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High-Level Design Document for SONiC-DASH Testing

This document provides the high-level design for the testing of devices which conform to the SONiC-DASH requirements.

TODO Consider SONiC Management Testbed as the standardized test environment for consistency with standard SONiC testing. The reference architectures depiected below were crafted to expedite early data plane testing in the simplest possible fashion.

TODO Articulate the testing of both data plane and control plane features. The descriptions below focus on data plane testing as the critical path towards DASH conformance and performance.

Reference Testbed Architectures

Tests shall utilize standardized reference architectures. See

Standardized DUT Configuration APIs

All DUTs will provide the following socket-based interfaces for configuring and controlling the devices. These are device service endpoints which are accessed via software clients running in the Controller.

Vendors should provide a convenient, automatable means to select between a production mode using gNMI, or a data plane evaluation image using saithrift. Vendor/SKU-specific mechanisms should be included in the /targets directory and accessible via the automation software at test run time. As an alternative, DUTS can be supplied with fixed images to operate in one mode or the other, as long as a means to switch between these images (mode switch, image reload, etc.) is provided.

NOTE: At this time, the SONiC DASH project is nascent and the early emphasis will be on performance and conformance of the underlying data plane. Therefore, the DASH-SAI interface will be the early focus in order to eliminate the complications of debugging problems involving the entire SONiC stack. The saithrift server approach will be used for initial "lab" testing. By definition, it is not a production interface. Later on, the gNMI interface will be used for production and data plane testing. This repository will focus on gNMI tests which are particular to DASH and not covered by "standard" SONiC test cases. Standard SONiC test cases can exercise the common parts of the stack and feature set.

gNMI Northbound API

This is the canonical SONiC appliance management interface and it conforms to the standard SONiC Management requirements, see SONiC Management Framework. This uses gNMI with OpenConfig data models. All SONiC-DASH devices are expected to eventually conform to and be tested over this interface. See Figure 7. (Note, this diagram was adapted from the standard SONiC Architecture documents and may contain elements not-applicable to SONIC-DASH DUTs).

"Production" test cases will be written against the gNMI interface and organized accordingly. These exercise much of the core SONiC stack as well as the DUT data plane.

Figure 7. gNMI Northbound Interface SONiC Architecture

saithrift Data plane API

The Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI) is an internal "c" library interface in the SONiC stack, see SONiC System Architecture and SAI. It represents the binding between vendor-specific shared ASIC driver library libsai and the syncd daemon's driver-calling layers. It is not normally exposed as an API endpoint. Rather, it is invoked as a consequence of interactions within the entire SONiC stack.

To simplify unit and functional testing, a Thrift server called saithrift can be compiled and bound to the SAI interface, providing a much-simplified path to the vendor ASIC library using SAI constructs expressed as Thrift RPC messages. This server replaces the normal collection of SONiC daemons and containers with a nearly direct path to vendor ASIC libraries via the SAI wrappers. See Figure 8. (Note, this diagram was adapted from the standard SONiC Architecture documents and may contain elements not-applicable to SONIC-DASH DUTs).

"Data plane Evaluation" test cases will be written using the saithrift interface and organized accordingly. These primarily exercise conformance of the "DASH SAI" data plane API and performance of the data plane implementation, but do not exercise the SONiC core stack.

Figure 8. SAI-Thrift Data plane Test Interface SONiC Architecture

Non-standardized DUT Configuration Methodology

Non-standard, vendor-specific APIs/utilities etc. are not officially recognized. However, for practical reasons, it should be possible to utilize non-standard DUT setup techniques in conjunction with the standardized community test cases and methodology. Towards this end, test cases and scripts should be structured such that it is relatively easy to substitute non-standard device setup steps with a vendor-supplied version. For example, a Pytest fixture setup class, or an imported wrapper library with subclassed methods could be instantiated to hide such details from the overall test framework.

NOTE: It is incumbent on prospective suppliers of such non-standard devices/management software, to implement and integrate such accommodations in a manner which does not detract from the overall elegance, efficiency and maintainability of this repository. Code contributions to make these changes must not impose undue burden on the community at large.

