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931 lines (820 loc) · 27.3 KB

Upgrade from v8.x to v9.x

Please consult the examples directory for reference example configurations. If you find a bug, please open an issue with supporting configuration to reproduce.

List of backwards incompatible changes

  • target_groups previously were defined by an array of target group definitions that were created using the count meta-argument. This has been replaced with a map of target group definitions that are created using the for_each meta-argument in order to provide better stability when adding/removing target group definitions.
  • target_groups no longer support multiple targets per target group. There are alternate methods to achieve similar functionality such as weighted target groups or using an autoscaling group as a target when targetting EC2 instances.
  • The previous methods for creating listeners have been removed in favor of one argument, listeners, which take a map of listener definitions that are created using the for_each meta-argument in order to provide better stability when adding/removing listener definitions. Previously the target_group_index was used to associate/reference a target group; that is now replaced with target_group_key which is the key of the target group definition in the target_groups map.
  • security_group_rules has been replaced by security_group_ingress_rules and security_group_egress_rules to align with the new underlying resources.
  • Minimum supported version of Terraform AWS provider updated to v5.13 to support the latest features provided via the resources utilized.
  • Minimum supported version of Terraform updated to v1.0
  • The Name tag has been removed from resources

Additional changes


  • Security group attachment restrictions have been removed now that both ALB and NLB support security groups
  • Support for creating Route53 records for ALB/NLB DNS names via the route53_records variable


  • enable_cross_zone_load_balancing now defaults to true
  • drop_invalid_header_fields now defaults to true
  • enable_deletion_protection now defaults to true
  • associate_web_acl has been added to identify when a WAFv2 Web ACL should be associated with the ALB; previously this was accomplished by checking for the presence of a value passed to web_acl_arn which is known to cause issues when the value does not exist and is computed.


  • None

Variable and output changes

  1. Removed variables:

    • target_group_tags
    • https_listener_rules_tags
    • http_tcp_listener_rules_tags
    • https_listeners_tags
    • http_tcp_listeners_tags
    • load_balancer_create_timeout -> replaced with timeouts
    • load_balancer_update_timeout -> replaced with timeouts
    • load_balancer_delete_timeout -> replaced with timeouts
  2. Renamed variables:

    • create_lb -> create
  3. Added variables:

    • customer_owned_ipv4_pool
    • default_port
    • default_protocol
    • route53_records
    • associate_web_acl
  4. Removed outputs:

    • http_tcp_listener_arns -> replaced with listeners
    • http_tcp_listener_ids -> replaced with listeners
    • https_listener_arns -> replaced with listeners
    • https_listener_ids -> replaced with listeners
    • target_group_arns -> replaced with target_groups
    • target_group_arn_suffixes -> replaced with target_groups
    • target_group_names -> replaced with target_groups
    • target_group_attachments -> replaced with target_groups
  5. Renamed outputs:

    • Outputs previously prefixed with lb_ have been renamed to remove this prefix (i.e. - lb_arn is now arn)
  6. Added outputs:

    • route53_records

Upgrade Migrations

Before (v8.x) vs After (v9.x)

Before (v8.x)

module "alb" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws"
  version = "8.7.0"

  name    =
  vpc_id  = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnets = module.vpc.public_subnets

  # Security group
  security_group_rules = {
    ingress_all_http = {
      type        = "ingress"
      from_port   = 80
      to_port     = 80
      protocol    = "tcp"
      description = "HTTP web traffic"
      cidr_blocks = [""]
    ingress_all_https = {
      type        = "ingress"
      from_port   = 443
      to_port     = 443
      protocol    = "tcp"
      description = "HTTPS web traffic"
      cidr_blocks = [""]
    egress_all = {
      type        = "egress"
      from_port   = 0
      to_port     = 0
      protocol    = "-1"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

