diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/bg.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/bg.json index 63fff61e..4ae29e5c 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/bg.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/bg.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Вашият хост е ограничил максималният радиус на прегенерация на %s, за да избегне прекомерно използване на дисковото пространство. Намалете радиус или се свържете с Вашият хост, ако желаете този лимит да бъде премахнат.", "format_started_already": "Задачата е вече стартирана за %s!", "format_world": "Свят променен на %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Управлявайте персонализираните световни граници", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Спиране и изтриване на текущи или запазени задачи", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Задаване на позицията на централния блок", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "спирален", "pattern_csv": "цсв", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "кръгъл", "shape_diamond": "диамантен", "shape_ellipse": "елипса", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "звезден", "shape_triangle": "триъгълен", "task_trim": "Изтрити %s чънка от %s за %s секунди.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Завършена задача за %s. Обработени: %s чънкове (%s%%), Общо време: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Задача спряна за %s.", "task_update": "Протичаща задача за %s. Обработени: %s чънкове (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Скорост: %s cps, Текущ: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/bs.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/bs.json index 490a6762..ee5bc452 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/bs.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/bs.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Vaš host je ograničio maksimalnu razdaljinu pregenerisanja na %s da bi izbjegao veće korištenje memorije. Smanjite razdaljinu ili ih kontaktirajte da biste uklonili ovo ograničenje.", "format_started_already": "Proces je već pokrenut za %s!", "format_world": "Svijet promijenjen u %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Upravljajte borderima svijetova", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Prekinite i obrišite trenutne ili sačuvane procese", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Postavite centralne koordinate", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirala", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "krug", "shape_diamond": "romb", "shape_ellipse": "elipsa", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "zvijezda", "shape_triangle": "trougao", "task_trim": "Obrisano %s čankova iz %s u %s sekundi.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Proces završen za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Proteklo vremena: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Proces zaustavljen za %s.", "task_update": "U toku je proces za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Preostalo: %s:%s:%s, Brzina: %s čps, Trenutno: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/cs.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/cs.json index c1b8035a..ce1e1c57 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/cs.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/cs.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Váš hostitel omezil maximální poloměr před generováním na %s, aby se zabránilo nadměrnému využívání místa na disku. Omezte poloměr nebo kontaktujte svého hostitele, pokud chcete odebrat tento limit.", "format_started_already": "Úkol byl již zahájen pro %s!", "format_world": "Svět změněn na %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eUpozornění: Váše hranice světa je aktuálně nastavena větší než maximálních %s nakonfigurovaných v server.properties. To je obvykle chyba a může způsobit problémy.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Spravujte vlastní hranice světa", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Zastaví a smaže aktuální nebo uložené úkoly", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Nastaví středový blok", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirála", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "oblast", + "pattern_world": "svět", "shape_circle": "kruh", "shape_diamond": "diamant", "shape_ellipse": "elipsa", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "hvězda", "shape_triangle": "trojúhelník", "task_trim": "Smazáno %s chunků z %s za %s vteřin.", + "task_trim_update": "Úkol běží pro %s. Zpracováno: %s regionů (%s%%)", "task_done": "Úkol pro %s byl dokončen. Zpracováno: %s chunků (%s%%), Celkový čas: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Úkol pro %s byl zastaven.", "task_update": "Úkol běží po dobu %s. Zpracováno: %s chunků (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Hodnota: %s cps, Aktuální: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/de.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/de.json index 0b68c753..56bf1ca1 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/de.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/de.