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File metadata and controls

305 lines (176 loc) · 11 KB



Fix bug on add bangumi, which results in a None bangumi folder


Change the add bangumi service to ensure cover image is downloaded before save to database.


Change scanner, now will emit torrent url for matched items instead magnet uri.


Add type parameter in admin/list-bangumi api and home/list-bangumi API


Feature add

  • Add sentry error collector SDK for better error trace. To enable this you need to add a new config file in config directory.


Bug fix

  • fix a bug in DeleteScanner which make it unable to delete episodes because of json.dumps cannot handle UUID


Bug fix

  • the timestamp of all response use an incorrect timezone.
  • the timestamp of response should be long type.


feature add

  • announcement feature can be used to add announcement for client which is aim to let the operator or admin communicates with their user. A database upgrade is needed.


  • fix issue in DMHY scanner, sometimes DMHY return items which its enclosure entry has a url="" made the feedparser enclosure object doesn't have an href attribute and crash.


Bug fix

  • fix eps property of bangumi doesn't change when add/remove an episode.
  • fix download status scanner bug

##2.4.0-beta Redesign Image information storage. locally stored image will have their information stored in a specify table.

Database Changes

  • A new table image to store image information, a alembic upgrade scripts is needed. please read database upgrade
  • Add new fields on Bangumi table.

API update

  • For each API that use a image url will now suggested to use a image object which contains: url, width, height, dominant_color. For compatibility reason. the old fields will remain there.
  • Add new field to bangumi management APIs. created_by, mantained_by and alert_timeout. These fields will work with a new scanner which daily check the download status of all episode make sure they are up to date. if any of the episode is behind schedule of over the alert_timeout day. an email will be sent to the maintained_by user. If maintained_by is not set, all admin will receive an alert mail.
  • Add minlevel to user management API.

Bug fix

  • fix #64
  • fix video thumbnail capture return path, should return the output capture path instead of video path. PLEASE RUN python --cover TO FIX THIS.

##2.3.0-beta Enhance my_bangumi api, now it accept a search parameter status which is an integer represents the status of favorite. default status is 3 (Watching) which will maintain the backward compatibility.


Add case-insensitive support for search bangumi API (include /api/admin/bangumi) Add missing field cover in my_bangumi API.


Add new API for client synchronizing watch history with server with multiple items, this API provide ability for client reducing API call for synchronizing history.

No database changes


Fix a bug when get_dominant_color raise an error, the update scripts will interrupted.


Add dominant color extraction for bangumi cover image and episode thumbnail image.

New Dependencies

To support color extraction. is added which need the following dependencies

  • python-imaging a system dependency that can be installed via apt-get install python-imaging.
  • colorthief a python dependency that can be installed via pip install colorthief

API Update

  • bangumi object adds a new field reflecting the bangumi table change, cover_color, which is a hex string represents the dominant color for cover image.

  • episode object adds a new field reflrecting the episodes table change, thumbnail_color, which is a hex string represents the dominant color for thumbnail image of certain episode.

Database Changes

  • bangumi table add a varchar column cover_color
  • episodes table add a varchar column thumbnail_color

Update Guide

  1. Install python-imaging via apt-get install python-imaging then install colorthief via pip install colorthief
  2. run database upgrade
  3. update your client to the latest version which will support this feature.


From this version. There are a lot of changes brought to User API. reset password by invite code is no longer supported. a email is required for each registered user. A user center is added to home page for user to update email and password. Any future user related configuration can be placed in the user center.

New API:

  • email update API, allow login user update their email, currently no password verification needed but maybe added in the future.

  • email confirm API, when user register or update email address, an email address confirm mail will be sent to user's email address which contains a token in a link, client should implement a endpoint which path is /email/confirm that post token into this API to complete the confirm flow.

  • request reset password API, client can provide an email address to request a password reset operation, an email will be sent to user email address if it's a valid and confirmed email address. user can use that link which contains a token to set new password.

