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File metadata and controls

executable file
2974 lines (2308 loc) · 141 KB

6.2.x API Reference


new Server([host], [port], [options])

Creates a new server instance with the following arguments:

  • host - the hostname, IP address, or path to UNIX domain socket the server is bound to. Defaults to which means any available network interface. Set to or localhost to restrict connection to those coming from the same machine. If host contains a '/' character, it is used as a UNIX domain socket path and if it starts with '\.\pipe' as a Windows named pipe.
  • port - the TCP port the server is listening to. Defaults to port 80 for HTTP and to 443 when TLS is configured. To use an ephemeral port, use 0 and once the server is started, retrieve the port allocation via
  • options - An object with the server configuration as described in server options.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server('localhost', 8000, { cors: true });

createServer([host], [port], [options])

An alternative method for creating a server instance using the same arguments as new Server().

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = Hapi.createServer('localhost', 8000, { cors: true });

Server options

When creating a server instance, the following options configure the server's behavior:

  • app - application-specific configuration which can later be accessed via Provides a safe place to store application configuration without potential conflicts with hapi. Should not be used by plugins which should use plugins[name]. Note the difference between which is used to store configuration value and which is meant for storing run-time state.

  • cache - sets up server-side caching. Every server includes a default cache for storing application state. By default, a simple memory-based cache is created which has limited capacity and capabilities. hapi uses catbox for its cache which includes support for Redis, MongoDB, Memcached, and Riak. Caching is only utilized if methods and plugins explicitly store their state in the cache. The server cache configuration only defines the storage container itself. cache can be assigned:

    • a prototype function (usually obtained by calling require() on a cabox strategy such as require('catbox-redis')).
    • a configuration object with the following options:
      • engine - a prototype function or catbox engine object.
      • name - an identifier used later when provisioning or configuring caching for routes, methods, or plugins. Each connection name must be unique. A single item may omit the name option which defines the default cache. If every connection includes a name, a default memory cache is provisions as well as the default.
      • shared - if true, allows multiple cache users to share the same segment (e.g. multiple servers in a pack using the same route and cache. Default to not shared.
      • other options required by the catbox strategy used.
    • an array of the above object for configuring multiple cache instances, each with a unqiue name. When an array of objects is provided, multiple cache connections are established and each array item (except one) must include a name.
  • cors - the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing protocol allows browsers to make cross-origin API calls. CORS is required by web applications running inside a browser which are loaded from a different domain than the API server. CORS headers are disabled by default. To enable, set cors to true, or to an object with the following options:

    • origin - a strings array of allowed origin servers ('Access-Control-Allow-Origin'). The array can contain any combination of fully qualified origins along with origin strings containing a wilcard '*' character, or a single '*' origin string. Defaults to any origin ['*'].
    • isOriginExposed - if false, prevents the server from returning the full list of non-wildcard origin values if the incoming origin header does not match any of the values. Has no impact if matchOrigin is set to false. Defaults to true.
    • matchOrigin - if false, returns the list of origin values without attempting to match the incoming origin value. Cannot be used with wildcard origin values. Defaults to true.
    • maxAge - number of seconds the browser should cache the CORS response ('Access-Control-Max-Age'). The greater the value, the longer it will take before the browser checks for changes in policy. Defaults to 86400 (one day).
    • headers - a strings array of allowed headers ('Access-Control-Allow-Headers'). Defaults to ['Authorization', 'Content-Type', 'If-None-Match'].
    • additionalHeaders - a strings array of additional headers to headers. Use this to keep the default headers in place.
    • methods - a strings array of allowed HTTP methods ('Access-Control-Allow-Methods'). Defaults to ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'].
    • additionalMethods - a strings array of additional methods to methods. Use this to keep the default methods in place.
    • exposedHeaders - a strings array of exposed headers ('Access-Control-Expose-Headers'). Defaults to ['WWW-Authenticate', 'Server-Authorization'].
    • additionalExposedHeaders - a strings array of additional headers to exposedHeaders. Use this to keep the default headers in place.
    • credentials - if true, allows user credentials to be sent ('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials'). Defaults to false.
  • security - sets some common security related headers. All headers are disabled by default. To enable set security to true or to an object with the following options:

    • hsts - controls the 'Strict-Transport-Security' header. If set to true the header will be set to max-age=15768000, if specified as a number the maxAge parameter will be set to that number. Defaults to true. You may also specify an object with the following fields:
      • maxAge - the max-age portion of the header, as a number. Default is 15768000.
      • includeSubdomains - a boolean specifying whether to add the includeSubdomains flag to the header.
    • xframe - controls the 'X-Frame-Options' header. When set to true the header will be set to DENY, you may also specify a string value of 'deny' or 'sameorigin'. To use the 'allow-from' rule, you must set this to an object with the following fields:
      • rule - either 'deny', 'sameorigin', or 'allow-from'
      • source - when rule is 'allow-from' this is used to form the rest of the header, otherwise this field is ignored. If rule is 'allow-from' but source is unset, the rule will be automatically changed to 'sameorigin'.
    • xss - boolean that controls the 'X-XSS-PROTECTION' header for IE. Defaults to true which sets the header to equal '1; mode=block'. NOTE: This setting can create a security vulnerability in versions of IE below 8, as well as unpatched versions of IE8. See here and here for more information. If you actively support old versions of IE, it may be wise to explicitly set this flag to false.
    • noOpen - boolean controlling the 'X-Download-Options' header for IE, preventing downloads from executing in your context. Defaults to true setting the header to 'noopen'.
    • noSniff - boolean controlling the 'X-Content-Type-Options' header. Defaults to true setting the header to its only and default option, 'nosniff'.
  • debug - controls the error types sent to the console:

    • request - a string array of request log tags to be displayed via console.error() when the events are logged via request.log(). Defaults to uncaught errors thrown in external code (these errors are handled automatically and result in an Internal Server Error (500) error response) or runtime errors due to incorrect implementation of the hapi API. For example, to display all errors, change the option to ['error']. To turn off all console debug messages set it to false.
  • files - defines the behavior for serving static resources using the built-in route handlers for files and directories:

    • relativeTo - determines the folder relative paths are resolved against when using the file and directory handlers.
    • etagsCacheMaxSize - sets the maximum number of file etag hash values stored in the cache. Defaults to 10000.
  • json - optional arguments passed to JSON.stringify() when converting an object or error response to a string payload. Supports the following:

    • replacer - the replacer function or array. Defaults to no action.
    • space - number of spaces to indent nested object keys. Defaults to no indentation.
  • labels - a string array of labels used when registering plugins to matching server labels. Defaults to an empty array [] (no labels).

  • load - server load monitoring and limits configuration (stored under server.load when enabled) where:

    • maxHeapUsedBytes - maximum V8 heap size over which incoming requests are rejected with an HTTP Server Timeout (503) response. Defaults to 0 (no limit).
    • maxRssBytes - maximum process RSS size over which incoming requests are rejected with an HTTP Server Timeout (503) response. Defaults to 0 (no limit).
    • maxEventLoopDelay - maximum event loop delay duration in milliseconds over which incoming requests are rejected with an HTTP Server Timeout (503) response. Defaults to 0 (no limit).
    • sampleInterval - the frequency of sampling in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no sampling).
  • location - used to convert relative 'Location' header URIs to absolute, by adding this value as prefix. Value must not contain a trailing '/'. Defaults to the host received in the request HTTP 'Host' header and if missing, to

  • payload - controls how incoming payloads (request body) are processed:

    • maxBytes - limits the size of incoming payloads to the specified byte count. Allowing very large payloads may cause the server to run out of memory. Defaults to 1048576 (1MB).
    • uploads - the directory used for writing file uploads. Defaults to os.tmpDir().
  • plugins - plugin-specific configuration which can later be accessed by server.plugins. Provides a place to store and pass plugin configuration that is at server-level. The plugins is an object where each key is a plugin name and the value is the configuration. Note the difference between server.settings.plugins which is used to store configuration value and server.plugins which is meant for storing run-time state.

  • router - controls how incoming request URIs are matched against the routing table:

    • isCaseSensitive - determines whether the paths '/example' and '/EXAMPLE' are considered different resources. Defaults to true.
    • stripTrailingSlash - removes trailing slashes on incoming paths. Defaults to false.
  • state - HTTP state management (cookies) allows the server to store information on the client which is sent back to the server with every request (as defined in RFC 6265).

    • cookies - The server automatically parses incoming cookies based on these options:
      • parse - determines if incoming 'Cookie' headers are parsed and stored in the request.cookies object. Defaults to true.
      • failAction - determines how to handle cookie parsing errors. Allowed values are:
        • 'error' - return a Bad Request (400) error response. This is the default value.
        • 'log' - report the error but continue processing the request.
        • 'ignore' - take no action.
      • clearInvalid - if true, automatically instruct the client to remove invalid cookies. Defaults to false.
      • strictHeader - if false, allows any cookie value including values in violation of RFC 6265. Defaults to true.
  • timeout - define timeouts for processing durations:

    • server - response timeout in milliseconds. Sets the maximum time allowed for the server to respond to an incoming client request before giving up and responding with a Service Unavailable (503) error response. Disabled by default (false).
    • client - request timeout in milliseconds. Sets the maximum time allowed for the client to transmit the request payload (body) before giving up and responding with a Request Timeout (408) error response. Set to false to disable. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds).
    • socket - by default, node sockets automatically timeout after 2 minutes. Use this option to override this behavior. Defaults to undefined which leaves the node default unchanged. Set to false to disable socket timeouts.
  • tls - used to create an HTTPS server. The tls object is passed unchanged as options to the node.js HTTPS server as described in the node.js HTTPS documentation.

  • maxSockets - sets the number of sockets available per outgoing proxy host connection. false means use node.js default value. Does not affect non-proxy outgoing client connections. Defaults to Infinity.

  • validation - options to pass to Joi. Useful to set global options such as stripUnknown or abortEarly (the complete list is available here). Defaults to no options.

