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A pure python weather routing algorithm.


To configure a suitable enviroment for running a routing I recommend using the supplied enviroment.yaml file to create a clean conda enviroment:

git clone
cd weather_routing
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate routing
pip install -e .

To perform a historical routing using a reanalysis model such as ERA5:

  • First import packages:
import intake
import xarray as xr
import zarr
import numpy as np

from weather_router import isochronal_weather_router, polar, point_validity, visualize
  • Then clean and load the necessary subset of weather data into memory:
catalog = intake.open_catalog('s3://esip-qhub-public/ecmwf/intake_catalog.yml')
ds = catalog['ERA5-Kerchunk-2020-2022'].to_dask()

ds.coords['lon'] = ((ds.coords['lon'] + 180) % 360) - 180
ds = ds.sortby(ds.lon)
ds = ds.sel(lat = slice(40,35)).sel(lon = slice(-7,4))
ds = ds.sel(time0 = slice('2022-01-13T12:00:00', '2022-01-20T12:00:00'))

u10 = ds.eastward_wind_at_10_metres
v10 = ds.northward_wind_at_10_metres
tws = np.sqrt(v10**2 + u10**2)
tws = tws*1.94384 #convert m/s to knots
twd = np.mod(180+np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(u10, v10)),360)
ds = tws.to_dataset(name = 'tws')
ds['twd'] = twd
ds = ds.load()
ds = ds.interpolate_na(dim = 'time0', method = 'linear') #some nans in this dataset not sure why
ds = ds.rename({'time0':'time'})
  • Rather than the routing program attempt to guess the layout of the weather data, to simplify things the users needs to declare a get_wind() function
def get_wind(t, lat, lon):
    tws_sel = ds.tws.sel(time = t, method = 'nearest')
    tws_sel = tws_sel.sel(lat = lat, lon = lon, method = 'nearest')
    twd_sel = ds.twd.sel(time = t, method = 'nearest')
    twd_sel = twd_sel.sel(lat = lat, lon = lon, method = 'nearest')
    return (np.float32(twd_sel.values), np.float32(tws_sel.values))
  • Next we initialize the routing, declaring the polar class, get_wind function, list of time_steps, number of hours between steps, start_point and end_point. It is also possible to explicitly declare the bounds of the routing area in point_validity this helps speed up this part of the programme. While spread adjusts the range of possible headings to consider, 180 would consider all possibilities but would slow the programme significantly. This routing is relatively short so we will use 140 degrees either side of the bearing to finish. wake_lim controls the degree of 'pruning' where 35 degrees is the size of the wake, behind each point. Please see this article for a detailed description of pruning techniques.
polar = polar.Polar('test/volvo70.pol')

point_valid = point_validity.land_sea_mask(extent = [40,-7,35,4]).point_validity_arr

Palma = (39.283014, 2.527704)
Gibraltar = (36.073, -5.354)