Test Automation Framework

Test Automation shall utilize the PyTest Framework.

TODO More details, replace "shall" language with actual guidelines.

Test Objectives

Conformance Testing

Conformance tests verify that the DUT performs all functions correctly, handles negative tests properly and obeys specified APIs. The list below summarizes the conformance tests.

TODO Define

Performance Testing

Performance tests measure the DUT's capacity, speed and scale limits under various conditions. The list below summarizes the performance tests.

TODO Define

Standardized Test Cases

Test Case Organization

Test cases shall be organized in an appropriate manner. File directory structures and conventions shall be established.

TODO More details

Test Case Marking

Tests shall be tagged with appropriate markers to allow selecting or deselecting categories of tests to run particular suites.

TODO More details, replace "shall" language with actual guidelines.

Vendor/Platform Agnostic Traffic Generators

Where feasible, test should be designed against an abstract, vendor-neutral, platform-neutral Traffic Generator data model and API, to avoid lock-in. The OpenTrafficGenerator project provides suitable data models and the derived snappi libraries simplify writing client interfaces. Free (SW-only) and commercial (SW and HW) traffic generators adhering to the OTG specifications are available. These comprise the recommended solutions.

When traffic test stimuli demand non-agnostic traffic-generator solutions, suitable commercial solutions shall be utilized as required. Test automation software should implement generic wrappers in the main code to reduce vendor lock-in.

Data-Driven Test Cases

A data-driven test methodology is preferred over an imperative (procedural) scripting approach. This means that the bulk of the information used to drive test cases derives from static data files which get translated into actual test runs using some kind of "test engine." This decouples the content from the implementation and makes it easier to contribute new test cases, as well as review proposed changes to existing test cases. The data files become the "single source of truth" and the testing framework code is merely the implementation.

Therefore, input requirements expressed as regular documents, e.g. text or spreadsheets, should be codified into some normalized data format early on in the process and thereafter become the machine-readable, single source of truth.

Machine-Readable, Abstract Test Case (Test Vector) Formats

Many test cases are expressed as "test vectors" consisting of "inputs" and "expected outputs/results." A test suite consists of applying vectors and tallying the results. These vectors should be declarative, abstract and not bound to a specific DUT configuration API. The test controller reads these test vectors, translates into the appropriate API to configure the DUT and Traffic Generator, runs the test and processes the results. Thus, by using a single set of test vectors, and suitable API-specific drivers, tests could be run using either the gNMI or saithrift APIs; a vendor-specific interface; or a future API yet to be specified.

TODO Propose/develop test-vector formats.

Test vectors should not be written in hard-coded gNMI or SAI representations except in special cases where there is no counterpart in the other APIs. An example of this is writing a test which performs an API-specific "corner-test" or "negative-test" towards the specific API and which would never apply to any other API type.

Generated test Vectors

In some cases, test cases are too numerous or verbose to be represented as a list of literal test vectors; instead, they are generated on the fly e.g. in a program loop. Long lists of vectors are also difficult for humans to comprehend and maintain compared to a parameterized loop. If possible, a templating system should be used such that the test vector can still be represented as a simple-to-read document which is expanded by the templating renderer (e.g. Jinja2).

Even when a "templating" system is not applicable, a data driven approach is preferred. An example is using high-level policy descriptions expressed in some easy-to-create format (.json, .csv, protobuf, yaml) which gets expanded into specific ACL entries using a suitable algorithm.

In other cases, procedural code which generates test vectors and performs test evaluation (assertions) should, where feasible, be developed in a manner which makes it agnostic to the type of traffic generator and DUT configuration API, as well as easy to maintain, copy and adapt for other cases.

Data-Driven Device Dependencies

Test-cases should be reusable between various targets. Practically speaking, however, devices will have varying numbers of traffic ports; speed and breakout capabilities; connector/physical layer attributes; data plane feature sets and scaling; etc. These device-dependent attributes shall be captured in configuration files and organized per-vendor and per-SKU under the targets/ directory. Tests should consume this metadata and adapt accordingly, again using a data-driven, test-engine approach.

