Link to Code: Redshift_IaC_Utility
This utility automates the Infrastructure deployement and configuration for Redshift cluster along with the pre-requisites to spin up the cluster.
The code performs 3 setups:
- Create or delete an IAM role and apply appropriate policy to allow access to other AWS services
- Create or delete a VPC security group, with appropriate Indound rules to allow connection to the cluster.
- Finally, spin up a cluster using the Hardware configurations defined in config file, set-up master DB configs, apply cluster permission's with the IAM role and set VPC security groups as created above.
KEY=<Your Access Key>
SECRET=<Your Secret Access Key>
DWH_CLUSTER_TYPE=<single or multi node cluster>
DWH_NUM_NODES=<number of nodes>
DWH_NODE_TYPE=<Node type e.g. dc2.large>
DWH_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER=<cluster identifier>
DWH_DB=<db name>
DWH_DB_USER=<db user>
DWH_DB_PASSWORD=<db password>
DWH_PORT=<db port. default - 5439>
POLICY_ARN=<policy-arn e.g - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess>
PROTOCOL=<protocol e.g - TCP>
CIDRIP=<Specify a single IP address, or an IP address range in CIDR notation>
> python -h
usage: [-h] -c -d [-v]
A Redshift cluster IaC (Infrastructure as Code). It creates IAM role for the
Redshift, creates security group and sets up ingress parameters. Finally spin-
up a redshift cluster.
required arguments:
-c , --create True or False. Create IAM roles, security group and
redshift cluster if ie does not exist.
-d , --delete True or False. Delete the roles, securitygroup and
cluster. WARNING: Deletes the Redshift cluster, IAM role
and security group.
optional arguments:
-v , --verbosity Increase output verbosity. Default set to DEBUG.
Create a new cluster:
python --create TRUE --delete FALSE --verbosity TRUE
Delete cluster:
python --create FALSE --delete TRUE --verbosity TRUE