: input
:: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
@@ -967,9 +970,12 @@ Gets the {{Error}} object passed to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
:: None
1. Let |sensor| be the [=sensor=] associated with |sensor_instance|.
- 1. Add |sensor_instance| to |sensor|'s set of [=activated Sensor objects=].
1. Invoke the [=Set Sensor Settings=] abstract operation,
passing it |sensor| as argument.
+ 1. Add |sensor_instance| to |sensor|'s set of [=activated Sensor objects=].
+ 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} to "activated".
+ 1. [=Fire an event=] named "activate" at |sensor_instance|.
+ based on |options| of each |sensor_instance| from |sensor|'s associated [=ordered set|set=]
+ of [=activated Sensor objects=].
Calculate Reporting Frequency
- Issue: This needs to be refactored in an abstract operation
- that has access to the {{Sensor}} instance |sensor_instance|
- that just got started.
: input
- :: |sensor|, a [=sensor=].
- : output
- :: None
- 1. If |sensor|'s |latest reading|["timestamp"] is not `null`,
- invoke the [=update observers=] abstract operation passing it |sensor_instance|
- and |latest reading|["timestamp"] as arguments.
- 1. Otherwise, poll |sensor| immediately.
- Issue: How do we handle this for [=sensors=] that
- do not provide values immediately?
- Fire a dedicated event to signal brokenness?
- 1. If |sensor|'s [=periodic reporting mode flag=] is set,
- 1. let |frequency| be the [=current polling frequency=],
- capped by the upper and lower bounds of the underlying hardware.
- Issue: Should this max polling frequency be reflected in the {{Sensor}} interface?
- E.g. Through a dedicated attribute?
- Issue: Does the max polling frequency affect the reporting frequency?
- If so, should we advise the developer of this issue?
- E.g. via a dedicated event?
- 1. Poll |sensor| at |frequency|.
- 1. Issue: Hook into the `requestAnimationFrame` framework [[HTML]]
- to invoke the [=update latest reading=] abstract operation
- with every new frame passing it |sensor| and
- the latest [=sensor reading=] as arguments.
- Issue: Relying on `requestAnimationFrame` gives us a perfect point
- to buffer readings > 60Hz and to pass them to together with every new frame.
- That's a level 2 feature.
- Issue: Figure out how to handle sensors/platforms that push the data
- rather than wait for it to be polled.
- 1. If the [=periodic reporting mode flag=] is unset,
- 1. the user-agent can decide on the best reporting strategy
- for this particular |sensor| and [=sensor type=].
- Issue: This needs to be defined better.
Is Current Reporting Mode Periodic
- : input
- :: |sensor|, a [=sensor=].
- : output
- :: |result|, a boolean.
- 1. Let |result| be `false`.
- 1. [=list/For each=] |sensor_instance| in |sensor|'s set of [=activated Sensor objects=]:
- 1. if |sensor_instance|.{{[[desiredPollingFrequency]]}} is set,
- 1. set |result| to `true`, then [=break=].
- 1. return |result|.
Find the polling frequency of a Sensor
- : input
- :: |sensor|, a [=sensor=].
+ :: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
: output
:: |frequency|, a [=frequency=].
1. Let |frequency| be `null`.
- 1. [=set/For each=] |sensor_instance| in |sensor|'s set of [=activated Sensor objects=]:
- 1. let |f| be |sensor_instance|.{{[[desiredPollingFrequency]]}}.
- 1. if |f| is set and |f| is greater than |frequency|,
- 1. set |frequency| to |f|.
+ 1. Let |f| be |sensor_instance|.{{[[desiredSamplingFrequency]]}}.
+ 1. if |f| is set,
+ 1. set |frequency| to |f| capped by the upper and lower [=sampling frequency=]
+ bounds for the associated [=sensor=].
+ 1. Otherwise,
+ 1. user agent can assign |frequency| to an appropriate value.
1. return |frequency|.
Update latest reading
Report Latest Reading Updated
: input
- :: |sensor|, a [=sensor=].
