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Flask Web API - Demo Setup

The following steps show an example setup of the Web API to run the Reproducible Open Benchmarks for Data Analysis Platform (ROB) Demo benchmarks Hello World Demo. The steps assume that your working directory is /home/user/project/rob. Make sure to adjust all path names to your local environment.

There is also a slide deck with step-by-step instructions.


Virtual Environment

We recommend using a virtual environment for the installation. The following steps will create and activate a new virtual environment in the current working directory.

# -- Create a new virtual environment
virtualenv venv
# -- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate

If you are using the Python distribution from Anaconda, you can setup an environment like this:

# -- Create a new virtual environment
conda create -n rob pip
# -- Activate the virtual environment
conda activate rob

Install Packages

The Flask Web API for ROB requires the flowserv package. If you want to run the demo from the command line you also need to install the rob-client package. All packages are installable from the source code on GitHub using pip.

The following steps will install all packages from the respective GitHub repositories. You can first clone the repositories and the install the packages that are contained in them:

# Clone repositories and install locally
git clone [email protected]:scailfin/flowserv-core.git
pip install -e flowserv-core
git clone [email protected]:scailfin/rob-webapi-flask.git
pip install -e rob-webapi-flask
# Optional, install the ROB API command line interface
git clone [email protected]:scailfin/rob-client.git
pip install -e rob-client

Alternatively, you can install the packages directly from the respective GitHub repositories:

pip install git+
pip install git+
# Optional, install the ROB API command line interface
pip install git+


All components of ROB are configured using environment variables.


Ensure that the following environment variables are set before starting the demo server. This example uses SQLite. For more examples, see the SQLAlchemy documentation.

export FLOWSERV_DATABASE=sqlite:////home/user/project/rob/db.sqlite

Directory for Benchmark Runs

Configure the ROB API base directory and the workflow controller. In this setup we maintain all files and databases in a local folder .rob within the current working directory. The ROB Demos use the simple multi-process workflow controller to execute benchmark runs.

export FLOWSERV_API_DIR=/home/user/project/rob/.rob
export FLOWSERV_API_PATH=/rob/api/v1

ROB User-Interface

The ROB Web API package contains a build of the ROB User-Interface. For the Flask server to be able to serve the UI files, you need to set the following environment variable.

export ROB_UI_PATH=/home/user/project/rob/rob-webapi-flask/resources/ui

Setup Database & Install Demo

The Web API includes a command line tool to initialize database and base directories that are used by the Web API to store information about users, benchmarks, user submissions, benchmark results.

flowserv init

To run the demo you need to register at least one user.

flowserv register -u alice -p abc123

The next step is to install the code for the demo workflows. The example below is for the Hello World Demo. Use flowserv repository to get a list of currently available benchmarks.

flowserv install helloworld

Run the Demo

Before you start the Flask Web server the workflow engine needs to be defined. The settings differ for the two demos. Note that Hello World can run with the same settings as Top Tagger but Top Tagger cannot run with Hello World settings (unless you install the Top tagger code manually in your virtual environment).

Set environment variables for the Hello World Demo:

export FLOWSERV_BACKEND_MODULE=flowserv.controller.serial.engine
export FLOWSERV_BACKEND_CLASS=SerialWorkflowEngine

Set environment variables for the Top Tagger Demo:

# Note that this demo requires a running Docker Daemon on your machine.
export FLOWSERV_BACKEND_MODULE=flowserv.controller.serial.docker
export FLOWSERV_BACKEND_CLASS=DockerWorkflowEngine

Set environment variables to run the Flask development server. The Web UI should then be available at

export FLASK_APP=robflask.api
export FLASK_ENV=development

flask run

Run Demo from Command Line

If you want to run the demo from the command-line instead, you need to open an new terminal window. Make sure to activate the virtual environment and set the environment variable FLOWSERV_API_PATH to the same value as in the terminal that is running the Flask server.

export FLOWSERV_API_PATH=/rob/api/v1