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Commands & Permissions

Risto Lahtela edited this page Dec 24, 2019 · 36 revisions

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Commands & Permissions

This page is an in depth documentation of all permissions & commands.
Page version: 5.0 build 249


  • Commands & Related permissions
  • Plan Commands
  • PlanBungee Commands
  • Permission Node Groups

Commands & Related permissions

Command Permission Default
/plan plan.? true
/plan inspect plan.inspect.base true
/plan inspect [player] plan.inspect.other OP
/plan qinspect plan.qinspect.base OP
/plan qinspect [player] plan.qinspect.other OP
/plan analyze plan.analyze OP
/plan search [argument] OP
/plan servers plan.manage  OP
/plan network plan.analyze OP
/plan reload plan.reload OP
/plan info OP
/plan manage plan.manage OP
/plan register none / plan.webmanage - / OP
/plan webuser plan.webmanage OP
Ignore commands used plan.ignore.commanduse false
Ignore AFKing plan.ignore.afk false
Receive update notifications apf.notify  OP

Plan Commands

All commands take a ? after the command to display Aliases and more information about the command.


Permission: plan.?

Base command, displays help.

Alias: /plan help

/plan inspect [playername]

Permission: plan.inspect.base, [plan.inspect.other]

Displays link to player's Player page. Refreshes the web page contents. If [playername] argument is not specified the issuing player's name is used.

Alias: /plan [playername]

/plan qinspect [playername]

Permission: plan.qinspect.base, [plan.qinspect.other]

Displays information about the player in game

/plan analyze [server]

Permission: plan.analyze

Displays link to the Server page. Refreshes Analysis results If [server] argument is not given the current server is analysed.

Alias: /plan a, /plan analyse, /plan analysis

/plan search [arg]


Displays player names that match the search argument. For example: '1122' - Rsl1122, Du1122de

/plan players

Permission: plan.inspect.other

Displays a link to the Players page

Alias: /plan pl, /plan playerlist, /plan list

/plan servers

Permission: plan.manage

This is a network command. Displays a list of all servers in the database

Alias: /plan serverlist, /plan listservers, /plan sl, /plan ls

/plan network

Permission: plan.analyze

This is a network command. Displays a link to Network page

Alias: /plan n, /plan netw

/plan reload

Permission: plan.reload

Restarts the plugin

/plan info


Information about the plugin: Current version, update availability, database in use

/plan manage <subcommand>

Permission: plan.manage

Manage the plugin: Database, Bungee connection, Features

Alias: /plan m <subcommand>

Subcommand Description
move <fromDB> <toDB> [-a] Move data between databases, only with local database settings for sqlite/h2/mysql, arguments can be sqlite/mysql/h2
backup <DB> Backups a database to a new SQLite .db file, DB can be sqlite/mysql/h2
restore <Filename.db> <dbTo> [-a] Restore a backup created with backup command, dbTo can be sqlite/mysql/h2
remove <player> [-a] Removes specific player's data from the active database.
hotswap <DB> Used to quickly swap between sqlite, h2 & mysql after a move for example
clear <DB> [-a] Clears one of the active databases completely
uninstalled <server id> Sets the server as uninstalled in the Plan database
con Debug connections by attempting a connection to and from each webserver address in the database
import <plugin>/list [import args] Used to import data from elsewhere, currently only supports offline as argument
disable <feature> Used to temporarily disable a feature until next plugin reload. Currently only takes kickcount as argument.

/plan register <password> [username] [permission level]

Permission: <none> / [plan.webmanage]

Registers a new web user, for the current player or for another user. Shortcut alias for /plan webuser register

If registering for current player the permission level is determined by the permissions the player has.

See HTTPS Set up for more info about web users.

/plan webuser <subcommand>

Permission: plan.webmanage

Manage web users.

Alias: /plan web <subcommand>

Subcommand Description
register <password> [name] [lvl] Registers a new web user to be used on HTTPS login prompt
level Information about the lvl argument for register
list Lists registered web users
check <username> Checks specific web user if it exists
delete <username> Deletes a web user if it exists

/plan dev <operation>

Permission: plan.*

Enabled when Plugin.Dev: true. Used for testing functions not testable with unit tests.

PlanBungee commands

Bungee has many of the same commands as Bukkit/Sponge instances. Shared commands are not listed here.


Permission: plan.*

Base command for Bungee

/planbungee setup

Permission: plan.*

Toggle Set-up mode. If Set-up is not allowed all /plan m setup attempts will be blocked.

/planbungee con

Permission: plan.*

Connection debug command. Same as /plan m con on a Bukkit instance.

/planbungee disable

Permission: plan.*

Turns off Plan systems. Afterwards Plan can be enabled using /plan reload. Does not support replacing the jar on the fly.

Permission Groups:


  • plan.?
  • plan.inspect
  • plan.qinspect


  • plan.basic
  • plan.qanalyze


  • plan.advanced
  • plan analyze
  • plan.inspect.other
  • plan.qinspect.other
  • plan.reload
  • plan.webmanage


  • plan.staff
  • plan.manage
  • apf.notify
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