weatherrouter = isochronal_weather_router.weather_router(polar, 
                                                         time_steps = ds.time.values,
                                                         step = 1,
                                                         start_point = Palma,
                                                         end_point = Gibraltar,
                                                         point_validity = point_valid,
                                                         spread = 140,
                                                         wake_lim = 35,
                                                         rounding = 2)
  • To run the routing simply call:
  • To get a table of statistics from the fastest route:
route_df = weatherrouter.get_fastest_route()
|    |     lat |        lon | time                |      twd |      tws | pos                                       | next_pos                                  |   heading |      twa |   boat_speed |   hours_elapsed |   days_elapsed |
|  0 | 39.281  |  2.478     | 2022-01-13 12:00:00 |  26.131  |  7.17203 | (39.281, 2.478)                           | (39.26733007683735, 2.2786900146855307)   |   265     | -121.131 |         9.3  |               0 |      0         |
|  1 | 39.2673 |  2.27869   | 2022-01-13 13:00:00 |  25.0675 |  8.31563 | (39.26733007683735, 2.2786900146855307)   | (39.24865599707216, 2.0519613060689865)   |   264     | -121.067 |        10.6  |               1 |      0.0416667 |
|  2 | 39.2487 |  2.05196   | 2022-01-13 14:00:00 |  24.6236 |  9.62228 | (39.24865599707216, 2.0519613060689865)   | (39.18848697935533, 1.7991971114614662)   |   253     | -131.624 |        12.3  |               2 |      0.0833333 |
|  3 | 39.1885 |  1.7992    | 2022-01-13 15:00:00 |  30.3027 | 10.8351  | (39.18848697935533, 1.7991971114614662)   | (39.159147147840955, 1.4951761951936726)  |   263     | -127.303 |        14.26 |               3 |      0.125     |
|  4 | 39.1591 |  1.49518   | 2022-01-13 16:00:00 |  34.992  | 10.3808  | (39.159147147840955, 1.4951761951936726)  | (39.13128950950019, 1.2421527082136428)   |   262     | -132.992 |        11.9  |               4 |      0.166667  |
|  5 | 39.1313 |  1.24215   | 2022-01-13 17:00:00 |  37.1169 | 11.2744  | (39.13128950950019, 1.2421527082136428)   | (39.0657480600496, 0.9979481189176773)    |   251     | -146.117 |        12.04 |               5 |      0.208333  |
|  6 | 39.0657 |  0.997948  | 2022-01-13 18:00:00 |  41.3987 | 12.3089  | (39.0657480600496, 0.9979481189176773)    | (38.998458327451715, 0.7474916093107853)  |   251     | -150.399 |        12.36 |               6 |      0.25      |
|  7 | 38.9985 |  0.747492  | 2022-01-13 19:00:00 |  43.8912 | 13.318   | (38.998458327451715, 0.7474916093107853)  | (38.76028337881922, 0.6936369469126931)   |   190     |  146.109 |        14.52 |               7 |      0.291667  |
|  8 | 38.7603 |  0.693637  | 2022-01-13 20:00:00 |  46.8965 | 12.979   | (38.76028337881922, 0.6936369469126931)   | (38.523713872792506, 0.629368412983219)   |   192     |  145.103 |        14.52 |               8 |      0.333333  |
|  9 | 38.5237 |  0.629368  | 2022-01-13 21:00:00 |  51.7796 | 12.3711  | (38.523713872792506, 0.629368412983219)   | (38.297119135186044, 0.5573879996903635)  |   194     |  142.22  |        14.02 |               9 |      0.375     |
| 10 | 38.2971 |  0.557388  | 2022-01-13 22:00:00 |  53.1301 | 10.9341  | (38.297119135186044, 0.5573879996903635)  | (38.2549384987795, 0.3429448707500951)    |   256     | -157.13  |        10.42 |              10 |      0.416667  |
| 11 | 38.2549 |  0.342945  | 2022-01-13 23:00:00 |  52.5946 | 10.4     | (38.2549384987795, 0.3429448707500951)    | (38.27538851881734, 0.09185797482892026)  |   276     | -136.595 |        11.9  |              11 |      0.458333  |
| 12 | 38.2754 |  0.091858  | 2022-01-14 00:00:00 |  52.4716 | 10.5703  | (38.27538851881734, 0.09185797482892026)  | (38.06916017430898, 0.026551193382065744) |   194     |  141.528 |        12.76 |              12 |      0.5       |
| 13 | 38.0692 |  0.0265512 | 2022-01-14 01:00:00 |  59.7887 | 11.1062  | (38.06916017430898, 0.026551193382065744) | (37.85715985182337, -0.05043354458284895) |   196     |  136.211 |        13.24 |              13 |      0.541667  |