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Dein Host hat den maximalen Radius fürs generieren auf %s beschränkt, um übermässigen Speicherplatzverbrauch zu vermeiden. Verringere den Radius oder kontaktiere deinen Host wenn du dieses Limit entfernt haben willst.", "format_started_already": "Aufgabe für %s bereits gestartet!", "format_world": "Welt geändert zu %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Verwalten von benutzerdefinierten Weltgrenzen", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Stoppe und lösche alle momentan gespeicherten Aufgaben", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Setze die mittlere Block-Position", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "Spirale", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "Kreis", "shape_diamond": "Diamant", "shape_ellipse": "Ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "Stern", "shape_triangle": "Dreieck", "task_trim": "Löschte %s Chunks von %s in %s Sekunden.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Aufgabe für %s beendet. Verarbeitet: %s Chunks (%s%%), Gesamte Zeit: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Aufgabe für %s gestoppt.", "task_update": "Aufgabe für %s läuft. Verarbeitet: %s Chunks (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Rate: %s cps, Aktuell: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/es.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/es.json index d7beb6d4..c3ab1a8a 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/es.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/es.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Tu proveedor de servicio ha limitado el radio máximo de pre-generación a %s para evitar un uso excesivo de espacio en disco. Reduce el radio o ponte en contacto con tu proveedor necesitas eliminar este límite.", "format_started_already": "¡Tarea ya iniciada para %s!", "format_world": "Mundo cambiado a %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Administrar bordes personalizados del mundo", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Detiene y elimina las tareas actuales o guardadas", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Establece el centro", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "espiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "círculo", "shape_diamond": "diamante", "shape_ellipse": "elipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "estrella", "shape_triangle": "triángulo", "task_trim": "Borrados %s chunks de %s en %s segundos.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Tarea finalizada en %s. Chunks procesados: %s (%s%%), Tiempo total: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Tarea pausada por %s.", "task_update": "Tarea en %s. Chunks procesados: %s (%s%%), tiempo estimado restante: %s:%s:%s, Promedio de: %s cps, Chunk actual: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/fi.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/fi.json index af837637..83e7dfdf 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/fi.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/fi.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Your host has limited the maximum pre-generation radius to %s to avoid excessive disk space usage. Reduce the radius or contact your host if you wish to have this limit removed.", "format_started_already": "Task already started for %s!", "format_world": "World changed to %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Manage custom world borders", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Stop and delete current or saved tasks", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Set the center block location", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "circle", "shape_diamond": "diamond", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "star", "shape_triangle": "triangle", "task_trim": "Deleted %s chunks from %s in %s seconds.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Task finished for %s. Processed: %s chunks (%s%%), Total time: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Task stopped for %s.", "task_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s chunks (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Rate: %s cps, Current: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/fr.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/fr.json index cb822a76..f3e126cc 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/fr.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/fr.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "command_no_permission": "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour cette commande.", "disabled": "désactivé", "enabled": "activé", - "error_version": "Ce plugin n'est pas compatible avec les versions de Minecraft ultérieures à la 1.13.", + "error_version": "Ce plugin n'est pas compatible avec les versions de Minecraft antérieures à la 1.13.", "error_version_spigot": "Ce plugin n'est pas compatible avec Spigot 1.13 !", "format_border_add": "Ajout de la bordure du monde %s pour %s avec pour centre %s, %s, et de rayon %s.", "format_border_bypass": "Contournement de bordure temporaire %s pour %s.", @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Votre hôte a limité le rayon de pré-génération maximum à %s pour éviter une utilisation excessive de l'espace disque. Réduisez le rayon ou contactez votre hôte si vous souhaitez que cette limite soit supprimée.", "format_started_already": "La tâche a déjà commencé pour %s !", "format_world": "Le monde est passé à %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eRemarque : La bordure de votre monde est actuellement plus grande que le maximum de %s configuré dans server.properties. Il s'agit normalement d'une erreur qui peut entraîner des problèmes.