- Node.js
- ECMAScript features supported in various versions of Node.js on Node.green
- TSLint
- [tslint-eslint-rules][]
[tslint-eslint-rules]a: https://www.npmjs.com/package/tslint-eslint-rules "tslint-eslint-rules plugin"
- git reference
- Understanding git
- Think Like (a) Git - (I highly recommend reading this if you're new to git)
"An open source REST and realtime API layer for modern applications."
- @feathersjs/express : provides feathers HTTP REST API support
- express : web application framework
- cors (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
- helmet : Helmet helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers
- compression
- serve-favicon
- An Introduction to Mongoose for MongoDB and Node.js
- MongoDB Docs
- TypeScript: Declaring Mongoose Schema + Model
- Config
- SmartGit from Syntevo
- ripgrep (rg)