  • views - enables support for view rendering (using templates to generate responses). Disabled by default. To enable, set to an object with the following options:

    • engines - (required) an object where each key is a file extension (e.g. 'html', 'jade'), mapped to the npm module used for rendering the templates. Alternatively, the extension can be mapped to an object with the following options:
      • module - the npm module used for rendering the templates. The module object must contain:
        • compile() - the rendering function. The required function signature depends on the compileMode settings. If the compileMode is 'sync', the signature is compile(template, options), the return value is a function with signature function(context, options), and the method is allowed to throw errors. If the compileMode is 'async', the signature is compile(template, options, callback) where callback has the signature function(err, compiled) where compiled is a function with signature function(context, options, callback) and callback has the signature function(err, rendered).
      • any of the views options listed below (except defaultExtension) to override the defaults for a specific engine.
    • defaultExtension - defines the default filename extension to append to template names when multiple engines are configured and not explicit extension is provided for a given template. No default value.
    • path - the root file path used to resolve and load the templates identified when calling reply.view(). Defaults to current working directory.
    • partialsPath - the root file path where partials are located. Partials are small segments of template code that can be nested and reused throughout other templates. Defaults to no partials support (empty path).
    • helpersPath - the directory path where helpers are located. Helpers are functions used within templates to perform transformations and other data manipulations using the template context or other inputs. Each '.js' file in the helpers directory is loaded and the file name is used as the helper name. The files must export a single method with the signature function(context) and return a string. Sub-folders are not supported and are ignored. Defaults to no helpers support (empty path). Note that jade does not support loading helpers this way.
    • basePath - a base path used as prefix for path and partialsPath. No default.
    • layout - if set to true or a layout filename, layout support is enabled. A layout is a single template file used as the parent template for other view templates in the same engine. If true, the layout template name must be 'layout.ext' where 'ext' is the engine's extension. Otherwise, the provided filename is suffixed with the engine's extension and laoded. Disable layout when using Jade as it will handle including any layout files independently. Defaults to false.
    • layoutPath - the root file path where layout templates are located (relative to basePath if present). Defaults to path.
    • layoutKeyword - the key used by the template engine to denote where primary template content should go. Defaults to 'content'.
    • encoding - the text encoding used by the templates when reading the files and outputting the result. Defaults to 'utf8'.
    • isCached - if set to false, templates will not be cached (thus will be read from file on every use). Defaults to true.
    • allowAbsolutePaths - if set to true, allows absolute template paths passed to reply.view(). Defaults to false.
    • allowInsecureAccess - if set to true, allows template paths passed to reply.view() to contain '../'. Defaults to false.
    • compileOptions - options object passed to the engine's compile function. Defaults to empty options {}.
    • runtimeOptions - options object passed to the returned function from the compile operation. Defaults to empty options {}.
    • contentType - the content type of the engine results. Defaults to 'text/html'.
    • compileMode - specify whether the engine compile() method is 'sync' or 'async'. Defaults to 'sync'.

Server properties

Each instance of the Server object have the following properties:

  • app - application-specific state. Provides a safe place to store application data without potential conflicts with hapi. Should not be used by plugins which should use plugins[name].
  • methods - methods registered with server.method().
  • info - server information:
    • port - the port the server was configured to (before start()) or bound to (after start()).
    • host - the hostname the server was configured to (defaults to '' if no host was provided).
    • protocol - the protocol used (e.g. 'http' or 'https').
    • uri - a string with the following format: 'protocol://host:port' (e.g. '').
  • listener - the node HTTP server object.
  • load - server load metrics (when server.load.sampleInterval is enabled):
    • eventLoopDelay - event loop delay milliseconds.
    • heapUsed - V8 heap usage.
    • rss - RSS memory usage.
  • pack - the Pack object the server belongs to (automatically assigned when creating a server instance directly).
  • plugins - an object where each key is a plugin name and the value are the exposed properties by that plugin using plugin.expose().
  • settings - an object containing the server options after applying the defaults.

Server methods


Starts the server by listening for incoming connections on the configured port. If provided, callback() is called once the server is ready for new connections. If the server is already started, the callback() is called on the next tick.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();
server.start(function () {

    console.log('Server started at: ' +;

server.stop([options], [callback])

Stops the server by refusing to accept any new connections. Existing connections will continue until closed or timeout (defaults to 5 seconds). Once the server stopped, all the connections have ended, and it is safe to exit the process, the callback (if provided) is called. If the server is already stopped, the callback() is called on the next tick.

The optional options object supports:

  • timeout - overrides the timeout in millisecond before forcefully terminating a connection. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
server.stop({ timeout: 60 * 1000 }, function () {

    console.log('Server stopped');


Adds a new route to the server where:

  • options - the route configuration as described in route options.
Route options

The following options are available when adding a route:

  • path - (required) the absolute path used to match incoming requests (must begin with '/'). Incoming requests are compared to the configured paths based on the server router configuration option. The path can include named parameters enclosed in {} which will be matched against literal values in the request as described in Path parameters.

  • method - (required) the HTTP method. Typically one of 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'. Any HTTP method is allowed, except for 'HEAD'. Use '*' to match against any HTTP method (only when an exact match was not found, and any match with a specific method will be given a higher priority over a wildcard match). Can be assigned an array of methods which has the same result as adding the same route with different methods manually.

  • vhost - an optional domain string or an array of domain strings for limiting the route to only requests with a matching host header field. Matching is done against the hostname part of the header only (excluding the port). Defaults to all hosts.

  • handler - (required) the function called to generate the response after successful authentication and validation. The handler function is described in Route handler. If set to a string, the value is parsed the same way a prerequisite server method string shortcut is processed. Alternatively, handler can be assigned an object with one of:

    • file - generates a static file endpoint for serving a single file. file can be set to:

      • a relative or absolute file path string (relative paths are resolved based on the server files configuration).
      • a function with the signature function(request) which returns the relative or absolute file path.
      • an object with the following options:
        • path - a path string or function as described above.
        • filename - an optional filename to specify if sending a 'Content-Disposition' header, defaults to the basename of path
        • mode - specifies whether to include the 'Content-Disposition' header with the response. Available values:
          • false - header is not included. This is the default value.
          • 'attachment'
          • 'inline'
        • lookupCompressed - if true, looks for the same filename with the '.gz' suffix for a precompressed version of the file to serve if the request supports content encoding. Defaults to false.
    • directory - generates a directory endpoint for serving static content from a directory. Routes using the directory handler must include a path parameter at the end of the path string (e.g. /path/to/somewhere/{param} where the parameter name does not matter). The path parameter can use any of the parameter options (e.g. {param} for one level files only, {param?} for one level files or the directory root, {param*} for any level, or {param*3} for a specific level). If additional path parameters are present, they are ignored for the purpose of selecting the file system resource. The directory handler is an object with the following options:

      • path - (required) the directory root path (relative paths are resolved based on the server files configuration). Value can be:
        • a single path string used as the prefix for any resources requested by appending the request path parameter to the provided string.
        • an array of path strings. Each path will be attempted in order until a match is found (by following the same process as the single path string).
        • a function with the signature function(request) which returns the path string or an array of path strings. If the function returns an error, the error is passed back to the client in the response.
      • index - optional boolean, determines if 'index.html' will be served if found in the folder when requesting a directory. Defaults to true.
      • listing - optional boolean, determines if directory listing is generated when a directory is requested without an index document. Defaults to false.
      • showHidden - optional boolean, determines if hidden files will be shown and served. Defaults to false.
      • redirectToSlash - optional boolean, determines if requests for a directory without a trailing slash are redirected to the same path with the missing slash. Useful for ensuring relative links inside the response are resolved correctly. Disabled when the server config router.stripTrailingSlash is true. Defaults to true.
      • lookupCompressed - optional boolean, instructs the file processor to look for the same filename with the '.gz' suffix for a precompressed version of the file to serve if the request supports content encoding. Defaults to false.
      • defaultExtension - optional string, appended to file requests if the requested file is not found. Defaults to no extension.
    • proxy - generates a reverse proxy handler with the following options:

      • host - the upstream service host to proxy requests to. The same path on the client request will be used as the path on the host.
      • port - the upstream service port.
      • protocol - The protocol to use when making a request to the proxied host:
        • 'http'
        • 'https'
      • uri - an absolute URI used instead of the incoming host, port, protocol, path, and query. Cannot be used with host, port, protocol, or mapUri.
      • passThrough - if true, forwards the headers sent from the client to the upstream service being proxied to. Defaults to false.
      • acceptEncoding - if false, does not pass-through the 'Accept-Encoding' HTTP header which is useful when using an onResponse post-processing to avoid receiving an encoded response (e.g. gzipped). Can only be used together with passThrough. Defaults to true (passing header).
      • rejectUnauthorized - sets the rejectUnauthorized property on the https agent making the request. This value is only used when the proxied server uses TLS/SSL. When set it will override the node.js rejectUnauthorized property. If false then ssl errors will be ignored. When true the server certificate is verified and an 500 response will be sent when verification fails. Defaults to the https agent default value of true.
      • xforward - if true, sets the 'X-Forwarded-For', 'X-Forwarded-Port', 'X-Forwarded-Proto' headers when making a request to the proxied upstream endpoint. Defaults to false.
      • redirects - the maximum number of HTTP redirections allowed, to be followed automatically by the handler. Set to false or 0 to disable all redirections (the response will contain the redirection received from the upstream service). If redirections are enabled, no redirections (301, 302, 307, 308) will be passed along to the client, and reaching the maximum allowed redirections will return an error response. Defaults to false.
      • timeout - number of milliseconds before aborting the upstream request. Defaults to 180000 (3 minutes).
      • mapUri - a function used to map the request URI to the proxied URI. Cannot be used together with host, port, protocol, or uri. The function signature is function(request, callback) where:
        • request - is the incoming request object
        • callback - is function(err, uri, headers) where:
          • err - internal error condition.
          • uri - the absolute proxy URI.
          • headers - optional object where each key is an HTTP request header and the value is the header content.
      • onResponse - a custom function for processing the response from the upstream service before sending to the client. Useful for custom error handling of responses from the proxied endpoint or other payload manipulation. Function signature is function(err, res, request, reply, settings, ttl) where: - err - internal or upstream error returned from attempting to contact the upstream proxy. - res - the node response object received from the upstream service. res is a readable stream (use the nipple module read method to easily convert it to a Buffer or string). - request - is the incoming request object. - reply() - the continuation function. - settings - the proxy handler configuration. - ttl - the upstream TTL in milliseconds if proxy.ttl it set to 'upstream' and the upstream response included a valid 'Cache-Control' header with 'max-age'.
      • ttl - if set to 'upstream', applies the upstream response caching policy to the response using the response.ttl() method (or passed as an argument to the onResponse method if provided).
    • view - generates a template-based response. The view option can be set to one of:

      • a string with the template file name.
      • an object with the following keys:
        • template - a string with the template file name.
        • context - an optional template context object. Defaults to an object with the following key:
          • payload - maps to request.payload.
          • params - maps to request.params.
          • query - maps to request.query.
          • pre - maps to request.pre.
  • config - additional route configuration (the config options allows splitting the route information from its implementation):

    • handler - an alternative location for the route handler function. Same as the handler option in the parent level. Can only include one handler per route.

    • bind - an object passed back to the provided handler (via this) when called.

    • app - application-specific configuration. Provides a safe place to pass application configuration without potential conflicts with hapi. Should not be used by plugins which should use plugins[name].

    • plugins - plugin-specific configuration. Provides a place to pass route-level plugin configuration. The plugins is an object where each key is a plugin name and the value is the state.

