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Grunt plugin for processing jade files and building production js & css files

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Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install --save-dev grunt-jade-usemin

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of Javascript:


The "jadeUsemin" task

This project is based on the grunt-usemin Project. grunt-jade-usemin is meant to be an assisting tool in preparing projects for build.

The steps of this plugin are as follows:

  1. Scan src jade files.
  2. Locate build blocks defined by <!-- build:type(alternate path) target -->.
  3. Gather css and js files in build blocks and run them through defined tasks for each filetype.
  4. Optionally output an optimized jade with with only targets to replace the build block.

Currently only 2 types of build blocks are supported: css and js.

jadeUsemin also:

  • Writes optimized jade files
  • You choose which tasks to run for each filetype.

For example use grunt-filerev to add cache-busting to scripts/css.


For more usage examples head on to the examples section.

Basic Example

To simply use the task, define your build blocks like so:

//-<!-- build:js public/js/scripts.min.js -->
//-<!-- endbuild -->

//-<!-- build:css test/compiled/style.min.css -->
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/test/fixtures/style1.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/test/fixtures/style2.css')
//-<!-- endbuild -->

Then you need to define grunt-jade-usemin as a task in your grunt config. You can use the following setup to process the above pattern:

jadeUsemin: {
    scripts: {
        options: {
            tasks: {
                js: ['concat', 'uglify'],
                css: ['concat', 'cssmin']
        files: [{
            dest: './src/partials/index.jade',
            src: './public/partials/index.jade'

Running grunt jadeUsemin:scripts will now concat and uglify script1.js and script2.js and output them as public/js/scripts.min.js. This will also output an optimized jade file that will remove the build block and contain:


Optimized Jade Files

Writing target jade files is optional. jadeUsemin is smart enough that if you don't specify a target for your src jade files, it won't output a jade file. This is useful if you are working on server side jade files that build blocks still need to be optimized.

In your grunt configuration you need to configure a destination file (see: grunt files).

Then if your src jade file is:

//-<!-- build:css test/compiled/style.min.css -->
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/test/fixtures/style1.css')
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/test/fixtures/style2.css')
//-<!-- endbuild -->

Your target jade file will turn into:

link(rel='stylesheet', href='test/compiled/style.min.css')

Note: in order to create the optimized target, grunt-jade-usemin takes the first src in the relevant build block found and uses that as a template


Build blocks

Build blocks have a strict design, so that they may be correctly caught by the regex.

<!-- build:type(alternate path) target -->
<!-- endbuild -->
  • Build blocks must be all of the same type (or filetype).
  • You can have as many different build blocks in the same file.
  • Currently only supported blocks are of js or css types.
  • If writing an optimized jade file, it uses the pattern of the first item to insert optimized script.
  • alternate path is optional (along with the parenthesis). If used this task will also try to find the script/css src files in the alternate path.

Grunt Task

Tasks are configurable and run in the order you specify. This gives you great flexibility in choosing which and how to run tasks on your build blocks.

The main task you need to define is called jadeUsemin.

Besides specifying the files object, you can use the following options:


This is an array of objects, where key=filetype and value is an array of tasks to be run in order.

Default value is:

tasks: {
    js: ['concat', 'uglify'],
    css: ['concat', 'cssmin']

In order to allow you to configure your tasks, jadeUsemin looks in the following places, which are ordered by precedence:

  1. task.jadeUsemin.options. For example: uglify.jadeUsemin.options.
  2. task.options. For example: uglify.options.
  3. Predefined default options for task if they exists.

This will allow you to control the options with which your tasks are being run on the build blocks.

Please note that the first task in each filetype runs against the original src files, and writes the destination target file. All the rest of the tasks in the context of the filetype run on the destination file.

So basically saying - it makes the most sense to run concat first on the build blocks.

Example usage with grunt-autoprefixer
tasks: {
    js: ['concat', 'uglify'],
    css: ['concat', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin']


Type: string[]|string Default: null

If you have tasks that require a directory as destination (i.e grunt-filerev) than you can use the dirTasks option to specify those in an array or string.


dirTasks: ['filerev']
// or dirTasks: 'filerev'

This will parse the destination target as a directory, and not a file.

important note - If you use this option for any task, please make sure it is the last task that runs for a file type, as it will output a file with different name as the original target.


String Default: ''

This adds some flexibility to where you keep your public folder. It allows you to add a prefix to the path.


String Default: ''

Same as the prefix but used for target location. If you specify a string here it will be prefixed to the output of the target file.


Object Default: {}

This option allows you to specify interpolation patterns for the source and build paths of your js/css. Each key value you specify here will be interpolated in the src paths that the plugin finds. For example if you add: '#{env}': 'dist' then all occurrences of #{env} in src paths will be replaced with dist. This gives you the power to change the paths according to different working environments.

Gruntfile.js full example

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named jadeUsemin to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  jadeUsemin: {
    main: {
      options: {
        tasks: { //optional if you want to use defaults
            js: ['concat', 'uglify', 'filerev'],
            css: ['concat', 'autoprefixer', 'cssmin']
        dirTasks: 'filerev', //optional
        prefix: '',          //optional
        targetPrefix: '',    //optional
        replacePath: {       //optional
            '#{env}': 'dist'
      files: [{
        src: ['src/index.jade', 'src/index2.jade']
        src: ['src/index.jade'],
        dest: 'dist/index.jade'


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2014 Gilad Peleg. Licensed under the MIT license.