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Gérer les bordures personnalisées du monde", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Arrêter et supprimer les tâches en cours ou enregistrées", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Définir l'emplacement du bloc central", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirale", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "région", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "cercle", "shape_diamond": "diamant", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "étoile", "shape_triangle": "triangle", "task_trim": "%s tronçons supprimés de %s en %s secondes.", + "task_trim_update": "Tâche en cours d'exécution pour %s. Traitée : %s régions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Tâche terminée pour %s. Traité: %s tronçons (%s%%), Durée totale: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Tâche arrêtée pour %s.", "task_update": "Tâche en cours pour %s. Traité: %s tronçons (%s%%), Prévision: %s:%s:%s, Moyenne: %s cps, Actuellement: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/he.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/he.json index b51cde41..a995ca1e 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/he.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/he.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "מאחסן השרת שלך הגביל את הרדיוס המקסימלי עבור יצירה מראש ל%s כדי להימנע משימוש מופרז בשטח הדיסק. הקטן את הרדיוס או צור קשר עם מאחסן השרת אם ברצונך שתוסר ההגבלה.", "format_started_already": "משימה כבר החלה עבור %s!", "format_world": "עולם השתנה ל%s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - מנהל גבולות עולם מותאמות אישית", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - עוצר ומוחק משימות שמורות או נוכחיות", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - מגדיר את מיקום הבלוק המרכזי", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "ספירלית", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "מעגל", "shape_diamond": "יהלום", "shape_ellipse": "אליפסה", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "כוכב", "shape_triangle": "משולש", "task_trim": "נמחק %s צאנקים מ%s ב%s שניות.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "משימה הושלמה עבור %s. עובד: %s צאנקים (%s%%), זמן סך הכל: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "משימה הופסקה עבור %s.", "task_update": "משימה פועלת עבור %s. עובד: %s צאנקים (%s%%), זמן משוער: %s:%s:%s, קצב: %s צאנקים לשנייה, כעת: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/hi.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/hi.json index dd574697..491f3f75 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/hi.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/hi.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "आपके होस्ट ने अत्यधिक डिस्क स्थान उपयोग से बचने के लिए अधिकतम प्री-जेनरेशन त्रिज्या %s कर दी है। यदि आप इस सीमा को हटाना चाहते हैं तो अपने होस्ट से संपर्क करें या सीमा कम रखें।", "format_started_already": "%s के लिए कार्य पहले से ही जारी है!", "format_world": "वर्ल्ड को %s से बदला गया।", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - कस्टम वर्ल्ड सीमायें प्रबंधित करना", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - वर्तमान या सहजें गए कार्य रोकना या हटाना", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - केंद्र ब्लॉक का स्थान सेट करना", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "कुंडली", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "क्षेत्र", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "वृत्त", "shape_diamond": "डायमंड", "shape_ellipse": "अंडाकार", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "तारा", "shape_triangle": "त्रिभुज", "task_trim": "%2$s वर्ल्ड में %1$s चंक %3$s सेकंड में हटाए गए।", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "%s के लिए कार्य पूरा किया गया। प्रसंस्कृत: %s चंक (%s%%), कुल समय: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "%s के लिए कार्य रोका गया।", "task_update": "%s के लिए कार्य जारी है। प्रसंस्कृत: %s चंक (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, दर: %s cps, वर्तमान: %s,%s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/hr.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/hr.json index 1fb765f3..b806ddd2 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/hr.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/hr.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Vaš host je ograničio maksimalnu razdaljinu pregenerisanja na %s da bi izbjegao veće korištenje memorije. Smanjite razdaljinu ili ih kontaktirajte da biste uklonili ovo ograničenje.", "format_started_already": "Proces je već pokrenut za %s!", "format_world": "Svijet promijenjen u %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Upravljajte borderima svijetova", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Prekinite i obrišite trenutačne ili sačuvane procese", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Postavite centralne koordinate", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirala", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "krug", "shape_diamond": "romb", "shape_ellipse": "elipsa", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "zvijezda", "shape_triangle": "trokut", "task_trim": "Obrisano %s čankova iz %s u %s sekundi.