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Welcome to Binance Chain Signing Service v0.0.4


  • Signing methods for Order, Cancel Order, Transfer, Freeze and Unfreeze tokens
  • Sign and broadcast methods for above messages
  • Resync a wallet to the chain
  • Fetch wallet permissions and information such as address and environment
  • Validated config using pydantic
  • JWT authentication method
  • Multiple wallet support
  • Create wallets with mnemonic or private_key
  • Multiple user support
  • Per wallet and per user permissions
  • Users may have access to multiple wallets
  • Individual Wallets specify environment, production or testnet
  • Simple yaml configuration
  • Supported by python-binance-chain python client library - This provides a simple error free client interface
  • Native OpenAPI support
  • Import OpenAPI schema into Postman directly
  • Auto generated OpenAPI documentation and JSON schema for building client interfaces.
  • Fast server using next generation python 3 libraries FastApi, uvicorn and Starlette
  • Docker support for ultimate portability
  • Terraform example running on AWS Fargate behind ALB
  • Lightweight, can run on Raspberry Pi
  • Uses pydantic Secret Types module to avoid leakage of private content

including private keys, password hashes and auth secret keys - Passwords stored as hashes in the system - Some IP whitelisting has been implemented

  • would recommend external security control if hosting on cloud services or through a proxy like Traefik or Nginx

Read the Changelog

Test Service

View the OpenAPI docs here

Import the OpenAPI schema to Postman from here

Use as the endpoint to communicate if you're using the python-binance-chain python client library.

Login credentials are

  • username: sam
  • password: mypass


Modify the config/config.yml configuration file to include the wallets and users you need.

The configuration has 3 sections


# amount of minutes access tokens are valid, set to a large number if a long expiry is needed
access_token_expiry_minutes: 10080
# secret key to encode tokens, generate with a bcrypt tool
secret_key: <bcrypt_hash>


  # the private key for this wallet
  - private_key: <private_key>
    # name of the wallet, this is used in requests to the signing service
    name: wallet_1
    # specify the environment to use for this wallet
    env_name: TESTNET  # or PROD
    ip_whitelist:  # optional section
    permissions:  # limit of permissions that users may be able to perform on this
      - trade
      - transfer

  # initialise wallet with mnemonic
  - mnemonic: '<mnemonic word string>'
    env_name: TESTNET
    name: wallet_2
      - transfer
      - freeze

# add other wallets as needed


  - username: sam
    password_hash: <bcrypt_password_hash> # generate with online tool or command line

    # list of wallet permissions this user has
      # the wallet name from the wallets list above
      - wallet_name: wallet_1
        # perissions here are a subset of the wallet permissions
          - trade
          - transfer
      - wallet_name: wallet_2
          - transfer

If the user has trade permission but the wallet doesn't, then the wallet permission denies trade access.


trade - allow order create and canceld transfer - allow the transfer of funds from one account to another freeze - allow freezing and unfreezing tokens resync - allow resynchronising sequence info for the wallet

Wallets can have any combination of permissions to restrict access per wallet and per user.

Combined with multiple users you have the most flexibility in how accounts are accessed and used.

Bcrypt Generation

Some parts of the config require password hashes or just random strings to keep things secure.

Try or the command line if you're more advance.

Running the server locally

This requires python 3.6+ and this setup

# create an environment to use
python3 -v venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# install the requirements
pip install -r app/requirements.txt

Run the server

cd app

uvicorn main:app --reload

If having issues with secp256k1 check the Installation instructions for the sec256k1-py library

Running the server with Docker

There is a sample Dockerfile available based on the tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi container. See the container docs for more configuration options.

The /app and /config directories are copied into the container.

To run it in Docker, build and run the container. Feel free to change bdex-sign and bdex-sign-c to your own image and container names.

docker build -t bdex-sign ./
docker run -d --name bdex-sign-c -p 8001:80 bdex-sign

To check the log output

docker logs bdex-sign-c

To stop the container

docker stop bdex-sign-c

Finally to remove the container

docker rm bdex-sign-c

Running the server more securely with Docker

I would recommend using the container with Traefik to include Let's Encrypt support to serve content over HTTPS.

By running in an environment like AWS using ECS, one could point API Gateway to the instance and define IP whitelisting in this way.


A Terraform config for running the container in AWS Fargate with an ALB can be found in the terraform directory.

After pushing your build docker container to ECR you are nearly ready to go.

To do that

  • create an ECR repository in AWS
  • tag your local image with the repository name
docker tag bdex-sign <account_id>
  • push the image to the repository
docker push <account_id>

Update terraform/ and fill in your aws_profile, container location and ecs_task_execution_role (it will look something like arn:aws:iam::<account_id>:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole.

Now initialise terraform

terraform init terraform/

Then apply the terraform plan

terraform apply terraform/

This will output the URL to access your signing service.

