Create a new directory for storing the certificates:
mkdir certs
oc extract -n enmasse secret/external-certs-messaging --to=certs
oc -n <project-name> get addressspace <address-space-name> -o jsonpath={.status.endpointStatuses[?(\'messaging\')].cert} | base64 -d > certs/ca.crt
For the default Hono OpenShift S2I deployment this would be:
oc -n hono get addressspace default -o jsonpath={.status.endpointStatuses[?(\'messaging\')].cert} | base64 -d > certs/ca.crt
Create a new project for the simulator:
oc new-project hono-simulator --display-name "Hono Simulator"
And then create a config map with the certificates:
oc create configmap simulator-config --from-file=server-cert.pem=certs/ca.crt
Then deploy the simulator template:
oc process -p IOT_CLUSTER_DNS_BASENAME=<my-hono-hostname> -f template.yml | oc create -f -
If you are using Minishift you can use the Minishift IP address with e.g. "":
oc process -p IOT_CLUSTER_DNS_BASENAME=$(minishift ip) -f template.yml | oc create -f -
Note: By default the simulators (HTTP and MQTT) will have zero (0) replicas. You will need to scale them up in order to generate some load.
The default limitation on the Hono device registry may not be sufficient for registering a larger number of devices. You can raise the limit be executing the following command:
oc set env -n hono dc/hono-service-device-registry HONO_REGISTRY_SVC_MAX_DEVICES_PER_TENANT=10000