  # Listener(s)
  http_tcp_listeners = [
      port               = 80
      protocol           = "HTTP"
      target_group_index = 0
      port        = 81
      protocol    = "HTTP"
      action_type = "forward"
      forward = {
        target_groups = [
            target_group_index = 0
            weight             = 100
            target_group_index = 1
            weight             = 0
      port        = 82
      protocol    = "HTTP"
      action_type = "redirect"
      redirect = {
        port        = "443"
        protocol    = "HTTPS"
        status_code = "HTTP_301"
      port        = 83
      protocol    = "HTTP"
      action_type = "fixed-response"
      fixed_response = {
        content_type = "text/plain"
        message_body = "Fixed message"
        status_code  = "200"

  https_listeners = [
      port               = 443
      protocol           = "HTTPS"
      certificate_arn    = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
      target_group_index = 1
      port               = 444
      protocol           = "HTTPS"
      action_type        = "authenticate-cognito"
      target_group_index = 1
      certificate_arn    = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
      authenticate_cognito = {
        authentication_request_extra_params = {
          display = "page"
          prompt  = "login"
        on_unauthenticated_request = "authenticate"
        session_cookie_name        = "session-${}"
        session_timeout            = 3600
        user_pool_arn              = aws_cognito_user_pool.this.arn
        user_pool_client_id        =
        user_pool_domain           = aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.this.domain
      port               = 445
      protocol           = "HTTPS"
      action_type        = "authenticate-oidc"
      target_group_index = 1
      certificate_arn    = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
      authenticate_oidc = {
        authentication_request_extra_params = {
          display = "page"
          prompt  = "login"
        authorization_endpoint = "https://${var.domain_name}/auth"
        client_id              = "client_id"
        client_secret          = "client_secret"
        issuer                 = "https://${var.domain_name}"
        token_endpoint         = "https://${var.domain_name}/token"
        user_info_endpoint     = "https://${var.domain_name}/user_info"

  extra_ssl_certs = [
      https_listener_index = 0
      certificate_arn      = module.wildcard_cert.acm_certificate_arn

  # Listener rule(s)
  https_listener_rules = [
      https_listener_index = 0

      actions = [
          type = "authenticate-cognito"

          on_unauthenticated_request = "authenticate"
          session_cookie_name        = "session-${}"
          session_timeout            = 3600
          user_pool_arn              = aws_cognito_user_pool.this.arn
          user_pool_client_id        =
          user_pool_domain           = aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.this.domain
          type               = "forward"
          target_group_index = 0

      conditions = [{
        path_patterns = ["/some/auth/required/route"]
      https_listener_index = 1
      priority             = 2

      actions = [
          type = "authenticate-oidc"

          authentication_request_extra_params = {
            display = "page"
            prompt  = "login"
          authorization_endpoint = "https://${var.domain_name}/auth"
          client_id              = "client_id"
          client_secret          = "client_secret"
          issuer                 = "https://${var.domain_name}"
          token_endpoint         = "https://${var.domain_name}/token"
          user_info_endpoint     = "https://${var.domain_name}/user_info"
          type               = "forward"
          target_group_index = 1

      conditions = [{
        host_headers = [""]
      https_listener_index = 0
      priority             = 3
      actions = [{
        type         = "fixed-response"
        content_type = "text/plain"
        status_code  = 200
        message_body = "This is a fixed response"

      conditions = [{
        http_headers = [{
          http_header_name = "x-Gimme-Fixed-Response"
          values           = ["yes", "please", "right now"]
      https_listener_index = 0
      priority             = 4

      actions = [{
        type = "weighted-forward"
        target_groups = [
            target_group_index = 1
            weight             = 2
            target_group_index = 0
            weight             = 1
        stickiness = {
          enabled  = true
          duration = 3600

      conditions = [{
        query_strings = [{
          key   = "weighted"
          value = "true"
      https_listener_index = 0
      priority             = 5000
      actions = [{
        type        = "redirect"
        status_code = "HTTP_302"
        host        = ""
        path        = "/watch"
        query       = "v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
        protocol    = "HTTPS"

      conditions = [{
        query_strings = [{
          key   = "video"
          value = "random"

