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Thank you for your interest in wanting to contribute to Socrates!
Up next is a small guide to create your first pull request. Check further below for a walk-through on how to contribute with a new country from scratch.

The Basics


  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Code, test, commit and push
  4. Open a pull request detailing your changes (do not forget to assign yourself to the PR).
  5. Describe what your pull request is (change, bugfix, new country implementation, etc.)


  • We use PSR-12 as our coding style, make sure to follow it.
  • If you have multiple commits, squashing some of them might help us better understand what you did.
  • You may need to rebase to avoid merge conflicts.


Clone your fork, then install the dev dependencies:

composer install

It is advised to run a PHP application locally, and pull in your local fork of the package to test. Check this post for a guide on how to do it.

How to implement a country from scratch

Step 1 - Research

Let's imagine we want to implement the fictional european country of "Socratia".
The first thing we should do is find out what its two-digit ISO code is. After that, we need to thoroughly research and find out what the Socratia's National Identification Number is (henceforth referred to as NIN) and how it is validated, as well as collect some example specimens to then write our tests. Additionally, we should find out if the NIN encodes any personal information on the Citizen - gender, date of birth or place of birth.

After some imaginary googling we find out that:

  • The two-digit ISO code is SC.
  • The NIN is eleven characters long excluding hyphens.
  • The NIN follows the format GR-DDDDDDDD-C, G a letter for gender, R a letter for region, the Ds are numbers representing a date and C is a control number.
  • G can either be "M" or "F".
  • R can be "P", "J" or "R" referring to its three regions of "Phpilia", "Javardia" and "Rustara".
  • C must be an even number, but it can not be "2" if the citizen was registered after 2001 as those particular numbers have been phased out.

Clearly there is some citizen information encoded in that ID. This means we will implement both a Validator and an Extractor.

Step 2 - Implement the Validator

Let's start working on our implementation. First we need to create the validator class.
Create a directory in src/Core/Europe/ named "Socratia" and create a new PHP class inside it. We'll name it SocratiaIdvalidator and implement IdValidator:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia;

use Reducktion\Socrates\Contracts\IdValidator;

class SocratiaIdValidator implements IdValidator
    // Implementing the `IdValidator` means we will need to implement the `validate` method
    public function validate(string $id): bool
        // TODO implement

We follow a "fail early" approach, so we first make sure that the ID is not invalid before any further computations.
Let's go ahead and do that now:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia;

use Reducktion\Socrates\Contracts\IdValidator;
use Reducktion\Socrates\Exceptions\InvalidLengthException;

class SocratiaIdValidator implements IdValidator
    public function validate(string $id): bool
        $id = $this->sanitize($id);
    // We usually create a sanitize method to strip the
    // ID of any separator characters and check its length.
    private function sanitize($string $id): string
        $id = str_replace('-', '', $id);

        $idLength = strlen($id);
        // We want an eleven character string after stripping it from hyphens, else
        // we throw one of our internal exceptions.

        if ($idLength !== 11) {
            throw new InvalidLengthException('Socratian NIN', '11', $idLength);
        $id = strtoupper($id);

        return $id;

Great! We can now check the other conditions and implement the rest of the validate() method:

public function validate(string $id): bool
    $id = $this->sanitize($id);
    // Characters #3 to #10 must be digits
    $dateDigits = substr($id, 2, 8);
    if (!is_numeric($dateDigits)) {
        return false;
    // `G` can either be "M" or "F"
    $genderCharacter = $id[0];
    if ($genderCharacter !== 'M' && $genderCharacter !== 'F') {
        return false;
    // `R` can be "P", "J" or "R"
    $regionCharacter = $id[1];
    if ($regionCharacter !== 'P' && $regionCharacter !== 'J' && $regionCharacter !== 'R') {
        return false;
    // `C` must be an even number, but it can not be "2" if the citizen was registered after 2001
    $controlDigit = (int) $id[10];
    $year = (int) substr($dateDigits, 0, 4);
    if ($controlDigit === 2 && $year >= 2001) {
        return false;
    if ($controlDigit % 2 !== 0) {
        return false;
    // Don't accept silly dates like 2010-99-99
    $month = (int) substr($dateDigits, 4, 2);
    $day = (int) substr($dateDigits, 6, 2);
    try {
        new DateTime("$year-$month-$day");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return false;
    // The ID is valid!
    return true;

That's it for our validator! Now we head off to Countries.php and add the class to the validators array. You'll notice it is alphabetically ordered and organised by the continent, so let's be sure to add it in the right place:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Config;

abstract class Countries
    public static $validators = [
         * Validators for european countries.
        'AL' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Albania\AlbaniaIdValidator::class,
        'SC' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia\SocratiaIdValidator::class,
        'SE' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Sweden\SwedenIdValidator::class,

Let's also add an entry to Country.php with our country code for convenience:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Constants;

enum Country: string
     * European countries
    case Albania = 'AL';
    case Socratia = 'SC';
    case Sweden = 'SE';
    // ...

Step 3 - Implement the Extractor

Now we create an extractor class in the same directory as the validator:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia;

use Reducktion\Socrates\Contracts\CitizenInformationExtractor;
use Reducktion\Socrates\Models\Citizen;

class SocratiaCitizenInformationExtractor implements CitizenInformationExtractor
    public function extract(string $id): Citizen
        // TODO implement

Unlike the validator contract, this one requires us to return an instance of Citizen. Citizen is a simple POPO that allows us to return the encoded information in the ID in a consistent format.

