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PAYWIX with Payu

In this document will give the detailed information about the payu configuration for the python based applications.

Example Project for payu with paywix

Setup account with PAYU setup account with PAYU

  • Create an account with Payu
  • Copy the Merchant Key and Merchant Salt for integrating Payment gateway
    • Make sure that the mode of the transaction is test , when you're testing

Initial setup

No keyname description
1 merchant_key key provided from payu dashboard
2 mercahnt_salt salt provided from payu dashboard
3 mode transaction mode [test, live]
4 RESPONSE_URL_SUCCESS where we want to redirect after the success transaction
5 RESPONSE_URL_FAILURE where we want to redirect after the failure transaction

Prepare paywix integration for payu transaction

from paywix.payu import Payu

# Create payu instance
payu = Payu(merchant_key, merchant_salt, surl, furl, mode)

merchant_key = settings.MERCHANT_KEY
merchant_salt = settings.MERCHANT_SALT
payu = Payu(merchant_key, merchant_salt, "Test")

Required Parameters Details for Transaction

No keyname description Mandatory
1 amount Amount True
2 firstname Customer firstname True
3 email Customer Email True
4 phone Customer Phone Number True
5 txnid Unique Transaction id True
6 furl Failure Redirect URL True
7 surl Success Redirect URL True
payload = {
        "amount": "230",
        "firstname": "Renjith",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "88888888888",
        "lastname": "s raj",
        "productinfo": "ORDER FOR E_CART",
        "txnid": "OR_123_45678_123",
        "furl": RESPONSE_URL_FAILURE,
        "surl": RESPONSE_URL_SUCCESS

response = payu.transaction(**payload)  #transaction required keyword arguments

The transaction method will returns response for initiate transaction.

Response for transaction

  'amount': '749.99',
  'firstname': 'Renjith',
  'email': '',
  'phone': '',
  'lastname': 'S Raj',
  'productinfo': '21_fe68a0676df144a688fb287b3c4835fe',
  'txnid': '21_fe68a0676df144a688fb287b3c4835fe',
  'furl': '',
  'surl': '',
  'key': 'gtKFFx',
  'hash': 'a76f15a7a05ec50069192ccece89a7b76344a85fdb8b9b5dff9b82b47e2c5167e7104a4a7cfb8dea961bd97be68c2e5acd19b8fa85dd5676becb339516d8c12a',
  'action': ''

transaction response in HTML Format

To get the html response, use make_html method with response from transaction

data = "Response from `transaction` "
html = payu.make_html(data) ## required paramter in dict format

Response make_html

We can use below html in httpresponse, so the system will redirect to payu payment gateway page.

      <input type="hidden"name="key"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="txnid"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="productinfo"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="amount"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="email"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="firstname"value="Renjith"/>
      <input type="hidden"name="lastname"value="SRaj"/>
      <input type="hidden"name="surl"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="furl"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="phone"value=""/>
      <input type="hidden"name="hash"value="a76f15a7a05ec50069192ccece89a7b76344a85fdb8b9b5dff9b82b47e2c5167e7104a4a7cfb8dea961bd97be68c2e5acd19b8fa85dd5676becb339516d8c12a"/></form><script>window.onload=function(){

Verify Payment Response from PAYU

PayU will post the transaction details to the specified success URL (sURL) or failure URL (fURL) after the transaction has been processed. These URLs are specified during the transaction initialization process and are used to redirect the customer to the appropriate page on the merchant's website, depending on the outcome of the transaction.

