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Project Architecture

Risto Lahtela edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 13 revisions

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Project Architecture (How the plugin is put together)

This page attempts to help new developers start contributing to Plan.

It does not go over the build tool & commands for building as those are detailed in Project Setup.

Page version: 5.1 build 904 Commit

Table of contents

  • Java
    • Modules & Dependencies between modules
    • Dagger & Dependency injection
    • Structure outline of common-module
    • Abstraction layer for platforms
  • Web dev
    • Technology stack
    • Template-like html
    • Static Resources

Modules & Dependencies between modules

Module Role
api Contains code for public API interface classes
extensions Contains built-in extensions that use DataExtension API (in public API)
common Main package for everything
bukkit, bungee, sponge, velocity, nukkit Platform specific modules
plugin Creates a single jar out of the modules

Most of the time work is done in common module as platforms are abstracted away.

Build order

api -> extensions -> common -> bukkit, bungee, sponge, velocity, nukkit -> plugin

From the build order, the dependencies between the modules should be apparent.

Dagger & Dependency Injection

Dagger ( is used extensively around the project. It was used as a remedy to reduce static usage. (See decisions here Refactor plugin to use static getters and Dependency Injection: Dagger)

@Singleton annotations are used to tell Dagger that only a single instance should exist per initialized Component (So that each PlanSystem only has one DatabaseSystem instead of returning a new one every time the database is needed.)

@Inject annotations are used in Constructors to tell Dagger to resolve the dependencies for constructing a new instance of this class.

Most of the plugin uses Inject annotations, but some dagger related things can be found from modules package

Note that the Inject constructors allow Injecting an instance of the class the constructor is in to another object:

public class Foo {
    public Foo() {}

public class Bar {
    public Bar(Foo foo) {}

This is the main mechanism used for instantiating different system level objects, more about those below.

Structure outline of common-module


The process begins in a platform specific module by creating a new Dagger Component that resolves all dependencies for PlanSystem.

  • When the plugin is enabled by the platform it is running on PlanSystem#enable is called, which will lead to all subsystems getting started in a specific order. This order is determined by dependencies between the subsystems. When parts of these subsystems are injected in any constructor, I've tried to keep the same order as they are enabled.
  • When the platform is shutting down and the plugin is disabled PlanSystem#disable is called, which stops all extra threads and closes resources the plugin is using. Platform specific shutdown such as cancelling runnables happens in the plugin class of the platform.
  • When the plugin is reloaded with plan reload command by user, first the plugin is disabled and then enabled. A new Dagger component is created in the process, so PlanSystem instance is new each time the process enables.

Package structure

Below are packages that are in package common/src/java/com.djrapitops.plan

Package  Role
api Deprecated. Plan API v4.
capability Capability Service implementation (APIv5)
commands Implementation for commands (plan, planproxy/planbungee/planvelocity)
commands.use Abstraction layer & framework for commands
commands.subcommands Execution code for different commands
data Deprecated. Contains APIv4 data classes.
delivery Output related packages
delivery.domain Data objects related to delivering web content & doing analysis
delivery.export Export System and its utilities, for exporting html and json files
delivery.formatting Date, time & data formatting utilities
delivery.rendering Utilities for writing html and json
delivery.web PageExtension API implementation (APIv5)
delivery.webserver WebServer implementation & Request resolving
exceptions Exceptions used around the plugin
extension Implementation for DataExtension API (APIv5)
gathering Input related packages
gathering.afk AFK Tracking
gathering.cache Caches for gathered data like Sessions
gathering.domain  Data objects related to gathered data
gathering.importing Import system
gathering.listeners  Basis for event listeners (mostly platform based)
gathering.timed Timed tasks related to data gathering
identification Identification of current server and UUID utilities
modules Dagger related dependency resolution classes
processing Extra execution service for async processing
query Implementation for Query API (APIv5)
settings Everything that user can configure (Config, Locale, Theme)
storage Database & resource (file/jar) management
`storage.database.queries  SQL queries for the database
storage.database.transactions Transactions for the database
utilities Utilities used in the plugin
utilities.analysis Mathematical utilities In-game chat-box space formatting utility
utilities.comparators Sorting utilities
utilities.html.icon Deprecated. APIv4 html utilities Java language extending utilities
utilities.logging Error logging code

version | System that checks for new version

Abstraction layer for platforms

Different server platforms offer more or less the same sort of functionality, but with a different API. This is why in Plan some of it is abstracted away with Abstract Plugin Framework.

This is mostly limited to Task scheduling and logging.

  • RunnableFactory can be injected to create and schedule tasks (remember to schedule after creation).
  • PluginLogger can be injected to log stuff to the console.

Other abstraction is achieved by using PlanSystem and Dagger to avoid the platform specific plugins doing too much work.

Platform Modules

Platform modules include only the implementation for the specific platform so code from Bukkit is not available in sponge module and so on. In the platform modules you can find implementations for Listeners and some tasks that require platform specific function calls.

Note that proxy implementations (Bungee, Velocity) have different gathering behaviors and deliver different pages - this is done with the listeners and the different execution paths are done in the common module by using ServerInfo#isProxy method.

Web Technology Stack

All web files can be found from /src/main/resources/assets/plan/web.

Plan uses the following stack to deliver the web content:

  • .html files inside the jar, that have ${placeholder} replacement support
  • Java Sun HTTPServer webserver and custom HTTP 1.1 request resolution
  • Google GSON for serving data as JSON.
  • XMLHTTPRequest for loading the JSON
  • jQuery for placing the data on the pages
    • Note: jQuery is slowly being removed from the plugin by replacing jQuery calls with modern javascript.

Web in general is moving away from using jQuery as the Javascript ecosystem has matured to a point where its functionality can be found in every browser. The decision to use it was made based on it being used by Bootstrap and jQuery data-tables.

Template like html

The html has some ${placeholder} placed inside it, which is how 4.x.x versions delivered the data to the users. New uses are discouraged if there is a different way to deliver the same information to the client.

The placeholder replacement should be done in the delivery.rendering.pages package.

The html can be customized by the users, which is made possible by specific methods in PlanFiles that find the files.

Static resources

Most of the javascript libraries used in the plugin are in /src/main/resources/assets/plan/web/vendor. Exceptions include jQuery and Font Awesome.

When introducing new resources into the .html files the resource paths should be added to the appropriate Exporter in delivery.export so that the files are available for all users.

If you have any questions you can open an issue or join the discord server.

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