| 14 | 37.8572 | -0.0504335 | 2022-01-14 02:00:00 |  64.8671 | 10.8698  | (37.85715985182337, -0.05043354458284895) | (37.68004144498351, -0.16938630390243412) |   208     |  143.133 |        12.04 |              14 |      0.583333  |
| 15 | 37.68   | -0.169386  | 2022-01-14 03:00:00 |  55.008  | 11.8638  | (37.68004144498351, -0.16938630390243412) | (37.513526335366, -0.2905416982275018)    |   210     |  154.992 |        11.54 |              15 |      0.625     |
| 16 | 37.5135 | -0.290542  | 2022-01-14 04:00:00 |  64.4185 | 12.6612  | (37.513526335366, -0.2905416982275018)    | (37.306128432449356, -0.4471339557620966) |   211     |  146.582 |        14.52 |              16 |      0.666667  |
| 17 | 37.3061 | -0.447134  | 2022-01-14 05:00:00 |  69.5582 | 14.262   | (37.306128432449356, -0.4471339557620966) | (37.08837232703034, -0.63113888218132)    |   214     |  144.442 |        15.76 |              17 |      0.708333  |
| 18 | 37.0884 | -0.631139  | 2022-01-14 06:00:00 |  75.3236 | 15.824   | (37.08837232703034, -0.63113888218132)    | (36.89489326719905, -0.8813218884712812)  |   226     |  150.676 |        16.7  |              18 |      0.75      |
| 19 | 36.8949 | -0.881322  | 2022-01-14 07:00:00 |  76.4875 | 16.1184  | (36.89489326719905, -0.8813218884712812)  | (36.650800793801174, -1.1187934660310397) |   218     |  141.513 |        18.58 |              19 |      0.791667  |
| 20 | 36.6508 | -1.11879   | 2022-01-14 08:00:00 |  79.8457 | 16.5387  | (36.650800793801174, -1.1187934660310397) | (36.407156498919306, -1.381641246720945)  |   221     |  141.154 |        19.36 |              20 |      0.833333  |
| 21 | 36.4072 | -1.38164   | 2022-01-14 09:00:00 |  76.8275 | 17.593   | (36.407156498919306, -1.381641246720945)  | (36.485484285184974, -1.7478182407226863) |   285     | -151.827 |        18.3  |              21 |      0.875     |
| 22 | 36.4855 | -1.74782   | 2022-01-14 10:00:00 |  61.5571 | 19.8962  | (36.485484285184974, -1.7478182407226863) | (36.55982037165094, -2.1879453098571084)  |   282     | -139.557 |        21.7  |              22 |      0.916667  |
| 23 | 36.5598 | -2.18795   | 2022-01-14 11:00:00 |  51.8091 | 23.1865  | (36.55982037165094, -2.1879453098571084)  | (36.55888879569992, -2.660294080942467)   |   270     | -141.809 |        22.78 |              23 |      0.958333  |
| 24 | 36.5589 | -2.66029   | 2022-01-14 12:00:00 |  59.7654 | 22.9208  | (36.55888879569992, -2.660294080942467)   | (36.545786638579365, -3.098709902234455)  |   268     | -151.765 |        21.16 |              24 |      1         |
| 25 | 36.5458 | -3.09871   | 2022-01-14 13:00:00 |  67.7241 | 21.7938  | (36.545786638579365, -3.098709902234455)  | (36.58113030224537, -3.5265257789088165)  |   276     | -151.724 |        20.74 |              25 |      1.04167   |
| 26 | 36.5811 | -3.52653   | 2022-01-14 14:00:00 |  85.8653 | 20.22    | (36.58113030224537, -3.5265257789088165)  | (36.36054056375838, -3.864060275252128)   |   231     |  145.135 |        21    |              26 |      1.08333   |
| 27 | 36.3605 | -3.86406   | 2022-01-14 15:00:00 |  83.1818 | 22.5134  | (36.36054056375838, -3.864060275252128)   | (36.451516679080484, -4.261350791210687)  |   286     | -157.182 |        19.96 |              27 |      1.125     |
| 28 | 36.4515 | -4.26135   | 2022-01-14 16:00:00 | 102.529  | 17.9213  | (36.451516679080484, -4.261350791210687)  | (36.26156409940817, -4.623066404221441)   |   237     |  134.471 |        20.88 |              28 |      1.16667   |
| 29 | 36.2616 | -4.62307   | 2022-01-14 17:00:00 |  97.386  | 19.8461  | (36.26156409940817, -4.623066404221441)   | (36.09675157410734, -5.005262515337476)   |   242     |  144.614 |        21    |              29 |      1.20833   |
| 30 | 36.0968 | -5.00526   | 2022-01-14 18:00:00 | 103.241  | 21.2173  | (36.09675157410734, -5.005262515337476)   | (36.073, -5.354)                          |   265.285 |  162.045 |        18.02 |              30 |      1.25      |
  • And to visualise the routing call (this util is rather buggy):
visualize.visualize(ds,Palma, Gibraltar,route_df, filename = 'route1').save_plot()


An interactive example of the above plot is available here