  http_tcp_listener_rules = [
      http_tcp_listener_index = 0
      priority                = 3
      actions = [{
        type         = "fixed-response"
        content_type = "text/plain"
        status_code  = 200
        message_body = "This is a fixed response"

      conditions = [{
        http_headers = [{
          http_header_name = "x-Gimme-Fixed-Response"
          values           = ["yes", "please", "right now"]
      http_tcp_listener_index = 0
      priority                = 4

      actions = [{
        type = "weighted-forward"
        target_groups = [
            target_group_index = 1
            weight             = 2
            target_group_index = 0
            weight             = 1
        stickiness = {
          enabled  = true
          duration = 3600

      conditions = [{
        query_strings = [{
          key   = "weighted"
          value = "true"
      http_tcp_listener_index = 0
      priority                = 5000
      actions = [{
        type        = "redirect"
        status_code = "HTTP_302"
        host        = ""
        path        = "/watch"
        query       = "v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
        protocol    = "HTTPS"

      conditions = [{
        query_strings = [{
          key   = "video"
          value = "random"

  # Target Group(s)
  target_groups = [
      name_prefix      = "h1"
      protocol = "HTTP"
      port     = 80
      target_type      = "instance"

      health_check = {
        enabled             = true
        interval            = 30
        path                = "/healthz"
        port                = "traffic-port"
        healthy_threshold   = 3
        unhealthy_threshold = 3
        timeout             = 6
        protocol            = "HTTP"
        matcher             = "200-399"

      protocol_version = "HTTP1"
      targets = {
        my_ec2 = {
          target_id =
          port      = 80
      name_prefix                        = "l1-"
      target_type                        = "lambda"
      lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled = true
      targets = {
        lambda_with_allowed_triggers = {
          target_id = module.lambda_with_allowed_triggers.lambda_function_arn
      name_prefix = "l2-"
      target_type = "lambda"
      targets = {
        lambda_without_allowed_triggers = {
          target_id                = module.lambda_without_allowed_triggers.lambda_function_arn
          attach_lambda_permission = true

After (v9.x)

module "alb" {
  source  = "terraform-aws-modules/alb/aws"
  version = "9.0.0"

  name    =
  vpc_id  = module.vpc.vpc_id
  subnets = module.vpc.public_subnets

  # Security group
  security_group_ingress_rules = {
    all_http = {
      from_port   = 80
      to_port     = 80
      ip_protocol = "tcp"
      description = "HTTP web traffic"
      cidr_ipv4   = ""
    all_https = {
      from_port   = 443
      to_port     = 443
      ip_protocol = "tcp"
      description = "HTTPS web traffic"
      cidr_ipv4   = ""
  security_group_egress_rules = {
    all = {
      ip_protocol = "-1"
      cidr_ipv4   = module.vpc.vpc_cidr_block

  # Listener(s) w/ Listener Rule(s)
  listeners = {
    default = {
      port     = 80
      protocol = "HTTP"
      forward = {
        target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"

    http-https-redirect = {
      port     = 82
      protocol = "HTTP"
      redirect = {
        port        = "443"
        protocol    = "HTTPS"
        status_code = "HTTP_301"

      rules = {
        fixed-response = {
          priority = 3
          actions = [{
            type         = "fixed-response"
            content_type = "text/plain"
            status_code  = 200
            message_body = "This is a fixed response"

          conditions = [{
            http_header = {
              http_header_name = "x-Gimme-Fixed-Response"
              values           = ["yes", "please", "right now"]

        weighted-forward = {
          priority = 4
          actions = [{
            type = "weighted-forward"
            target_groups = [
                target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"
                weight           = 2
                target_group_key = "instance"
                weight           = 1
            stickiness = {
              enabled  = true
              duration = 3600

          conditions = [{
            query_string = {
              key   = "weighted"
              value = "true"

        redirect = {
          priority = 5000
          actions = [{
            type        = "redirect"
            status_code = "HTTP_302"
            host        = ""
            path        = "/watch"
            query       = "v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
            protocol    = "HTTPS"