    • pre - an array with prerequisites methods which are executed in serial or in parallel before the handler is called and are described in Route prerequisites.

    • validate - request input validation rules for various request components. When using a Joi validation object, the values of the other inputs (e.g. headers, query, and params when validating payload) are made available under the validation context (accessible in rules as Joi.ref('$query.key')). Note that validation is performed in order (i.e. headers, params, query, payload) and if type casting is used (converting a string to number), the value of inputs not yet validated will reflect the raw, unvalidated and unmodified values. The validate object supports:

      • headers - validation rules for incoming request headers. Values allowed:

        • true - any headers allowed (no validation performed). This is the default.
        • false - no headers allowed (this will cause all valid HTTP requests to fail).
        • a Joi validation object.
        • a validation function using the signature function(value, options, next) where:
          • value - the object containing the request headers.
          • options - the server validation options.
          • next(err, value) - the callback function called when validation is completed.
      • params - validation rules for incoming request path parameters, after matching the path against the route and extracting any parameters then stored in request.params. Values allowed:

        • true - any path parameters allowed (no validation performed). This is the default.
        • false - no path variables allowed.
        • a Joi validation object.
        • a validation function using the signature function(value, options, next) where:
          • value - the object containing the path parameters.
          • options - the server validation options.
          • next(err, value) - the callback function called when validation is completed.
      • query - validation rules for an incoming request URI query component (the key-value part of the URI between '?' and '#'). The query is parsed into its individual key-value pairs (see Query String) and stored in request.query prior to validation. Values allowed:

        • true - any query parameters allowed (no validation performed). This is the default.
        • false - no query parameters allowed.
        • a Joi validation object.
        • a validation function using the signature function(value, options, next) where:
          • value - the object containing the query parameters.
          • options - the server validation options.
          • next(err, value) - the callback function called when validation is completed.
      • payload - validation rules for an incoming request payload (request body). Values allowed:

        • true - any payload allowed (no validation performed). This is the default.
        • false - no payload allowed.
        • a Joi validation object.
        • a validation function using the signature function(value, options, next) where:
          • value - the object containing the payload object.
          • options - the server validation options.
          • next(err, value) - the callback function called when validation is completed.
      • errorFields - an optional object with error fields copied into every validation error response.

      • failAction - determines how to handle invalid requests. Allowed values are:

        • 'error' - return a Bad Request (400) error response. This is the default value.
        • 'log' - log the error but continue processing the request.
        • 'ignore' - take no action.
        • a custom error handler function with the signature functon(source, error, next) where:
          • source - the source of the invalid field (e.g. 'path', 'query', 'payload').
          • error - the error object prepared for the client response (including the validation function error under
          • next - the continuation method called to resume route processing or return an error response. The function signature is function(exit) where:
            • exit - optional client response. If set to a non-falsy value, the request lifecycle process will jump to the "send response" step, skipping all other steps in between, and using the exit value as the new response. exit can be any result value accepted by reply().
    • payload - determines how the request payload is processed:

      • output - the type of payload representation requested where:
        • data - the incoming payload is read fully into memory. If parse is true, the payload is parsed (JSON, form-decoded, multipart) based on the 'Content-Type' header. If parse is false, the raw Buffer is returned. This is the default value except when a proxy handler is used.
        • stream - the incoming payload is made available via a Stream.Readable interface. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, fields values are presented as text while files are provided as streams. File streams from a 'multipart/form-data' upload will also have a property hapi containing filename and headers properties.
        • file - the incoming payload in written to temporary file in the directory specified by the server's payload.uploads settings. If the payload is 'multipart/form-data' and parse is true, fields values are presented as text while files are saved.
      • parse - can be true, false, or gunzip; determines if the incoming payload is processed or presented raw. true and gunzip includes gunzipping when the appropriate 'Content-Encoding' is specified on the received request. If parsing is enabled and the 'Content-Type' is known (for the whole payload as well as parts), the payload is converted into an object when possible. If the format is unknown, a Bad Request (400) error response is sent. Defaults to true, except when a proxy handler is used. The supported mime types are:
        • 'application/json'
        • 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        • 'application/octet-stream'
        • 'text/*'
        • 'multipart/form-data'
      • allow - a string or an array of strings with the allowed mime types for the endpoint. Defaults to any of the supported mime types listed above. Note that allowing other mime types not listed will not enable them to be parsed, and that if parsing mode is 'parse', the request will result in an error response.
      • override - a mime type string overriding the 'Content-Type' header value received. Defaults to no override.
      • maxBytes - overrides the server default value for this route.
      • uploads - overrides the server default value for this route.
      • failAction - determines how to handle payload parsing errors. Allowed values are:
        • 'error' - return a Bad Request (400) error response. This is the default value.
        • 'log' - report the error but continue processing the request.
        • 'ignore' - take no action and continue processing the request.
    • response - validation rules for the outgoing response payload (response body). Can only validate object response:

      • schema - the response object validation rules expressed as one of:
        • true - any payload allowed (no validation performed). This is the default.
        • false - no payload allowed.
        • a Joi validation object.
        • a validation function using the signature function(value, options, next) where:
          • value - the object containing the response object.
          • options - the server validation options.
          • next(err) - the callback function called when validation is completed.
      • sample - the percent of responses validated (0 - 100). Set to 0 to disable all validation. Defaults to 100 (all responses).
      • failAction - defines what to do when a response fails validation. Options are:
        • error - return an Internal Server Error (500) error response. This is the default value.
        • log - log the error but send the response.
    • cache - if the route method is 'GET', the route can be configured to include caching directives in the response using the following options:

      • privacy - determines the privacy flag included in client-side caching using the 'Cache-Control' header. Values are:
        • 'default' - no privacy flag. This is the default setting.
        • 'public' - mark the response as suitable for public caching.
        • 'private' - mark the response as suitable only for private caching.
      • expiresIn - relative expiration expressed in the number of milliseconds since the item was saved in the cache. Cannot be used together with expiresAt.
      • expiresAt - time of day expressed in 24h notation using the 'MM:HH' format, at which point all cache records for the route expire. Cannot be used together with expiresIn.
    • auth - authentication configuration. Value can be:

      • false to disable authentication if a default strategy is set.
      • a string with the name of an authentication strategy registered with server.auth.strategy().
      • an object with:
        • mode - the authentication mode. Defaults to 'required' if a server authentication strategy is configured, otherwise defaults to no authentication. Available values:
          • 'required' - authentication is required.
          • 'optional' - authentication is optional (must be valid if present).
          • 'try' - same as 'optional' but allows for invalid authentication.
        • strategies - a string array of strategy names in order they should be attempted. If only one strategy is used, strategy can be used instead with the single string value. Defaults to the default authentication strategy which is available only when a single strategy is configured.
        • payload - if set, the payload (in requests other than 'GET' and 'HEAD') is authenticated after it is processed. Requires a strategy with payload authentication support (e.g. Hawk). Available values:
          • false - no payload authentication. This is the default value.
          • 'required' - payload authentication required.
          • 'optional' - payload authentication performed only when the client includes payload authentication information (e.g. hash attribute in Hawk).
        • tos - minimum terms-of-service version required (uses the semver module). If defined, the authentication credentials object must include a tos key which satisfies this requirement. Defaults to false which means no validation.
        • scope - the application scope required to access the route. Value can be a scope string or an array of scope strings. The authenticated credentials object scope property must contain at least one of the scopes defined to access the route. Defaults to no scope required.
        • entity - the required authenticated entity type. If set, must match the entity value of the authentication credentials. Available values:
          • any - the authentication can be on behalf of a user or application. This is the default value.
          • user - the authentication must be on behalf of a user.
          • app - the authentication must be on behalf of an application.
    • cors - when false, the server's CORS headers are disabled for the route. Defaults to using the server's settings.

    • jsonp - enables JSONP support by setting the value to the query parameter name containing the function name used to wrap the response payload. For example, if the value is 'callback', a request comes in with 'callback=me', and the JSON response is '{ "a":"b" }', the payload will be: 'me({ "a":"b" });'. Does not work with stream responses.

    • description - route description used for generating documentation (string).

    • notes - route notes used for generating documentation (string or array of strings).

    • tags - route tags used for generating documentation (array of strings).

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

// Handler in top level

var status = function (request, reply) {


server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/status', handler: status });

// Handler in config

var user = {
    cache: { expiresIn: 5000 },
    handler: function (request, reply) {

        reply({ name: 'John' });

server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/user', config: user });
Path processing

The router iterates through the routing table on each incoming request and executes the first (and only the first) matching route. Route matching is done on the request path only (excluding the query and other URI components). Requests are matches in a deterministic order where the order in which routes are added does not matter. The routes are sorted from the most specific to the most generic. For example, the following path array shows the order in which an incoming request path will be matched against the routes:

var paths = [
Path parameters

Parameterized paths are processed by matching the named parameters to the content of the incoming request path at that path segment. For example, '/book/{id}/cover' will match '/book/123/cover' and will be set to '123'. Each path segment (everything between the opening '/' and the closing '/' unless it is the end of the path) can only include one named parameter. A parameter can cover the entire segment ('/{param}') or part of the segment ('/file.{ext}').

An optional '?' suffix following the parameter name indicates an optional parameter (only allowed if the parameter is at the ends of the path or only covers part of the segment as in '/a{param?}/b'). For example, the route '/book/{id?}' matches '/book/' with the value of set to an empty string ''.

var getAlbum = function (request, reply) {

    reply('You asked for ' +
          ( ? + ' from ' : '') +

    path: '/{album}/{song?}',
    method: 'GET',
    handler: getAlbum

In addition to the optional ? suffix, a parameter name can also specify the number of matching segments using the * suffix, followed by a number greater than 1. If the number of expected parts can be anything, then use * without a number (matching any number of segments can only be used in the last path segment).

var getPerson = function (request, reply) {

    var nameParts ='/');
    reply({ first: nameParts[0], last: nameParts[1] });

    path: '/person/{name*2}',   // Matches '/person/john/doe'
    method: 'GET',
    handler: getPerson
Route handler

When a route is matched against an incoming request, the route handler is called and passed a reference to the request object. The handler method must call reply() or one of its sub-methods to return control back to the router.

var handler = function (request, reply) {

Route prerequisites

It is often necessary to perform prerequisite actions before the handler is called (e.g. load required reference data from a database). The route pre option allows defining such pre-handler methods. The methods are called in order. If the pre array contains another array, those methods are called in parallel. pre can be assigned a mixed array of:

  • arrays containing the elements listed below, which are executed in parallel.
  • objects with:
    • method - the function to call (or short-hand method string as described below). the function signature is identical to a route handler as describer in Route handler.
    • assign - key name to assign the result of the function to within request.pre.
    • failAction - determines how to handle errors returned by the method. Allowed values are:
      • 'error' - returns the error response back to the client. This is the default value.
      • 'log' - logs the error but continues processing the request. If assign is used, the error will be assigned.
      • 'ignore' - takes no special action. If assign is used, the error will be assigned.
  • functions - same as including an object with a single method key.
  • strings - special short-hand notation for registered server methods using the format 'name(args)' (e.g. 'user(') where:
    • 'name' - the method name. The name is also used as the default value of assign.
    • 'args' - the method arguments (excluding next) where each argument is a property of request.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

var pre1 = function (request, reply) {


var pre2 = function (request, reply) {


var pre3 = function (request, reply) {

    reply(request.pre.m1 + ' ' + request.pre.m2);

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    config: {
        pre: [
                // m1 and m2 executed in parallel
                { method: pre1, assign: 'm1' },
                { method: pre2, assign: 'm2' }
            { method: pre3, assign: 'm3' },
        handler: function (request, reply) {

            reply(request.pre.m3 + '\n');
Route not found

If the application needs to override the default Not Found (404) error response, it can add a catch-all route for a specific method or all methods. Only one catch-all route can be defined per server instance.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    reply('The page was not found').code(404);

server.route({ method: '*', path: '/{p*}', handler: handler });


Same as server.route(options) where routes is an array of route options.

