Examples of integrated Pydap (OPeNDAP server) with WMS into the IPython Notebook. Check out the slides (also on Slideshare) for a more verbose explanation.
- A simple example of Pydap WMS data integrated with OpenStreetMap/OpenLayers.
- Same data with OpenStreetMap/Leaflet.
- Both maps displayed in the IPython notebook.
and template.html
can be used together to easily embed map data from Pydap WMS servers into your IPython notebooks. They can read from a remote server or local.
- all (to run notebooks) - ipython, tornado, pyzmq
- readingdatafrompydap.ipynb - pydap only
- embeddingmap-simple.ipynb - can be run without any further dependencies (as in nbviewer above)
- embeddingmap-dynamic.ipynb - requires pydap, pydap.handlers.netcdf, pydap.responses.wms
Pydap uses Genshi which is why my template is in Genshi. If you don't intend to run a local Pydap server and you don't want to install it, you could just install Genshi. Or your favourite templating library, and make a template for that.
The data in my examples is a sample grid available from the Bureau of Meteorology. See the Australian Digital Forecast Database for more information (and to freely download).
Inspired to make your own WMS-ish app and do the map tile generation yourself? Check out leafvis :)