          conditions = [{
            query_string = {
              key   = "video"
              value = "random"

    http-weighted-target = {
      port     = 81
      protocol = "HTTP"
      weighted_forward = {
        target_groups = [
            target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"
            weight           = 0
            target_group_key = "instance"
            weight           = 100

    fixed-response = {
      port     = 83
      protocol = "HTTP"
      fixed_response = {
        content_type = "text/plain"
        message_body = "Fixed message"
        status_code  = "200"

    https = {
      port                        = 443
      protocol                    = "HTTPS"
      ssl_policy                  = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
      certificate_arn             = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
      additional_certificate_arns = [module.wildcard_cert.acm_certificate_arn]

      forward = {
        target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"

      rules = {
        cognito = {
          actions = [
              type                       = "authenticate-cognito"
              on_unauthenticated_request = "authenticate"
              session_cookie_name        = "session-${}"
              session_timeout            = 3600
              user_pool_arn              = aws_cognito_user_pool.this.arn
              user_pool_client_id        =
              user_pool_domain           = aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.this.domain
              type             = "forward"
              target_group_key = "instance"

          conditions = [{
            path_pattern = {
              values = ["/some/auth/required/route"]

        fixed-response = {
          priority = 3
          actions = [{
            type         = "fixed-response"
            content_type = "text/plain"
            status_code  = 200
            message_body = "This is a fixed response"

          conditions = [{
            http_header = {
              http_header_name = "x-Gimme-Fixed-Response"
              values           = ["yes", "please", "right now"]

        weight-forward = {
          priority = 4
          actions = [{
            type = "weighted-forward"
            target_groups = [
                target_group_key = "instance"
                weight           = 2
                target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"
                weight           = 1
            stickiness = {
              enabled  = true
              duration = 3600

          conditions = [{
            query_string = {
              key   = "weighted"
              value = "true"

        redirect = {
          priority = 5000
          actions = [{
            type        = "redirect"
            status_code = "HTTP_302"
            host        = ""
            path        = "/watch"
            query       = "v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
            protocol    = "HTTPS"

          conditions = [{
            query_string = {
              key   = "video"
              value = "random"

    cognito = {
      port            = 444
      protocol        = "HTTPS"
      ssl_policy      = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
      certificate_arn = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn

      authenticate_cognito = {
        authentication_request_extra_params = {
          display = "page"
          prompt  = "login"
        on_unauthenticated_request = "authenticate"
        session_cookie_name        = "session-${}"
        session_timeout            = 3600
        user_pool_arn              = aws_cognito_user_pool.this.arn
        user_pool_client_id        =
        user_pool_domain           = aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.this.domain

      forward = {
        target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"

      rules = {
        oidc = {
          priority = 2

          actions = [
              type = "authenticate-oidc"
              authentication_request_extra_params = {
                display = "page"
                prompt  = "login"
              authorization_endpoint = "https://${var.domain_name}/auth"
              client_id              = "client_id"
              client_secret          = "client_secret"
              issuer                 = "https://${var.domain_name}"
              token_endpoint         = "https://${var.domain_name}/token"
              user_info_endpoint     = "https://${var.domain_name}/user_info"
              type             = "forward"
              target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"

          conditions = [{
            host_header = {
              values = [""]

    oidc = {
      port            = 445
      protocol        = "HTTPS"
      ssl_policy      = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
      certificate_arn = module.acm.acm_certificate_arn
      action_type     = "authenticate-oidc"
      authenticate_oidc = {
        authentication_request_extra_params = {
          display = "page"
          prompt  = "login"
        authorization_endpoint = "https://${var.domain_name}/auth"
        client_id              = "client_id"
        client_secret          = "client_secret"
        issuer                 = "https://${var.domain_name}"
        token_endpoint         = "https://${var.domain_name}/token"
        user_info_endpoint     = "https://${var.domain_name}/user_info"

      forward = {
        target_group_key = "lambda-with-trigger"