    { method: 'GET', path: '/status', handler: status },
    { method: 'GET', path: '/user', config: user }


Returns a copy of the routing table where:

  • host - optional host to filter routes matching a specific virtual host. Defaults to all virtual hosts.

The return value is an array of routes where each route contains:

  • settings - the route config with defaults applied.
  • method - the HTTP method in lower case.
  • path - the route path.
var table = server.table()

/*  Output:

        method: 'get',
        path: '/test/{p}/end',
        settings: {
            handler: [Function],
            method: 'get',
            plugins: {},
            app: {},
            validate: {},
            payload: { output: 'stream' },
            auth: undefined,
            cache: [Object] }
    }] */

server.log(tags, [data, [timestamp]])

The server.log() method is used for logging server events that cannot be associated with a specific request. When called the server emits a 'log' event which can be used by other listeners or plugins to record the information or output to the console. The arguments are:

  • tags - a string or an array of strings (e.g. ['error', 'database', 'read']) used to identify the event. Tags are used instead of log levels and provide a much more expressive mechanism for describing and filtering events. Any logs generated by the server internally include the 'hapi' tag along with event-specific information.
  • data - an optional message string or object with the application data being logged.
  • timestamp - an optional timestamp expressed in milliseconds. Defaults to (now).
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.on('log', function (event, tags) {

    if (tags.error) {

server.log(['test', 'error'], 'Test event');

server.state(name, [options])

HTTP state management uses client cookies to persist a state across multiple requests. Cookie definitions can be registered with the server using the server.state() method, where:

  • name - is the cookie name.
  • options - are the optional cookie settings:
    • ttl - time-to-live in milliseconds. Defaults to null (session time-life - cookies are deleted when the browser is closed).
    • isSecure - sets the 'Secure' flag. Defaults to false.
    • isHttpOnly - sets the 'HttpOnly' flag. Defaults to false.
    • path - the path scope. Defaults to null (no path).
    • domain - the domain scope. Defaults to null (no domain).
    • autoValue - if present and the cookie was not received from the client or explicitly set by the route handler, the cookie is automatically added to the response with the provided value. The value can be a function with signature function(request, next) where:
      • request - the request object.
      • next - the continuation function using the function(err, value) signature.
    • encoding - encoding performs on the provided value before serialization. Options are:
      • 'none' - no encoding. When used, the cookie value must be a string. This is the default value.
      • 'base64' - string value is encoded using Base64.
      • 'base64json' - object value is JSON-stringified than encoded using Base64.
      • 'form' - object value is encoded using the x-www-form-urlencoded method.
      • 'iron' - Encrypts and sign the value using iron.
    • sign - an object used to calculate an HMAC for cookie integrity validation. This does not provide privacy, only a mean to verify that the cookie value was generated by the server. Redundant when 'iron' encoding is used. Options are:
    • password - password used for 'iron' encoding.
    • iron - options for 'iron' encoding. Defaults to require('iron').defaults.
    • failAction - overrides the default server state.cookies.failAction setting.
    • clearInvalid - overrides the default server state.cookies.clearInvalid setting.
    • strictHeader - overrides the default server state.cookies.strictHeader setting.
// Set cookie definition

server.state('session', {
    ttl: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,     // One day
    isSecure: true,
    path: '/',
    encoding: 'base64json'

// Set state in route handler

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var session = request.state.session;
    if (!session) {
        session = { user: 'joe' };

    session.last =;

    reply('Success').state('session', session);

Registered cookies are automatically parsed when received. Parsing rules depends on the server state.cookies configuration. If an incoming registered cookie fails parsing, it is not included in request.state, regardless of the state.cookies.failAction setting. When state.cookies.failAction is set to 'log' and an invalid cookie value is received, the server will emit a 'request' event. To capture these errors subscribe to the 'request' events and filter on 'error' and 'state' tags:

server.on('request', function (request, event, tags) {

    if (tags.error && tags.state) {


Initializes the server views manager programmatically instead of via the server views configuration option. The options object is the same as the server views config object.

    engines: {
        html: require('handlebars'),
        jade: require('jade')
    path: '/static/templates'

server.cache(name, options)

Provisions a server cache segment within the common caching facility where:

  • options - cache configuration as described in catbox module documentation:
    • expiresIn - relative expiration expressed in the number of milliseconds since the item was saved in the cache. Cannot be used together with expiresAt.
    • expiresAt - time of day expressed in 24h notation using the 'MM:HH' format, at which point all cache records for the route expire. Cannot be used together with expiresIn.
    • staleIn - number of milliseconds to mark an item stored in cache as stale and reload it. Must be less than expiresIn.
    • staleTimeout - number of milliseconds to wait before checking if an item is stale.
    • cache - the name of the cache connection configured in the 'server.cache` option. Defaults to the default cache.
var cache = server.cache('countries', { expiresIn: 60 * 60 * 1000 });

server.auth.scheme(name, scheme)

Registers an authentication scheme where:

  • name - the scheme name.
  • scheme - the method implementing the scheme with signature function(server, options) where:
    • server - a reference to the server object the scheme is added to.
    • options - optional scheme settings used to instantiate a strategy.

The scheme method must return an object with the following keys:

  • authenticate(request, reply) - required function called on each incoming request configured with the authentication scheme where:
    • request - the request object.
    • reply(err, result) - the interface the authentication method must call when done where:
      • err - if not null, indicates failed authentication.
      • result - an object containing:
        • credentials - the authenticated credentials. Required if err is null.
        • artifacts - optional authentication artifacts.
        • log - optional object used to customize the request authentication log which supports:
          • data - log data.
          • tags - additional tags.
  • payload(request, next) - optional function called to authenticate the request payload where:
    • request - the request object.
    • next(err) - the continuation function the method must called when done where:
      • err - if null, payload successfully authenticated. If false, indicates that authentication could not be performed (e.g. missing payload hash). If set to any other value, it is used as an error response.
  • response(request, next) - optional function called to decorate the response with authentication headers before the response headers or payload is written where:
    • request - the request object.
    • next(err) - the continuation function the method must called when done where:
      • err - if null, successfully applied. If set to any other value, it is used as an error response.

server.auth.strategy(name, scheme, [mode], [options])

Registers an authentication strategy where:

  • name - the strategy name.
  • scheme - the scheme name (must be previously registered using server.auth.scheme()).
  • mode - if true, the scheme is automatically assigned as a required strategy to any route without an auth config. Can only be assigned to a single server strategy. Value must be true (which is the same as 'required') or a valid authentication mode ('required', 'optional', 'try'). Defaults to false.
  • options - scheme options based on the scheme requirements.


Sets a default startegy which is applied to every route. The default does not apply when the route config specifies auth as false, or has an authentication strategy configured. Otherwise, the route authentication config is applied to the defaults. Note that the default only applies at time of route configuration, not at runtime. Calling default() after adding a route will have no impact on that route. The function requires:

  • options - a string with the default strategy name or an object with a specified strategy or strategies using the same format as the route auth handler options.

server.auth.test(strategy, request, next)

Tests a request against an authentication strategy where:

  • strategy - the strategy name registered with server.auth.strategy().
  • request - the request object. The request route authentication configuration is not used.
  • next - the callback function with signature function(err, credentials) where:
    • err - the error if authentication failed.
    • credentials - the authentication credentials object if authentication was successful.

server.ext(event, method, [options])

Registers an extension function in one of the available extension points where:

  • event - the event name.
  • method - a function or an array of functions to be executed at a specified point during request processing. The required extension function signature is function(request, next) where:
    • request - the incoming request object.
    • next - the callback function the extension method must call to return control over to the router with signature function(exit) where:
      • exit - optional request processing exit response. If set to a non-falsy value, the request lifecycle process will jump to the "send response" step, skipping all other steps in between, and using the exit value as the new response. exit can be any result value accepted by reply().
    • this - the object provided via options.bind.
  • options - an optional object with the following:
    • before - a string or array of strings of plugin names this method must execute before (on the same event). Otherwise, extension methods are executed in the order added.
    • after - a string or array of strings of plugin names this method must execute after (on the same event). Otherwise, extension methods are executed in the order added.
    • bind - any value passed back to the provided method (via this) when called.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.ext('onRequest', function (request, next) {

    // Change all requests to '/test'

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    reply({ status: 'ok' });

server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/test', handler: handler });

// All requests will get routed to '/test'
Request lifecycle

Each incoming request passes through a pre-defined set of steps, along with optional extensions:

  • 'onRequest' extension point
    • always called
    • the request object passed to the extension functions is decorated with the request.setUrl(url) and request.setMethod(verb) methods. Calls to these methods will impact how the request is routed and can be used for rewrite rules.
    • request.route is not yet populated as the router only looks at the request after this point.
  • Lookup route using request path
  • Parse cookies
  • 'onPreAuth' extension point
  • Authenticate request
  • Read and parse payload
  • Authenticate request payload
  • 'onPostAuth' extension point
  • Validate path parameters
  • Process query extensions (e.g. JSONP)
  • Validate query
  • Validate payload
  • 'onPreHandler' extension point
  • Route prerequisites
  • Route handler
  • 'onPostHandler' extension point
    • The response object contained in request.response may be modified (but not assigned a new value). To return a different response type (for example, replace an error with an HTML response), return a new response via next(response).
  • Validate response payload
  • 'onPreResponse' extension point
    • always called.
    • The response contained in request.response may be modified (but not assigned a new value). To return a different response type (for example, replace an error with an HTML response), return a new response via next(response). Note that any errors generated after next(response) is called will not be passed back to the 'onPreResponse' extention method to prevent an infinite loop.
  • Send response (may emit 'internalError' event)
  • Emits 'response' event
  • Wait for tails
  • Emits 'tail' event

server.method(name, fn, [options])

Registers a server method function. Server methods are functions registered with the server and used throughout the application as a common utility. Their advantage is in the ability to configure them to use the built-in cache and shared across multiple request handlers without having to create a common module.

