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Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Progress #1

90 tasks done
tesseralis opened this issue Feb 8, 2019 · 251 comments
90 tasks done

Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Progress #1

tesseralis opened this issue Feb 8, 2019 · 251 comments


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tesseralis commented Feb 8, 2019

Maintainer List

For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
  2. Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Take only one page at a time.
  3. Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!

Before contributing, read the glossary to understand how to translate various technical and React-specific terms.

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find find that you can't commit any more, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

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For maintainers

When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:

When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed!

Core Pages

To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.

Basics ✅ Completed

API Reference ✅ Completed

Navigation ✅ Completed

These are the navigation links that appears in the sidebar. Possibly wait until
the corresponding sections are translated to do these.

Next Steps

These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:

Installation ✅ Completed

Hooks ✅ Completed

Everyone is hooked on hooks! People are really excited for these and it would be great for them to be translated.

Warnings ✅ Completed

These are the pages that you get when you click the links in the console (e.g. People tend to search these, so please don't translate the error message itself.

Advanced Guides ✅ Completed

FAQ ✅ Completed

Contributing ✅ Completed

Priority: Low

Components ✅ Completed

Components in src/components that have some text in them.

Additional Translations

These are not the primary translation targets.

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Hello World
Hey, I'd like to help. I'll take the Hello World page on the basics section. Ok?

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May I translate Introducing JSX? :)

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I'll translate the Conditional Rendering page

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@rafael-vitor @ericp3reira @httpiago I gave you the sections you requested!

@mathsalmi could you pick another section?

@cezaraugusto @jcserracampos @WendellAdriel make sure you follow this issue and update it when people volunteer!

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“Rendering elements” then?

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gnuns commented Feb 8, 2019

Hi! I want to work on the Home Page

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klzns commented Feb 8, 2019

I would like to work on "Introducing Hooks"

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ifdiego commented Feb 8, 2019

Hey, I can help!
I would like the Components and Props section.

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rafaelquintanilha commented Feb 8, 2019

Hello! I'd like to translate Thinking in React.

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welll commented Feb 8, 2019

Hi, I can translate Composition vs Inheritance

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iagobruno commented Feb 8, 2019

I can not translate the whole page, there are some parts with red text that I can not edit, so I'll go to another page: Handling Events.

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@httpiago what do you mean "red text I can't edit"? Please only request a page at a time. I gave you "Handling Events" for now.

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@httpiago Ah, we're not editing the text directly in Crowdin -- it's just a reference to make your work easier. You should do your translations directly in the source code! Either directly edit the file here by clicking the pencil icon or clone this repository and work on it on your preferred text editor.

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@tesseralis ok if I split this issue into each part with its own issue? my plan is to have an issue covering in checkboxes each page heading for example. this could speed up the process as it is less text to translate and so less effort from maintainers to review.

from past experience, anything bigger than 2 paragraphs can take months to finish due to work/life/motivation loss and this plan tries to avoid a page being stuck with someone longer than it could be while others could contribute.

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Hi I can do the Accessibility page

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@httpiago Ah, we're not editing the text directly in Crowdin -- it's just a reference to make your work easier. You should do your translations directly in the source code! Either directly edit the file here by clicking the pencil icon or clone this repository and work on it on your preferred text editor.

I will explain about it right now in portuguese to everyone.

"Pessoal, todos aqui devem fazer um fork desse repositório e após isso, criar uma PR de acordo com a lista criada pela @tesseralis e assignar o seu nome ao lado da contribuição que realizará, juntamente com o número da PR. Quando a @tesseralis mencionou o Crowdin, foi com a intenção de vocês darem uma olhada como foi feita a tradução anterior. As novas serão realizadas via Git ;)"

@cezaraugusto o que acha de criarmos uma outra Issue para discutir as traduções em pt? ou mantem essa aqui mesmo?

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@tesseralis ok if I split this issue into each part with its own issue? my plan is to have an issue covering in checkboxes each page heading for example. this could speed up the process as it is less text to translate and so less effort from maintainers to review.

from past experience, anything bigger than 2 paragraphs can take months to finish due to work/life/motivation loss and this plan tries to avoid a page being stuck with someone longer than it could be while others could contribute.

Wow.. I was thinking in the same thing right now! :)
We are conected it! :)

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@tesseralis Ah, I had not seen any forks so I thought the translation was being sent in Crowdin. 😂
No problem now

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tesseralis commented Feb 8, 2019

Ahh... I think I'd rather have it stay in one page, just so we can get an overall goal on the translation progress (and I'm also trying to get a progress tracker going that relies on having a whole issue for the translation).