Community and Proprietary Test Cases

While it is the intent to build a community wherein participants contribute public test cases, it is also anticipated and natural that members will retain proprietary test cases as well, for commercial reasons. It is hoped that the community test framework and library of test cases can still form the core of vendor testbeds. This will avoid "reinventing the wheel," reduce the friction of adapting and contributing vendor-developed test cases to the community and vice versa, and maximize the utility and hardening of this repository for the common good. One possibility is to use Git Submodules to import this test repository into in-house repositories, which can be extended locally with private enhancements and additions.

P4 Model-Based Testing

The DASH P4 behavioral models describe the DASH pipeline in an abstract, machine-readable and unambiguous fashion. There are multiple potential applications:

  • It is a clear contract and specification for the data plane, supplementing or replacing traditional diagrams, text documents etc.
  • The P4 code can be used to generate data plane programming APIs
  • P4 software-based reference target running on a CPU
  • P4 code-derived test cases

P4 As Data plane Definition

The P4 code is the definitive specification of the data plane behavior. Additional documents and diagrams can provide more clarity and context, but the machine-readable code is the single source of truth.

P4-Generated APIs

The P4 code can be used to generate data plane programming APIs. P4 compilers emit P4Info which is traditionally used to drive a P4Runtime API. The P4Info is consumed by a client program (e.g. SDN controller) and can be used to introspect P4 program entities (e.g. tables), format messages, etc.

For DASH-SONiC, the P4Info is used to auto-generate appropriate DASH-SAI APIs (.h or header files). This provides a tight coupling between the canonical P4 pipeline code, and the corresponding DASH-SAI APIs. This by implication defines the saithrift APIs since these are merely RPC versions of the SAI c language APIs. The tooling to perform this is in progress and will be published at a later date.

P4 Software Reference Target

The P4 behavior model could be executed in a container or VM using the Behavioral Model Reference switch also known as bmv2. This could be used as a reference target or DUT for regression testing and new test-case validation. Slow-ish functional testing would be possible. Performance and scale tests likely wouldn't be feasible since bmv2 is not very fast and table sizes etc. may be limited.

However, for this proposal to be practical, the question arises "what is the API interface to configure the P4 bmv2 DUT?" P4Runtime is the default programming API for bmv2, which does not correspond to the aforementioned list of APIs, namely gNMI and saithrift.

This subject is for further study.

Aspirational: P4- Code-Derived Test Cases

A common vision espoused by networking experts is to use P4 source code as a single source of truth, not only as a specification which gets compiled and executed as a realized pipeline, but for test-case generation based on analyzing the code. Various techniques for this have been proposed in the commercial and academic domains. It is hoped that the can eventually be used as inputs to an automatic test-case-generator. These would likely supplement, not replace, traditional "manually" generated test cases.

Terms and Definitions

Term Meaning
API Application Programming Interface; more specifically in the context of this document, one of the stipulated DUT configuration/management RPC protocols like gNMI or saithrift
DPU Data Processing Unit, another term for SmartNIC
DUT or D.U.T. Device Under Test
endpoint An API server at a known address, which provids a service using an agreed-upon protocol, e.g. a gNMI server at a certain address:port
gNMI Google Network Management Interface, see
gRPC Google Remote Procedure Call and tooling, see
HW Hardware
OpenConfig A collection of data models written in YANG used to manage network devices such as switches and routers. See
OTG Open Traffic Generator, a vendor/platform neutral data model + client libraries for traffic generators. See
Pytest An open-source Python test framework, see
RPC Remote Procedure Call, e.g. a service or function invoked over a network socket. Examples of RPC protocols: gRPC, gNMI, Thrift
SAI Switch Abstraction Interface, see
SKU Stocking Control Unit, a fancy name for part number; pronounced "skew."
SmartNIC An intelligent Network Interface Card (Adaptor) which executes the data plane features
snappi A family of client wrappers to simplify usage of OTG-compliant traffic generators, see
SUT or S.U.T. System Under Test
SW Software
TGen or TrafficGen Shorthand for "Test Traffic Generator/Receiver"
Thrift Apache Thrift RPC protocol and tooling, see

Revision History

Date Author Comments
2021-10-14 C. Sommers Originated