Methods are registered via server.method(name, fn, [options]) where:

  • name - a unique method name used to invoke the method via server.methods[name]. When configured with caching enabled, server.methods[name].cache.drop(arg1, arg2, ..., argn, callback) can be used to clear the cache for a given key. Supports using nested names such as utils.users.get which will automatically create the missing path under server.methods and can be accessed for the previous example via server.methods.utils.users.get.
  • fn - the method function with the signature is function(arg1, arg2, ..., argn, next) where:
    • arg1, arg2, etc. - the method function arguments.
    • next - the function called when the method is done with the signature function(err, result, isUncacheable) where:
      • err - error response if the method failed.
      • result - the return value.
      • ttl - 0 if result is valid but cannot be cached. Defaults to cache policy.
  • options - optional configuration:
    • bind - an object passed back to the provided method function (via this) when called. Defaults to null unless added via a plugin, in which case it defaults to the plugin bind object.
    • cache - cache configuration as described in catbox module documentation with a few additions:
      • expiresIn - relative expiration expressed in the number of milliseconds since the item was saved in the cache. Cannot be used together with expiresAt.
      • expiresAt - time of day expressed in 24h notation using the 'MM:HH' format, at which point all cache records for the route expire. Cannot be used together with expiresIn.
      • staleIn - number of milliseconds to mark an item stored in cache as stale and reload it. Must be less than expiresIn.
      • staleTimeout - number of milliseconds to wait before checking if an item is stale.
      • segment - optional segment name, used to isolate cached items within the cache partition. Defaults to '#name' where 'name' is the method name. When setting segment manually, it must begin with '##'.
      • cache - the name of the cache connection configured in the 'server.cache` option. Defaults to the default cache.
    • generateKey - a function used to generate a unique key (for caching) from the arguments passed to the method function (with the exception of the last 'next' argument). The server will automatically generate a unique key if the function's arguments are all of types 'string', 'number', or 'boolean'. However if the method uses other types of arguments, a key generation function must be provided which takes the same arguments as the function and returns a unique string (or null if no key can be generated). Note that when the generateKey method is invoked, the arguments list will include the next argument which must not be used in calculation of the key.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

// Simple arguments

var add = function (a, b, next) {

    next(null, a + b);

server.method('sum', add, { cache: { expiresIn: 2000 } });

server.methods.sum(4, 5, function (err, result) {


// Object argument

var addArray = function (array, next) {

    var sum = 0;
    array.forEach(function (item) {

        sum += item;

    next(null, sum);

server.method('sumObj', addArray, {
    cache: { expiresIn: 2000 },
    generateKey: function (array) {

        return array.join(',');

server.methods.sumObj([5, 6], function (err, result) {



Registers a server method function as described in server.method() using a method object or an array of objects where each has:

  • name - the method name.
  • fn - the method function.
  • options - optional settings.
var add = function (a, b, next) {

    next(null, a + b);

server.method({ name: 'sum', fn: add, options: { cache: { expiresIn: 2000 } } });

server.method([{ name: 'also', fn: add }]);

server.inject(options, callback)

Injects a request into the server simulating an incoming HTTP request without making an actual socket connection. Injection is useful for testing purposes as well as for invoking routing logic internally without the overhead or limitations of the network stack. Utilizes the shot module for performing injections, with some additional options and response properties:

  • options - can be assign a string with the requested URI, or an object with:
    • method - the request HTTP method (e.g. 'POST'). Defaults to 'GET'.
    • url - the request URL. If the URI includes an authority (e.g. ''), it is used to automatically set an HTTP 'Host' header, unless one was specified in headers.
    • headers - an object with optional request headers where each key is the header name and the value is the header content. Defaults to no additions to the default Shot headers.
    • payload - an optional string or buffer containing the request payload (object must be manually converted to a string first). Defaults to no payload. Note that payload processing defaults to 'application/json' if no 'Content-Type' header provided.
    • credentials - an optional credentials object containing authentication information. The credentials are used to bypass the default authentication strategies, and are validated directly as if they were received via an authentication scheme. Defaults to no credentials.
    • simulate - an object with options used to simulate client request stream conditions for testing:
      • error - if true, emits an 'error' event after payload transmission (if any). Defaults to false.
      • close - if true, emits a 'close' event after payload transmission (if any). Defaults to false.
      • end - if false, does not end the stream. Defaults to true.
  • callback - the callback function with signature function(res) where:
    • res - the response object where:
      • statusCode - the HTTP status code.
      • headers - an object containing the headers set.
      • payload - the response payload string.
      • rawPayload - the raw response payload buffer.
      • raw - an object with the injection request and response objects:
        • req - the request object.
        • res - the response object.
      • result - the raw handler response (e.g. when not a stream) before it is serialized for transmission. If not available, set to payload. Useful for inspection and reuse of the internal objects returned (instead of parsing the response string).
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

var get = function (request, reply) {


server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: get });

server.inject('/', function (res) {


server.handler(name, method)

Registers a new handler type which can then be used in routes. Overriding the built in handler types (directory, file, proxy, and view), or any previously registered types is not allowed.

  • name - string name for the handler being registered.
  • method - the function used to generate the route handler using the signature function(route, options) where:
    • route - the internal route object.
    • options - the configuration object provided in the handler config.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = Hapi.createServer('localhost', 8000);

// Defines new handler for routes on this server
server.handler('test', function (route, options) {

    return function (request, reply) {

        reply('new handler: ' + options.msg);

    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: { test: { msg: 'test' } }


server.location(uri, [request])

Converts the provided URI to an absolute URI using the server or request configuration where:

  • uri - the relative URI.
  • request - an optional request object for using the request host header if no server location has been configured.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = Hapi.createServer('localhost', 8000);


Server events

The server object inherits from Events.EventEmitter and emits the following events:

  • 'log' - events logged with server.log().
  • 'request' - events generated by request.log() or internally (multiple events per request).
  • 'response' - emitted after a response to a client request is sent back. Single event per request.
  • 'tail' - emitted when a request finished processing, including any registered tails. Single event per request.
  • 'internalError' - emitted whenever an Internal Server Error (500) error response is sent. Single event per request.

When provided (as listed below) the event object include:

  • timestamp - the event timestamp.
  • request - if the event relates to a request, the request id.
  • server - if the event relates to a server, the
  • tags - an array of tags (e.g. ['error', 'http']). Includes the 'hapi' tag is the event was generated internally.
  • data - optional event-specific information.

The 'log' event includes the event object and a tags object (where each tag is a key with the value true):

server.on('log', function (event, tags) {

    if (tags.error) {
        console.log('Server error: ' + ( || 'unspecified'));

The 'request' event includes the request object, the event object, and a tags object (where each tag is a key with the value true):

server.on('request', function (request, event, tags) {

    if (tags.received) {
        console.log('New request: ' +;

The 'response' and 'tail' events include the request object:

server.on('response', function (request) {

    console.log('Response sent for request: ' +;

The 'internalError' event includes the request object and the causing error err object:

server.on('internalError', function (request, err) {

    console.log('Error response (500) sent for request: ' + + ' because: ' + err.message);

Request object

The request object is created internally for each incoming request. It is not the node request object received from the HTTP server callback (which is available in request.raw.req). The request object methods and properties change through the request lifecycle.

request properties

Each request object has the following properties:

  • app - application-specific state. Provides a safe place to store application data without potential conflicts with hapi. Should not be used by plugins which should use plugins[name].
  • auth - authentication information:
    • isAuthenticated - true is the request has been successfully authenticated, otherwise false.
    • credentials - the credential object received during the authentication process. The presence of an object does not mean successful authentication.
    • artifacts - an artifact object received from the authentication strategy and used in authentication-related actions.
    • mode - the route authentication mode.
    • error - the authentication error is failed and mode set to 'try'.
    • session - an object used by the 'cookie' authentication scheme.
  • domain - the node domain object used to protect against exceptions thrown in extentions, handlers and prerequisites. Can be used to manually bind callback functions otherwise bound to other domains.
  • headers - the raw request headers (references request.raw.headers).
  • id - a unique request identifier.
  • info - request information:
    • received - request reception timestamp.
    • remoteAddress - remote client IP address.
    • remotePort - remote client port.
    • referrer - content of the HTTP 'Referrer' (or 'Referer') header.
    • host - content of the HTTP 'Host' header.
  • method - the request method in lower case (e.g. 'get', 'post').
  • mime - the parsed content-type header. Only available when payload parsing enabled and no payload error occurred.
  • orig - an object containing the values of params, query, and payload before any validation modifications made. Only set when input validation is performed.
  • params - an object where each key is a path parameter name with matching value as described in Path parameters.
  • path - the request URI's path component.
  • payload - the request payload based on the route payload.output and payload.parse settings.
  • plugins - plugin-specific state. Provides a place to store and pass request-level plugin data. The plugins is an object where each key is a plugin name and the value is the state.
  • pre - an object where each key is the name assigned by a route prerequisites function. The values are the raw values provided to the continuation function as argument. For the wrapped response object, use responses.
  • response - the response object when set. The object can be modified but must not be assigned another object. To replace the response with another from within an extension point, use next(response) to override with a different response.
  • responses - same as pre but represented as the response object created by the pre method.
  • query - an object containing the query parameters.
  • raw - an object containing the Node HTTP server objects. Direct interaction with these raw objects is not recommended.
    • req - the request object.
    • res - the response object.
  • route - the route configuration object after defaults are applied.
  • server - the server object.
  • session - Special key reserved for plugins implementing session support. Plugins utilizing this key must check for null value to ensure there is no conflict with another similar plugin.
  • state - an object containing parsed HTTP state information (cookies) where each key is the cookie name and value is the matching cookie content after processing using any registered cookie definition.
  • url - the parsed request URI.

request methods


Available only in 'onRequest' extension methods.

Changes the request URI before the router begins processing the request where:

  • url - the new request path value.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.ext('onRequest', function (request, next) {

    // Change all requests to '/test'


Available only in 'onRequest' extension methods.

Changes the request method before the router begins processing the request where:

  • method - is the request HTTP method (e.g. 'GET').
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.ext('onRequest', function (request, next) {

    // Change all requests to 'GET'

request.log(tags, [data, [timestamp]])

Always available.

Logs request-specific events. When called, the server emits a 'request' event which can be used by other listeners or plugins. The arguments are:

  • tags - a string or an array of strings (e.g. ['error', 'database', 'read']) used to identify the event. Tags are used instead of log levels and provide a much more expressive mechanism for describing and filtering events. Any logs generated by the server internally include the 'hapi' tag along with event-specific information.
  • data - an optional message string or object with the application data being logged.
  • timestamp - an optional timestamp expressed in milliseconds. Defaults to (now).
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.on('request', function (request, event, tags) {

    if (tags.error) {

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    request.log(['test', 'error'], 'Test event');


Always available.