  'mihpayid': '403993715528233750',
  'mode': 'CC',
  'status': 'success',
  'unmappedstatus': 'captured',
  'key': 'gtKFFx',
  'txnid': '22_0b62608a093c428887d996df967c6622',
  'amount': '179.00',
  'cardCategory': 'domestic',
  'discount': '0.00',
  'net_amount_debit': '179',
  'addedon': '2023-02-02 10:08:57',
  'productinfo': '22_0b62608a093c428887d996df967c6622',
  'firstname': 'renjith',
  'lastname': 's raj',
  'address1': '',
  'address2': '',
  'city': '',
  'state': '',
  'country': '',
  'zipcode': '',
  'email': '',
  'phone': '',
  'udf1': '',
  'udf2': '',
  'udf3': '',
  'udf4': '',
  'udf5': '',
  'udf6': '',
  'udf7': '',
  'udf8': '',
  'udf9': '',
  'udf10': '',
  'hash': 'fb0e269ca7f377d83efb31144b6e37336e00e613cc44ce56fab2535c1dcbcd4e4fda46a9ba06599fb1e651001c994b88d6cf08825526f67dc709bd022fdfa621',
  'field1': '',
  'field2': '',
  'field3': '',
  'field4': '',
  'field5': '',
  'field6': '',
  'field7': '',
  'field8': '',
  'field9': 'Transaction Completed Successfully',
  'payment_source': 'payu',
  'PG_TYPE': '',
  'bank_ref_num': 'ae1b30b6-76f5-41e2-aa39-8c41985c003f',
  'bankcode': 'CC',
  'error': 'E000',
  'error_Message': 'No Error',
  'cardnum': 'XXXXXXXXXXXX2346',
  'cardhash': 'This field is no longer supported in postback params.',
  'issuing_bank': 'UNKNOWN',
  'card_type': 'UNKNOWN'

Verify the payment response from payu

response = payu.check_transaction(**data)

Verify response from check_transaction

  'hash_response': {
    'hash_string': '4R38IvwiV57FwVpsgOvTXBdLE4tHUXFW|success|||||||||||[email protected]|renjith|22_0b62608a093c428887d996df967c6622|179.00|22_0b62608a093c428887d996df967c6622|gtKFFx',
    'hash_value': 'fb0e269ca7f377d83efb31144b6e37336e00e613cc44ce56fab2535c1dcbcd4e4fda46a9ba06599fb1e651001c994b88d6cf08825526f67dc709bd022fdfa621',
    'is_hash_verified': True
  'all_response': { ## same response from payu ## },
  'payment_response': {
    'mihpayid': '403993715528233750',
    'status': 'success',
    'error': 'NO_ERROR',
    'mode': 'CC',
    'bank_code': 'Credit Card',
    'payment_source': 'payu',
    'transaction_msg': 'Transaction Completed Successfully',
    'transaction_id': '22_0b62608a093c428887d996df967c6622'
ID response key Description type
1 hash_response How Hash value calcuation in paywix dict
2 all_response Actual payment response from payu dict
3 payment_response Important things to remember for future use dict

Verify Payment with Payment ID

This API gives you the status of the transaction.

transaction_id => Unique Transaction id generated while initializing transaction.

verify_payment_data = {
    'transaction_id': ['20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba']
verify_payment_resp = payu.verify_payment(**verify_payment_data)

Verifyment verify_payment response

        'status': 1,
        'msg': '1 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully',
        'transaction_details': {
            '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba': {
                'mihpayid': '403993715528207372',
                'request_id': '',
                'bank_ref_num': 'da5780ef-c69b-44df-b625-bdae45c1a358',
                'amt': '1074.00',
                'transaction_amount': '1074.00',
                'txnid': '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba',
                'additional_charges': '0.00',
                'productinfo': '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba',
                'firstname': 'renjith',
                'bankcode': 'CC',
                'udf1': None,
                'udf3': None,
                'udf4': None,
                'udf5': None,
                'field2': None,
                'field9': 'Transaction Completed Successfully',
                'error_code': 'E000',
                'addedon': '2023-01-29 12:13:10',
                'payment_source': 'payu',
                'card_type': 'MAST',
                'error_Message': 'NO ERROR',
                'net_amount_debit': 1074,
                'disc': '0.00',
                'mode': 'CC',
                'PG_TYPE': 'CC-PG',
                'card_no': 'XXXXXXXXXXXX2346',
                'name_on_card': None,
                'udf2': None,
                'field5': None,
                'field7': None,
                'status': 'success',
                'unmappedstatus': 'captured',
                'Merchant_UTR': None,
                'Settled_At': '0000-00-00 00:00:00'


This API gives you the status of the transaction similar to verify_payment API. The only difference is that the input parameter in this is payment_id from payu.

