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Ansible Operator Builder

Transitioning a Helm Chart to an Ansible Playbook Role is useful since many users prefer Ansible to Go Templating. However, a transition to Ansible Playbook Role does not address Day 2 facets of Operational Lifecycle Management (OLM). The operator-framework operator-sdk includes functionality to develop Lifecycle Management using an Ansible Playbook Role. is a tool that takes an exported Ansible Role and builds an Ansible Operator.

Build An Operator From An Existing Helm Chart

build-operator comes with a number of command line options described below:

usage:  -r -b -d -e -c  | -h
-e | --export : Export helmcharts and create Ansible operator
-b | --build  : Build Operator image and push it to
-d | --deploy:  Deploy this operator to existing cluster
-r | --run : Option to run the operator outside the cluster
-c | --delete : Clean the cluster by deleteing the operator

Configuring Environment Variables is configured through setting a number of environment variables in

  1. Change following variables:

    • role: The Helm Chart name, which becomes Ansible Role Name.
    • worskpace: An arbitrary directory location to export the target Operator and Ansible Playbook.
    • helm_chart: File Path location to the original helm charts.
    • quay_namespace: Your namespace.
    • kind: The Kind of the Custom Resource(CR) to create.
    • apiVersion: Version of the CR to create.
    • INSTALL_OPERATOR_SDK=1: If you want the script to install operator-sdk.
  2. Source ./ to set environment variables or set following variables in command line.


Note: To unset all exported variables, run this command:

unset $(awk -F'[ =]+' '/^export/{print $2}' ./

Running build-operator script to create an operator

Export the Helm Chart as an Ansible Playbook

./hack/ --export

The --export option will generate an Ansible Playbook Role and corresponding Operator implementation in the workspace directory. The workspace directory will contain two folders:

  • role: The Ansible Playbook Role, which is exported using Helm Template Ansible Exporter. This directory can optionally be deleted, since its contents are copied into workspace/{role}-operator.
  • role-operator: The generated operator, which can be deployed to a K8S cluster.

The converted operator in workspace/role-operator may not yet be usable since Helm Template Ansible Exporter cannot automate 100% of the conversion process. See the "Helm To Ansible Exporter Known Limitations" for more information.

Building the Ansible Operator

Invoke using the build argument:

./hack/ --build

The --build argument builds the Docker container image, uploads the built image to the quay repository, and update operator.yaml with the uploaded image name.

Deploying the Ansible Operator

Invoke uisng the deploy argument:

./hack/ --deploy

The --deploy argument deploys the operator to the K8S cluster.

You can now override the Ansible defaults variables roles/defaults/main.yaml from your CR file deploy/crds/foo.example.com_foos_cr.yaml. The variables that can be overridden are in the spec metadata of the CR. After making appropriate edits to the defaults, you can apply the CR using:

kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/foo.example.com_foos_cr.yaml

Applying the CR will cause the operator to deploy all K8S resources from the Ansible templates. For more information consult the operator-sdk Ansible Developer Guide.

Debugging the Running Ansible Operator

Use commands similar to the following in order to debug the running Ansible Operator:

kubectl get pods -n default
kubectl logs -f <operator pod> -n default -c operator
kubectl logs -f <operator pod> -n default -c ansible

Delete the Ansible Operator from the K8S Cluster

To delete the Ansible Operator from the K8S cluster, run the following:

./hack/ --delete

This will delete the deployed operator from the cluster.