We don't need to translate the entire thing before releasing the first version -- just the pages labelled "Core Pages". I don't think people have gotten dissuaded so far: it's been a week and both the Japanese and Spanish translations are almost done with the Core Pages!

I think splitting might make some things easier but it can make other things harder too. It's harder to make sure that people aren't taking more than one issue, for example.

Let's keep the one page for now and if you're finding it too cumbersome in a few days, I'll reconsider!

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Ahh... I think I'd rather have it stay in one page, just so we can get an overall goal on the translation progress (and I'm also trying to get a progress tracker going that relies on having a whole issue for the translation).

We don't need to translate the entire thing before releasing the first version -- just the pages labelled "Core Pages". I don't think people have gotten dissuaded so far: it's been a week and both the Japanese and Spanish translations are almost done with the Core Pages!

I think splitting might make some things easier but it can make other things harder too. It's harder to make sure that people aren't taking more than one issue, for example.

Let's keep the one page for now and if you're finding it too cumbersome in a few days, I'll reconsider!


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nsouzaco commented Feb 8, 2019

Hi, I'd like to translate the Conditional Rendering page :)

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eduardomoroni commented Feb 8, 2019

@tesseralis I can translate Home Page and Tutorial.
Noticed that someone is translating the Home page #2

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I would like to translate Composition vs Inheritance and Thinking in React for now.

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telmogoncalves commented Feb 8, 2019

We'll have both pt-BR and pt-PT, or just pt-BR?

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jhonmike commented Feb 8, 2019

Hi, can I translate State and Lifecycle :)

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I gave you the ones you claimed above! 🤘

@mllustosa the items you said were already claimed by others, can you choose other items? 😉

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@telmogoncalves this repository is only for the pt-BR translation, but if you want to, you can submit a PR on to create a team and a repo for the pt-PT.

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i will translate the virtual dom and internals, pr later today

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I can translate Community / Support ?

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I can translate Community / Support ?

Could you?! Wow! Sure!

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@thiagoarmede hurry up!

i guess his page passed on another translator: @jhonesgoncal
#112 (comment)

but still, 5 days no pr

Já te atribui. Pode pegar essa PR :)

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@Duduzera1997 @WeslleyNasRocha será que conseguimos finalizar essa tradução até amanhã (domingo 10/03)?
Não entendam como uma cobrança!

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@Duduzera1997 @WeslleyNasRocha será que conseguimos finalizar essa tradução até amanhã (domingo 10/03)?
Não entendam como uma cobrança!

Com certeza!

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WeslleyNasRocha commented Mar 11, 2019

#159 tai a primeira versão do DOM Virtual e Objetos Internos

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Congrats on finishing the core pages!
Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 12 21 14 PM

Duduzera1997 added a commit to Duduzera1997/ that referenced this issue Mar 13, 2019
Alterado de "Rect" pra "React" na linha 23.
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I just merge the last translated page, can we mark the issue as done?

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@jhonmike yup, I think so... we already have an issue to track translating the blog, and maybe we can make another one for tracking the translation of the Community section?

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@jhonmike yup, I think so... we already have an issue to track translating the blog, and maybe we can make another one for tracking the translation of the Community section?

it will be awesome if we do that.

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Pessoal! A tradução da documentação do já está 100% completa. Antes de mais nada, gostaria de agradecer a todos aqui pela ajuda prestada! Foi lindo tudo o que aconteceu aqui! Vocês e nós da Comunidade Técnica - são demais!

Parabéns a todos! E muito obrigada!


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Pessoal, primeiramente eu gostaria de parabenizar pela iniciativa que tiveram, eh muito interessante para pessoas q n tem o domínio do inglês e querem aprender uma ferramenta nova, mas a doc da mesma só tem em imgles. Novamente parabéns a vocês. Aproveitando gostaria de perguntar se vocês irão extender para a doc do react native, caso sim, como faço pra contribuir?

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kah-eek commented Mar 28, 2019

Hey guys!!

I'd like to translate the
Could anyone assign me please ;)

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@CaiqueMOliveira consegue comentar na issue: #151

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Posso traduzir o post introducing-relay-and-graphql?

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@renanmav pode sim, criei a issue dela aqui >> #302

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Posso traduzir o post relay-state-of-the-state?

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jhonmike commented Oct 6, 2019

@evaldosantos pode iniciar a tradução, eu marquei seu nome na task de tradução do blog.

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jhonmike commented Oct 7, 2019

Galera vou fechar essa issue, e vou criar uma nova focada apenas nas novas paginas que precisam ser traduzidas 🤘

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Olá pessoal, quem tiver interesse em contribuir na tradução da documentação oficial do framework, só acessar esse repositório aqui.

rickhanlonii pushed a commit that referenced this issue Apr 19, 2023
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