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ChatGPT Application with flutter

ChatGPT is a chat-bot launched by OpenAI in November 2022. It is built on top of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 family of large language models, and is fine-tuned with both supervised and reinforcement learning techniques.


"community-maintained” library.

OpenAI Powerful Library Support GPT-4

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Install Package

chat_gpt_sdk: 3.1.2

Create OpenAI Instance

  • Parameter
    • Token
      • Your secret API keys are listed below. Please note that we do not display your secret API keys again after you generate them.
      • Do not share your API key with others, or expose it in the browser or other client-side code. In order to protect the security of your account, OpenAI may also automatically rotate any API key that we've found has leaked publicly.
  • OrgId
final openAI = token,baseOption: HttpSetup(receiveTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 5)),enableLog: true);

Change Access Token

///get token

Complete Text

  • Text Complete API

    • Translate Method
      • translateEngToThai
      • translateThaiToEng
      • translateToJapanese
    • Model
      • kTranslateModelV3
      • kTranslateModelV2
      • kCodeTranslateModelV2
        • Translate natural language to SQL queries.
        • Create code to call the Stripe API using natural language.
        • Find the time complexity of a function.
  • Complete with Feature

  void _translateEngToThai() async{
  final request = CompleteText(
          prompt: translateEngToThai(word: _txtWord.text.toString()),
          maxToken: 200,
          model: TextDavinci3Model());

  final response = await openAI.onCompletion(request: request);
  ///cancel request
  • Complete with FutureBuilder
Future<CTResponse?>? _translateFuture;

_translateFuture = openAI.onCompletion(request: request);

///ui code
 future: _translateFuture,
 builder: (context, snapshot) {
   final data =;
   if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) return something 
   if(snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) return something
   return something
  • GPT 3 with SSE

 void completeWithSSE() {
  final request = CompleteText(
          prompt: "Hello world", maxTokens: 200, model: TextDavinci3Model());
  openAI.onCompletionSSE(request: request).listen((it) {

Chat Complete (GPT-4 and GPT-3.5)

  • Chat Complete

  void chatComplete() async {
    final request = ChatCompleteText(messages: [
      Map.of({"role": "user", "content": 'Hello!'})
    ], maxToken: 200, model: Gpt4ChatModel());

    final response = await openAI.onChatCompletion(request: request);
    for (var element in response!.choices) {
      print("data -> ${element.message?.content}");
  • GPT 4 with SSE

 void chatCompleteWithSSE() {
  final request = ChatCompleteText(messages: [
    Map.of({"role": "user", "content": 'Hello!'})
  ], maxToken: 200, model: Gpt4ChatModel());

  openAI.onChatCompletionSSE(request: request).listen((it) {
  • Support SSE(Server Send Event)
    • GPT-3.5 Turbo
 void chatCompleteWithSSE() {
  final request = ChatCompleteText(messages: [
    Map.of({"role": "user", "content": 'Hello!'})
  ], maxToken: 200, model: GptTurboChatModel());

  openAI.onChatCompletionSSE(request: request).listen((it) {
  • Chat Complete
  void chatComplete() async {
    final request = ChatCompleteText(messages: [
      Map.of({"role": "user", "content": 'Hello!'})
    ], maxToken: 200, model: Gpt41106PreviewChatModel());

    final response = await openAI.onChatCompletion(request: request);
    for (var element in response!.choices) {
      print("data -> ${element.message?.content}");
  • Chat Complete Function Calling

  void gptFunctionCalling() async {
    final request = ChatCompleteText(
      messages: [
                role: Role.user,
                content: "What is the weather like in Boston?",
                name: "get_current_weather"),
      maxToken: 200,
      model: Gpt41106PreviewChatModel(),
      tools: [
          "type": "function",
          "function": {
            "name": "get_current_weather",
            "description": "Get the current weather in a given location",
            "parameters": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "location": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"
                "unit": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"]
              "required": ["location"]
      toolChoice: 'auto',

