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618 lines (601 loc) · 17.5 KB


File metadata and controls

618 lines (601 loc) · 17.5 KB

Engge II

Known Bugs

  • wrong actor placement during give animation
  • annoying kid is walking like a crab
  • When play first with franklin the icon is a ghost
  • When willie snore, his head vanishes (lips contains head1 and 2 but not the anim)
  • In closeup room, the actor seems to walk
  • failed to get object: FUNCTION [createSpeckOfDust()] Helpers.bnut line [2072], enteredRoom()] Helpers.bnut line [1467], NATIVE line [-1], QuickiePalOutside.bnut line [156], NATIVE line [-1], MainStreet.bnut line [749]
  • failed to get object or actor: animateBirdObject()] Vista.bnut line [128]
  • inventory_slot indicates where the inventory object should be present in the inventory
  • text and speech: language is not translated
  • Save game should be disabled in start screen/options
  • pizza code is almost not visible
  • weird animation when climbing stairs in the library
  • the camera constraints are not correct in the library
  • when we se the elevator in the van, we don't see the actor
  • Delores cannot pickup SR-01 programming book
  • Delores cannot take the key in the workshop
  • The pigeon van should arrive in front of the hotel
  • Cannot give pigeons card to hotel manager
  • Voice not hear in dialog
  • text and speech: language is not centered when changed
  • sound and focus events for the underlying menu
  • the hitbox for the yes and no button in the quit dialog starts a few pixels too low
  • main menu is not translated if language is changed
  • strcrc should return an integer not a string
  • when ransome pushes the trampoline, it never ends
  • Delores cannot guess the number to decode the will
  • the walkbox in cemetery is wrong (at the end of the path)
  • strlast not implemented
  • clock movement is incorrect in mansion entry
  • failed to get text: BStreet.bnut line [221]: sayLine("@28912", (_ringPhoneTID ? "@28999" : null))
  • postal worker cutscene does not end
  • weird animation when climbing stairs in the mansion library
  • Franklin shouldn't be touchable before becoming a ghost
  • When postal worker gives the letter to Delores, the cutscene is never ending
  • Weird animation when agents go up in the bus
  • When using bloodtron, the light is not correct and the flashing light is not working
  • When Delores in the pillowtron, the ghost effect with franklin does not work
  • When Delores use pickup verb, Delores walks
  • Each time we enter a room with a fan, the fan rotation has a weird rotation
  • actors sounds are still played when changing room
  • PhoneBook.bnut line [186] objectState(previous_button, OFF) can be null
  • ThimbleCon.bnut line [500] actorDistanceWithin(batdork, nextSpot ) not implemented
  • The phone book in the library is empty (correct after loading game)
  • When using map the actor is big
  • We should be able to talk to agents
  • When we give an object, the give verb is still active
  • Array shuffle returns an array of array
  • After the bridge cutscene video, if we go back to the bridge, the room is black
  • actor is not in the good direction when entering a room
  • actor still walks when changing room
  • actor still walks when switching actors
  • When calling radio station the answers are "$answer1", "$answer2" and so on
  • It's not possible to awake the coroner in his office
  • Dave should move
  • Reyes cannot give a map to Ray
  • Ray or Reyes should watch the van
  • Franklin cannot leave his hotel room
  • when we use the notebook, the text is not at the correct position
  • in closeup room, go to the options menus, savegame should be disabled