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Proces završen za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Protjeklo vremena: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Proces zaustavljen za %s.", "task_update": "U toku je proces za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Preostalo: %s:%s:%s, Brzina: %s čps, Trenutačno: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/it.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/it.json index 6baa0820..e6e8437c 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/it.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/it.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Il tuo host ha limitato il raggio massimo di pre-generazione a %s per evitare un uso eccessivo dello spazio su disco. Riduci il raggio o contatta il tuo host se desideri che questo limite venga rimosso.", "format_started_already": "Attività già iniziata per %s!", "format_world": "Mondo cambiato in %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Gestisci i confini personalizzati del mondo", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Ferma ed elimina le attività correnti o salvate", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Imposta la posizione del blocco centrale", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirale", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "cerchio", "shape_diamond": "diamante", "shape_ellipse": "ellisse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "stella", "shape_triangle": "triangolo", "task_trim": "Eliminati %s chunk da %s in %s secondi.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Attività terminata per %s. Elaborati: %s chunk (%s%%), Tempo totale: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Attività interrotta per %s.", "task_update": "Attività in esecuzione per %s. Elaborati: %s chunk (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Velocità: %s cps, Attuale: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/ko.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/ko.json index 6b7c7cc6..f21718a2 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/ko.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/ko.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "호스트는 과도한 디스크 공간 사용을 방지하기 위해 최대 사전 생성 반경을 %s로 제한했습니다. 이 제한을 제거하려면 반경을 줄이거나 호스트에게 문의하십시오.", "format_started_already": "%s에 대한 작업이 이미 시작되었습니다!", "format_world": "월드가 %s로 변경되었습니다.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - 사용자 지정 월드 경계선 관리", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - 현재 또는 저장된 작업 중지 및 삭제", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - 중앙 블록 위치 설정", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "circle", "shape_diamond": "diamond", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "star", "shape_triangle": "triangle", "task_trim": "%s초 안에 %s에서 %s 청크를 삭제했습니다.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "%s에 대한 작업이 완료되었습니다. 처리됨: %s 청크(%s%%), 총 시간: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "작업이 %s 동안 중지되었습니다.", "task_update": "%s에 대해 작업이 실행 중입니다. 처리됨: %s 청크(%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, 속도: %s cps, 현재: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/nl.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/nl.json index a5b031a5..b3ae86a4 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/nl.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/nl.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Je host heeft de maximale pre-generatie radius beperkt tot %s om overmatig gebruik van schijfruimte te voorkomen. Verminder de radius of neem contact op met je host als je wilt dat deze limiet wordt verwijderd.", "format_started_already": "Taak is al gestart voor %s!", "format_world": "Wereld veranderd naar %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Beheer custom world borders", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Stop en verwijder huidige of opgeslagen taken", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Stel de locatie van het midden blok in", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiraal", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "gebied", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "cirkel", "shape_diamond": "diamant", "shape_ellipse": "elllips", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "ster", "shape_triangle": "driehoek", "task_trim": "%s chunks verwijderd van %s in %s seconden.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Taak voltooid voor %s. Verwerkt: %s chunks (%s%%), Totale tijd: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Taak geannuleerd voor %s.", "task_update": "Taak wordt uitgevoerd voor %s. Verwerkt: %s chunks (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Snelheid: %s cps, Huidig: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/no.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/no.json index 61360247..58879166 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/no.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/no.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Verten har begrenset maksimal forhåndsgenerasjons radius til %s for å unngå for mye bruk av diskplassen. Reduser radiusen eller kontakt verten din hvis du ønsker å fjerne denne grensen.", "format_started_already": "Oppgaven har allerede startet for %s!", "format_world": "Verden endret til %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Manage custom world borders", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Stopp og slett gjeldende eller lagrede oppgaver", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Sett blokklokasjon i midten", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "sirkel", "shape_diamond": "diamant", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "stjerne", "shape_triangle": "triangel", "task_trim": "Slettet %s chunker fra %s på %s sekunder.