Convert Base64 blob to UTF 8 (Stop using suspicious online decoders!)
[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.getString([convert]::FromBase64String((read-host "Enter base64 blob")))
Fetch the enrolling user of an enrolled device without talking to AAD/Intune or being in that user's session
(get-itemproperty "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Enrollments\*" | where-object {$_.upn -ne $null}).upn
Happy Friday
$global:ascii = "╬░♥╔╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╦╗──╔╗♥░─╬`n╬░♥║║─║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║╚╗╔╝║♥░─╬`n╬░♥║╚═╝║║─║║╚═╝║╚═╝╠╗╚╝╔╝♥░─╬`n╬░♥║╔═╗║╚═╝║╔══╣╔══╝╚╗╔╝─♥░─╬`n╬░♥║║─║║╔═╗║║──║║────║║──♥░─╬`n╬░♥╚╝─╚╩╝─╚╩╝──╚╝────╚╝──♥░─╬`n╬░♥╔═══╗───╔═╗─╔═╗───────♥░─╬`n╬░♥║░══╬═╦═╬═╬═╝░╠═══╦═╦═╗░─╬`n╬░♥║░╔═╣░╔═╣░║╔╗░║╔╗░╠══░║░─╬`n╬░♥╚═╝░╚═╝░╚═╩═══╩═╩═╩═══╝░─╬"
$red = [char]27 + "[91m"
$yellow = [char]27 + "[93m"
$blue = [char]27 + "[94m"
$green = [char]27 + "[92m"
$reset = [char]27 + "[0m"
$yellows = @("╔","╦","╗","╚","═","╝","║","╠","╣","╩","╬")
$reds = @("♥")
$blues = @("─")
$greens = @("░")
$animationDelay = 1
function draw {
$yellows | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($yellow+$_))}
$reds | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($red+$_))}
$blues | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($blue+$_))}
$global:ascii += $reset
$global:ascii | out-host
start-sleep $animationDelay
$yellows | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($green+$_))}
$reds | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($red+$_))}
$blues | %{$global:ascii = $global:ascii.replace($_,($blue+$_))}
$global:ascii += $reset
$global:ascii | out-host
start-sleep $animationDelay
while ($true){
VT100 Formatting Object
$VT100 = [pscustomobject]@{
"Fore" = @{
"Black" = [char]27+"[30m" ;
"Red" = [char]27+"[31m" ;
"Green" = [char]27+"[32m" ;
"Yellow" = [char]27+"[33m" ;
"Blue" = [char]27+"[34m" ;
"Magenta" = [char]27+"[35m" ;
"Cyan" = [char]27+"[36m" ;
"White" = [char]27+"[37m" ;
"Extended" = [char]27+"[38m" ;
"Reset" = [char]27+"[39m" ;
"Black+" = [char]27+"[90m" ;
"Red+" = [char]27+"[91m" ;
"Green+" = [char]27+"[92m" ;
"Yellow+" = [char]27+"[93m" ;
"Blue+" = [char]27+"[94m" ;
"Magenta+" = [char]27+"[95m" ;
"Cyan+" = [char]27+"[96m" ;
"White+" = [char]27+"[97m" ;
"Back" = @{
"Black" = [char]27+"[40m" ;
"Red" = [char]27+"[41m" ;
"Green" = [char]27+"[42m" ;
"Yellow" = [char]27+"[43m" ;
"Blue" = [char]27+"[44m" ;
"Magenta" = [char]27+"[45m" ;
"Cyan" = [char]27+"[46m" ;
"White" = [char]27+"[47m" ;
"Extended" = [char]27+"[48m" ;
"Reset" = [char]27+"[49m" ;
"Black+" = [char]27+"[100m" ;
"Red+" = [char]27+"[101m" ;
"Green+" = [char]27+"[102m" ;
"Yellow+" = [char]27+"[103m" ;
"Blue+" = [char]27+"[104m" ;
"Magenta+" = [char]27+"[105m" ;
"Cyan+" = [char]27+"[106m" ;
"White+" = [char]27+"[107m" ;
"Style" = @{
"Bold" = [char]27+"[1m"
"NoBold" = [char]27+"[22m"
"Underline" = [char]27+"[4m"
"Negative" = [char]27+"[7m"
"Positive" = [char]27+"[27m"
"ResetAll" = [char]27+"[0m"
#The color name on it's own is the "dark/nonbright/notbold" version of the color, the color name with a '+' is the bright color.
#These can be combined. For instance:
$VT100.Fore["Red"]+$VT100.Style["Underline"]+"Hello "+$["Negative"]+$VT100.Style["Bold"]+"Ghost"+$VT100.resetall