    ChatCTResponse? response = await openAI.onChatCompletion(request: request);
  • Chat Complete Image Input

  void imageInput() async {
  final request = ChatCompleteText(
    messages: [
        "role": "user",
        "content": [
          {"type": "text", "text": "What’s in this image?"},
            "type": "image_url",
            "image_url": {"url": "image-url"}
    maxToken: 200,
    model: Gpt4VisionPreviewChatModel(),

  ChatCTResponse? response = await openAI.onChatCompletion(request: request);


  • Create Assistant

  void createAssistant() async {
  final assistant = Assistant(
    model: Gpt4AModel(),
    name: 'Math Tutor',
    'You are a personal math tutor. When asked a question, write and run Python code to answer the question.',
    tools: [
        "type": "code_interpreter",
  await openAI.assistant.create(assistant: assistant);
  • Create Assistant File

void createAssistantFile() async {
  await openAI.assistant.createFile(assistantId: '',fileId: '',);
  • List assistants

  void listAssistant() async {
  final assistants = await openAI.assistant.list(); => e.toJson()).forEach(print);
  • List assistants files

  void listAssistantFile() async {
  final assistants = await openAI.assistant.listFile(assistantId: ''); => e.toJson()).forEach(print);
  • Retrieve assistant

  void retrieveAssistant() async {
  final assistants = await openAI.assistant.retrieves(assistantId: '');
  • Retrieve assistant file

  void retrieveAssistantFiles() async {
  final assistants = await openAI.assistant.retrievesFile(assistantId: '',fileId: '');
  • Modify assistant

  void modifyAssistant() async {
  final assistant = Assistant(
    model: Gpt4AModel(),
    'You are an HR bot, and you have access to files to answer employee questions about company policies. Always response with info from either of the files.',
    tools: [
        "type": "retrieval",
    fileIds: [
  await openAI.assistant.modifies(assistantId: '', assistant: assistant);
  • Delete assistant

  void deleteAssistant() async {
  await openAI.assistant.delete(assistantId: '');
  • Delete assistant file

  void deleteAssistantFile() async {
  await openAI.assistant.deleteFile(assistantId: '',fileId: '');
  • Using assistant v2



  • Create threads

///empty body
  void createThreads()async {
  await openAI.threads.createThread(request: ThreadRequest());

///with message
void createThreads() async {
  final request = ThreadRequest(messages: [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "Hello, what is AI?",
      "file_ids": ["file-abc123"]
      "role": "user",
      "content": "How does AI work? Explain it in simple terms."

  await openAI.threads.createThread(request: request);
  • Retrieve thread

 void retrieveThread()async {
  final mThread = await openAI.threads.retrieveThread(threadId: 'threadId');
  • Modify thread

  void modifyThread() async {
  await openAI.threads.modifyThread(threadId: 'threadId', metadata: {
    "metadata": {
      "modified": "true",
      "user": "abc123",
  • Delete thread

  void deleteThread() async {
  await openAI.threads.deleteThread(threadId: 'threadId');
  • Using Thread V2



  • Create Message

void createMessage() async {
  final request = CreateMessage(
    role: 'user',
    content: 'How does AI work? Explain it in simple terms.',
  await openAI.threads.messages.createMessage(
    threadId: 'threadId',
    request: request,
  • List messages

  void listMessage()async {
  final mMessages = await openAI.threads.messages.listMessage(threadId: 'threadId');
  • List message files

  void listMessageFile() async {
  final mMessagesFile = await openAI.threads.messages.listMessageFile(
    threadId: 'threadId',
    messageId: '',
  • Retrieve message

  void retrieveMessage() async {
  final mMessage = await openAI.threads.messages.retrieveMessage(
    threadId: 'threadId',
    messageId: '',
  • Retrieve message file

void retrieveMessageFile() async {
  final mMessageFile = await openAI.threads.messages.retrieveMessageFile(
    threadId: 'threadId',
    messageId: '',
    fileId: '',
  • Modify message

  void modifyMessage() async {
  await openAI.threads.messages.modifyMessage(
    threadId: 'threadId',
    messageId: 'messageId',
    metadata: {
      "metadata": {"modified": "true", "user": "abc123"},
  • Using Message V2