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Oppgave fullført for %s. Behandlet: %s chunker (%s%%), tid brukt: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Oppgaven ble stoppet for %s.", "task_update": "Oppgave kjører for %s. Behandlet: %s chunker (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Rate: %s cps, nåværende: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pl.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pl.json index 570d7a1f..ef6b8705 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pl.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pl.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Twój host ograniczył maksymalny promień generowania do %s aby uniknąć dużego zużycia pamięci dyskowej. Zmniejsz promień albo skontaktuj się z twoim hostem jeżeli chcesz aby ten limit został usunięty.", "format_started_already": "Zadanie jest już rozpoczęte dla %s!", "format_world": "Świat zmieniony na %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eUwaga: Twoja granica świata jest obecnie ustawiona powyżej maksymalnej wartości %s skonfigurowanej w server.properties. Zazwyczaj jest to błąd i może powodować problemy.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Zarządzaj niestandardowymi granicami świata", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Anuluje i usuwa obecne lub zapisane zadania", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Ustawia lokalizację środka mapy", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirala", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "koło", "shape_diamond": "diament", "shape_ellipse": "elipsa", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "gwiazda", "shape_triangle": "trójkąt", "task_trim": "Usunięto %s chunków z %s w %s sekund.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Zadanie zakończone dla %s. Przetworzono: %s chunków (%s%%), Łączny czas: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Zadanie zatrzymane dla %s.", "task_update": "Zadanie w trakcie dla %s. Przetworzono: %s chunków (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Tempo: %s cps, Obecnie: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt.json index 41e10ded..e3cabf64 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Your host has limited the maximum pre-generation radius to %s to avoid excessive disk space usage. Reduce the radius or contact your host if you wish to have this limit removed.", "format_started_already": "Tarefa já iniciada para %s !", "format_world": "O mundo mudou para %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Manage custom world borders", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Parar e apagar tarefas actuais ou guardadas", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Definir a localização do bloco central", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "circle", "shape_diamond": "diamond", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "star", "shape_triangle": "triangle", "task_trim": "Deleted %s chunks from %s in %s seconds.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Tarefa terminada para %s. Processado: %s chunks (%s%%), Tempo total: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Tarefa parada para %s.", "task_update": "Tarefa em execução para %s. Processado: %s chunks (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Taxa: %s cps, Actual: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt_BR.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt_BR.json index c54e421c..1fb4c650 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt_BR.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/pt_BR.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Sua hospedagem limitou o raio máximo de pré-geração para %s a fim de evitar o uso excessivo de espaço em disco. Reduza o raio ou entre em contato com o serviço para remover o limite.", "format_started_already": "Tarefa já iniciada no mundo %s!", "format_world": "Mundo alterado para %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Gerenciar barreiras de mundo personalizadas", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Parar e excluir tarefas atuais ou salvas", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Definir o local do bloco central", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "espiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "região", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "círculo", "shape_diamond": "diamante", "shape_ellipse": "elipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "estrela", "shape_triangle": "triângulo", "task_trim": "%s chunks excluídos no mundo %s em %s segundos.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Tarefa concluída no mundo %s. Chunks processados: %s (%s%%), tempo total: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Tarefa interrompida no mundo %s.", "task_update": "Tarefa em execução no mundo %s. Chunks processados: %s (%s%%), tempo restante: %s:%s:%s, taxa: %s CPS, atual: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/ru.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/ru.json index 4057ef77..88e6f06b 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/ru.