+In this tutorial you will create a pair of
+[nodes]( that pass information to each other via a
+[topic]( in the form of string messages. The example used here is a simple "talker" and "listener" system; one node publishes data and the other subscribes to the topic to receive that data.
+Since Rust doesn't have inheritance, it's not possible to inherit from `Node` as is common practice in [`rclcpp`]( or [`rclpy`](
+The code used in these examples can be found [here](
+Side-note on dependencies
+You may be wondering why you can't just add all your ROS 2-specific dependencies to `Cargo.toml` with `cargo add YOUR_DEPENDENCIES` and have to edit this file manually. Here is why:
+Almost none of the ROS 2 dependencies you'll need for your ROS 2 Rust node development currently exist on [](, the
+main source for Rust dependencies. So the add command simply can't find the dependency targets. What colcon does by compiling
+the ROS 2 Rust dependencies and your ROS 2 Rust project is redirect the cargo search for dependencies directly into your
+`workspace/install` folder, where it'll find locally generated Rust projects to use as dependencies. In particular, almost
+all message types will be called as dependencies for your ROS 2 Rust project this way.