  • Create run

void createRun() async {
    final request = CreateRun(assistantId: 'assistantId');
    await openAI.threads.runs.createRun(threadId: 'threadId', request: request);
  • Create thread and run

  void createThreadAndRun() async {
    final request = CreateThreadAndRun(assistantId: 'assistantId', thread: {
      "messages": [
        {"role": "user", "content": "Explain deep learning to a 5 year old."}
    await openAI.threads.runs.createThreadAndRun(request: request);
  • List runs

 void listRuns() async {
   final mRuns = await openAI.threads.runs.listRuns(threadId: 'threadId');
  • List run steps

void listRunSteps() async {
   final mRunSteps = await openAI.threads.runs.listRunSteps(threadId: 'threadId',runId: '',);
  • Retrieve run

void retrieveRun() async {
   final mRun = await openAI.threads.runs.retrieveRun(threadId: 'threadId',runId: '',);
  • Retrieve run step

 void retrieveRunStep() async {
   final mRun = await openAI.threads.runs.retrieveRunStep(threadId: 'threadId',runId: '',stepId: '');
  • Modify run

void modifyRun() async {
    await openAI.threads.runs.modifyRun(
      threadId: 'threadId',
      runId: '',
      metadata: {
        "metadata": {"user_id": "user_abc123"},
  • Submit tool outputs to run

  void submitToolOutputsToRun() async {
    await openAI.threads.runs.submitToolOutputsToRun(
      threadId: 'threadId',
      runId: '',
      toolOutputs: [
          "tool_call_id": "call_abc123",
          "output": "28C",
  • Cancel a run

  void cancelRun() async {
    await openAI.threads.runs.cancelRun(
      threadId: 'threadId',
      runId: '',

Error Handle

///using catchError
 openAI.onCompletion(request: request)
      if(err is OpenAIAuthError){
        print('OpenAIAuthError error ${}');
      if(err is OpenAIRateLimitError){
        print('OpenAIRateLimitError error ${}');
      if(err is OpenAIServerError){
        print('OpenAIServerError error ${}');

///using try catch
 try {
   await openAI.onCompletion(request: request);
 } on OpenAIRateLimitError catch (err) {
   print('catch error ->${}');

///with stream
        .onCompletionSSE(request: request)
          handleError: (error, stackTrace, sink) {
              if (error is OpenAIRateLimitError) {
              print('OpenAIRateLimitError error ->${}');
        .listen((event) {


  • Example Q&A
    • Answer questions based on existing knowledge.
final request = CompleteText(prompt:'What is human life expectancy in the United States?'),
                model: TextDavinci3Model(), maxTokens: 200);

 final response = await openAI.onCompletion(request:request);
  • Request
Q: What is human life expectancy in the United States?
  • Response
A: Human life expectancy in the United States is 78 years.

Generate Image With Prompt

  • Generate Image

    • prompt
      • A text description of the desired image(s). The maximum length is 1000 characters.
    • n
      • The number of images to generate. Must be between 1 and 10.
    • size
      • The size of the generated images. Must be one of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024.
    • response_format
      • The format in which the generated images are returned. Must be one of url or b64_json.
    • user
      • A unique identifier representing your end-user, which can help OpenAI to monitor and detect abuse.
  • Generate with feature

  void _generateImage() {
  const prompt = "cat eating snake blue red.";

  final request = GenerateImage( model: DallE2(),prompt, 1,size: ImageSize.size256,
          responseFormat: Format.url);
  final response = openAI.generateImage(request);
  print("img url :${}");


  • Edit Prompt

void editPrompt() async {
    final response = await openAI.editor.prompt(EditRequest(
        model: CodeEditModel(),
        input: 'What day of the wek is it?',
        instruction: 'Fix the spelling mistakes'));

  • Edit Image

 void editImage() async {
  final response = await openAI.editor.editImage(EditImageRequest(
          image: FileInfo("${image?.path}", '${image?.name}'),
          mask: FileInfo('file path', 'file name'),
          size: ImageSize.size1024,
          prompt: 'King Snake'),
          model: DallE3(),);

  • Variations

  void variation() async {
  final request =
  Variation(model: DallE2(),image: FileInfo('${image?.path}', '${image?.name}'));
  final response = await openAI.editor.variation(request);


