This is a project to recreate the card game "Love Letter"
The first iteration will focus on a command line game
The second on creating a HTTP API to allow multiple forms of games to be created eg. web, desktop client, other.
LoveLetter-As-A-Service - catchy.
There's currently 4 main concepts
- cards - representing a single card in the game
- decks - represent the different groups cards can be in, available, burnt, discarded
- players - each player in the round, the cards they have in their hand
- rounds - roughly the game state for a single round
I didn't really design this with a pattern in mind, but it closely represents a behaviour
tests: go test
build: go build
- create a feature branch
- commit to the branch
- run tests (hopefully you've been doing this all along)
- submit pull request
- ???
- profit?