High-level overview of key features.
Phase 1 - Jupyter Notebooks, versioning
- AWS SageMaker integration (abiilty to launch notebooks from T4)
- Hosted buckets
- T4 for AWS marketplace
- Full version browsing + rollback support in the catalog
- Standardize location for local/remote installs
Phase 2 - Cloud agnostic storage (via minio or ceph)
- S3-like interface for packages, buckets, local stores
- Examples of using packages in Spark, R, Java
- Seamless de/serialization hooks, user-provided de/serializers
- Improve "git for data"-layer of API
Phase 3 - CI/CD for data science
- Branch/merge packages
- Git integration for CI lifecycle
- Data unit tests
- Declarative data profiles for unit tests
- Data lineage visualization
Phase 4 - Hive metastore integration
- Discovery mechanism for hive columns/annotations (use ElasticSearch)
- Ability to include Hive tables in packages
Phase 5 - Cloud agnostic compute, via K8s
- Transition all containers under K8s
- Transition Lambda functions
- Transition ElasticSearch