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dutchy edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 5 revisions


The levelConfig.yml file holds the heart of uSkyBlock, the scores of each block-type.

It's a very simple config file, just 4 sections and a version number.

But the values, and their meaning is not for the faint-hearted.

The key to understanding this config file is, to understand how the keys are formatted.


  # pointsPerLevel - number of points needed to advance 1 island level.
  pointsPerLevel: 1000

  # default - the default value for blocks not listed in blockValues here.
  default: 10

  # useDiminishingReturns - If true, diminishing returns will be used for all blocks using the default scale 
  # (custom scales can be defined in the section below).
  # If useDiminishingReturns is false, the blocks listed in the dimishingReturns section will still be affected.
  useDiminishingReturns: false
  # defaultScale - the default value to use for diminishing returns. This is the number of blocks before DR starts to 
  # lower value.
  defaultScale: 10000

A note on block-ids (keys) and blockValues.

To understand the way this config file is structured, keep in mind, that all blocks in Minecraft have both an ID, and a data-value.

If you want to keep it simple, you can simply ignore data-values, and use block-ids all through the config. If you want to use data-values, you need to keep in mind, that different blocks uses data-values very differently.

I.e. stone (1) uses data-values for different types of stone (Granite, 1:1) etc. Where as, Quartz (155) uses data-values for both different types, and their orientation (155:2=Pillar Vertical, 155:3=Pillar North South).


Keys Keys in the blockValues section controls how blocks are treated.

'<num>' - This denote ALL blocks with this block-ID (all data-value-variants is counted as the ID:0 block).

'<num>:*' - This denote ALL blocks with this block-ID and data-values (all data-value-variants are counted separately).

'<num>:<min>-<max>' - Addresses a subset of block-IDs with data-values.


The values have a special meaning for this section.

positive-decimals - Are simply the score assigned to each block of the designated type (see about keys above).

-1 - Is used for sub-types to mean _share count/values with the base-block ID (<id>:0).

-<num> - Is used to group different blocks together (for sharing limits or diminishing-returns).


  # Give 20 pts. per LOG (naturally occurring wood)
  '17': 20
  # Count Acacia and Dark Oak as "normal LOGs".
  '162:*': -17
  # Limit logs to only contribute to item-level for the first 20000 blocks. (Reg. of sub-type).
  '17': 20000


Lists "hard-limits", that once a block-count reaches this limit, any additional blocks have no influence on the island-score.

Best used for blocks that are either easily obtainable, or have a very high score (i.e. cobble, or a dragon-egg).


Lists a "soft-limit", at which point extra blocks will slowly give less and less per block added.