A Wrapper Helm Chart to deploy the ploigos platform - check there for the full ploigos documentation. In particular the operator repository.
Plogios is an opinionated trusted software supply chain utilizing this toolchain:
- Tekton
- Jenkins
- Quay
- Keycloak
- ArgoCD
- Gitea
- Sonarqube
- Code Ready Workspaces
- Mattermost
- Nexus
- Selenium Grid
The pipeline steps are implemented in python using this step-runner-library.
Once you have installed the platform you can use the TsscPipeline CRD
Add the chart repo
helm repo add redhat-cop https://redhat-cop.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
Once to TSSC CRD has been installed in the cluster, install the operator and platform into the devsecops
helm upgrade --install ploigos redhat-cop/ploigos --namespace devsecops --create-namespace
To delete the installation run