Cancel Generate

  • Stop Generate Prompt

        .onChatCompletionSSE(request: request, onCancel: onCancel);

CancelData? mCancel;
void onCancel(CancelData cancelData) {
  mCancel = cancelData;

mCancel?.cancelToken.cancel("canceled ");
  • Stop Edit

    • image
    • prompt
openAI.edit.editImage(request,onCancel: onCancel);

CancelData? mCancel;
void onCancel(CancelData cancelData) {
  mCancel = cancelData;

mCancel?.cancelToken.cancel("canceled edit image");
  • Stop Embedding

openAI.embed.embedding(request,onCancel: onCancel);

CancelData? mCancel;
void onCancel(CancelData cancelData) {
  mCancel = cancelData;

mCancel?.cancelToken.cancel("canceled embedding");
  • Stop Audio
    • translate
    • transcript,onCancel: onCancel);

CancelData? mCancel;
void onCancel(CancelData cancelData) {
  mCancel = cancelData;

mCancel?.cancelToken.cancel("canceled audio transcribes");
  • Stop File
    • upload file
    • get file
    • delete file
openAI.file.uploadFile(request,onCancel: onCancel);

CancelData? mCancel;
void onCancel(CancelData cancelData) {
  mCancel = cancelData;

mCancel?.cancelToken.cancel("canceled uploadFile");


  • Get File

void getFile() async {
  final response = await openAI.file.get();
  • Upload File

void uploadFile() async {
  final request = UploadFile(file: FileInfo('file-path', 'file-name'),purpose: 'fine-tune');
  final response = await openAI.file.uploadFile(request);
  • Delete File

  void delete() async {
  final response = await openAI.file.delete("file-Id");
  • Retrieve File

  void retrieve() async {
  final response = await openAI.file.retrieve("file-Id");
  • Retrieve Content File

  void retrieveContent() async {
  final response = await openAI.file.retrieveContent("file-Id");


  • Audio Translate

void audioTranslate() async {
  final mAudio = File('mp3-path');
  final request =
  AudioRequest(file: FileInfo(mAudio.path, 'name'), prompt: '...');

  final response = await;
  • Audio Transcribe

void audioTranscribe() async {
  final mAudio = File('mp3-path');
  final request =
  AudioRequest(file: FileInfo(mAudio.path, 'name'), prompt: '...');

  final response = await;
  • Create speech

  void createSpeech() async {
  final request = SpeechRequest(
          model: 'tts-1', input: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.');

  final List<int> response = await
          .createSpeech(request: request);


  • Embedding
void embedding() async {
  final request = EmbedRequest(
          model: TextSearchAdaDoc001EmbedModel(),
          input: 'The food was delicious and the waiter');

  final response = await openAI.embed.embedding(request);


Fine Tune

  • Create Fine Tune

void createTineTune() async {
  final request = CreateFineTuneJob(trainingFile: 'The ID of an uploaded file');
  final response = await openAI.fineTune.createFineTuneJob(request);
  • Fine Tune List

 void tineTuneList() async {
    final response = await openAI.fineTune.listFineTuneJob();
  • Fine Tune List Stream

 void tineTuneListStream() {
    openAI.fineTune.listFineTuneJobStream('fineTuneId').listen((it) {
      ///handled data
  • Fine Tune Get by Id

void tineTuneById() async {
    final response = await openAI.fineTune.retrieveFineTuneJob('fineTuneId');
  • Cancel Fine Tune

  void tineTuneCancel() async {
    final response = await openAI.fineTune.cancel('fineTuneId');
  • Delete Fine Tune

 void deleteTineTune() async {
    final response = await openAI.fineTune.delete('model');


  • Create Moderation

  void createModeration() async {
  final response = await openAI.moderation
          .create(input: 'input', model: TextLastModerationModel());


final models = await openAI.listModel();
final engines = await openAI.listEngine();

Translate App

ChatGPT Demo App

Google Play

Video Tutorials

Docs (Support Thai)

ChatGPT Part 1 ChatGPT Part 2 ChatGPT Part 2