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/ru.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Ваш хост ограничил максимальный радиус предварительной генерации до %s во избежание переполнения дискового пространства. Уменьшите радиус, или свяжитесь с хостом для снятия ограничений.", "format_started_already": "Задача для %s уже запущена!", "format_world": "Мир изменен на %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eПредупреждение: Граница мира установлена дальше, чем указанное значение %s в server.properties. Как правило, это ошибка, которая может вызвать проблемы.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Управление пользовательскими границами мира", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Остановить и удалить текущие или сохраненные задачи", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Установить координаты центра", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "спираль", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "область", + "pattern_world": "мир", "shape_circle": "круг", "shape_diamond": "ромб", "shape_ellipse": "эллипс", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "звезда", "shape_triangle": "треугольник", "task_trim": "Удалено %s чанков из %s за %s секунд.", + "task_trim_update": "Задача для %s выполняется. Обработано %s регионов (%s%%)", "task_done": "Задача для %s выполнена. Обработано: %s чанков (%s%%), Заняло времени: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Задача для %s остановлена.", "task_update": "Задача для %s выполняется. Обработано: %s чанков (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Скорость: %s Чанков в секунду, Текущий чанк: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/sr_CS.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/sr_CS.json index 61c1e6d9..4498d6ea 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/sr_CS.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/sr_CS.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Vaš host je ograničio maksimalnu razdaljinu pregenerisanja na %s da bi izbegao veće korišćenje memorije. Smanjite razdaljinu ili ih kontaktirajte da biste uklonili ovo ograničenje.", "format_started_already": "Proces je već pokrenut za %s!", "format_world": "Svet promenjen u %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Upravljajte borderima svetova", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Prekinite i obrišite trenutne ili sačuvane procese", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Postavite centralne koordinate", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spirala", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "krug", "shape_diamond": "romb", "shape_ellipse": "elipsa", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "zvezda", "shape_triangle": "trougao", "task_trim": "Obrisano %s čankova iz %s u %s sekundi.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Proces završen za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Proteklo vremena: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Proces zaustavljen za %s.", "task_update": "U toku je proces za %s. Obrađeno: %s čankova (%s%%), Preostalo: %s:%s:%s, Brzina: %s čps, Trenutno: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/tr.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/tr.json index f925af6c..45b502ae 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/tr.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/tr.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Sunucu sağlayıcınız aşırı fazla disk kullanımını engellemek için maksimum önden oluşturulmuş dünya yarıçapını %s olarak belirledi. Seçiminizin yarıçapını küçültün veya sunucu sağlayıcınızla iletişime geçin.", "format_started_already": "%s için fonksiyon zaten başlatıldı!", "format_world": "Dünya %s olarak değiştirildi.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Özel dünya sınırlarını yönet", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Mevcut veya kayıtlı fonksiyonları durdurun ve silin", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Merkez blok konumunu ayarlayın", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "spiral", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "circle", "shape_diamond": "diamond", "shape_ellipse": "ellipse", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "star", "shape_triangle": "triangle", "task_trim": "Deleted %s chunks from %s in %s seconds.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "%s için fonksiyon tamamlandı. %s chunk (%s%%) işlendi. Toplam zaman: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "%s için fonksiyon durduruldu.", "task_update": "%s için fonksiyon devam ediyor: %s chunk (%s%%) işlendi, Kalan süre: %s:%s:%s, Hız: Saniyede %s chunk, Şu anda işlenilen chunk: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/uk.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/uk.json index 0c99dfea..3594f720 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/uk.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/uk.