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Using the Unix PTrace API


In a previous article "Using the Windows Debugging API" I wrote about the Windows debugging API and promised to write a future article about the Unix debug API. Here is that article: slightly later than anticipated.

Many programmers spend a significant amount of time using debuggers but in my experience few of them have much understanding of how they work. It can be useful to look at this, for a couple of reasons:

  • knowing a little about how something works can help you use it better
  • you might wish to write your own tool to make use of the same API

The classic mechanism for debugging application programs in Unix is based around the ptrace function. This function allows the controlling process to perform a variety of tasks on the target process: for example to read and write memory, to examine and change the registers and to receive notifications of signals received by the target process. This forms the basis of the interactive debuggers dbx and gdb. Additionally Unix can invoke the ptrace interface whenever the target process makes a system call. The Unix strace utility uses this mechanism to intercept and record the system calls which are called by a process, together with the name of each system call, its arguments and its return value.

There are a number of problems with this API - it was originally designed a long time ago and some of its features have become slightly problematic since. Moreover, each flavour of Unix has made slightly different implementation decisions and often also added extensions to the basic API. There seem to be regular attempts to produce a new API without some of the peculiarities of the existing implementations, but given the widespread availability of the API and the existence of many cross-platform tools which use ptrace (albeit often containing platform-specific code to handle the differences) there has not yet been a clear successor. Solaris, for instance, has added other debugging and profiling mechanisms which they consider better and removed ptrace as a system call - but the function is still available as it is emulated using the newer functionality.

What's in the Unix debugging API?

Debugging is invoked when a process calls ptrace with the PTRACE_TRACEME argument (i.e. requesting to be debugged) or a process can try to request debugging of a target process by calling ptrace with the PTRACE_ATTACH argument. Only one process at a time can attach to a process so this call willl fail if a debugger is already attached. The use of PTRACE_ATTACH may be restricted by security policies on various versions of Unix - typically it only works if the target process has the same user id but stronger restrictions can be - and often are - available. For example, on Mac OS X a process can use the PTRACE_DENY_ATTACH function code to prevent it from being debugged. This is one of the places where the age of the API shows -- the security concerns often a necessary part of today's computing world were largely absent when ptrace was designed.

Once successfully attached to the target the debugging process typically runs in a loop, calling one of the wait functions to receive the next status change of the target and then using ptrace to inspect and/or modify the target process and then to continue its execution.

When using an interactive debugger it is common to set breakpoints in the target program - this is done by modifying the code in the target to add a breakpoint instruction and then responding to the resultant event. There is a lot of work behind the scenes in a good debugger to do such things as resolving the low level addresses and register values into high level constructs such as line numbers, source code and variables; these techniques are not covered in this article.

A debugger can detach from a debuggee by using ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, pid, 0, 0) , letting the target process run freely. Unless this is done, when the debugging process terminates the target process is also automatically terminated.

Linux ProcessTracer

I am going to use a program that traces calls to open and close (and major events in a program's lifecycle) to provide the framework for exploring ptrace. Although the basic shape of the program would be the same on any flavour of Unix I have written and tested the program on Linux; I will try to point out in the text where the program is Linux-specific.

I will demonstrate the action of the process tracer by targetting an example program named BadProgram. The source code for BadProgram is very simple:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int idx;
  for (idx = 1; idx < argc; ++idx)
    printf("** opening %s\n", argv[idx]);
    FILE *fp = fopen(argv[idx], "r");

As is probably apparent, if any of the command line arguments refer to a file that cannot be opened for read, the call to fclose will segfault when it tries to access the null value of fp.

Here is an example of the tracing in use on the example program when it accesses a null pointer after failing to open the noexist file:

$ ./ProcessTracer ./BadProgram /dev/null noexist
open("/etc/") = 3
close(3) = 0
open("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/") = 3
** opening /dev/null
open("/dev/null") = 3
** opening noexist
open("noexist") = -2(No such file or directory")
Segmentation violation
Terminated by signal 11

Here we can see four calls to open. The first two calls are from the program loader itself opening files as part of starting the program. These calls are then followed by the two calls from the example code: a successful call to open /dev/null and a failed call to open noexist.

Now we've seen the process tracer in action let's go back to the beginning and build it up step by step.

Getting started

The first step in ProcessTracer is to create the child process with tracing enabled. As describe above this is done by making a call to ptrace with argument PTRACE_TRACEME in the child process. In Unix the standard way to create a child process is to clone the current process using fork and then call exec to replace the clone with the desired target. The usual place for the call to ptrace is therefore to put it in the code executed in the cloned child process after the call to fork which created the new process and before the exec which loads the target.

