- Log on to the HPC:
ssh <your NetID here>@hpc.arizona.edu
- Once on the head node, access puma:
- Create an SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
NOTE: You will be prompted for a filename and password. Just press Enter/Return to all prompts, do not fill fill out filename or password prompts.
- Copy the SSH key to the Bastion Host:
ssh-copy-id <your NetID here>@hpc.arizona.edu
NOTE: Enter your password and follow the two-factor authentication.
- Copy the SSH key to the DTN:
ssh-copy-id <your NetID here>@filexfer.hpc.arizona.edu
NOTE: Enter your password and follow the two-factor authentication.
- Confirm that the SSH key works by accessing the DTN without being prompted for a password:
ssh filexfer
NOTE: If you are still prompted for a password, submit a UA HPC support ticket here.