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Reinforcement Learning based Autonomous Multi-Rotor Landing on Moving Platforms

Welcome to the repository providing the code used for the paper

Reinforcement Learning based Autonomous Multi-Rotor Landing on Moving Platforms

by Pascal Goldschmid and Aamir Ahmad.

The paper was published as open access in the journal Springer - Autonomous Robots and is available here.

Experimental data (training results, training log data, rosbag files and videos of the real flight experiments) can be downloaded here.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact [email protected]

RL multi-rotor landing on moving platforms- image not available.


Scope of the code

The code has been developed with Python 3 on Ubuntu 20, using ROS Noetic and Gazebo 11. It provides all necessary scripts to set up the RL training environment in Gazebo. Furthermore, it contains all necessary files to apply the sequential curriculum used to train agents for different scenarios. It is possible to run several trainings in parallel in independent simulations. Furthermore, the repository contains all files necessary to deploy an agent on real hardware.

Structure of the repository

The repository provides three folders that contain the files to set up a ROS catkin workspace for training and evaluation in simulation (rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim) or for deploying an agent on real hardware. For the latter, one catkin workspace needs to be created on a computer acting as ground control station (rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs) and the other one (rl_multi_rotor_landing_uav) has to be run on the UAV. Dependencies are installed in the submodules folder. Code used in more than one catkin workspace is found in the src folder.

Structure of the code

The code is designed in a way that each ROS node is run in a separate virtual screen. To get a list of all virtual screens that are currently active, run

screen -list

To attach to a screen, use

screen -r SCREEN_NAME

To detach from a screen, press ctrl+a and then ctrl+d.


Linux packages

Install some basic packages first by running the commands

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo apt install screen
sudo apt install python3-pip

Downloading the code

The repository includes several submodules that need to be considered during download. This can be achieved with the following command

git clone --recurse-submodules


Installing ROS and Gazebo

You can find the installation instructions for ROS Noetic and Gazebo here. A list of required ROS packages is given here. You can install a package by using apt as follows

sudo apt install ros-noetic-PACKAGE-NAME

Installing Python modules and setting up the use of virtual environments

A list of required additional python modules is given here. You can install it by running

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you are using a virtual environment or need to adapt your PYTHONPATH variable please update this file according to your needs for the respective catkin workspace. Activate the virtual environment then by running

source ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim/other_files/

Initializing the catkin workspaces

Make sure ROS is installed, then run

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing

Running the code - quick start

For a quick start, you can test the training procedure in simulation.

Setting up a training environment

Prepare the catkin workspace first by running the following commands

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
source other_files/setup.bash

In any other terminal window in which you wish to run any function related to this workspace, run the above source command first. You can launch the simulation environment by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ SIM_ID UAV_NAME ROS_PORT GAZEBO_PORT

Define the name of your environment by the parameter SIM_ID. The parameter UAV_NAME can be used to select a vehicle from the RotorS package. We used the UAV called "hummingbird". ROS_PORT and GAZEBO_PORT are required to run several indepedent trainings in simulation at the same time. For each training, select a unique pair of ports. For ROS_PORT, a working value range constitute the integers 11311 - 11316 whereas for GAZEBO_PORT it is 11351 - 11356. An example to launch the simulation is

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ test_sim hummingbird 11311 11351

To run commands such as rostopic list in a different terminal window, execute first

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
source other_files/setup.bash
source other_files/ ROS_PORT GAZEBO_PORT

where ROS_PORT and GAZEBO_PORT need to match the values used for launching the simulation environment.

Training an agent

There are several steps to be executed during the training curriculum.

  1. Launch the simulation training environment as described above. Then run the first step of the curriculum with

    cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
    ./src/training_q_learning/launch/ hummingbird 11311 11351
  2. After the training has finished, increment the value of the parameter number_new_curriculum_steps by 1 in the parameters file.

  3. Update the parameter load_data_from in the parameters file with the path to the latest results that have been stored.
    By default, the training results are stored here. An example path can look like this

  4. Increment the value of the parameter curriculum_step by 1 in the parameters file.

  5. Set the value of init_distribution to uniform in the in the parameters file.

  6. Replace the value of the variable exploration_rate_schedule in the parameters file with {0:["lin",0,1,0,0]}

  7. Restart the training for the next curriculum step by running

    cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
    ./src/training_q_learning/launch/ hummingbird 11311 11351

With the default settings, you can repeat the steps 3 to 7 four times to obtain a fully trained agent. The script automates these steps.

