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Consumes a set of feeds using Scuttlesaurus to aggregate the data in an RDF store accessed via SPARQL.


The recommended way to run Tricerascuttler is with docker-compose

docker-compose up

Afer starting the instance you can access the web interface at http://localhost:8000/

If you want to use your existing Scuttlebutt identity with Tricerascuttler you can mount you existing .ssb directory to the docker by adding the following to the tricerascuttler service in docker-compose.yml:

    - ~/.ssb:/home/deno/.ssb

Alternatively main.ts can be run directly with Deno. It accepts the command line options and configurations of Scuttlesaurus. Additionally the following environment variables must be set:


By default Tricerascuttler uses the an Scuttlesaurus' primary identity as the identity of the portal owner. As tha actual owner of the portal may not want to store their secret key on the computer running Tricerascuttler a different identity can be specified with the environment variable


The value must an SSB "sigil" Feed-ID, e.g. @IX0YhhVNgs9btLPepGlyLpXKvB0URDHLrmrm4yDlD1c=.ed25519. If this variable is set, the content users see will be based on the contents and follow-relationsship of this identity.


It i recommended to open this project as a dev container in VSCode. This will automatically start a Blazegraph Triple store and appropriately set the environment variables.

To generate the scuttlesaurus bundle used in the browser run:

deno run -A ./build.ts

Subsequently you can run the programm with:

deno run --unstable -A ./main.ts --web.control.hostname --logLevel INFO


The project mascot is a Triceratops prorsus a friendly herbivore than can weigh up to 12'000 Kg. Its image near the top of this document is from Wikimedia.