Returns an array containing the events matching any of the tags specified (logical OR) where:

  • tags - is a single tag string or array of tag strings. If no tags specified, returns all events.
request.getLog(['hapi', 'error']);


Available until immediately after the 'response' event is emitted.

Adds a request tail which has to complete before the request lifecycle is complete where:

  • name - an optional tail name used for logging purposes.

Returns a tail function which must be called when the tail activity is completed.

Tails are actions performed throughout the request lifecycle, but which may end after a response is sent back to the client. For example, a request may trigger a database update which should not delay sending back a response. However, it is still desirable to associate the activity with the request when logging it (or an error associated with it).

When all tails completed, the server emits a 'tail' event.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

var get = function (request, reply) {

    var dbTail = request.tail('write to database');'key', 'value', function () {



server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: get });

server.on('tail', function (request) {

    console.log('Request completed including db activity');

Request events

The request object supports the following events:

  • 'peek' - emitted for each chunk of payload data read from the client connection. The event method signature is function(chunk, encoding).
  • 'finish' - emitted when the request payload finished reading. The event method signature is function ().
  • 'disconnect' - emitted when a request errors or aborts unexpectedly.
var Crypto = require('crypto');
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.ext('onRequest', function (request, reply) {

    var hash = Crypto.createHash('sha1');
    request.on('peek', function (chunk) {


    request.once('finish', function () {


    request.once('disconnect', function () {

        console.error('request aborted');

Reply interface

Flow control

When calling reply(), the router waits until process.nextTick() to continue processing the request and transmit the response. This enables making changes to the returned response object before the response is sent. This means the router will resume as soon as the handler method exists. To suspend this behavior, the returned response object includes:

  • response.hold() - puts the response on hold until response.send() is called. Available only after reply() is called and until response.hold() is invoked once.
  • response.send() - resume the response which will be transmitted in the next tick. Available only after response.hold() is called and until response.send() is invoked once.
var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var response = reply('success').hold();

    setTimeout(function () {

    }, 1000);

When calling reply() in a prerequisite, it is sometimes necessary to take over the handler execution and return a non-error response back to the client. The response object provides the takeover() method to indicate the value provided via reply() should be used as the final response and skip any other prerequisites and the handler.

var pre = function (request, reply) {

    if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
        return reply('You need to login first!').takeover();

    reply({ account: request.auth.credentials });   // Used in the handler later


Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Concludes the handler activity by returning control over to the router where:

  • result - an optional response payload.

Returns a response object based on the value of result:

  • null, undefined, or empty string '' - Empty response.
  • string - Text response.
  • Buffer object - Buffer response.
  • Error object (generated via error or new Error()) - Boom object.
  • Stream object - Stream response.
  • any other object - Obj response.
var handler = function (request, reply) {


The returned response object provides a set of methods to customize the response (e.g. HTTP status code, custom headers, etc.). The methods are response-type-specific and listed in response.

The response flow control rules apply.

var handler = function (request, reply) {

        .header('X-Custom', 'some-value');

Note that if result is a Stream with a statusCode property, that status code will be used as the default response code.

reply.file(path, [options])

Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Transmits a file from the file system. The 'Content-Type' header defaults to the matching mime type based on filename extension.:

  • path - the file path.
  • options - optional settings:
    • filename - an optional filename to specify if sending a 'Content-Disposition' header, defaults to the basename of path
    • mode - specifies whether to include the 'Content-Disposition' header with the response. Available values:
      • false - header is not included. This is the default value.
      • 'attachment'
      • 'inline'
    • lookupCompressed - if true, looks for the same filename with the '.gz' suffix for a precompressed version of the file to serve if the request supports content encoding. Defaults to false.

No return value.

The response flow control rules do not apply.

var handler = function (request, reply) {


reply.view(template, [context, [options]])

Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Concludes the handler activity by returning control over to the router with a templatized view response where:

  • template - the template filename and path, relative to the templates path configured via the server views.path.
  • context - optional object used by the template to render context-specific result. Defaults to no context {}.
  • options - optional object used to override the server's views configuration for this response.

Returns a response object.

The response flow control rules apply.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server({
    views: {
        engines: { html: require('handlebars') },
        path: __dirname + '/templates'

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var context = {
        title: 'Views Example',
        message: 'Hello, World'

    reply.view('hello', context);

server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: handler });


<!DOCTYPE html>


Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Concludes the handler activity by returning control over to the router and informing the router that a response has already been sent back directly via request.raw.res and that no further response action is needed. Supports the following optional options:

  • end - if false, the router will not call request.raw.res.end()) to ensure the response was ended. Defaults to true.

No return value.

The response flow control rules do not apply.


Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Proxies the request to an upstream endpoint where:

No return value.

The response flow control rules do not apply.

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    reply.proxy({ host: '', port: 80, protocol: 'http' });


Available only within the handler method and only before one of reply(), reply.file(), reply.view(), reply.close(), reply.proxy(), or reply.redirect() is called.

Redirects the client to the specified location. Same as calling reply().redirect(location).

Returns a response object.

The response flow control rules apply.

var handler = function (request, reply) {


Response object

Every response includes the following properties:

  • statusCode - the HTTP response status code. Defaults to 200 (except for errors).
  • headers - an object containing the response headers where each key is a header field name. Note that this is an incomplete list of headers to be included with the response. Additional headers will be added once the response is prepare for transmission (e.g. 'Location', 'Cache-Control').
  • source - the value provided using the reply() interface.
  • variety - a string indicating the type of source with available values:
    • 'plain' - a plain response such as string, number, null, or simple object (e.g. not a Stream, Buffer, or view).
    • 'buffer' - a Buffer.
    • 'view' - a view generated with reply.view().
    • 'file' - a file generated with reply.file() of via the directory handler.
    • 'stream' - a Stream.
  • app - application-specific state. Provides a safe place to store application data without potential conflicts with hapi. Should not be used by plugins which should use plugins[name].
  • plugins - plugin-specific state. Provides a place to store and pass request-level plugin data. The plugins is an object where each key is a plugin name and the value is the state.
  • settings - response handling flags:
    • charset - the 'Content-Type' HTTP header 'charset' property. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
    • encoding - the string encoding scheme used to serial data into the HTTP payload when source is a string or marshalls into a string. Defaults to 'utf8'.
    • location - the raw value used to set the HTTP 'Location' header (actual value set depends on the server location configuration option). Defaults to no header.
    • passThrough - if true and source is a Stream, copies the statusCode and headers of the stream to the outbound response. Defaults to true.
    • stringify - options used for source value requiring stringification. Defaults to no replacer and no space padding.
    • ttl - if set, overrides the route cache expiration milliseconds value set in the route config. Defaults to no override.
    • varyEtag - if true, a suffix will be automatically added to the 'ETag' header at transmission time (separated by a '-' character) when the HTTP 'Vary' header is present.

It provides the following methods:

  • bytes(length) - sets the HTTP 'Content-Length' header (to avoid chunked transfer encoding) where:
    • length - the header value. Must match the actual payload size.
  • charset(charset) - sets the 'Content-Type' HTTP header 'charset' property where: charset - the charset property value.
  • code(statusCode) - sets the HTTP status code where:
    • statusCode - the HTTP status code.
  • created(location) - sets the HTTP status code to Created (201) and the HTTP 'Location' header where: location - an absolute or relative URI used as the 'Location' header value. If a relative URI is provided, the value of the server location configuration option is used as prefix. Not available for methods other than PUT and POST.
  • encoding(encoding) - sets the string encoding scheme used to serial data into the HTTP payload where: encoding - the encoding property value (see node Buffer encoding).
  • etag(tag, options) - sets the representation entity tag where:
    • tag - the entity tag string without the double-quote.
    • options - optional settings where:
      • weak - if true, the tag will be prefixed with the 'W/' weak signifier. Weak tags will fail to match identical tags for the purpose of determining 304 response status. Defaults to false.
      • vary - if true, a suffix will be automatically added to the tag at transmission time (separated by a '-' character) when the HTTP 'Vary' header is present. Ignored when weak is true. Defaults to true when a tag is set using this method and when using the internal file or directory handlers, otherwise false.
  • header(name, value, options) - sets an HTTP header where:
    • name - the header name.
    • value - the header value.
    • options - optional settings where:
      • append - if true, the value is appended to any existing header value using separator. Defaults to false.
      • separator - string used as separator when appending to an exiting value. Defaults to ','.
      • override - if false, the header value is not set if an existing value present. Defaults to true.
  • location(location) - sets the HTTP 'Location' header where:
    • uri - an absolute or relative URI used as the 'Location' header value. If a relative URI is provided, the value of the server location configuration option is used as prefix.
  • redirect(location) - sets an HTTP redirection response (302) and decorates the response with additional methods listed below, where:
    • location - an absolute or relative URI used to redirect the client to another resource. If a relative URI is provided, the value of the server location configuration option is used as prefix.
  • state(name, value, [options]) - sets an HTTP cookie where:
    • name - the cookie name.
    • value - the cookie value. If no encoding is defined, must be a string.
    • options - optional configuration. If the state was previously registered with the server using server.state(), the specified keys in options override those same keys in the server definition (but not others).
  • ttl(msec) - overrides the default route cache expiration rule for this response instance where:
    • msec - the time-to-live value in milliseconds.
  • type(mimeType) - sets the HTTP 'Content-Type' header where:
    • value - is the mime type. Should only be used to override the built-in default for each response type.
  • unstate(name) - clears the HTTP cookie by setting an expired value where:
    • name - the cookie name.
  • vary(header) - adds the provided header to the list of inputs affected the response generation via the HTTP 'Vary' header where:
    • header - the HTTP request header name.

When the value provided by reply() requires stringification before transmission, the following methods are provided:

  • replacer(method) - sets the JSON.stringify() replacer argument where:
    • method - the replacer function or array. Defaults to none.
  • spaces(count) - sets the JSON.stringify() space argument where:
    • count - the number of spaces to indent nested object keys. Defaults to no indentation.

