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File metadata and controls

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In serverless workflows, the notion of a function is a central theme. This document describes the model, terminology, and the implementation of function execution in Workflows.

TODO explain common lifecycles: fnref -> fnid, fn execution model, data model


  • function environment (or fnenv) is a platform, or service that provides the capability to reference and execute functions.
  • function runtime is the part of the fnenv that is responsible for executing the functions.
  • function resolver is the part of the fnenv that that parses function references to deterministic function identifiers. This is done to ensure that workflows remain robust in the face of frequent changes to functions.
  • function (or fn) is a black box function that has zero or more inputs and a single output. A function is said to be 'executed' or 'run', where it runs atomically to completion or fails. Although side-effects are often unavoidable, the model proposes mitigating side-effects as much as possible - for instance by ensuring that these effects are idempotent. In the future, the workflow engine will allow labeling functions being pure or impure (from a functional programming perspective).
  • function reference (or fnref) is a reference to a function. This reference is allowed to be ambigious in terms of what fnenv to use, and which version to use. It could be that multiple versions of the function exist, or that the function is available on multiple fnenv. The workflows engine, upon loading the workflow, will resolve the function references to function identifiers. In the future commands will be added to automate upgrading a workflow to use new function versions.
  • function identifier (or fnid) is a unique, consistent identifier to a specific version of a specific function on a specific fnenv. Using this identifier to identify the function to execute should result in the exact same function to be executed. Note that currently, for Fission function this identifier is not yet considering versions of the same function.

Function Environments

There are currently two function environments: Fission and Internal.

Fission is a complete Function-as-a-Service platform - which includes extensive Kubernetes integration, autoscaling, and offers fine-grained resource management controls.

The internal function environment is an extremely light-weight function runtime built into the workflow engine itself. It is useful for lightweight functions - typically control flow functions - where the network overhead of running them on an external FaaS platform would be overkill. However, it has no sandboxing or autoscaling options; intensive functions might slow down the workflow engine.

Whether it is best to execute your functions on either of the function environments is based on the kind of function and the type of workload.

If a function happens to be declared on both platforms for now the workflow engine will always choose the internal function to use. You can force the workflow engine to use one fnenv over the other by specifying it in the function reference. For example, to explicitly use a Fission function called sleep, the function reference should: fission://sleep.

In the future we want to improve the scheduler to allow it to make this decision to based on profiling and other data sources.


Fission is the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform underlying the workflow engine. All Fission functions are compatible with the workflow engine. Moreover, workflows follow the same API - allowing you to call Fission functions without even needing to know whether it is a workflow or an actual Fission function.


Calling a Fission function is no different from calling other (internal) functions. Like other functions, it has a number of optional input parameters to augment the Fission function execution.

Input required types description
body no * The body of the Fission function call.
headers no map[string]string The headers that need to be added to the request.
query no map[string]string The key-value values that need to be added to the URL.
method no string HTTP Method to use (Default: GET)
content-type no string Force a specific content-type for the request (default: application/octet-stream).

Output (*) the body of the Fission function response.

The body is interpreted based on the content-type. In case it is interpretable (e.g. application/json), the workflow engine will parse it, and make it available to the expressions to manipulate/access. In case it is not interpretable, the output will be considered a binary blob. You can still pass it as a whole to other tasks, but you can not access or modify the contents with expressions.

Note: currently you cannot access the metadata of the response. Though, You can access this metadata for the workflow invocation.

Fission's Perspective

The workflow engine invokes Fission functions with the same API as other types of event sources. So conceptually there is no difference between Fission functions used or not used in workflows.


To invoke the Fission function example-funciton, we can define the following task in the workflow:

Note: although you can override the content-type, if nothing is specified the content-type will be inferred from the body value. So in this case the content-type will be text/plain because the body value is a string.