payment_id => PayUID (MihpayID) generated at PayU’s

check_payment_data = {
    'payment_id': "403993715528207372"
check_payment_resp = payu.check_payment(**check_payment_data)

check_payment response

  'status': 1,
  'msg': 'Transaction Fetched Successfully',
  'transaction_details': {
    'request_id': '135006457',
    'bank_ref_num': 'da5780ef-c69b-44df-b625-bdae45c1a358',
    'net_amount': None,
    'mihpayid': 403993715528207372,
    'amt': '1074.00',
    'disc': '0.00',
    'mode': 'CC',
    'txnid': '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba',
    'amount': '1074.00',
    'amount_paid': '1074.00',
    'discount': '0.00',
    'additional_charges': '0.00',
    'udf1': None,
    'udf2': None,
    'udf3': None,
    'udf4': None,
    'udf5': None,
    'field1': None,
    'field2': None,
    'field3': None,
    'field4': None,
    'field5': None,
    'field6': None,
    'field7': None,
    'field8': None,
    'field9': 'Transaction Completed Successfully',
    'addedon': '2023-01-29 12:13:10',
    'status': 'success',
    'net_amount_debit': 1074,
    'unmappedstatus': 'captured',
    'firstname': 'renjith',
    'bankcode': 'CC',
    'productinfo': '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba',
    'payment_source': 'payu',
    'name_on_card': None,
    'card_no': 'XXXXXXXXXXXX2346',
    'PG_TYPE': 'Test PG',
    'Merchant_UTR': None,
    'Settled_At': None


This API is used to get the transaction response sent on surl/furl.

transaction_id => unique id generated at the time of payment initialization

get_wsonline_data = {
    'transaction_id': '20_95e00e4941c94ac5a124989b8c5a9dba'
get_wsonline_resp = payu.get_wsonline_response()(**get_wsonline_data)

get_wsonline_resp response

  'status': 1,
  'msg': '12 out of 32 Transactions Fetched Successfully',
  'transaction_details': {
    '5': {
      'mihpayid': '403993715510372248',
      'request_id': '',
      'bank_ref_num': '4747839251343141',
      'amt': '0.00',
      'transaction_amount': '458.00',
      'txnid': '5',
      'additional_charges': '0.00',
      'productinfo': '10092-Oriflame Tender Care Cherry Protecting Balm-22879  ',
      'firstname': 'Rajesh Goel',
      'bankcode': 'CC',
      'udf1': '5',
      'udf3': None,
      'udf4': None,
      'udf5': None,
      'field2': '999999',
      'field9': 'SUCCESS',
      'error_code': 'E000',
      'addedon': '2014-11-10 13:24:12',
      'payment_source': 'payu',
      'card_type': 'UNKNOWN',
      'error_Message': 'NO ERROR',
      'net_amount_debit': 458,
      'disc': '0.00',
      'mode': 'CC',
      'PG_TYPE': 'CC-PG',
      'card_no': '512345XXXXXX2346',
      'name_on_card': 'Amar',
      'udf2': '1031',
      'field5': None,
      'field7': '',
      'status': 'success',
      'unmappedstatus': 'captured',
      'Merchant_UTR': None,
      'Settled_At': '0000-00-00 00:00:00'


This Method is used to extract the transaction details between two given time periods. date_from => start_date date_to => end_date

date_from and date_to should 7 days interval

get_transction_details_payload = {
    'date_from': "2023-01-29",
    'date_to': "2023-01-30"
transaction_resp = payu.get_transaction_details(**get_transction_details_payload)

transaction_resp response for get_transaction_details

    'status': 1,
    'msg': 'Transaction Fetched Successfully',
    'Transaction_details': [
            'id': '403993715528206610',
            'status': 'failed',
            'key': 'gtKFFx',
            'merchantname': 'PayU Test Account',
            'txnid': 'TRXN20230129001212661',
            'firstname': 'qwer',
            'lastname': None,
            'addedon': '2023-01-29 00:12:17',
            'bank_name': 'Test Credit Card',
            'payment_gateway': 'Test PG',
            'phone': '',
            'email': '[email protected]',
            'transaction_fee': '136.50',
            'amount': '136.50',
            'discount': '0.00',
            'additional_charges': '0.00',
            'productinfo': ' 003 ',
            'error_code': 'E500',
            'bank_ref_no': None,
            'ibibo_code': 'CC',
            'mode': 'CC',
            'ip': '',
            'card_no': 'XXXXXXXXXXXX1111',
            'cardtype': 'domestic',
            'offer_key': '',
            'field0': None,
            'field1': None,
            'field2': None,
            'field3': None,
            'field4': None,
            'field5': None,
            'field6': None,
            'field7': None,
            'field8': None,
            'field9': 'invalid input',
            'udf1': None,
            'udf2': None,
            'udf3': None,
            'udf4': None,
            'udf5': None,
            'address2': '',
            'city': '',
            'zipcode': '',
            'pg_mid': None,
            'issuing_bank': '',
            'offer_type': None,
            'failure_reason': None,
            'mer_service_fee': None,
            'mer_service_tax': None