- :: |reading|, a [=sensor reading=].
- :: |reading_timestamp|, the timestamp at which [=sensor=] was polled.
- Issue: The timestamp needs to be specified more precisely,
- see [issue #155](https://github.com/w3c/sensors/issues/155).
+ :: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
: output
:: None
- 1. If |sensor|’s [=reporting flag=] is set,
- 1. abort these steps.
- 1. If |reading_timestamp| is equal [=latest reading=]["timestamp"],
- 1. abort these steps.
- 1. Set |sensor|’s [=reporting flag=].
- 1. [=map/Set=] [=latest reading=]["timestamp"] to |reading_timestamp|.
- 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of [=latest reading=].
- 1. If |key| is "timestamp", [=continue=].
- 1. [=map/Set=] [=latest reading=][|key|] to the corresponding
- value of |reading|.
- Issue: Maybe compare |value| with corresponding
- value of |reading| to see if there's a change
- that needs to be propagated.
- 1. Unset |sensor|’s [=reporting flag=].
+ 1. If |sensor_instance|.{{[[waitingForUpdate]]}} is `true`,
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[waitingForUpdate]]}} to `true`.
+ 1. Let |lastReportedTimestamp| be |sensor_instance|.{{[[reading]]}}["timestamp"].
+ 1. If |lastReportedTimestamp| is not set
+ 1. Invoke the [=Update Reading=] abstract operation, passing it |sensor_instance| as argument.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |reportingFrequency| be result of invoking the "Calculate Reporting Frequency" abstract operation.
+ 1. If |reportingFrequency| is not set
+ 1. Invoke the [=Update Reading=] abstract operation, passing it |sensor_instance| as argument.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |reportingInterval| be the result of 1 / |reportingFrequency|.
+ 1. Let |timestampDelta| be the result of [=latest reading=]["timestamp"] - |lastReportedTimestamp|.
+ 1. If |timestampDelta| is less than or equal to |reportingInterval|
+ 1. Invoke the [=Update Reading=] abstract operation, passing it |sensor_instance| as argument.
+ 1. Abort these steps.
+ 1. Let |deferUpdateTime| be the result of |reportingInterval| - |timestampDelta|.
+ 1. User agent must defer invoking of the [=Update Reading=] abstract operation for a period of time
+ equal to |deferUpdateTime|.
Update Reading
Update Observers
: input
:: |sensor_instance|, a {{Sensor}} object.
- :: |timestamp|, a high resolution timestamp.
: output
:: None
- 1. If |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} is "activating":
- 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} to "activated".
- 1. [=Fire an event=] named "activate" at |sensor_instance|.
- 1. If |sensor_instance|.{{[[waitingForUpdate]]}} is true, then
- Issue: Should we fire delayed readings? Or should we just drop readings instead?
- 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[waitingForUpdate]]}} to `false`.
- 1. [=Fire an event=] named "reading" at |sensor_instance|.
- 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[lastEventFiredAt]]}} to |timestamp|.
- Issue: Should these last steps be done from within a new task?
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |key| → |value| of [=latest reading=].
+ 1. [=map/Set=] |sensor_instance|.{{[[reading]]}}[|key|] to the corresponding
+ value of [=latest reading=].
+ 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[waitingForUpdate]]}} to `false`.
+ 1. [=Fire an event=] named "change" at |sensor_instance|.
@@ -1212,8 +1114,9 @@ Gets the {{Error}} object passed to {{SensorErrorEventInit}}.
:: |error|, an [=exception=].
: output
:: None
- 1. Set |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} to "idle".
+ 1. If |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} is "activated",
+ 1. Invoke [=Deactivate a Sensor Object=] passing it |sensor_instance| as argument.
+ 1. Otherwise, set |sensor_instance|.{{[[state]]}} to "idle".
1. [=Fire an event=] named "error" at |sensor_instance| using {{SensorErrorEvent}}
with its {{SensorErrorEvent/error!!attribute}} attribute initialized to |error|.