Breaking Changes

  • register API now require email address and will send an email to confirm that address. return 201 {"message": "ok"} when success
  • update password API change it path from update_pass to update-pass, once this operation success, a notification mail will be sent to user email address.
  • reset password API no longer use a invite code and username to validate user identity, it now use a token with new password to directly reset password a token is generated by request reset password API. This API also changes it path from reset_pass to reset-pass
  • get user information api add two field: email and email_confirmed


  • Bangumi status now will be automatically updated to FINISHED when all episodes of that bangumi is in DOWNLOADED status.

Database Changes

  • users table add new field: email, email_confirmed, register_time, update_time, to update table, use alembic script
  • upgrade password hash method from sha1 to sha256, old password is compatible.

Upgrade Guide

  1. Update code
  2. Copy new section from config/config-sample.yml to config/config.yml, set those property to a proper value.
  3. Upgrade database using alembic script
  4. Upgrade your client to the latest release.


Add Video Files CRUD api


Change the default order_by value in list_bangumi of home api

##1.0.0-beta Add delete bangumi and episode ability to admin API. these delete operation is managed by task. A task is a database record contains progress, status and type information. It can be resume from a interruption.

Add unique constraints to bangumi table bgm_id column. Make sure you don't have any duplicate record of bgm_id in bangumi table before you execute a database upgrade.

Add user management api

Add support, this crawler support multi files download from one torrent.

From this version, torrentfile and feed tables are no longer used. run alembic upgrad will automatically migrate data into video_file table. make sure you don't have on downloading files before upgrade, those files will not be migrated.

Database changes:

  • Add delete_mark column on both bangumi and episode table.
  • Add task table to manage delete operation.
  • Deprecated torrentfile, feed table. Add new table video_file to represent download file. this table can represent the download file as three different status.

API Changes:

get bangumi of admin api add a special parameter value to count that is -1. when count = -1, this api will return all data


Database changes:

Add two new table watch_progress and favorites, to save bangumi favorite status and watch progress of an episode.

Bug fix


fix an issue when the episode number is not started from 1 by add an eps_no_offset column into bangumi table and using this offset to correct the episode number when parsing feed.


Adds some favorites and watch progress APIs. For detail, see

also modified some old APIs, add watch_progress to each episode returned by episdoe_detail and bangumi_detail API.


Database changes:

Add a new table 'server_session' for persist session on database. may fix the occasionally 401 issues. TO UPDATE TABLE, read the update document.

Bug fix

  • fix the always empty issues when add new bangumi caused by anti-bot mechanism


Database changes:

Add a new table feed is added for the new scheduler, besides, rss, regex in bangumi table is no longer used. Two columns dmhy and acg_rip are added to bangumi table.

TO UPDATE TABLE, read the update document.


Add two api for add dmhy and keywords.

##New Scheduler

The new scheduler will individual task for each site, each task takes the feed periodically and save its find into feed table. A scanner will scan the feed table every 30 seconds.


Features Add

  • InfoScanner for scanning missing information (name, name_cn, duration) and auto fill those information from, note that the name_cn is not always filled.

Bug fix

  • rollback session when db connection lost

NOTE: this release require use to update their config.yml.


Features Add

  • Add a CLI command to download bangumi cover image

Breaking Changes

  • Now, all client bangumi image will use bangumi.cover to get the cover image. if your see a broken image, using --cover to download missing bangumi cover.


Features Add

  • New API:

    • on_air which list all bangumi currently on air,
    • bangumi_detail which get an bangumi detail, this api is the same api of admin bangumi detail but without admin permission
    • list_bangumi which is almost the same with admin api list bangumi
  • Docker support

Other changes

  • default auto generated thumbnail is set to 00:00:01.000 frame


Features Add

  • Home api for end user
  • Episodes api for managing episodes
  • Alembic SQLAlchemy migrate tool for migrate database
  • Vagrant support for a quickly deployment with Vagrant
  • Episode thumbnail generation
  • Bangumi cover now will downloaded to local server

Breaking Changes

  • get bangumi api now return all episodes of this bangumi. access it with episodes field
  • init db using sql script is not recommended, using to init db.
  • ffmpeg is now a dependency to generate thumbnail for episode
  • now only used in development, when deploying in production, use twistd -n web --port 5000 --wsgi