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... not all of it. In fact most of it is quite awesome. But let's face it: this
and prototype
are not so well solved. The dynamic this context leads to great flexibility but also to either bugs or verbose binding-call-apply-orgies.
Turns out that you can leave these clunky parts out and have an even awesomer language. Just use the functional part and the plain objects. Even Douglas Crockfort thinks this way!
rethink.js should become the name for Javascript without new/this/prototype/bind. We want to establish a new standard writing Javascript, which is easy to use, read and manipulate.
If you have some opinions or ideas on this topic, feel free to open an issue for discussion.
In the near furture we will gather some patterns and usefull resources and module when working with rethink.js. We also want to create a badge for modules that are rethink.js-compatible and those which are written in rethink.js.
Feel free to add this nice badge to your project it it don't uses this
in it's code.