Testing an agent

To test an agent in simulation, update the value load_data_from in the parameters file with the path to the latest result. Furthermore, replace the respective parameters with the following values

self.initial_action_values: dict = {"pitch":0,  #[rad]
                              "roll":0,         #[rad]
                              "v_z":-0.1,       #[m/s]
                              "yaw":np.pi/4     #[rad]
self.init_distribution = 'uniform'   
self.init_altitude: float = 2.5
self.minimum_altitude: float = 0.1
self.done_criteria: dict = {
        "max_lon_distance" : True,  #Bool
        "max_lat_distance" : True,  #Bool
        "max_ver_distance" : True,  #Bool
        "max_num_timesteps" : True, #Bool
        "minimum_altitude" : True, #Bool
        "touchdown_contact" : True, #Bool
        "success" : False,   #Bool

Run the script

cd rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ hummingbird 11311 11351

You can run an analysis script in parallel. In that script, adapt the path to the location of the log file and the platform size according to your needs. Then, execute

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
./src/training_q_learning/scripts/training/ hummingbird 11311 11351

You can use one of the scripts provided in the folder experiment_evaluation to determine the success rate or duration of training of the agent. Specify the platform size as well as the path to the file previously logged with the analysis script.

Running a custom training

Running a custom setup requires several parameters in the parameters file to be adapted. To determine their values required by the multi-resolution discretization scheme as described in the paper, you can run the script Furthermore, you need to specifiy the properties of the rectilinear periodic movement (radius and velocity) to be performed by the platform during training in the file landing_simulation.launch.

Running the cascaded PI controller

Besides the RL approach, also a cascaded PI controller is implemented. In order to run it, the following set of commands has to be executed.

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_sim
source other_files/setup.bash
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ SIM_ID UAV_NAME ROS_PORT GAZEBO_PORT

Replace SIM_ID, UAV_NAME, ROS_PORT and GAZEBO_PORT with suitable values (see above for an example). This opens the Gazebo simulator with all required ROS nodes running in virtual screens. In a new terminal window run

source other_files/setup.bash
source other_files/ ROS_PORT GAZEBO_PORT
roslaunch training_q_learning all_cascaded_pid_controllers.launch

Replace ROS_PORT, and GAZEBO_PORT values matching those of the previously launched scripts. This launches a ROS node creating and running the different instances of the PID controllers. The respective controller gains can be set in the file all_cascaded_pid_controllers.launch. In another terminal run

source other_files/setup.bash
source other_files/ ROS_PORT GAZEBO_PORT
roslaunch training_q_learning test_cascaded_pid.launch drone_name:=UAV_NAME

Replace ROS_PORT, GAZEBO_PORT and UAV_NAME values matching those of the previously launched scripts. This launches the automatic reset of the UAV after the completion of a landing attempt. The corresponding parameters regarding initial altitude, size of fly zone, etc. can be specified in the parameter file. The successful and failed landing attempts can be logged with the analysis script as described above. For evaluation of the log file, you can use this script.

Setting up an experiment on real hardware


To evaluate an agent on real hardware, a Vicon system is required that is able to track the position and orientation of the UAV and the moving platform using marker detection. ROS nodes are provided that open an interface to the Vicon system to retrieve the required pose and twist data and publish it on the ROS network. Being equipped with a Raspberry Pi 4B running Ubuntu 20, the UAV is able to use this information as a fake GPS signal for the state estimation performed by the onboard flight controller. The RL agent to be evaluated is executed on a desktop computer running the LibrePilot Ground Control Station that is used to switch between the different flight modes (manual attitude control, manual velocity control and RL agent), receive telemetry data from the FC and set up virtual limits for the fly zone for safety purposes.

UAV and moving platform- image not available.


Preparing the Vicon system

In order to function properly, the moving platform must be named moving_platform_1 and the UAV must be named copter_1 in the Vicon system.

Preparing the ground control station

Download the code and initialize the workspaces as described above on the computer used as ground control station (gcs). Prepare the catkin workspace of the gcs by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
source other_files/setup.bash

Follow these steps to install the LibrePilot gcs on your computer. You can launch the gcs by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/submodules/LibrePilot

Click on File --> GCS settings Import/Export and import this file to load the required configuration of the gcs. In Tools --> Options --> IP Network Telemetry enter the IP address of the Raspberry 4B of the UAV in the field Host Name/Number and choose the option TCP.

In our experiments, we connected the gcs computer via ethernet with the Vicon base station. Connection to the UAV is achieved via a Wi-Fi hotspot that is provided by an external access point. To create a connection to the Vicon base computer, install the ROS-package that provides a bridge to the Vicon system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-noetic-vrpn-client-ros

In this file, update the IP address with the IP address of your Vicon base computer.