This Method works exactly the same way as get_Transaction_Details API. The only enhancement is that this API can take input as the exact time in terms of minutes and seconds also, date_time_from and date_time_to are starting & end dates of transactions with time, respectively.

date_time_from => datetime from date_time_to => datetime to

get_transaction_payload = {
    'date_time_from': "2023-01-29 16:00:00",
    'date_time_to': "2023-01-29 18:00:00"
get_transaction_resp = payu.get_transaction_info(**get_transaction_payload)

response for get_transaction_info

    'status': 1,
    'msg': 'Transaction Fetched Successfully',
    'Transaction_details': [
            'id': '403993715528207724',
            'action': 'failed',
            'status': None,
            'issuing_bank': None,
            'transaction_fee': '1.00',
            'key': 'gtKFFx',
            'merchantname': 'PayU Test Account',
            'txnid': '232c9852ab9b6bb8ceb0',
            'firstname': 'BL Mandawaliya',
            'lastname': None,
            'addedon': '2023-01-29 16:28:19',
            'bank_name': 'Generic Intent',
            'payment_gateway': 'AXISU',
            'phone': '9009009001',
            'email': '[email protected]',
            'amount': '1.00',
            'discount': '0.00',
            'additional_charges': '0.00',
            'productinfo': 'Ok Recharge Load Wallet Money Rs.1.0',
            'error_code': 'E4197',
            'bank_ref_no': None,
            'ibibo_code': 'INTENT',
            'mode': 'UPI',
            'ip': '',
            'card_no': None,
            'cardtype': None,
            'offer_key': '',
            'field0': None,
            'field1': None,
            'field2': None,
            'field3': None,
            'field4': None,
            'field5': None,
            'field6': None,
            'field7': 'TRANSACTION ID IS NOT PRESENT|U48',
            'field8': None,
            'field9': 'U48|TRANSACTION ID IS NOT PRESENT|Completed Using Verify API',
            'udf1': '',
            'udf2': '',
            'udf3': '',
            'udf4': '',
            'udf5': '',
            'address2': '',
            'city': '',
            'zipcode': '',
            'pg_mid': None,
            'offer_type': None,
            'failure_reason': None,
            'mer_service_fee': None,
            'mer_service_tax': None


This method provides to make refund for the transaction

payment_id: This parameter must contain the Payu ID (mihpayid) of the transaction. refund_id: This parameter must contain the Token ID (unique token from the merchant) for the refund request. callback_url: If a refund callback for a transaction is required on a specific URL, the URL must be specified in this parameter. instant_refund: This parameter must contain the details of customer and funds need to be credited in a JSON format. json { "refund_mode":"2", "beneficiary_full_name":"", "beneficiary_account":"", "beneficiary_ifsc":"" } Mandatory parameters

payment_id refund_id amount

    payload = {
        'payment_id': "403993715528207372",
        "refund_id": "12334qwe45",
        "amount": "100.0"
    refund_resp = payu.refund(**payload)

Response for refund

    'status': 1, 
    'msg': 'Refund Request Queued', 
    'request_id': '135018119', 
    'bank_ref_num': None, 
    'mihpayid': 403993715528207372, 
    'error_code': 102


This method used to check the status of the refund or cancel requests.

refund_id => Unique ID generated for making refund transaction

payload = {
        "refund_id": "12334qwe45"
refund_status = payu.refund_status(**payload)

Response for refund_status

    'status': 0, 
    'msg': '0 out of 1 Transactions Fetched Successfully',
    'transaction_details': {
        '12334qwe45': 'No action status found'