  • hide sentence when HUD in not visible
  • verb is not reset when executed
  • all actor's text are White
  • actors don't respect useWalkboxes
  • when franklin enters in the Hotel's lobby, Reyes should not be visible
  • actor does not climb but walk on the ladder
  • we don't see Chuck in the tvs in LaserHall
  • PillowTronEndDialog never ends
  • sayLine crash with an array
  • Franklin cannot go through doors
  • Ransome cannot give the floppy disk to Delores
  • Chuck computer text is not translated
  • Clara in the elevator should not be visible
  • cannot press buttons in the elevator
  • Franklin cannot put on his glasses
  • wrong number of args when opening elevator
  • actor is not visible in countymap
  • no camera pan in the hotel
  • actor is not moving in countymap
  • crash when using countymap
  • when using copytron, the game is frozen
  • if you take once the map in the Nickel news then you can't leave the room
  • hide debug tools by default and allow toggle
  • it's not possible to give the letter to chuck
  • Delores dance never ends
  • Delores dance is buggy
  • Fix delores using letter on mailbox
  • ransome can't pickup his money in the safe (again)
  • loading a game can crash when loading selectableActors
  • fix camera position when delores use doors in the mansion hall
  • (drinking sound)sip sip sip sip in dialog
  • Ransome has no face when using gel
  • Ransome loses his makeup
  • Ransome can't take his makeup
  • Ransome can't give his money to Carney
  • not possible to pickup money in ransome trailer
  • change actor's facing do nothing
  • lips don't move anymore
  • we should reset actor's follow during cutscene
  • we shouldn't see cursor during cutscene
  • crash if sayline with only space characters
  • sometimes when actor is walking, the actor stops but the animation walking is still running
  • actor sometimes disappears
  • actor switcher should be not available during cutscene
  • actor switcher should be not available during dialog
  • dialog with coroner is never ending
  • some inventory objects are empty
  • empty inventory icon has 1 white pixel
  • inventory icon is all white
  • walkto keep the actor in memory stack
  • when walk down or up, we should see the face or back of the actor
  • after loading a savegame actors aren't visible
  • {notalk} makes the actor disappear
  • in closeup room the actor switcher should allow to go to the options menus, actors are disabled
  • when we are in a closeup room, we can still move the current actor
  • when we talk to Sandy, the actor is walking to the wrong spot
  • when we talk to Sandy, the dialog stops before the end
  • when walking the actor is wearing a hat sometimes ???
  • script error when using agent badge
  • selecting an actor does not switch room
  • menu hotspot is wrong
  • inventory hotspot is wrong
  • dialog choice hotspot is wrong
  • invalid talk offset (with pigeon brothers for example)
  • wheels are missing in pigeons van
  • when actor is switched, the verb colors are wrong
  • after a cutscene, the current room is not where the actor is
  • sheriff animation flip_coin3 crashs
  • objectAlphaTo can be called with null as argument
  • invalid room size
  • when using camera on cadaver, the actor says there is no more film inside
  • an actor can give something to itself
  • dialog text can contains this " instead of "
  • when using a door, the actor is no more in the current room
  • crash with "trying to set 'thread'"
  • actor's head is 1 pixel offset
  • walk fast does not work
  • bug use verb mouse down
  • layer 1 pixel offset :(
  • tutorial objects are in background
  • cursor text is too big
  • some triggers don't work