Here is an extract from ProcessTracer (without error handling, for clarity) showing this:

pid_t const cpid = fork();
if (cpid > 0)
  // In the parent
  return cpid;
else if (cpid == 0)
  // In the new child
  if (ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 0, 0) == -1)
    // Handle error
  execv( argv[0], argv );
  // Handle failing to start the new process

At this point the original process has been provided with the process ID of the new child and, since the child process has asked to be debugged, the call to execv in the child process is blocked internally waiting for the parent process to handle the associated ptrace event.

We must now take a look at the main debug loop.

The heart of the matter

In its simplest form the "debug loop" looks like this:

void TrivialPtrace::run()
  int status(0); // Status of the stopped child process
  while ((pid = wait(&status)) != -1)
    int send_signal(0);
    if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
      int const signal(WSTOPSIG(status));
      os << "Signal: " << signal << std::endl;
      if (signal != SIGTRAP) send_signal = signal;
    else if (WIFEXITED(status))
      os << "Exit(" << WEXITSTATUS(status) << ")" << std::endl;
    else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))
      os << "Terminated: signal " << WTERMSIG(status)
         << std::endl;
    else if (WIFCONTINUED(status))
      os << "Continued" << std::endl;
      os << "Unexpected status: " << status << std::endl;

    ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, pid, 0, send_signal);
  if (errno != ECHILD)
    throw make_error("wait");

This loop is purely reactive and isn't doing anything more than displaying the various debug events. Let's look at what it does and then extend it further in a moment.

The first call, to wait, halts the debugger until the next event is ready from the debuggee. On a successful return, the process id of the child raising the event is returned. The wait call returns -1 to indicate there are no more debug events to process - the child process(es) have completed and we can leave the main loop.

We check the error number is ECHILD (no children) and if not raise an error. (The implementation of make_error is in the full source code for the article.)

The call returns a status value for the event, and we use a set of macros defined in wait.h to extract the event type and any related arguments from the status field. As can be seen from the structure of the loop the possible event types are:


The process has stopped at a signal event and the status contains the signal number. Normally you simply want to pass the signal on to the process that reported it so it can do its normal processing on the signal. One exception however is the SIGTRAP signal which is generated by a breakpoint and is also used by ptrace for some of the events that it generates. It is important that the SIGTRAP is not passed on to the target process as the default action is to terminate the process.

The very first event you receive when debugging is a stop event from the child process. (In our case this occurs when the child process is inside the call to execv.) This event gives the debugger a chance to set up the debugging environment and to decide how to let the child process continue. The only exception to this is if the execv fails because, for instance, the target binary does not exist. In this case you may receive an 'Exited' event first, so for robustness you must ensure this possibility is catered for.


The process has called exit (or otherwise terminated normally) with the specified exit status.


The process has terminated in response to the specified signal (for example, SIGABRT from calling abort)


The process has resumed by means of SIGCONT (newer versions of Linux only)

The final stage of the main loop is calling ptrace with the PTRACE_CONT argument which resumes the child process until the next debug event. The code then goes back to the controlling wait call until one of the next events occurs. Other arguments are possible when resuming the child process - for example PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, which resumes the child process for just a single instruction; or PTRACE_SYSCALL, which resumes the child process until the next time it enters or leaves a system call or generates a normal debug event; we will use this value later on in the article.

Here is the output from running this trivial ptrace example against our "bad" program:

$ ./TrivialPtrace ./BadProgram /dev/null noexist
Signal: 5
** opening /dev/null
** opening noexist
Signal: 11
Terminated: signal 11

The first output "Signal 5" is caused by the initial SIGTRAP signal event returned by the ptrace API when the connection to the target process is first made. This first event would typically be used to initialise the debugger for the target process.

A quick check of signal.h shows that signal 11(on my system) is SIGSEGV - segmentation violation. The full processTracer program adds code to map signal numbers to more 'friendly' strings.

Thread and process start and stop

The tracing program at this point suffers from what can be a fairly important restriction - it will debug only the initial target thread and process selected. We can demonstrate this by invoking a shell and then running our bad program from the shell.

$ ./TrivialPtrace /bin/sh
Signal: 5
$ ./BadProgram /dev/null noexist
** opening /dev/null
** opening noexist
Signal: 17
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ ^D

Here we see no sign of the SEGSEGV signal (11) but only the SIGCHLD signal (17) which is received by the shell when its child process - BadProgram - exits. It is very common to want to follow processes (and threads) created by the target process. How can we do this with ptrace?