Navigate to the launch directory of the vrpn_client_ros-package

roscd vrpn_client_ros/launch

Create a file named landing_on_moving_platform.launch with the following content


  <arg name="server" default="localhost"/>

  <node pkg="vrpn_client_ros" type="vrpn_client_node" name="vrpn_client_node" output="screen">
    <rosparam subst_value="true">
      server: $(arg server)
      port: 3883

      update_frequency: 100.0
      frame_id: world

      # Use the VRPN server's time, or the client's ROS time.
      use_server_time: false
      broadcast_tf: true

      # Must either specify refresh frequency > 0.0, or a list of trackers to create
      refresh_tracker_frequency: 1.0
      #- FirstTracker
      #- SecondTracker
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/moving_platform_1/accel" to="/vicon/moving_platform/accel_enu"/>
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/moving_platform_1/pose" to="/vicon/moving_platform/pose_enu"/>
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/moving_platform_1/twist" to="/vicon/moving_platform/twist_enu"/>
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/copter_1/accel" to="/vicon/drone/accel"/>
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/copter_1/pose" to="/vicon/drone/pose"/>
    <remap from="/vrpn_client_node/copter_1/twist" to="/vicon/drone/twist"/>


Preparing the UAV

Install the code on the copter that you plan to use and set it up to automatically connect to the same WiFi as the LibrePilot gcs. Initialize the workspaces as described above. Prepare the catkin workspace on the UAV by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_uav
source other_files/setup.bash

To make sure that the ROS network is initiated as soon as the UAV is powered up, you can set up this script to be executed automatically (e.g. as a cron job) during the boot sequence.

For our experiments, we equipped the UAV with a LibrePilot Revolution Flight Controller. After creating a connection to the FC using the gcs, you can import the configuration file in the gcs by clicking on File--> Import UAV Settings.

Setting up the moving platform

For this project, we used this package to realize a platform moving autonomously on rails. For this purpose, a model train that pulls a wooden platform structure on wheels is controlled via ROS. For more details you can look through the package's readme.

Conducting the flight experiment using the RL controller

Power up the UAV. Make sure that the Vicon system is able to detect both objects, the moving platform and the copter. Then, launch the ROS nodes by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ vicon copter 11311 11351

Prepare the RL agent to be executed whenever the command is given by the remote control or the gcs.

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
./rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs/src/training_q_learning/launch/ copter 11311 11351

Now you can take-off, bring the UAV into a hover state within the fly zone and activate the cascaded PI controller. Deactivate it as soon as the copter is close to the moving platform since a touchdown controller with motor deactivation is not implemented.

Conducting the flight experiment using the cascaded PI controller

Power up the UAV. Make sure that the Vicon system is able to detect both objects, the moving platform and the copter. Then, launch the ROS nodes by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
./src/training_q_learning/launch/ vicon copter 11311 11351

Launch the cascaded PID controller interface in a new terminal by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
source other_files/setup.bash
source other_files/ 11311 11351
roslaunch training_q_learning vicon_cascaded_pid_interface.launch

Launch the cascaded PI controller in a new terminal window by running

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
source other_files/setup.bash
source other_files/ 11311 11351
roslaunch training_q_learning vicon_all_cascaded_pid_controllers.launch yaw:=0.78539 v_z:=0.1

By means of the parameters yaw and v_z you can set the orientation around the vertical axis of the UAV in rad as well as the vertical descend velocity in m/s (positive values indicate descend). Now you can take-off, bring the UAV into a hover state within the fly zone and activate the RL agent. Deactivate it as soon as the copter is close to the moving platform since a touchdown controller with motor deactivation is not implemented.

Logging flight data

You can record a rosbag file during the flight experiments. For this purpose, run the following commands in a terminal window on the gcs laptop.

cd ~/rl_multi_rotor_landing/rl_multi_rotor_landing_gcs
source other_files/setup.bash
bash other_files/record_rosbag.bash <Your Flight Experiment ID name>

Analyzing flight logs

You can make the recorded rosbag file accessible to further processing in python by executing the script It will extract the required topics from the rosbag file and store them as .csv-files in a subdirectory with the same name as the flight experiment ID that was used for the rosbag file. To extract individual flights from these topics, run The flights can be plotted using the gnuplot script plot_vicon_flight_from_drone_state_estimate.gnuplot. Success determination needs to be done manually, i.e. the number of landing trials leading to a successful touchdown needs to be counted.

Disclaimer: Use at own risk. The author, contributors and associated affiliations cannot be held responsible for any damage to hardware or persons.