  • UI dialogs
    • Options
      • Video
        • safe area
        • ransome unbeeped
      • Help
        • Intro (back: back to options even from mainmenu)
        • Mouse tips (back: back to options even from mainmenu)
        • Controller tips (back: back to options even from mainmenu)
        • Controller map (back: back to options even from mainmenu)
        • Keyboard map (back: back to options even from mainmenu)
      • Save game (enabled only in game)
      • Load game (back: go back to main menu or game)
      • Sound
      • Controls
      • Text & Speech
    • the background is greyed out (and is inactive)
    • Main menu (StartScreen) does not pause game
    • pause game (cursor is changed)
    • quit game (is over options, background is darker, no: go back to main menu or options)
  • dialogs
    • choice anim
    • expressions
      • waitfor
      • allow objects
      • override
      • goto
      • code
      • choice
      • say
      • pause
      • dialog
      • shutup
      • waitwhile
      • limit
      • parrot
    • conditions
      • code
      • once
      • show once
      • once ever
      • temp once
    • choice slide when too long
    • yack intepreter
    • yack parsing
    • draw choices
    • allow to choose a sentence
    • hide choices after having chosen a sentence
    • disable input during dialog
    • use actor colors
    • hide cursor text* [ ] achievements
  • input
    • command handlers
      • ToggleHud
      • ShowHotspot
      • ToggleDebug
      • PauseGame
      • SkipCutscene
      • SkipText
      • ShowOptions
      • SelectChoice1
      • SelectChoice2
      • SelectChoice3
      • SelectChoice4
      • SelectChoice5
      • SelectChoice6
      • SelectActor1
      • SelectActor2
      • SelectActor3
      • SelectActor4
      • SelectActor5
      • SelectActor6
      • SelectPreviousActor
      • SelectNextActor
    • verbs shortcuts
    • input mapping
  • shaders
    • lighting shader
    • object shader
    • room effects
      • EGA
      • VHS
      • b/w
      • sepia
      • ghost
    • room fade
      • IN
      • OUT
      • WOBBLE
      • WOBBLE sepia
    • verb shader
  • HUD
    • fade
    • actor selection
      • fade transition when switchin actors
      • actor switch
    • verbs
      • highlight default verb
      • draw verbs
    • mouse text repositioned
    • when sentence is set to classic the cursor change over objects/actors
    • inventory
      • scroll
      • inventory item animation
    • mouse zsort
    • mouse cursor
  • resource management
    • ref counting with resource management
    • if a resource name contains "_en" then replace by the selected language: texture, spritesheet, ThimbleweedText_en.tsv, loadArray
  • audio
    • support italian voiceover
    • sound position
    • talk
    • sound
    • music
  • camera
    • advanced camera movement
    • camera follow actor
    • camera pan
  • actor
    • actor reach animation
    • actor costume
    • actor animations
    • actor walking
      • path finding
      • animation
      • animation offsets
      • zsort
      • scaling
      • walk facing
      • final facing
      • walkboxes
    • actor blink
    • actor talking
      • talking speed should be adjustable
      • actor lips movement
      • change state if in {}
      • replace " by "
      • ignore text if in ()
      • ignore #M or #F at the end of a text
      • sound
    • actor walk fast
  • logging
    • add colors to console
    • file log: ng.log (all levels) and errors.log (only for warnings and errors)
    • console
    • debug tool console
  • preferences
    • private preferences (achievement)
    • user preferences
    • temp preferences (debug)
  • sentence
    • classic sentence
    • use lookat verb for inventory object
    • use flag: with, in, on
    • use flag: giveto
    • cursor verb should be reset (walk to) when action is executed or cancelled
  • debug tools (dear imgui)
    • shortcuts to show/hide
    • preferences to enable debug tools
    • console
      • dump variables
      • input
      • log
    • general
    • objects
    • actors
    • room
    • textures
    • threads
    • sounds
  • cutscene
    • cutscene UI (ESC)
    • cutscene override
  • triggers
    • room trigger should be called in a thread (to be breakable)
    • sound triggers
  • script
    • squirrel bindings
    • easy squirrel constants bindings
    • change thread management in order to use only 1 thread
  • test object hierarchy: scene graph ?
  • text
    • horizontal alignment
    • vertical alignment
  • continuous integration