In the early days of ptrace the usual way to do this was to turn on system call tracing and process the calls that created new processes, such as fork. When fork returns in the parent process the return value is the pid of the new child process. The debugger could then issue a call to ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0). Unfortunately this was subject to a race condition as the child process may have already executed a number of instructions before the debugger received the event via ptrace and was able to attach to the new pid. This mechanism is still available and may be used for portability reasons.

However Linux has added some extensions to ptrace to improve support for debugging child process and also to provide support for debugging multiple threads. Note this is one of the places where Linux diverges from other versions of Unix as it has provided its own implementation for supporting threads, via the clone system call.

I found a lot of questions on the Internet about the best way to program this - it seems that the documentation is not entirely clear. Here are the steps I have found minimally sufficient:

Request tracing of child processes

When the child process is stopped at the initial stop event we set additional ptrace options PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK, PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK and PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE. This makes the system automatically turn on tracing for processes and threads created by the three system calls fork, vfork and clone. Additionally, the newly created processes and threads in turn inherit these ptrace settings. Note that setting these options can only be done when the child process is stopped on a ptrace event.

Wait for all the child processes

We have to replace wait with a call to waitpid and provide a Linux-specific value __WALL for the third argument. If we fail to do this we do not receive signals for all the additional tasks.

Process the additional events

One we have set the options above the system will deliver additional debug events using the 'Stopped' status. The debugging process receives notifications from the parent process with signal type SIGTRAP with additional flags OR'd in to the status value to indicate which system call the event was raised by. Additionally the debugger also receives an initial SIGSTOP signal from each newly created thread or process. It seems necessary, despite what the ptrace documentation states, to avoid sending on the SIGSTOP signal to the process being debugged. Here too Linux has added a further option, PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC, which can be enabled to OR an additional flag value into these initial events.

I modified the earlier example to create a MultiPtrace class which handles threads and processes. I refactored the handling of stopped events into a separate function: OnStop which is invoked in the debug loop like this:

if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
  send_signal = OnStop(WSTOPSIG(status), status >> 16);

The OnStop function itself is:

int MultiPtrace::OnStop(int signal, int event)
  if (!initialised)
    initialised = true;
    long const options =
    if (ptrace(PTRACE_SETOPTIONS, pid, 0, options) == -1)
      throw make_error("PTRACE_SETOPTIONS");
    return 0;

  if (event)
    os << "Event: " << event << std::endl;
    os << "Signal: " << signal << std::endl;
  return (signal == SIGTRAP || signal == SIGSTOP) ? 0 : signal;

Now when we run the previous example we receive the debugging events from both the direct child, the shell, and also from its child processes:

$ ./MultiPtrace /bin/sh
$ ./BadProgram /dev/null noexist
Event: 1
Signal: 19
Signal: 5
** opening /dev/null
** opening noexist
Signal: 11
Terminated: signal 11
Signal: 17
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ ^D

System calls

The next step is to look at tracing system calls; which is enabled by simply replacing PTRACE_CONT with PTRACE_SYSCALL in the main debugging loop. Having done this we get two more events on every system call; one event on entry to the system call and one event just before exiting the system call. The event returned is a 'stopped' event with the stop signal value SIGTRAP. This is the same value used for a software breakpoint event and while this makes sense of what is occurring it can mean additional work by the debugger to differentiate between the two cases.

This overloading of the SIGTRAP processing is unnecessary - a distinct value for a system call event would have been a cleaner design. (Those who read the earlier article on the Windows debugging interface may recall a similar overload with the so-called 'initial breakpoint' event sent to notify the debugger that the initialisation has completed.) Some later versions of ptrace now support an additional option - PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD - which, when set, changes the signal value by ORing it with 0x80 and hence removes the ambiguity. Prior to this option (and for systems not supporting it) you normally disambiguate the two cases by calling ptrace with the PTRACE_GETSIGINFO argument to return information about the underlying signal - the returned value of si_code will be SIGTRAP for the system call entry/exit case.

Now we can expand a little further on the initial SIGTRAP event we saw in the TrivialPtrace example: this is actually a system call exit event for the execve call in the child process.

The events generated on entry and exit to a system call are distinguished by the value of the register used for the return code, which contains a special value of -ENOSYS on entry and the actual return value or error code on exit. Note that this technique works as no system call returns -ENOSYS on failure.

This information is not provided by the ptrace event itself, the debugger has to make an additional call using the PTRACE_GETREGS function code to read the register values for the target process. We then have to get down to the specifics of the architecture - which register will contain the return code we are we looking at? The documentation for each hardware platform includes a section on calling conventions and the system calling convention gives us the information we are looking for.

System call conventions on x86 and x64

The Linux convention on Intel x86 hardware is to use the eax register for the system call number on entry and the return code on exit. The arguments to the system call (up to six arguments depending on the call) are passed in ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi and ebp.

