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tw CLI commands

Note: The CLI performs operations in the user workspace context by default. Use the TOWER_WORKSPACE_ID environment variable or the --workspace parameter to specify an organization workspace ID.

Use the -h or --help parameter to list the available commands and their associated options.

tw --help

For help with a specific subcommand, run the command with -h or --help appended. For example, tw credentials add google -h.

Tip: Use tw --output=json <command> to dump and store Seqera Platform entities in JSON format.

Tip: Use tw --output=json <command> | jq -r '.[].<key>' to pipe the command to use jq to retrieve specific values in the JSON output. For example, tw --output=json workspaces list | jq -r '.workspaces[].orgId' returns the organization ID for each workspace listed.


To launch pipelines in a Seqera workspace, you need credentials for:

  1. Compute environments
  2. Pipeline repository Git providers
  3. (Optional) Tower agent — used with HPC clusters
  4. (Optional) Container registries, such as

Add credentials

Run tw credentials add -h to view a list of providers. Run tw credentials add <provider> -h to view the required fields for your provider.

Note: You can add multiple credentials from the same provider in the same workspace.

Compute environment credentials

Seqera requires credentials to access your cloud compute environments. See the compute environment page for your cloud provider for more information.

$ tw credentials add aws --name=my_aws_creds --access-key=<aws access key> --secret-key=<aws secret key>

  New AWS credentials 'my_aws_creds (1sxCxvxfx8xnxdxGxQxqxH)' added at user workspace

Git credentials

Seqera requires access credentials to interact with pipeline Git repositories. See Git integration for more information.

$ tw credentials add github -n=my_GH_creds -u=<GitHub username> -p=<GitHub access token>

  New GITHUB credentials 'my_GH_creds (xxxxx3prfGlpxxxvR2xxxxo7ow)' added at user workspace

Container registry credentials

Configure credentials for the Nextflow Wave container service to authenticate to private and public container registries. See the Container registry credentials section under Credentials for registry-specific instructions.

Note: Container registry credentials are only used by the Wave container service. See Wave containers for more information.

List credentials

$ tw credentials list

  Credentials at user workspace:

     ID                     | Provider  | Name                               | Last activity                 
     1x1HxFxzxNxptxlx4xO7Gx | aws       | my_aws_creds_1                     | Wed, 6 Apr 2022 08:40:49 GMT  
     1sxCxvxfx8xnxdxGxQxqxH | aws       | my_aws_creds_2                     | Wed, 9 Apr 2022 08:40:49 GMT  
     2x7xNsf2xkxxUIxXKxsTCx | ssh       | my_ssh_key                         | Thu, 8 Jul 2021 07:09:46 GMT  
     4xxxIeUx7xex1xqx1xxesk | github    | my_github_cred                     | Wed, 22 Jun 2022 09:18:05 GMT 

Delete credentials

$ tw credentials delete --name=my_aws_creds

  Credentials '1sxCxvxfx8xnxdxGxQxqxH' deleted at user workspace

Compute environments

Compute environments in Seqera define the execution platform where a pipeline runs. A compute environment is composed of the credentials, configuration, and storage options related to a particular computing platform. See Seqera Platform compute environments for more information on supported compute environments.

Add a compute environment

Run tw compute-envs add -h to view the list of supported platforms. Run tw compute-envs add <platform> -h to view the required and optional fields for your platform.

You must add the credentials for your provider before creating your compute environment.

$ tw compute-envs add aws-batch forge --name=my_aws_ce --credentials=<my_aws_creds_1> --region=eu-west-1 --max-cpus=256 --work-dir=s3://<bucket name> --wait=AVAILABLE

  New AWS-BATCH compute environment 'my_aws_ce' added at user workspace

This command will:

  • Use Batch Forge to automatically manage the AWS Batch resource lifecycle (forge)
  • Use the credentials previously added to the workspace (--credentials)
  • Create the required AWS Batch resources in the AWS Ireland (eu-west-1) region
  • Provision a maximum of 256 CPUs in the compute environment (--max-cpus)
  • Use an existing S3 bucket to store the Nextflow work directory (--work-dir)
  • Wait until the compute environment has been successfully created and is ready to use (--wait)

See the compute environment page for your provider for detailed information on Batch Forge and manual compute environment creation.

Delete a compute environment

$ tw compute-envs delete --name=my_aws_ce

  Compute environment '1sxCxvxfx8xnxdxGxQxqxH' deleted at user workspace

Default compute environment

Select a primary compute environment to be used by default in a workspace. You can override the workspace primary compute environment by explicitly specifying an alternative compute environment when you create or launch a pipeline.

$ tw compute-envs primary set --name=my_aws_ce

  Primary compute environment for workspace 'user' was set to 'my_aws_ce (1sxCxvxfx8xnxdxGxQxqxH)'  

Import and export a compute environment

Export the configuration details of a compute environment in JSON format for scripting and reproducibility purposes.

$ tw compute-envs export --name=my_aws_ce my_aws_ce_v1.json

  Compute environment exported into 'my_aws_ce_v1.json' 

Similarly, a compute environment can be imported to a workspace from a previously exported JSON file.

$ tw compute-envs import --name=my_aws_ce_v1 ./my_aws_ce_v1.json

  New AWS-BATCH compute environment 'my_aws_ce_v1' added at user workspace


Pipelines define pre-configured workflows in a workspace. A pipeline consists of a workflow repository, launch parameters, and a compute environment.

