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Telingo is a solver for temporal programs. It leaverages clingo's input language and scripting cababilities to parse and solve programs with temporal formulas. As such the input of telingo is valid clingo input supporting all clingo language features like for example aggregates; only the way programs are grounded and solved is adjusted.


telingo --help
telingo examples/example1.lp

To use telingo directly from source run python -m telingo from the project's root directory.


Either run telingo directly from source or install it by the usual means provided by Python. We also provide anaconda packages for easy installation of all dependencies:


To refer to an atom in the previous state, the atom name has to be prefixed with a prime, e.g. - 'p(1). To refer to an atom in the next state, the atom name has to be suffixed with a prime, e.g. - p'(1). An arbitrary number of primes can be used. If both leading and trailing primes are used then this is equivalent to removing the lesser amount of primes from both sides.

The _ can be used as an initially operator. For example _p evaluates to true if p holds in the initial state. It can be used wherever past operators can be used.

Atoms referring to the future are only accepted in heads of normal rules and constraints. Atoms referring to the past are only accepted in rule bodies (and negative rule heads).

The following program parts are accepted:

  • #program initial. which applies only to the first state
  • #program always. which applies to each state
  • #program dynamic. which applies to all except the first state
  • #program final. which applies only to the last state

The following temporal formulas are supported in rule heads and body literals:

  • &initial (true in the initial state)
  • &final (true in the final state)

The following temporal formulas are accepted in constraints and behind default negation between the braces of theory atoms of form &tel { ... } (see the second example below). Formulas marked with [head] can also be used in &tel atoms in rule heads:

  • Boolean formulas
    • a & b (conjunction) [head]
    • a | b (disjunction) [head]
    • a <- b (left implication)
    • a -> b (right implication)
    • a <> b (equivalence)
    • ~ a (negation) [head]
  • Formulas referring to the past
    • < a (previous)
    • <: a (weak previous)
    • a <* b (trigger)
    • <* b (always before)
    • a <? b (since)
    • <? b (eventually before)
    • a <; b (sequence: a & (< b))
    • a <:; b (sequence: a & (<: b))
  • Formulas referring to the future
    • > a (next) [head]
    • >: a (weak next) [head]
    • a >* b (release) [head]
    • >* b (always after) [head]
    • a >? b (until) [head]
    • >? b (eventually after) [head]
    • a ;> b (sequence: a & (> b)) [head]
    • a ;>: b (sequence: a & (>: b)) [head]
  • Other formulas
    • &true (Boolean constant true) [head]
    • &false (~ &true) [head]
    • &initial (~ < &true) [head]
    • &final (~ > &true) [head]
    • << p (initially: <* (~ &initial | p))
    • >> p (finally: >* (~ &final | p))

The elements of &tel atoms are treated like conditional literals in clingo. The rule :- &tel { p(X) : q(X) }. is equivalent to :- p(X) : q(X).. At the moment conditions are only supported in rule bodies; future telingo versions might add support for conditions in rule heads.

Example I

The following temporal program executes one of the shoot, load, or wait actions in each time step and updates the loaded and unloaded fluents accordingly.

#program dynamic.
shoot | load | wait.

loaded :- load.
loaded :- 'loaded, not unloaded.
unloaded :- shoot, 'loaded.
unloaded :- 'unloaded, not loaded.

:- load, 'loaded.

#program initial.

By default telingo stops unfolding states as soon as an answer set is found. Running with option --imin=2 results in the following output:

Answer: 1
 State 0:
Answer: 1
 State 0:
 State 1:

The output shows that two states have been unfolded on after the other. For the first answer, there was only one state, the initial situation, where the gun was unloaded. In the second answer, the second state has been unfolded and the gun been shot (even though unloaded).

Example II

The following example modifies the above program to encode that the gun breaks if there were two shots without loading the gun. Furthermore, its last integrity constraint selects traces where the loaded gun did not shoot because it broke.

#program dynamic.
shoot | load | wait.

loaded :- load.
loaded :- 'loaded, not unloaded.
unloaded :- shoot, 'loaded, not broken.
unloaded :- 'unloaded, not loaded.

:- load, 'loaded.

broken :- shoot, not not &tel { <* unloaded & < <? shoot }.
broken :- 'broken.

#program initial.

:- &tel { >*(~loaded | ~shoot) }.


Answer: 1
 State 0:
 State 1:
 State 2:
 State 3:
 State 4:

Dynamic Logic

Dynamic formulas are accepted in constraints and behind default negation between the braces of theory atoms of form &del { ... }

Dynamic formulas are constructed by the box (always) and diamond (eventually) operators:

  • .>* (infix) for box operator, so that [p] q becomes p .>* q
  • .>? (infix) for diamond operator, so that <p> q becomes p .>? q

Path expressions are formed with:

  • * (prefix) Kleene star
  • ? (prefix) test
  • + (infix) disjunction
  • ;;(infix) sequence
  • &true = \top

The path expression is required to be in normal form.


  • &del{*(?a ;; &true) .>? b} for <(a?;T)*>b
  • &del{?a + ?b .>* c} for [a?+b?]c