When using the redirect() method, the response object provides these additional methods:

  • temporary(isTemporary) - sets the status code to 302 or 307 (based on the rewritable() setting) where:
    • isTemporary - if false, sets status to permanent. Defaults to true.
  • permanent(isPermanent) - sets the status code to 301 or 308 (based on the rewritable() setting) where:
    • isPermanent - if true, sets status to temporary. Defaults to false.
  • rewritable(isRewritable) - sets the status code to 301/302 for rewritable (allows changing the request method from 'POST' to 'GET') or 307/308 for non-rewritable (does not allow changing the request method from 'POST' to 'GET'). Exact code based on the temporary() or permanent() setting. Arguments:
    • isRewritable - if false, sets to non-rewritable. Defaults to true.
Permanent Temporary
Rewritable 301 302(1)
Non-rewritable 308(2) 307


  1. Default value.
  2. Proposed code, not supported by all clients.

Response events

The response object supports the following events:

  • 'peek' - emitted for each chunk of data written back to the client connection. The event method signature is function(chunk, encoding).
  • 'finish' - emitted when the response finished writing but before the client response connection is ended. The event method signature is function ().
var Crypto = require('crypto');
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server();

server.ext('onPreResponse', function (request, reply) {

    var response = request.response;
    if (response.isBoom) {
        return reply();

    var hash = Crypto.createHash('sha1');
    response.on('peek', function (chunk) {


    response.once('finish', function () {



Provides a set of utilities for returning HTTP errors. An alias of the boom module (can be also accessed Hapi.boom). Each utility returns a Boom error response object (instance of Error) which includes the following properties:

  • isBoom - if true, indicates this is a Boom object instance.
  • message - the error message.
  • output - the formatted response. Can be directly manipulated after object construction to return a custom error response. Allowed root keys:
    • statusCode - the HTTP status code (typically 4xx or 5xx).
    • headers - an object containing any HTTP headers where each key is a header name and value is the header content.
    • payload - the formatted object used as the response payload (stringified). Can be directly manipulated but any changes will be lost if reformat() is called. Any content allowed and by default includes the following content:
      • statusCode - the HTTP status code, derived from error.output.statusCode.
      • error - the HTTP status message (e.g. 'Bad Request', 'Internal Server Error') derived from statusCode.
      • message - the error message derived from error.message.
  • inherited Error properties.

It also supports the following method:

  • reformat() - rebuilds error.output using the other object properties.
var Hapi = require('hapi');

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var error = Hapi.error.badRequest('Cannot feed after midnight');
    error.output.statusCode = 499;    // Assign a custom error code

    error.output.payload.custom = 'abc_123'; // Add custom key


Error transformation

Error responses return a JSON object with the statusCode, error, and message keys. When a different error representation is desired, such as an HTML page or using another format, the 'onPreResponse' extension point may be used to identify errors and replace them with a different response object.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = new Hapi.Server({ views: { engines: { html: require('handlebars') } } });

server.ext('onPreResponse', function (request, reply) {

    var response = request.response;
    if (!response.isBoom) {
        return reply();

    // Replace error with friendly HTML

      var error = response;
      var ctx = {
          message: (error.output.statusCode === 404 ? 'page not found' : 'something went wrong')

      reply.view('error', ctx);


Returns an HTTP Bad Request (400) error response object with the provided message.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.badRequest('Invalid parameter value');

unauthorized(message, [scheme, [attributes]])

Returns an HTTP Unauthorized (401) error response object where:

  • message - the error message.
  • scheme - optional HTTP authentication scheme name (e.g. 'Basic', 'Hawk'). If provided, includes the HTTP 'WWW-Authenticate' response header with the scheme and any provided attributes.
  • attributes - an object where each key is an HTTP header attribute and value is the attribute content.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.unauthorized('Stale timestamp', 'Hawk', { ts: fresh, tsm: tsm });

unauthorized(message, wwwAuthenticate)

Returns an HTTP Unauthorized (401) error response object where:

  • message - the error message.
  • wwwAuthenticate - an array of HTTP 'WWW-Authenticate' header responses for multiple challenges.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.unauthorized('Missing authentication', ['Hawk', 'Basic']);


Returns an HTTP Request Timeout (408) error response object with the provided message.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.clientTimeout('This is taking too long');


Returns an HTTP Service Unavailable (503) error response object with the provided message.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.serverTimeout('Too busy, come back later');


Returns an HTTP Forbidden (403) error response object with the provided message.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.forbidden('Missing permissions');


Returns an HTTP Not Found (404) error response object with the provided message.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
Hapi.error.notFound('Wrong number');

internal([message, [data]])

Returns an HTTP Internal Server Error (500) error response object where:

  • message - the error message.
  • data - optional data used for error logging. If data is an Error, the returned object is data decorated with the boom properties. Otherwise, the returned Error has a data property with the provided value.

Note that the error.output.payload.message is overridden with 'An internal server error occurred' to hide any internal details from the client. error.message remains unchanged.

var Hapi = require('hapi');

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var result;
    try {
        result = JSON.parse(request.query.value);
    catch (err) {
        result = Hapi.error.internal('Failed parsing JSON input', err);



Pack is a collection of servers grouped together to form a single logical unit. The pack's primary purpose is to provide a unified object interface when working with plugins. Grouping multiple servers into a single pack enables treating them as a single entity which can start and stop in sync, as well as enable sharing routes and other facilities.

The servers in a pack share the same cache. Every server belongs to a pack, even if created directed via new Server(), in which case the server.pack object is automatically assigned a single-server pack.

new Pack([options])

Creates a new Pack object instance where:

  • options - optional configuration:
    • app - an object used to initialize the application-specific data stored in
    • cache - cache configuration as described in the server cache option.
    • debug - same as the server debug config option but applied to the entire pack.
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var pack = new Hapi.Pack();

Pack properties

Each Pack object instance has the following properties:

  • app - application-specific state. Provides a safe place to store application data without potential conflicts with hapi. Initialized via the pack app configuration option. Defaults to {}.
  • events - an Events.EventEmitter providing a consolidate emitter of all the events emitted from all member pack servers as well as the 'start' and 'stop' pack events.
  • plugins - an object where each key is a plugin name and the value are the exposed properties by that plugin using plugin.expose().

Pack methods

pack.server([host], [port], [options])

Creates a Server instance and adds it to the pack, where host, port, options are the same as described in new Server() with the exception that the cache option is not allowed and must be configured via the pack cache option.

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var pack = new Hapi.Pack();

pack.server(8000, { labels: ['web'] });
pack.server(8001, { labels: ['admin'] });


Starts all the servers in the pack and used as described in server.start([callback]).

var Hapi = require('hapi');
var pack = new Hapi.Pack();

pack.server(8000, { labels: ['web'] });
pack.server(8001, { labels: ['admin'] });

pack.start(function () {

    console.log('All servers started');

pack.stop([options], [callback])

Stops all the servers in the pack and used as described in server.stop([options], [callback]).

pack.stop({ timeout: 60 * 1000 }, function () {

    console.log('All servers stopped');

pack.register(plugins, [options], callback)

Registers a plugin where:

  • plugins - a plugin object or array of plugin objects. The objects can use one of two formats:
    • a module plugin object.
    • a manually constructed plugin object.
  • options - optional registration options (used by hapi and is not passed to the plugin):
    • select - string or array of strings of labels to pre-select for plugin registration.
    • route - apply modifiers to any routes added by the plugin:
      • prefix - string added as prefix to any route path (must begin with '/'). If a plugin registers a child plugin the prefix is passed on to the child or is added in front of the child-specific prefix.
      • vhost - virtual host string (or array of strings) applied to every route. The outter-most vhost overrides the any nested configuration.
  • callback - the callback function with signature function(err) where:
    • err - an error returned from exports.register(). Note that incorrect usage, bad configuration, or namespace conflicts (e.g. among routes, methods, state) will throw an error and will not return a callback.

Module plugin is registered by passing the following object (or array of object) as plugins:

  • plugin - an object (usually obtained by calling node's require()) with:
    • register - the exports.register() function. The function must have an attributes property with either name (and optional version) keys or pkg with the content of the module's 'package.json'.
  • options - optional configuration object which is passed to the plugin via the options argument in exports.register().
    plugin: require('plugin_name'),
    options: {
        message: 'hello'
 }, function (err) {

     if (err) {
         console.log('Failed loading plugin');

Manually constructed plugin is an object containing:

  • name - plugin name.
  • version - an optional plugin version. Defaults to '0.0.0'.
  • multiple - an optional boolean indicating if the plugin is safe to register multiple time with the same server. Defaults to false.
  • register - the register() function.
  • options - optional configuration object which is passed to the plugin via the options argument in exports.register().
    name: 'test',
    version: '2.0.0',
    register: function (plugin, options, next) {

        plugin.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/special', handler: function (request, reply) { reply(options.message); } });
    options: {
        message: 'hello'
}, function (err) {

    if (err) {
        console.log('Failed loading plugin');

Pack.compose(manifest, [options], callback)

Provides a simple way to construct a Pack from a single configuration object, including configuring servers and registering plugins where:

  • manifest - an object with the following keys:
    • pack - the pack options as described in new Pack(). In order to support loading JSON documents, The compose() function supports passing a module name string as the value of pack.cache or pack.cache.engine. These strings are resolved the same way the plugins keys are (using options.relativeTo).
    • servers - an array of server configuration objects where:
      • host, port, options - the same as described in new Server() with the exception that the cache option is not allowed and must be configured via the pack cache option. The host and port keys can be set to an environment variable by prefixing the variable name with '$env.'.
    • plugins - an object where each key is a plugin name, and each value is one of:
      • the options object passed to the plugin on registration.
      • an array of object where:
        • options - the object passed to the plugin on registration.
        • any key supported by the pack.register() options used for registration (e.g. select).
  • options - optional compose configuration:
    • relativeTo - path prefix used when loading plugins using node's require(). The relativeTo path prefix is added to any relative plugin name (i.e. beings with './'). All other module names are required as-is and will be looked up from the location of the hapi module path (e.g. if hapi resides outside of your project node_modules path, it will not find your project dependencies - you should specify them as relative and use the relativeTo option).
  • callback - the callback method, called when all packs and servers have been created and plugins registered has the signature function(err, pack) where:
    • err - an error returned from exports.register(). Note that incorrect usage, bad configuration, or namespace conflicts (e.g. among routes, methods, state) will throw an error and will not return a callback.
    • pack - the composed Pack object.
var Hapi = require('hapi');

var manifest = {
    pack: {
        cache: 'catbox-memory'
    servers: [
            port: 8000,
            options: {
                labels: ['web']
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 8001,
            options: {
                labels: ['admin']
    plugins: {
        'yar': {
            cookieOptions: {
                password: 'secret'
        'furball': [
                select: 'web',
                options: {
                    version: '/v'

Hapi.Pack.compose(manifest, function (err, pack) {


Plugin interface

Plugins provide an extensibility platform for both general purpose utilities such as batch requests and for application business logic. Instead of thinking about a web server as a single entity with a unified routing table, plugins enable developers to break their application into logical units, assembled together in different combinations to fit the development, testing, and deployment needs.

