is able to record data in a batch mode
. In batch mode
data is stored in a time-stamped csv format. Reviewing the data can be difficult due to the format, quantity, and a lack of tools that can quickly consume it. This project consumes this CSV data and structures it in to prometheus query results. This project is intended to be 'turn-key' and stands up an instance of grafana and the metric server. Data is consumed from a file named metrics.csv
which is to be placed in dataserv/data/esxtop/metrics.csv
- podman
- podman-compose
- ssh access to an ESXi host
In its most basic invocation, esxtop
will record all known metrics:
ssh <esxuser>@<esxihost> esxtop -b &> metrics.csv
This is usually a staggering number of metrics and can be difficult to effectively parse. It is recommended that metrics are selectively chosen to reduce the burden on the collection and review of the metrics. To do this:
- Determine the entities of the metrics being monitored
ssh <esxuser>@<esxihost> esxtop -export-entity entities.dat
scp <esxuser>@<esxihost>:entities.dat .
In this file there are entity groups. SchedGroup
contains processes and VMs. If the goal is to collect metrics from VMs associated with nodes in the cluster the VMs of interest must be isolated.
- Filter entities to collect
NODES=$(oc get nodes -o=jsonpath='{.items[*]}')
echo SchedGroup > filtered.dat
for NODE in $NODES; do cat entities.dat | grep $NODE >> filtered.dat ; done
scp filtered.dat <esxuser>@<esxihost>: .
- Collect metrics
ssh <esxuser>@<esxihost> esxtop -b -import-entity filtered.dat | tee metrics.csv
When finished, control+c
can be invoked. Also, esxtop
accepts parameters which define the time between collections(-d
) and the number of collections(-n
). Otherwise, esxtop
will run until interrupted.
- Start Metrics Server
a. Copy metrics.csv
to dataserv/data/esxtop/metrics.csv
b. From the root of the project, run podman-compose build;podman-compose up
- Analyze Metrics
Enter http://localhost:3000
in to your browser of choice. The datasource is esxtop batch reader
. The metrics server only has limited query support:
- The timeframe of the metrics can be restricted
- Indiviual metrics can be selected for query
- Substrings of metrics can be provided in the query
Metrics may also be directly exported from prometheus to augment the data gathered from esxtop
. This can be helpful, if for example, it is needed to
correlate etcd performance against ESXi performance.
function promqlQuery() {
END_TIME=$(date -u +%s)
START_TIME=$(date -u --date="60 minutes ago" +%s)
oc exec -c prometheus -n openshift-monitoring prometheus-k8s-0 -- curl --data-urlencode "query=$1" --data-urlencode "step=10" --data-urlencode "start=$START_TIME" --data-urlencode "end=$END_TIME" http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query_range
promqlQuery "histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket{job=\"etcd\"}[1m])) by (instance, le))" > etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket_.99
promqlQuery "histogram_quantile(0.999, sum(rate(etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket{job=\"etcd\"}[1m])) by (instance, le))" > etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket_.999
promqlQuery "histogram_quantile(0.9999, sum(rate(etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket{job=\"etcd\"}[1m])) by (instance, le))" > etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket_.9999
Copy the extracted metrics file to dataserv/data/promql
. The files will be read in under the promql result reader
data source in grafana.
etcd log files can be read without any required preprocessing by placing them in dataserv/data/etcd
. There will be an etcd datasource when podman-compose is started.