

Key Function: singlecam_optimize_smooth

This function optimizes the smoothing parameter and uses the result to run the Kalman filter-smoother. It takes in various parameters related to covariance matrices, observations, and initial states, and returns the final smoothing parameters, smoothed means, and smoothed covariances.


  • cov_mats (np.ndarray): Covariance matrices.
  • ys (np.ndarray): Observations with shape (keypoints, frames, coordinates), where coordinate is usually 2.
  • m0s (np.ndarray): Initial mean state.
  • S0s (np.ndarray): Initial state covariance.
  • Cs (np.ndarray): Measurement function.
  • As (np.ndarray): State-transition matrix.
  • Rs (np.ndarray): Measurement noise covariance.
  • ensemble_vars (np.ndarray): Ensemble variances.
  • s_frames (list): List of frames.
  • smooth_param (float): Smoothing parameter.
  • blocks (list): List of blocks for segmenting the data.
  • maxiter (int): Maximum number of iterations for optimization (default is 1000).


  • tuple: A tuple containing:
    • Final smoothing parameters.
    • Smoothed means.
    • Smoothed covariances.
    • Negative log-likelihoods.
    • Negative log-likelihood values.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Initialization:

    • Extract the number of keypoints (n_keypoints) from the ys array.
    • Initialize an empty list for final smoothing parameters (s_finals).
    • If no blocks are provided, create a block for each keypoint.
  2. Device Check:

    • Check if a GPU is available for parallel processing. If available, use the GPU for parallel smoothing parameter optimization. Otherwise, use the CPU for sequential optimization.
  3. Define Loss Functions:

    • Define nll_loss_parallel_scan for GPU usage and nll_loss_sequential_scan for CPU usage. Both functions ensure positivity by taking the exponential of the smoothing parameter and call the appropriate smoothing function (singlecam_smooth_min_parallel or singlecam_smooth_min).
  4. Smooth Parameter Optimization:

    • If a smooth_param is provided, use it directly. Otherwise, initialize guesses for each keypoint using compute_initial_guesses and crop the frames using crop_frames.
    • Optimize the negative log-likelihood for each block of keypoints:
      • Initialize the smoothing parameter (s_init) with a positive guess.
      • Set up the optimizer using optax.adam.
      • Select the relevant subsets of the input arrays for the current block.
      • Define a step function to perform optimization steps.
      • Iterate the optimization process until convergence or the maximum number of iterations is reached.
  5. Final Smooth:

    • After optimization, perform a final forward-backward pass with the optimized smoothing parameters by calling final_forwards_backwards_pass.
  6. Return Results:

    • Return a tuple containing the final smoothing parameters, smoothed means, and smoothed covariances.