  • actorAlpha
  • actorAnimationNames
  • actorAnimationFlags
  • actorAt
  • actorBlinkRate
  • actorColor
  • actorCostume
  • actorDistanceTo
  • actorDistanceWithin
  • actorFace
  • actorHidden
  • actorHideLayer
  • actorInTrigger
  • actorInWalkbox
  • actorLockFacing
  • actorPlayAnimation
  • actorPosX
  • actorPosY
  • actorRenderOffset
  • actorRoom
  • actorShowLayer
  • actorSlotSelectable
  • actorStand
  • actorStopWalking
  • actorTalkColors
  • actorTalking
  • actorTalkOffset
  • actorTurnTo
  • actorUsePos
  • actorUseWalkboxes
  • actorVolume
  • actorWalking
  • actorWalkForward
  • actorWalkSpeed
  • actorWalkTo
  • addSelectableActor
  • createActor
  • flashSelectableActor
  • isActorOnScreen
  • isActorSelectable
  • is_actor
  • masterActorArray
  • mumbleLine
  • sayLine
  • sayLineAt
  • selectActor
  • stopTalking
  • triggerActors
  • verbUIColors


  • activeVerb
  • adhocalytics
  • arrayShuffle
  • assetExists
  • cameraAt
  • cameraBounds
  • cameraFollow
  • cameraInRoom
  • cameraPanTo
  • cameraPos
  • chr
  • cursorPosX
  • cursorPosY
  • distance
  • exCommand EX_AUTOSAVE
  • exCommand EX_IDLE_TIME
  • exCommand EX_OPTIONS_MUSIC
  • exCommand EX_RESTART
  • exCommand EX_SHOW_OPTIONS
  • findScreenPosition
  • frameCounter
  • getPrivatePref
  • getUserPref
  • in_array
  • incutscene
  • indialog
  • inputVerbs
  • int
  • is_array
  • is_function
  • is_string
  • is_table
  • loadArray
  • markAchievement
  • markProgress
  • markStat
  • ord
  • pushSentence
  • random
  • randomfrom
  • randomOdds
  • randomodds
  • randomseed
  • refreshUI
  • screenSize
  • setAmbientLight
  • setDebugger
  • setPrivatePref
  • setUserPref
  • setVerb
  • startDialog
  • stopSentence
  • strcount
  • strcrc
  • strfind
  • strfirst
  • strlast
  • strlines
  • strreplace
  • strsplit
  • translate


  • addCallback
  • addTrigger
  • clampInWalkbox
  • createLight
  • lightBrightness
  • lightConeAngle
  • lightConeDirection
  • lightConeFalloff
  • lightCutOffRadius
  • lightHalfRadius
  • lightTurnOn
  • lightZRange
  • definePseudoRoom
  • defineRoom
  • enableTrigger
  • enterRoomFromDoor
  • findRoom
  • masterRoomArray
  • removeCallback
  • removeTrigger
  • roomActors
  • roomEffect
  • roomFade
    • FADE_IN
    • FADE_OUT
  • roomLayer
  • roomOverlayColor
  • roomRotateTo
  • roomSize
  • walkboxHidden


  • activeController
  • addFolder
  • breakhere
  • breaktime
  • breakwhileanimating
  • breakwhilecamera
  • breakwhilecutscene
  • breakwhiledialog
  • breakwhileinputoff
  • breakwhilerunning
  • breakwhilesound
  • breakwhiletalking
  • breakwhilewalking
  • cutscene
  • cutsceneOverride
  • dumpvar
  • gameTime
  • include
  • inputHUD
  • inputOff
  • inputOn
  • inputSilentOff
  • inputState
  • inputController
  • isInputOn
  • logEvent
  • logInfo
  • logWarning
  • microTime
  • moveCursorTo
  • rawsafeget
  • startglobalthread
  • startthread
  • stopthread
  • threadid
  • threadpauseable


  • createObject
  • createTextObject
  • deleteObject
  • findObjectAt
  • is_object
  • isInventoryOnScreen
  • isObject
  • jiggleInventory
  • jiggleObject
  • loopObjectState
  • objectAlpha
  • objectAlphaTo
  • objectAt
  • objectBumperCycle
  • objectCenter
  • objectColor
  • objectDependentOn
  • objectFPS
  • objectHidden
  • objectHotspot
  • objectIcon
  • objectLit
  • objectMoveTo
  • objectOffset
  • objectOffsetTo
  • objectOwner
  • objectParallaxLayer
  • objectParent
  • objectPosX
  • objectPosY
  • objectRenderOffset
  • objectRoom
  • objectRotate
  • objectRotateTo
  • objectScale
  • objectScaleTo
  • objectScreenSpace
  • objectShader
  • objectSort
  • objectState
  • objectTouchable
  • objectUsePos
  • objectUsePosX
  • objectUsePosY
  • objectValidUsePos
  • objectValidVerb
  • pickupObject
  • pickupReplacementObject
  • playObjectState
  • popInventory
  • removeInventory
  • setDefaultObject
  • shakeObject
  • stopObjectMotors


  • actorSound
  • defineSound
  • fadeOutSound
  • isSoundPlaying
  • loadSound
  • loopMusic
  • loopObjectSound
  • loopSound
  • masterSoundVolume
  • musicMixVolume
  • playMusic
  • playObjectSound
  • playSound
  • playSoundVolume
  • soundMixVolume
  • soundVolume
  • stopAllSounds
  • stopMusic
  • stopSound
  • talkieMixVolume