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File metadata and controls

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EUDAQ version 2 Graphical User Interface

This README section features 2 GUIs: A LogCollecor GUI and a main RunControl GUI.

RunControl GUI

The RunControl GUI provides an graphical overview over the DAQ System, including all producers, dataCollectors, Monitors and LogCollectors (Components in the following) The GUI consists of three sections:


Shows the overall state of the DAQ. The component with the lowest state defines the system state. The possible states are

  • ERROR: Something went wrong
  • UNINIT: The startup state - Init required to continue
  • UNCONF: Initialized but not yet configured
  • CONF: Configured - ready to take data
  • STOPPED: Data taking has been stopped and the system has not been reconfigured afterwards.
  • RUNNING: Actively running


Buttons and line edits to control the DAQ. Inactive buttons are greyed out:

  • Init file:ExampleFile
    • Line edit for the currently set init file, which can be changed by simply entering the desired filename (NB: has to have the end .ini)
    • Load-Button: Opens Dialog to browse the system searching for a *.ini file, which is loaded to the line-edit
    • Init-Button: Distibutes the init command and file to all connected components
  • Config File: ExampleFile
    • Line edit for the currently set configuration file, which can be changed by simply entering the desired filename (NB: has to have the end .conf)
    • Load-Button: Opens Dialog to browse the system searching for a *.conf file, which is loaded to the line-edit
    • Config-Button: Distibutes the configure command and file to all connected components
  • Next RunN: Can be set if the next run is not supposed to be the last number + 1
  • Start-Button: Start data taking
  • Stop-Button: Stop data taking
  • Blue progress bar: Shows completion of the current scan - cannot be changed manually
  • Scan File: ExampleFile Create a scan of any parameter, detailed description and examples can be found below
    • Line edit for the currently set scan configuration file, which can be changed by simply entering the desired filename (NB: has to have the end .scan)
    • Load-Button: Opens Dialog to browse the system searching for a *.scan file, which is loaded to the line-edit
    • StartScan-Button: Starts the scan and allows for an interruption at any time.
    • LogConfigs: If checked, the current configuration is copied to a file called config_run_RUNNUMBER.txt and stored in current working directory or at the path given in the config, see below


All connected components are shown in a table located in the bottom part. For each component, the following information is displayed:

  • type: Can be Producer, DataCollector, Monitor
  • name: Registered Name
  • state: Current state
  • Connection: tcp:://IP:Port
  • message: Last status message sent
  • information: frequently updated detailed information about the component.

Right clicking on each component opens a dialog to set the component into a desired state. Note that most components can only go up one state per step.

Init and Configuration parameters


No parameters required


- config_log_path: Path to which the configuration is copied at
runstart. Defaults to an empty string
- EUDAQ_CTRL_PRODUCER_LAST_START: Last producer that is started
- EUDAQ_CTRL_PRODUCER_FIRST_STOP: First producer that is stopped


Self explaining GUI to scroll through the logs.

Configure a scan

Each *.scan file needs a [global] section which defines the scan behavior. Any actual scan is defined in a numbered section [0..1000]. Scans sections with number above 1000/ below 0 are not considered. A running example of a scan can be found here, including starting scripts and all required files. The scans are executed according to their assigned number [i] is always executed before [i+1]. A scan can be defined to be nested. If so, all previous configurations are repeated for each point in the other scan: [0] from s1=2 to s1=3 (with default =2) and [1] from s2=8 to s2=10 (with default =8) will be in pairs (s1,s2)

nested = false: (2,8)->(3,8)->(2,9)->(2,10)

nested = true: (2,8)->(3,8)->(2,9)->(3,9)->(2,10)->(3,10)

The [global]- section has the following parameters:

  • configPrefix: The prefix for all files: _SCANSTEP.scan is added automatically - Default:default
  • timeBasedScan: 1 if the scan should take a certain time at each point, else a number of events is taken at each step. Default:1
  • timePerStep: Run-time in s for each step, no default value and only required if timeBasedScan == 1
  • nEventsPerStep: Number of events per step, no default value and only required if timeBasedScan != 1
  • allowNested: If set to 1 nested scans are allowed, overwrites section nested argument. Default 0
  • repeatScans : Repeat the scan until the user interrupts if set to 1. Otherwise stop after finishing. Default: 0

Each scan section [0..1000] requires the parameters:

  • parameter: The parameter that should be scanned
  • start: Start point of scan
  • stop: Stop point of scan
  • step: Step size of scan
  • name: Name of the component containing the scanned parameter
  • default: Default value to be used in all scan section [i!=iScan]. Default:start
  • nested: Repeat all scan sections with [i<iScan] for each step if set to 1, no effect otherwise. Default:0
  • eventCounter: Required if [global.timeBasedScan!=1]. Defines the component that triggers the next step, if it has seen [gloabl.neventsPerStep] events.