As described above, when a syscall entry event occurs the eax value is overwritten by the special value -ENOSYS. The ptrace interface therefore saves the original eax value in orig_eax so the debugger still has access to the system call number. It also does this on the system call exit case so the debugger knows which system call is exiting.

The basic logic looks something like this:

  struct user_regs_struct regs;
  if (ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, 0, &regs) == -1)
    throw make_error("ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS)");

  int const rc = regs.eax;
  int const func = regs.orig_eax;

  if (rc == -ENOSYS)
    OnCallEntry(func, regs.ebx, regs.ecx, ...);
    OnCallExit(func, rc);

The actual handling of each function will obviously involve decoding the actual value of each of the valid arguments to the function call.

For the x64 API the rax register replaces the eax register and the system call arguments are passed in rdi, rsi, rdx, r10,

r8 and r9 with the original system call number returned in orig_rax. The resultant code is very similar to that shown above for the x86 case.

Turning a register value into a file name

The process tracer program in this article is interested in just two system calls: open and close. The corresponding system call numbers are __NR_open and __NR_close. The close call takes a single argument, the file handle to close, and so displaying this is easy. The open call is more complicated as we are interested in the first argument ("const char *path") and this argument is the address of the character string.

The return code from the system call is negative on error and the error code is the negation of this number. It can be displayed as a text string by using the standard strerror() function. (This is a slight simplification: only 'small' negative numbers indicate an error.)

We need to invoke ptrace again to read the string, this time using the PTRACE_PEEKDATA function code. This function can be slightly awkward to use as it only provides access to memory one word at a time. In order to read a NUL-terminated string we must bear in mind that the start of the string may not be aligned on a word boundary, so we may need to read (and ignore) a few bytes before the string starts. The algorithm then reads words one at a time and processes characters from each word until the terminating null is located.

Here is an implementation of this algorithm:

std::string ProcessTracer::readString(long addr)
  std::string result;

  int offset = addr % sizeof(long);
  char *peekAddr = (char *)addr - offset;

  // Loop round to find the end of the string
  bool stringFound = false;
    long const peekWord =
      ptrace( PTRACE_PEEKDATA, pid, peekAddr, NULL );
    if ( -1 == peekWord )
       throw make_error("ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA)");
    char const * const tmpString = (char const *)&peekWord;
    for (unsigned int i = offset; i != sizeof(long); i++)
      if (tmpString[i] == '\0')
        stringFound = true;
    peekAddr += sizeof(long);
    offset = 0;
  } while ( !stringFound );
  return result;

A further difficulty with the access mechanism occurs when reading arbitrary data (this issue doesn't occur when reading printable character strings) as the return code of -1 may be caused by an error reading from the target or by reading the value of -1 from the target process. The only way to differentiate between these two cases is to set errno to zero before making the call and examine its value afterwards: it will still be zero for successful completion and the error number on failure.

This is another place where the original design of ptrace is showing signs of age. The mechanism is unwieldy to use and causes performance problems when reading larger data structures as each word of memory read involves a separate system call.

Many versions of Unix now provide other ways to access memory from another process. In Linux we can make use of the /proc pseudo-filesystem to access the memory of the target process using the filesystem API to read /proc/*pid*/mem for the target process id.

Here is the same method reimplemented in terms of this filesystem:

std::string ProcessTracer::readString(long addr)
  std::string result;  std::ostringstream os;
  os << "/proc/" << pid << "/mem";
  std::ifstream mem(os.str().c_str(), std::ios::binary);
  std::getline(mem, result, '\0');
  return result;

In production code it is likely that the open file stream would be cached for performance.

Extending process tracer

We have now completed the implementation of the simple process tracer demonstrated at the beginning of the article. The basic framework is in place to handle the debug events generated by the child process(es) and thread(s) and we have looked at how to access data in the target process.

The standard system tool strace performs all this, and more, and for most of the process tracing needs you might have this is likely to be the right solution! It is already configured to understand and display the various system call argument types and has a range of options available.

However there are times when a more specific tool is required and techniques like the ones described in this article can be used to implement such tools.


I have covered only the basics of a call tracer in this article and there is obviously a lot more that must be added to write a proper interactive debugger. However I hope that the overview of the debug API that I have presented here has given you some understanding of the bare bones of the interaction between the debugger and the target; and some sympathy for the complexity of the task involved in providing a tool such as gdb or strace.


Many thanks to Irfan Butt for reviewing this article and correcting a number of mistakes.

Source code

The full source code for this article can be found in github.

Copyright Roger Orr 2021-07-06 - First published in C Vu, Nov 2012.