  # Target Group(s)
  target_groups = {
    instance = {
      name_prefix      = "h1"
      protocol = "HTTP"
      port     = 80
      target_type      = "instance"

      health_check = {
        enabled             = true
        interval            = 30
        path                = "/healthz"
        port                = "traffic-port"
        healthy_threshold   = 3
        unhealthy_threshold = 3
        timeout             = 6
        protocol            = "HTTP"
        matcher             = "200-399"

      protocol_version = "HTTP1"
      target_id        =
      port             = 80
    lambda-with-trigger = {
      name_prefix                        = "l1-"
      target_type                        = "lambda"
      lambda_multi_value_headers_enabled = true
      target_id                          = module.lambda_with_allowed_triggers.lambda_function_arn
    lambda-without-trigger = {
      name_prefix              = "l2-"
      target_type              = "lambda"
      target_id                = module.lambda_without_allowed_triggers.lambda_function_arn
      attach_lambda_permission = true

Terraform State Moves


Each listener will need to be migrated using the index position in v8.x to the key of the listener in v9.x - see example state move commands below:

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_http_tcp[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["default"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_http_tcp[1]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["http-weighted-target"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_http_tcp[2]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["http-https-redirect"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_http_tcp[3]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["fixed-response"]'

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_https[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["https"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_https[1]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["cognito"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.frontend_https[2]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener.this["oidc"]'

Listener Rule(s)

Each listener rule will need to be migrated using the index position in v8.x to the key of the listener rule in v9.x - see example state move commands below:

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.http_tcp_listener_rule[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["http-https-redirect/fixed-response"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.http_tcp_listener_rule[1]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["http-https-redirect/weighted-forward"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.http_tcp_listener_rule[2]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["http-https-redirect/redirect"]'

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.https_listener_rule[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["https/cognito"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.https_listener_rule[1]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["cognito/oidc"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.https_listener_rule[2]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["https/fixed-response"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.https_listener_rule[3]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["https/weight-forward"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.https_listener_rule[4]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_rule.this["https/redirect"]'

Additional SSL Certificate(s)

Each additional SSL certificate will need to be migrated using the index position in v8.x to the <key/index> of the additional SSL certificate in v9.x - see example state move commands below:

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_certificate.https_listener[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_listener_certificate.this["https/0"]'

Target Group(s)

Each target group will need to be migrated using the index position in v8.x to the key of the target group in v9.x - see example state move commands below:

terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.main[0]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.this["instance"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.main[1]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.this["lambda-with-trigger"]'
terraform state mv 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.main[2]' 'module.alb.aws_lb_target_group.this["lambda-without-trigger"]'

Lambda Permission(s)

Each lambda permission will need to be migrated using the <index.key> position in v8.x to the key of the lambda permission in v9.x - see example state move commands below:

terraform state mv '["2.lambda_without_allowed_triggers"]' 'module.alb.aws_lambda_permission.this["lambda-without-trigger"]'

Security Group Rule(s)

The security group rules have been changed from the aws_security_group_rule resource to the new aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule/aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule resources. If you do not wish for the rules to be recreated during the upgrade, you will need to remove the existing rules from the Terraform state, and re-import (you cannot terrraform state mv across different resource types). For example, for one rule, you would perform the following snippet:

Example of security group rules for v8.x

  security_group_rules = {
    ingress_all_http = {
      type        = "ingress"
      from_port   = 80
      to_port     = 80
      protocol    = "tcp"
      description = "HTTP web traffic"
      cidr_blocks = [""]

Example of security group rules for v8.x

  security_group_ingress_rules = {
    all_http = {
      from_port   = 80
      to_port     = 80
      ip_protocol = "tcp"
      description = "HTTP web traffic"
      cidr_ipv4   = ""
terraform state rm 'aws_security_group_rule.this["ingress_all_http"]'
terraform import 'aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.this["all_http"]' sgr-xxx # ensure the key matches your updated implementation