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File metadata and controls

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Developer Guidelines

Table of Contents

Naming Conventions

Repository Naming

All plugin repositories need to follow the format of sensu-plugins-app-name, where app-name is the name such as windows, disk-checks, or influxdb. The exception to the rule are repos used for the site, tooling, documentation, and plugin libraries such as sensu-plugin which serves as a base for all ruby plugins and its up and coming python cousin sensu-plugin-python. This is done so that the rake tasks and other automation tools can easily parse Github and effectively work with the 180+ plugin repos.

The majority of the plugins are ruby and while often have other languages it may be desirable to eventually bundle these separately to reduce the dependencies required by other languages. For repositories wanting to adopt this they should include the language name or extension as a suffix such as sensu-plugin-python or sensu-plugins-disk-checks-golang to allow users to quickly identify what they are about to explore.

File Naming

All binaries should be prefixed with either handler-, check-, metrics-, or mutator-, filter-, or extension- depending on their primary function. This is done to ensure that a user can quickly tell from the command what the primary function of the script is. It also makes things easier for infrastructure tools.

The name's of scripts should use dashes to separate words and contain an extension (.rb, .sh, .exe, etc). Extensions are unfortunately necessary for Sensu to be able to directly exec plugins and handlers on Windows. All scripts should also be made executable using chmod +x plugin or a similar method. There is a rake task that is run by Travis that will automatically make all files in /bin executable if this is not done.

Coding Style

  • When developing plugins please use the sensu plugin class, this ensures all plugins have an identical run structure.
  • When using options please use the following structure. At the very least the option needs to include a description to assist the user with configuration and deployment.
option :port,
       short: '-p PORT',
       long: '--port PORT',
       description: 'Port',
  • Each script should use the following standard header:
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
#   <script name>
#   plain text, metric data, etc
#   Linux, Windows, BSD, Solaris, etc
#   gem: sensu-plugin
#   <your name>  <your email>
#   Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE
#   for details.

When at all possible preference is given to pure Ruby implementations. There should only be system or platform dependencies in the specific gems that use them such as sensu-plugins-windows.

Copyright and Licensing

The preferred license for all code associated with the project is the MIT License, other compatible licenses can certainly be looked at by the community as whole.

Any code that is written is owned by the developer and as such the copyright, if they desire, should be set to themselves. This is an open source project and built upon the collective code of all who contribute, no one person or entity owns everything. If for whatever reason they wish to not assign copyright to themselves then it can be assigned to sensu-plugins.


All documentation will be handled by Yard using the default markup at this time. A brief introduction to Yard markup can be found here. All scripts should have as much documentation coverage as possible, ideally 100%. Coverage can be tested by installing Yard locally and running

rake yard


The change log should follow the format listed here. Please keep this changelog up to date, if you make changes to the repo and submit a PR please update the changelog accordingly. Please follow the guidelines below when updating the changelog with respect to which number to bump.

Dependency Management

Dependencies (ruby gems, packages, etc) and other requirements should be declared in the header of the plugin and more importantly in the gemspec. Try to use the standard library or the same dependencies as other plugins to keep the stack as small as possible. Questions about using a specific gem feel can be opened as issues on Github or feel free to ask the mailing list.

Issue and Pull Request Submissions

If you see something wrong or come across a bug please open up an issue, try to include as much data in the issue as possible. If you feel the issue is critical than tag a team member and we will respond as soon as is feasible.

Pull requests need to follow the guidelines below for the quickest possible merge. These not only make our lives easier, but also keep the repo and commit history as clean as possible.

  • Please do a git pull --rebase both before you start working on the repo and then before you commit. This will help ensure the most up to date codebase, Rubocop rules, and documentation is available. It will also go along way towards cutting down or eliminating(hopefully) annoying merge commits.
  • The CHANGELOG follows the standard conventions laid out here. Every PR has to include an updated CHANGELOG and README (if needed), this makes our lives eaiser, increases the accuracy of the codebase, and gets your PR deployed much faster.
  • When updating the version in the changelog please keep the following in mind
    • the patch version is for any non-breaking changes to existing scripts or the addition of minor functionality to existing scripts
    • the minor version is for the addition of *any new scripts. Even though this is generally non-breaking, it is a major change to the gem and should be indicitated as such
    • the major version should only be bumped by a core contributor. This is for major breaking or non-breaking changes that affect widespreadspread functionality. Examples of this would be a wholesale refactor of the repo or a switch away from an established method such as going from SOAP to REST across multiple checks.
  • All new scripts, modules, or classes must be fully tested. There are well documented examples in the pagerduty or [dcos][]23 plugin

Tracking the status of your PR or issue, or seeing all open tickets in the org regardless of repo is simple using Github filters. To get started click on the Github logo in the upper left and select either Pull Requests or Issues. In the search box you will see several terms predefined for you, change author:name to user:sensu-plugins to see across the entire org.

Please do not not abandon your pull request, only you can help us merge it. We will wait for feedback from you on your pull request for up to sixty days. A lack of feedback in after this may require you to re-open your pull request.

If you would like to make a pull request and the repo does not already exist then please feel free to directly contact a member of the team using our public email address or open an issue in the Community repo and we will create one for you based on our Skeleton Repo. As a general rule if you ask to have a repo created you will also be given write access to it by default.

Gem Metadata

Each gem has metadata that can easily be queried and is designed to allow a user or contributor to get a good quick read on the current status of the gem and how stable it is. This functions much like the Milestone idea that Logstash plugins are built around, thanks goes out to @hatt for suggesting this.

s.metadata = { 'maintainer' => ''}

The maintainer field can be anyone, feel free to reach out to the team about adding your github handle to the gem and assuming 'ownership' of it. Many of these plugins require specialized knowledge and by their very nature many people depend upon them to be high quality.

s.metadata = { 'development_status' => ''}

The development_status filed allows users know the development state of a plugin:

active => active development is on going by a developer or maintainer

maintenance => no active refactoring or development but someone is watching out for any new pr's or things to do.

unmaintained => the community as a whole is keeping an eye on this but no one has staked a claim to it (most plugins will end up here)

s.metadata = { 'production_status' => ''}

The production_status field gives a quick glance on whether the gem should be used for production grade monitoring or if some review and care should be taken.

production grade => near 100% rspec and yardoc coverage

stable - review recommended => incomplete rspec and yardoc coverage

stable - review required => little/no rspec and/or yardoc coverage

unstable - testing recommended => throw stuff at the wall and hope it sticks (currently most gems are here)

Additional Information

Testing Build and Release Tools and Pipeline