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File metadata and controls

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An example project demonstrating event sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) using a couple of NestJS microservices with an Angular frontend app. Redis is used as a read database and also acts as the message broker for the pub/sub communication between the microservices. All the events are persisted into a MongoDB database.

CQRS Pattern

CQRS pattern



  • Responsible for the management of orders
  • Each order can only be at a single state at a time
  • Order states: created, confirmed, delivered, cancelled
  • Once an order is created, the orders app publishes an event which is subscribed by the payments app to process a payment for the order
  • If the payment of the order is declined, the order is set to cancelled
  • If the payment of the order is confirmed, the order is set to confirmed
    • After X amount of seconds a confirmed order is automatically set to delivered
  • Has endpoints to do the following:
    1. view all orders
    2. create an order
    3. cancel an order
    4. check order status


  • Responsible for payment processing
  • Each order is handled by the payments app by setting the payment of the order to confirmed or declined based on random logic
  • Each payment is persisted into its own table in the MongoDB database
  • Once a payment is processed, the payments app publishes an event which is subscribed by the orders app to continue with order processing


  • A user of the portal app can do the following:
    1. view list of orders
    2. view the details of an order
    3. create an order
    4. cancel an order
  • Login requires a Gmail account for auth
  • Implements server-sent events (SSE) to update the state of an order

Order event flow

  • Events that are stored in the event store are highlighted in red
  • The dotted green lines represent pub/sub messaging via Redis Order event flow

How To Run


  • It is assumed that the user has a basic understanding of Kubernetes and Helm charts
  • A Firebase developer account is required to handle auth for the portal and orders app
  • Installation scripts available for Minikube and Google Cloud Platform
    • Please ensure to copy the file .firebase-configmap.example.yaml and set the values accordingly prior to starting installation.
    $ cp firebase-configmap.example.yaml firebase-configmap.yaml

Install on Minikube

Open a shell and run these commands:

$ minikube start
$ cd orders-payments-microservices/helm/scripts
$ ./

Install on Google Cloud Platform

Open a shell and run these commands:

$ gcloud auth login
$ cd orders-payments-microservices/helm/scripts
$ ./
$ ./
$ ./

Install on local machine

Set the configuration values / enviroment variable of each application.

orders / payments

Copy the file .env.example and set each environment variable accordingly.

$ cp .env.example .env


Set the configuration values in the EnvService class.

export class EnvService {
  // The values that are defined here are the default values that can
  // be overridden by the generated env.js file.

  public production = false;
  public ordersURL = '';
  public apiKey = '';

Note: the env.js file is only generated when installation is made on a Kubernetes cluster.

Add IP/domain to Firebase console

Once installation is done, please ensure to whitelist the IP/domain in the Firebase console as shown below. Firebase domains

Reconstruct view

The materialized view can be reconstructed by opening a shell to the orders pod and running the script below.

# npm run reconstruct-view-db

Working Example

A working example of the demo project can be found here.