# ...
  run: example-function
    body: "Some body input"
      foo: bar
      abc: def
    method: DELETE
# ...

This task is basically equivalent to calling the fission function directly:

curl ${FISSION_ROUTER}/fission-function/example-function?abd=def -XDELETE -H "foo: bar" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "Some body input"


  • The content-type is important if you want to utilize the full functionality of Workflows; ensure that the functions have the correct MIME/content type in their responses.
  • There is no need to force content-types on requests in many cases. The workflow engine remembers the content-type of how it received the data, and will use it when using the data as input for another task (unless the content type is overriden).
  • You can return a specification for a task or workflow (to implement dynamic tasks) by using the appropriate content-type: application/vnd.fission.workflows.task or application/vnd.fission.workflows.workflow using the protobuf encoding.


The internal function environment is a lightweight and limited function runtime inside the workflow engine itself. It used to execute small, mostly control flow-related, functions, that would otherwise suffer a lot from the unnecessary overhead of a FaaS platform.

It consists out of a number of built-in functions, which aim to cover the common functionality needed in workflows. Additionally, it has options to extend with your own functions.


The internal fnenv ships with a number of built-in functions. These functions are simply commonly used, utility functions. They do not have any additional or special API; you could implement these functions just as well in Fission.

Each function has a listed available: in which versions is the function available. The status indicates how reliable and well tested a function is: stable is well-tested, and unlikely to change in API, experimental is working (partially) but is subject to change in future versions, and concept is a (potentially) unimplemented, non-functioning function that is under active or future development.

Property description
command compose
available ^0.1.1
status stable


Compose provides a way to merge, modify and create complex values from multiple inputs. Other than outputting the composed inputs, compose does not perform any other operation. This is useful when you want to merge the outputs from different tasks (for example in a MapReduce or scatter-gather scenario).


Input required types description
default no * the inputs to be merged into a single map or outputted if none other.
  •       | no       | *      | the inputs to be merged into a single map. 

Note: custom message does not yet propagate back to the user

Output (*) The composed map, single default input, or nothing.


Compose with a single input, similar to noop:

# ...
  run: compose
  inputs: "all has failed"
# ...

Composing a map inputs:

# ...
  run: compose
    foo: bar
    fission: workflows
# ...

Property description
command fail
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Fail is a function that always fails. This can be used to short-circuit workflows in specific branches. Optionally you can provide a custom message to the failure.


Input required types description
default no string custom message to show on error

Note: custom message does not yet propagate back to the user

Output None


# ...
  run: fail
  inputs: "all has failed"
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the failwhale example.

Property description
command foreach
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Foreach is a control flow construct to execute a certain task for each element in the provided input. By default, the tasks are executed in parallel. Currently, foreach does not gather or store the outputs of the tasks in any way.


Input required types description
foreach/default yes list The list of elements that foreach should be looped over.
do yes task/workflow The action to perform for every element.
sequential no bool Execute the actions sequentially (default: false).

The element is made available to the action using the field element.

Output None


# ...
  run: foreach
    - a
    - b
    - c
      run: noop
      inputs: "{ task().element }"
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the foreachwhale example.

Property description
command http
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Http is a general utility function to perform simple HTTP requests. It is useful for prototyping and managing low overhead HTTP requests. To this end it offers basic functionality, such as setting headers, query, method, url, and body inputs.


Input required types description
url/default yes string URL of the request.
headers no map[string string
content-type no string Force a specific content-type for the request.
method no string HTTP Method of the request. (default: GET)
body no * The body of the request. (default: application/octet-stream)

Unless the content type is specified explicitly, the workflow engine will infer the content-type based on the body.

Output (*) the body of the response.

Note: currently you cannot access the metadata of the response.


# ...
  run: http
    method: post
    body: "foo"
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the httpwhale example.

Property description
command if
available ^0.1.1
status stable


If is the simplest ways of altering the control flow of a workflow. It allows you to implement an if-else construct; executing a branch or returning a specific output based on the result of an execution.


Input required types description
if yes bool The condition to evaluate.
then no * Value or action to return if the condition is true.
else no * Value or action to return if the condition is false.

Output (*) Either the input of then or else (or none if not set).


The following example shows the dynamic nature of this control flow. If the if-expression evaluates to true, a static value is outputted. Otherwise, a function is outputted (which in turn is executed).