To delete at any time

terraform destroy terraform/


POST /api/auth/login

Pass username and password payload to the endpoint to generate a JWT token to use for subsequent requests.

By default tokens expire after 7 days, this can be changed in the config.yml.


    "username": "sambot",
    "password": "don'tforgetthis"


    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Qi....",
    "token_type": "bearer"

Message Interaction

All other endpoints require JWT token for authentication. Add this as a request header.

Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

POST /api/order/sign

Sign a new order message object and return the hash

Requires permission - trade


    "msg": {
        "order_type": "LIMIT",
        "price": 0.000396,
        "quantity": 10,
        "side": "buy",
        "symbol": "ANN-457_BNB",
        "time_in_force": "GTE"
    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"


    "signed_msg": "de01f0625dee0a6..."

POST /api/order/broadcast

Sign a new order message object and return the exchanges response

Requires permission - trade


Same as /api/order/sign


Is the response from the Binance Chain exchange

POST /api/cancel_order/sign

Sign a cancel order message object and return the hash

Requires permission - trade


    "msg": {
        "order_id": "<order_id>",
        "symbol": "ANN-457_BNB"
    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"


    "signed_msg": "de01f0625dee0a6..."

POST /api/order/broadcast

Requires permission - trade

Sign a cancel order message object and return the exchanges response


Same as /api/cancel_order/sign


Is the response from the Binance Chain exchange

POST /api/transfer/sign

Requires permission - transfer

Sign a transfer message object and return the hash


    "msg": {
        "symbol": "BNB",
        "amount": 1,
        "to_address": "<to address>"
    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"


    "signed_msg": "de01f0625dee0a6..."

POST /api/transfer/broadcast

Requires permission - transfer Sign a transfer message object and return the exchanges response


Same as /api/transfer/sign


Is the response from the Binance Chain exchange

POST /api/freeze/sign

Requires permission - freeze

Sign a freeze message object and return the hash


    "msg": {
        "symbol": "BNB",
        "amount": 1,
    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"


    "signed_msg": "de01f0625dee0a6..."

POST /api/freeze/broadcast

Sign a transfer message object and return the exchanges response

Requires permission - freeze


Same as /api/freeze/sign


Is the response from the Binance Chain exchange

POST /api/unfreeze/sign

Sign an unfreeze message object and return the hash

Requires permission - freeze


    "msg": {
        "symbol": "BNB",
        "amount": 1,
    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"


    "signed_msg": "de01f0625dee0a6..."

POST /api/unfreeze/broadcast

Sign an unfreeze message object and return the exchanges response

Requires permission - freeze


Same as /api/unfreeze/sign


Is the response from the Binance Chain exchange

Wallet Interaction

POST /api/wallet/resync

Resynchronise the wallet on the signing service. This can happen if the sequence gets out of order.

Requires permission - resync


    "wallet_name": "wallet_1"



GET /api/wallet

Fetch all wallet info the currently authorised user has access to

Requires permission - none


        "name": "wallet_1",
            "permissions": [
        "env": "TESTNET",
        "address": "tbnb10a6kkxlf823w9lwr6l9hzw4uyphcw7qzrud5rr",
        "public_key": "02cce2ee4e37dc8c65d6445c966faf31ebfe578a90695138947ee7cab8ae9a2c08"
        "name": "wallet_2",
        "permissions": [
        "env": "TESTNET",
        "address": "tbnb10a6kkxlf823w9lwr6l9hzw4uyphcw7qzrud5rr",
        "public_key": "02cce2ee4e37dc8c65d6445c966faf31ebfe578a90695138947ee7cab8ae9a2c08"

GET /api/wallet/{wallet_name}

Fetch wallet info for the named wallet and the currently authorised user

Requires permission - none


    "name": "wallet_1",
        "permissions": [
    "env": "TESTNET",
    "address": "tbnb10a6kkxlf823w9lwr6l9hzw4uyphcw7qzrud5rr",
    "public_key": "02cce2ee4e37dc8c65d6445c966faf31ebfe578a90695138947ee7cab8ae9a2c08"

Docs & OpenAPI


View the OpenAPI docs for this service and interact with it.


View the docs in Redoc format


Retrieve the OpenAPI JSON Schema for this service.

You can also import this directly into Postman

Using python-binance-chain

python-binance-chain has been updated to include this signing service interface as an option to process messages

Initialise the client to interact with your signing service

from binance_chain.signing.http import HttpSigningClient
from binance_chain.messages import NewOrderMsg

signing_client = HttpSigningClient(url="http://localhost:8000", username="username", password="password")

# create the message object
new_order_msg = NewOrderMsg(

# get hex data for a message
new_order_hex = signing_client.sign_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')

# broadcast a message directly
new_order_res = signing_client.broadcast_order(new_order_msg, wallet_name='wallet_1')


Signing Service for Binance Chain







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