To begin, let us first check that the incoming ID is valid by referencing our validator:

public function extract(string $id): Citizen
    // We still need to sanitize the ID! Assume the same method as in the validator.
    $id = $this->sanitize($id);

    if (! (new SocratiaIdValidator())->validate($id)) {
        // Throw one of our internal exceptions
        throw new InvalidIdException();
    // We are good to go

A good practice is to segment each piece logic for each type of information in its own method. If you recall from above, we can extract the gender, date of birth and place of birth from the Socratian ID. Our extract method then becomes:

public function extract(string $id): Citizen
    $id = $this->sanitize($id);

    if (! (new SocratiaIdValidator())->validate($id)) {
        // Throw one of our internal exceptions
        throw new InvalidIdException();
    $gender = $this->getGender($id);
    $dateOfBirth = $this->getDateOfBirth($id);
    $placeOfBirth = $this->getPlaceOfBirth($id);

    $citizen = new Citizen();

    return $citizen;

Let us do each in order. Getting the gender is simple. We can return the Gender enum. Because we have already validated the ID we can be confident that the gender character is safe to check:

public function getGender(string $id): Gender
    return $id[0] === 'M' ? Gender::Male : Gender::Female;

Now for the date:

public function getDateOfBirth(string $id): DateTime
    $dateDigits = substr($id, 2, 8);
    $year = (int) substr($dateDigits, 0, 4);
    $month = (int) substr($dateDigits, 4, 2);
    $day = (int) substr($dateDigits, 6, 2);
    return new DateTime("$year-$month-$day");

For the place of birth let us create a separate class in the same directory to hold all possible region values:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia;

class SocratiaRegionsList
    public static array $regions = [
        'P' => 'Phpilia',
        'J' => 'Javardia',
        'R' => 'Rustaria',

Getting the place of birth is now as simple as:

private function getPlaceOfBirth(string $id): string
    $regionCharacter = $id[1];

    if (! isset(SocratiaRegionsList::$regions[$regionCharacter])) {
        // Throw another of our internal exceptions
        throw new UnrecognisedPlaceOfBirthException(
            "The provided character '$regionCharacter' does not match any regions."

    return SocratiaRegionsList::$regions[$regionCharacter];

Finally, as before, let us register our extractor class in the extractors array in Countries.php:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Config;

abstract class Countries
    public static $extractors = [
         * Extractors for european countries.
        'AL' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Albania\AlbaniaCitizenInformationExtractor::class,
        'SC' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Socratia\SocratiaCitizenInformationExtractor::class,
        'SE' => \Reducktion\Socrates\Core\Europe\Sweden\SwedenCitizenInformationExtractor::class,

That's it! We have implemented both the validator and the extractor for our fictional country. However, we are not done yet as we need to...

Step 4 - Write Tests

We want to ensure the quality of the algorithm and the extracted data. To do so, we will now write a test class. First head over to tests/Feature/Europe and create a new SocratiaTest test class. We will extend our FeatureTest abstract class:


namespace Reducktion\Socrates\Tests\Feature\Europe;

use Reducktion\Socrates\Tests\Feature\FeatureTest;

class SocratiaTest extends FeatureTest
    public function test_extract_behaviour(): void
        // TODO implement
    public function test_validation_behaviour(): void
        // TODO implement

To stay consistent with our other tests, let's create two fields in our class: one for people and another one holding invalid ids. We shall initialize them in the setUp() method:

private $people; // This would be $validIds if Socratia only had a validator
private $invalidIds;

protected function setUp(): void
    // Make this an array of arrays.
    $this->people = [
        'alexandre' => [
            'id' => 'MR-19940916-4',
            'gender' => Gender::Male,
            'dob' => new DateTime('1994-09-16'),
            'age' => 26, // as of 2021
            'pob' => 'Rustaria',
        // ...
    // Try to cover as many edge cases as possible
    $this->invalidIds = [
        'OR-19940916-4', // Gender is wrong
        'MZ-19940916-4', // Place of birth does not exist
        'MR-19941916-4', // Date of birth is invalid
        'MR-19940916-3', // Control digit is not even
        'MR-20020916-3', // Control digit is two but the citizen was born post 2001
        'MR-020916-3', // ID is too short
        // ...

Now for each of those two data sets we run our validator and extractor classes and check if all is well. Because we are extending our own TestCase class, we have access to an instance of Socrates via the $this->socrates call:

public function test_extract_behaviour(): void
    foreach ($this->people as $person) {
        $citizen = $this->socrates->getCitizenDataFromId($person['id'], Country::Socratia);

        self::assertEquals($person['gender'], $citizen->getGender());
        self::assertEquals($person['dob'], $citizen->getDateOfBirth());
        self::assertEquals($person['age'], $citizen->getAge());
        self::assertEquals($person['pob'], $citizen->getPlaceOfBirth());


    // An invalid ID should not be able to be extracted
    $this->socrates->getCitizenDataFromId('OR-19940916-4', Country::Socratia);

public function test_validation_behaviour(): void
    foreach ($this->people as $person) {
            $this->socrates->validateId($person['id'], Country::Socratia)

    foreach ($this->invalidIds as $fc) {
            $this->socrates->validateId($fc, Country::Socratia)


    $this->socrates->validateId('OR-940916-4', Country::Socratia);

Final step - Update the documentation

Finally we just need to update our file for reference:

| Country                   | Country Code |     Validation     |     Extraction     |
| Albania 🇦🇱                |      AL      | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| Socratia 🏴               |      SC      | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| Sweden 🇸🇪                 |      SE      | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |

Congratulations! Now go ahead and implement a real country! 😊