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Ваш хост обмежив радіус передгенерації до %s аби уникнути надмірне споживання дискового простору. Зменште радіус, або зв'яжіться зі своїм хостом, щоб прибрати це обмеження.", "format_started_already": "Вже є активне завдання для світу %s!", "format_world": "Світ змінено на %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Керування бар'єрами світів", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Зупинити та видалити поточні або збереженні завдання", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Встановити позицію центрального блока", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "спіральний", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "коло", "shape_diamond": "ромб", "shape_ellipse": "еліпс", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "зірка", "shape_triangle": "трикутник", "task_trim": "Видалено %s чанків зі світу %s, секунд витрачено: %s.", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "Завдання для світу %s завершено. Опрацьовано: %s чанків (%s%%), Загальний час: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Завдання зупинено для світу %s.", "task_update": "Завдання активне для світу %s. Опрацьовано: %s chunks (%s%%), ETA: %s:%s:%s, Швидкість: %s cps, Поточний чанк: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/vi.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/vi.json index f0d0b990..f28b97a3 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/vi.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/vi.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "Máy chủ của bạn đã giới hạn bán kính tạo trước tối đa là %s để tránh sử dụng quá nhiều dung lượng ổ đĩa. Giảm bán kính hoặc liên hệ với admin máy chủ nếu bạn muốn xóa giới hạn này.", "format_started_already": "Tác vụ đã bắt đầu tại %s!", "format_world": "Thế giới đã chọn thay đổi sang %s.", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eThông báo: Ranh giới thế giới của bạn hiện được đặt lớn hơn mức tối đa %s được định cấu hình trong server.properties. Đây thường là một lỗi và có thể gây ra vấn đề.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - Quản lý các đường biên giới", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - Dừng và xóa các tác vụ hiện tại hoặc đã lưu", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - Đặt lại tọa độ của khối trung tâm", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "xoắn ốc", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "khu vực", + "pattern_world": "thế giới", "shape_circle": "hình tròn", "shape_diamond": "hình thoi", "shape_ellipse": "hình bầu dục", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "hình ngôi sao", "shape_triangle": "hình tam giác", "task_trim": "Đã xóa %s chunks từ %s trong %s giây.", + "task_trim_update": "Tác vụ đang chạy trong %s. Đã xử lý: %s khu vực (%s%%)", "task_done": "Đã hoàn tác vụ tại %s. Đã khởi tạo: %s chunks (%s%%), Tổng thời gian: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "Đã dừng tác vụ tại %s.", "task_update": "Tác vụ đang hoạt động tại %s. Đã khởi tạo: %s chunks (%s%%), Thời gian dự kiến: %s:%s:%s, Tốc độ: %s cps, Tọa độ hiện tại %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_CN.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_CN.json index 70bf1b45..796d73d0 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_CN.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_CN.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "您的主机提供商已将最大预生成的半径限制在 %s 以避免磁盘空间的过度使用。 如果您想要解除此限制,减少您的半径大小或联系您的主机提供商。", "format_started_already": "任务已经持续了 %s!", "format_world": "世界被改变为 %s。", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - 管理自定义世界边界", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - 取消并删除当前正在运行或已保存的任务", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - 设置预生成中心的位置", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "螺旋", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "region", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "环形", "shape_diamond": "菱形", "shape_ellipse": "椭圆形", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "星形", "shape_triangle": "三角形", "task_trim": "在 %3$s 秒内从 %2$s 删除了 %1$s 个区块。", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "任务结束于 %s。 处理了 %s 个区块 (%s%%), 总运行时长: %s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "任务暂停于 %s。", "task_update": "任务运行于世界 %s。 处理了 %s 个区块 (%s%%), 预计距完成还有: %s:%s:%s, 速率: %s 区块/秒, 当前区块进度: %s, %s", diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_TW.json b/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_TW.json index 645ba382..e660de7a 100644 --- a/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_TW.json +++ b/common/src/main/resources/lang/zh_TW.json @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ "format_start_limit": "您的主機已將最大預生成範圍半徑限制為 %s,以避免過度使用磁碟空間。 如果您希望取消此限制,請減小半徑或聯繫您的管理員。", "format_started_already": "%s 的任務已經開始!", "format_world": "世界被改變為 %s。", + "format_worldborder_too_large": "&eNotice: Your world border is currently set larger than the maximum of %s configured in server.properties. This is normally an error and can cause issues.", "help_border": "&2chunky border &r - 管理自定義世界邊界", "help_cancel": "&2chunky cancel&r - 停止和刪除目前或儲存的任務", "help_center": "&2chunky center &r - 設定中心點位置", @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ "pattern_spiral": "螺旋", "pattern_csv": "csv", "pattern_region": "區域", + "pattern_world": "world", "shape_circle": "環狀", "shape_diamond": "菱形", "shape_ellipse": "橢圓形", @@ -86,6 +88,7 @@ "shape_star": "星行", "shape_triangle": "三角形", "task_trim": "在 %s 秒內從 %s 刪除了 %s 個區塊。", + "task_trim_update": "Task running for %s. Processed: %s regions (%s%%)", "task_done": "%s 的任務已完成。 已處理:%s 個塊(%s%%),總時間:%s:%s:%s", "task_stopped": "%s 任務停止了 。", "task_update": "正在為 %s 執行的任務。 已處理:%s 區塊(%s%%),預計時間:%s:%s:%s,速度:%s cps,目前:%s, %s",