# ...
  run: if
    if: { param() > 42  }
    then: "foo"
      run: noop
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the maybewhale example.

Property description
command javascript
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Javascript allows you to create a task that evaluates an arbitrary JavaScript expression. The implementation is similar to the inline evaluation of JavaScript in expressions in inputs. In that sense this implementations does not offer more functionality than inline expressions. However, as it allows you to implement the entire task in JavaScript, this function is useful for prototyping and stubbing particular functions.


Input required types description
expr yes string The JavaScript expression
args no * The arguments that need to be present in the expression.

Note: the expr is of type string - not a expression - to prevent the workflow engine from evaluating the expression prematurely.

Output (*) The output of the expression.


# ...
  run: javascript
    expr: "a ^ b"
      a: 42
      b: 10
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the fibonacci example.

Property description
command noop or nop
available ^0.1.0
status stable


Noop represents a "no operation" task; it does not do anything. The input it receives in its default key, will be outputted in the output


Input required types description
default no * The input to pass to the output.

Output (*) The output of the default input if provided.


# ...
  run: noop
  inputs: foobar
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the fortunewhale example.


Property description
command repeat
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Repeat, as the name suggests, repeatedly executes a specific function. The repeating is based on a static number, and is done sequentially. The subsequent tasks can access the output of the previous task with prev.


Input required types description
times yes number Number of times to repeat the task.
do yes task The task to execute.

Note: the task do gets the output of the previous task injected into prev.

Output (*) The output of the last task.


# ...
  run: repeat
    times: 5
      run: noop
      inputs: { task().prev + 1 }}
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the repeatwhale example.

Property description
command sleep
available ^0.1.1
status stable


Sleep is similarly to noop a "no operation" function. However, the sleep function will wait for a specific amount of time before "completing". This can be useful to mock or stub out functions during development, while simulating the realistic execution time.


Input required types description
default no string A string-based representation of the duration of the sleep. (default: 1 second)

Note: the sleep input is parsed based on the Golang Duration string notation. Examples: 1 hour and 10 minutes: 1h10m, 2 minutes and 300 milliseconds: 2m300ms.

Output None


# ...
  run: sleep
  inputs: 1h
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the sleepalot example.

Property description
command switch
available ^0.3.0
status experimental


Switch is very similar to how switch-constructs are implemented in most languages. In this case the switch is limited to evaluating string keys. The string-switch is matched to one of the cases, or - if none of those match - the default case.


Input required types description
switch yes string The string to match to one of the cases.
cases no list List of cases to match to.
default no * The default value if there is no matching case.

Output (*) Either the value of the matching case, the default, or nothing (in case the default is not specified).


# ...
  run: switch
    switch: "{ param() }"
    - case: foo
      action: bar
    - case: ac
      action: me
    default: 42
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the switchwhale example.

Property description
command while
available ^0.3.0
status concept


While consists of a control flow construct that will execute a specific task as long as the condition has not been met. The results of the executed action can be accessed using the task ID "action".


Input required types description
expr yes bool The condition which determines whether to continue or halt the loop.
do yes task/workflow The action to execute on each iteration.
limit no number The max number of iterations of the loop. (default: unlimited)


  • we currently cannot reevaluate the expr. There needs to be support for looking up the source of an expression. Maybe we can add the original expression to the labels.
  • we might want to have a prev value here to reference the output of the previous iteration.

Output (*) Either the value of the matching case, the default, or nothing (in case the default is not specified).


# ...
  run: while
    expr: "{ 42 > 0 }"
    limit: 10
      run: noop
# ...

A complete example of this function can be found in the whilewhale example.

Extending the internal function environment

As the naming suggests, the internal function environment is not limited to this small set of built-in functions. The internal function environment can be extended with functions just like Fission.

To add an additional function, you need to implement the native.Function Go interface, and add the new function to the list of functions.

Currently, you will still need to recompile the engine if you want add, change or remove internal functions. In the near future you will be able to add these functions (in Go or Javascript) to the workflow engine at runtime.