A simple and fast library to create MS Office Excel(>2007) xlsx files(Compatible with the OpenOffice document format).
Forked from msexcel-builder
- Support workbook and multi-worksheets.
- Custom column width and row height, cell range merge.
- Custom cell fill styles(such as background color).
- Custom cell border styles(such as thin,medium).
- Custom cell font styles(such as font-family,bold).
- Custom cell border styles and merge cells.
- Text rotation in cells.
Install it in node.js:
npm install msexcel-builder
var excelbuilder = require('msexcel-builder');
Then create a sample workbook with one sheet and some data.
// Create a new workbook file in current working-path
var workbook = excelbuilder.createWorkbook('./', 'sample.xlsx')
// Create a new worksheet with 10 columns and 12 rows
var sheet1 = workbook.createSheet('sheet1', 10, 12);
// Fill some data
sheet1.set(1, 1, 'I am title');
for (var i = 2; i < 5; i++)
sheet1.set(i, 1, 'test'+i);
// Save it
if (err)
throw err;
console.log('congratulations, your workbook created');
or return a JSZip object that can be used to stream the contents (and even save it to disk):
workbook.generate(function(err, jszip) {
if (err)
throw err;
else {
var buffer = jszip.generate({type: "nodebuffer"});
require('fs').writeFile(workbook.fpath + '/' + workbook.fname, buffer, function (err) {
Create a new workbook file.
- (String) The path to save workbook.file_name
- (String) The file name of workbook.
Returns a Workbook
Example: create a xlsx file saved to C:\test.xlsx
var workbook = excelbuilder.createWorkbook('C:\','test.xlsx');
Create a new worksheet with specified columns and rows
- (String) worksheet name.column_count
- (Number) sheet column count.row_count
- (Number) sheet row count.
Returns a Sheet
Notes: The sheet name must be unique within a same workbook.
Example: Create a new sheet named 'sheet1' with 5 columns and 8 rows
var sheet1 = workbook.createSheet('sheet1', 5, 8);
Save current workbook.
- (Function) Callback function to handle save result.
console.log('workbook saved ' + (err?'failed':'ok'));
Cancel to make current workbook,drop all data.
Set the cell data.
- (Number) Cell column index(start with 1).row
- (Number) Cell row index(start with 1).str
- (String) Cell data.
No returns.
sheet1.set(1,1,'Hello ');
Set the column width or row height
sheet1.width(1, 30);
sheet1.height(1, 20);
Set cell text align style and wrap style
- (String) align style: 'center'/'left'/'right'valign
- (String) vertical align style: 'center'/'top'/'bottom'wrap
- (String) text wrap style:'true' / 'false'rotate
- (String) Numeric angle for text rotation: '90'/'-90'
sheet1.align(2, 1, 'center');
sheet1.valign(3, 3, 'top');
sheet1.wrap(1, 1, 'true');
sheet1.rotate(1, 1, 90);
Set cell font style, fill style or border style
- (Object) font style options The options may contain:name
- (String) font namesz
- (String) font sizefamily
- (String) font familyscheme
- (String) font schemebold
- (String) if bold: 'true'/'false'iter
- (String) if italic: 'true'/'false'
- (Object) fill style options The options may contain:type
- (String) fill type: such as 'solid'fgColor
- (String) background color in ARGB format (e.g. FFFAFAD2)
- (Object) border style options The options may contain:left
- (String) style: 'thin'/'medium'/'thick'/'double'top
- (String) style: 'thin'/'medium'/'thick'/'double'right
- (String) style: 'thin'/'medium'/'thick'/'double'bottom
- (String) style: 'thin'/'medium'/'thick'/'double'
sheet1.font(2, 1, {name:'Calibri',sz:'12',family:'2',scheme:'-',bold:'true',iter:'true'});
sheet1.fill(3, 3, {type:'solid',fgColor:'FFFAFAD2',bgColor:'64'});
sheet1.border(1, 1, {left:'medium',top:'medium',right:'thin',bottom:'medium'});
Merge some cell ranges
- (Object) cell position The cell object contains:col
- (Number) cell column index(start with 1)row
- (Number) cell row index(start with 1)
Example: Merge the first row as title from (1,1) to (5,1)
In node.js
> cd test
> node test.js
- Forked v0.1.0 of msexcel-builder
- Merged a CoffeeScript version of the colorfix by aloteot
- Removed the theme and Chinese font references