A plugin is constructed with the following:

  • name - the plugin name is used as a unique key. Public plugins should be published in the npm registry and derive their name from the registry name to ensure uniqueness. Private plugin names should be picked carefully to avoid conflicts with both private and public names.
  • registration function - the function described in exports.register() is the plugin's core. The function is called when the plugin is registered and it performs all the activities required by the plugin to operate. It is the single entry point into the plugin's functionality.
  • version - the optional plugin version is only used informatively to enable other plugins to find out the versions loaded. The version should be the same as the one specified in the plugin's 'package.json' file.

The name and versions are included by attaching an attributes property to the exports.register() function:

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

        method: 'GET',
        path: '/version',
        handler: function (request, reply) {



exports.register.attributes = {
    name: 'example',
    version: '1.0.0'

Alternatively, the name and version can be included via the pkg attribute containing the 'package.json' file for the module which already has the name and version included:

exports.register.attributes = {
    pkg: require('./package.json')

The multiple attributes specifies that a plugin is safe to register multiple times with the same server.

exports.register.attributes = {
    multiple: true,
    pkg: require('./package.json')

exports.register(plugin, options, next)

Registers the plugin where:

  • plugin - the registration interface representing the pack the plugin is being registered into. Provides the properties and methods listed below.
  • options - the options object provided by the pack registration methods.
  • next - the callback function the plugin must call to return control over to the application and complete the registration process. The function signature is function(err) where:
    • err - internal plugin error condition, which is returned back via the registration methods' callback. A plugin registration error is considered an unrecoverable event which should terminate the application.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('hello world') } });

Root methods and properties

The plugin interface root methods and properties are those available only on the plugin object received via the exports.register() interface. They are not available on the object received by calling


A reference to the hapi module used to create the pack and server instances. Removes the need to add a dependency on hapi within the plugin.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var Hapi = plugin.hapi;

    var handler = function (request, reply) {

        reply(Hapi.error.internal('Not implemented yet'));

    plugin.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: handler });


The hapi version used to load the plugin.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {



The registration options provided to the pack.register() method. Contains:

  • route - route path prefix and virtual host settings.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {


Provides access to the common pack application-specific state.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) { = 'joi';


An object where each key is a plugin name and the value are the exposed properties by that plugin using plugin.expose() when called at the plugin root level (without calling

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {



Sets the path prefix used to locate static resources (files and view templates) when relative paths are used by the plugin:

  • path - the path prefix added to any relative file path starting with '.'. The value has the same effect as using the server's configuration files.relativeTo option but only within the plugin.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.path(__dirname + '../static');
    plugin.route({ path: '/file', method: 'GET', handler: { file: './test.html' } });

plugin.log(tags, [data, [timestamp]])

Emits a 'log' event on the emitter using the same interface as server.log().

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.log(['plugin', 'info'], 'Plugin registered');


Add a method to be called after all the required plugins have been registered and before the servers start. The function is only called if the pack servers are started. Arguments:

  • after - the method with signature function(plugin, next) where:
    • plugin - the plugin interface object.
    • next - the callback function the method must call to return control over to the application and complete the registration process. The function signature is function(err) where:
      • err - internal plugin error condition, which is returned back via the pack.start(callback) callback. A plugin registration error is considered an unrecoverable event which should terminate the application.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {


var after = function (plugin, next) {

    // Additional plugin registration logic


Generates a plugin-specific views manager for rendering templates where:

  • options - the views configuration as described in the server's views option. Note that due to the way node require() operates, plugins must require rendering engines directly and pass the engine using the engines.module option.

Note that relative paths are relative to the plugin root, not the working directory or the application registering the plugin. This allows plugin the specify their own static resources without having to require external configuration.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

        engines: {
            html: {
              module: Handlebars.create()
        path: './templates'


plugin.method(name, fn, [options])

Registers a server method function with all the pack's servers as described in server.method()

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.method('user', function (id, next) {

        next(null, { id: id });



Registers a server method function with all the pack's servers as described in server.method()

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

        name: 'user',
        fn: function (id, next) {

            next(null, { id: id });



Provides access to the method methods registered with plugin.method()

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.method('user', function (id, next) {

        next(null, { id: id });

    plugin.methods.user(5, function (err, result) {

        // Do something with result



Provisions a plugin cache segment within the pack's common caching facility where:

  • options - cache configuration as described in catbox module documentation with a few additions:
    • expiresIn - relative expiration expressed in the number of milliseconds since the item was saved in the cache. Cannot be used together with expiresAt.
    • expiresAt - time of day expressed in 24h notation using the 'MM:HH' format, at which point all cache records for the route expire. Cannot be used together with expiresIn.
    • staleIn - number of milliseconds to mark an item stored in cache as stale and reload it. Must be less than expiresIn.
    • staleTimeout - number of milliseconds to wait before checking if an item is stale.
    • segment - optional segment name, used to isolate cached items within the cache partition. Defaults to '!name' where 'name' is the plugin name. When setting segment manually, it must begin with '!!'.
    • cache - the name of the cache connection configured in the 'server.cache` option. Defaults to the default cache.
    • shared - if true, allows multiple cache users to share the same segment (e.g. multiple servers in a pack using the same cache. Default to not shared.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var cache = plugin.cache({ expiresIn: 60 * 60 * 1000 });


Sets a global plugin bind used as the default bind when adding a route or an extension using the plugin interface (if no explicit bind is provided as an option). The bind object is made available within the handler and extension methods via this.

var handler = function (request, reply) {


exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var bind = {
        message: 'hello'

    plugin.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: internals.handler });

plugin.handler(name, method)

Registers a new handler type as describe in server.handler(name, method).

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var handlerFunc = function (route, options) {

        return function (request, reply) {

            reply('Message from plugin handler: ' + options.msg);

    plugin.handler('testHandler', handlerFunc);

Selectable methods and properties

The plugin interface selectable methods and properties are those available both on the plugin object received via the exports.register() interface and the objects received by calling However, unlike the root methods, they operate only on the selected subset of servers.

Selects a subset of pack servers using the servers' labels configuration option where:

  • labels - a single string or array of strings of labels used as a logical OR statement to select all the servers with matching labels in their configuration.

Returns a new plugin interface with only access to the selectable methods and properties. Selecting again on a selection operates as a logic AND statement between the individual selections.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var selection ='web');
    selection.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('ok'); } });


The number of selected servers.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var count = plugin.length;
    var selectedCount ='web').length;


The selected servers array.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var selection ='web');
    selection.servers.forEach(function (server) {

        server.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('ok'); } });


An emitter containing the events of all the selected servers.

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {'internalError', function (request, err) {



plugin.expose(key, value)

Exposes a property via plugin.plugins[name] (if added to the plugin root without first calling and server.plugins[name] ('name' of plugin) object of each selected pack server where:

  • key - the key assigned (server.plugins[name][key] or plugin.plugins[name][key]).
  • value - the value assigned.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.expose('util', function () { console.log('something'); });


Merges a deep copy of an object into to the existing content of plugin.plugins[name] (if added to the plugin root without first calling and server.plugins[name] ('name' of plugin) object of each selected pack server where:

  • obj - the object merged into the exposed properties container.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.expose({ util: function () { console.log('something'); } });


Adds a server route to the selected pack's servers as described in server.route(options).

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var selection ='web');
    selection.route({ method: 'GET', path: '/', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('ok'); } });


Adds multiple server routes to the selected pack's servers as described in server.route(routes).

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    var selection ='admin');
        { method: 'GET', path: '/1', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('ok'); } },
        { method: 'GET', path: '/2', handler: function (request, reply) { reply('ok'); } }


plugin.state(name, [options])

Adds a state definition to the selected pack's servers as described in server.state().

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.state('example', { encoding: 'base64' });

plugin.auth.scheme(name, scheme)

Adds an authentication scheme to the selected pack's servers as described in server.auth.scheme().

plugin.auth.strategy(name, scheme, [mode], [options])

Adds an authentication strategy to the selected pack's servers as described in server.auth.strategy().

plugin.ext(event, method, [options])

Adds an extension point method to the selected pack's servers as described in server.ext().

exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.ext('onRequest', function (request, extNext) {

        console.log('Received request: ' + request.path);


plugin.dependency(deps, [after])

Declares a required dependency upon other plugins where:

  • deps - a single string or array of strings of plugin names which must be registered in order for this plugin to operate. Plugins listed must be registered in the same pack transaction to allow validation of the dependency requirements. Does not provide version dependency which should be implemented using npm peer dependencies.
  • after - an optional function called after all the specified dependencies have been registered and before the servers start. The function is only called if the pack servers are started. If a circular dependency is created, the call will assert (e.g. two plugins each has an after function to be called after the other). The function signature is function(plugin, next) where:
    • plugin - the plugin interface object.
    • next - the callback function the method must call to return control over to the application and complete the registration process. The function signature is function(err) where:
      • err - internal plugin error condition, which is returned back via the pack.start(callback) callback. A plugin registration error is considered an unrecoverable event which should terminate the application.
exports.register = function (plugin, options, next) {

    plugin.dependency('yar', after);

var after = function (plugin, next) {

    // Additional plugin registration logic


prepareValue(name, value, options, callback)

Prepares a cookie value manually outside of the normal outgoing cookies processing flow. Used when decisions have to be made about the use of cookie values when certain conditions are met (e.g. stringified object string too long). Arguments:

  • name - the cookie name.
  • value - the cookie value. If no encoding is defined, must be a string.
  • options - configuration override. If the state was previously registered with the server using server.state(), the specified keys in options override those same keys in the server definition (but not others).
  • callback - the callback function with signature function(err, value) where:
    • err - internal error condition.
    • value - the prepared cookie value.

Returns the cookie value via callback without making any changes to the response.

var Hapi = require('hapi');

var handler = function (request, reply) {

    var maxCookieSize = 512;

    var cookieOptions = {
        encoding: 'iron',
        password: 'secret'

    var content = request.pre.user;

    Hapi.state.prepareValue('user', content, cookieOptions, function (err, value) {

        if (err) {
            return reply(err);

        if (value.length < maxCookieSize) {
            reply.state('user', value, { encoding: 'none' } );   // Already encoded



The hapi module version number.

var Hapi = require('hapi');

hapi CLI

The hapi command line interface allows a pack of servers to be composed and started from a configuration file only from the command line. When installing hapi with the global flag the hapi binary script will be installed in the path. The following arguments are available to the hapi CLI:

  • '-c' - the path to configuration json file (required)
  • '-p' - the path to the node_modules folder to load plugins from (optional)
  • '--require' - a module the cli will require before hapi is required (optional) ex. loading a metrics library

Note that --require will require from node_modules, an absolute path, a relative path, or from the node_modules set by -p if available.

In order to help with A/B testing there is confidence. Confidence is a configuration document format, an API, and a foundation for A/B testing. The configuration format is designed to work with any existing JSON-based configuration, serving values based on object path ('/a/b/c' translates to a.b.c). In addition, confidence defines special $-prefixed keys used to filter values for a given criteria.