Run tw pipelines -h to view the list of supported operations. Run tw pipelines add -h to view the required and optional fields for adding your pipeline.

Add a pipeline

Add a pre-configured pipeline to the Launchpad:

$ tw pipelines add --name=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline --params-file=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_params.yaml

 New pipeline 'my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline' added at user workspace

The optional --params-file flag is used to pass a set of default parameters that will be associated with the pipeline in the Launchpad.

Note: The params-file must be a YAML or JSON file using Nextflow configuration file syntax.

Import and export a pipeline

Export the configuration details of a pipeline in JSON format for scripting and reproducibility purposes.

$ tw pipelines export --name=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_v1.json

  Pipeline exported into 'my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_v1.json' 

Similarly, a pipeline can be imported to a workspace from a previously exported JSON file.

$ tw pipelines import --name=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_v1 ./my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_v1.json

  New pipeline 'my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_v1' added at user workspace

Update a pipeline

The default launch parameters can be changed with the update command:

tw pipelines update --name=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline --params-file=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_params_2.yaml

Launch pipelines

Run tw launch -h to view supported launch options.

Launch a preconfigured pipeline

If no custom parameters are passed via the CLI during launch, the defaults set for the pipeline in the Launchpad will be used.

Note: tw CLI users are bound to the same user permissions that apply in the Platform UI. Launch users can launch pre-configured pipelines in the workspaces they have access to, but they cannot add or run new pipelines.

$ tw launch my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline 

  Workflow 1XCXxX0vCX8xhx submitted at user workspace.

When using --wait, tw can exit with one of two exit codes:

  • 0: When the run reaches the desired state.
  • 1: When the run reaches a state that makes it impossible to reach the desired state.

Tip: Use --wait=SUCCEEDED if you want the command to wait until the pipeline execution is complete.

Launch a pipeline with custom parameters

To specify custom parameters during pipeline launch, specify a custom --params-file:

$ tw launch my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline --params-file=my_rnaseq_nf_pipeline_params_2.yaml

  Workflow 2XDXxX0vCX8xhx submitted at user workspace.

See Nextflow configuration for more information.

Launch an unsaved pipeline

The CLI can directly launch pipelines that have not been added to the Launchpad in a Seqera workspace by using the full pipeline repository URL:

$ tw launch --params-file=./custom_rnaseq_params.yaml --compute-env=my_aws_ce --revision 3.8.1 --profile=test,docker  

  Workflow 2XDXxX0vCX8xhx submitted at user workspace.
  • Pipeline parameters are defined within the custom_rnaseq_params.yaml file.
  • Other parameters such as --profile and --revision can also be specified.
  • A non-primary compute environment can be used to launch the pipeline. Omit --compute-env to launch with the workspace default compute environment.

Note: CLI users are bound to the same user permissions that apply in the Platform UI. Launch users can launch pre-configured pipelines in the workspaces they have access to, but they cannot add or run new pipelines.


Run tw runs -h to view supported runs operations.

Runs display all the current and previous pipeline runs in the specified workspace. Each new or resumed run is given a random name such as grave_williams by default, which can be overridden with a custom value at launch. See Runs for more information. As a run executes, it can transition through the following states:

  • submitted: Pending execution
  • running: Running
  • succeeded: Completed successfully
  • failed: Successfully executed, where at least one task failed with a terminate error strategy
  • cancelled: Stopped manually during execution
  • unknown: Indeterminate status

View pipeline's runs

Run tw runs view -h to view all the required and optional fields for viewing a pipeline's runs.

$ tw runs view -i 2vFUbBx63cfsBY -w seqeralabs/showcase

  Run at [seqeralabs / showcase] workspace:

     ID                  | 2vFUbBx63cfsBY                                  
     Operation ID        | b5d55384-734e-4af0-8e47-0d3abec71264            
     Run name            | adoring_brown                                   
     Status              | SUCCEEDED                                       
     Starting date       | Fri, 31 May 2024 10:38:30 GMT                   
     Commit ID           | b89fac32650aacc86fcda9ee77e00612a1d77066        
     Session ID          | 9365c6f4-6d79-4ca9-b6e1-2425f4d957fe            
     Username            | drpatelhh                                       
     Workdir             | s3://seqeralabs-showcase/scratch/2vFUbBx63cfsBY 
     Container           | No container was reported                       
     Executors           | awsbatch                                        
     Compute Environment | seqera_aws_ireland_fusionv2_nvme                
     Nextflow Version    | 23.10.1                                         
     Labels              | star_salmon,yeast  

List runs

Run tw runs list -h to view all the required and optional fields for listing runs in a workspace.

$ tw runs list

  Pipeline runs at [seqeralabs / testing] workspace:

     ID             | Status    | Project Name               | Run Name                        | Username              | Submit Date                   
     49Gb5XVMud2e7H | FAILED    | seqeralabs/nf-aggregate    | distraught_archimedes           | adrian-navarro-seqera | Fri, 31 May 2024 16:22:10 GMT 
     4anNFvTUwRFDp  | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf      | nasty_kilby                     | mattia-bosio-seqera   | Fri, 31 May 2024 15:23:12 GMT 
     3wo3Kfni6Kl3hO | SUCCEEDED | nf-core/proteinfold        | reverent_linnaeus               | mattia-bosio-seqera   | Fri, 31 May 2024 15:22:38 GMT 


     4fIRrFgZV3eDb1 | FAILED    | nextflow-io/hello          | gigantic_lichterman             | pedro-geadas          | Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:44:47 GMT 
     cHEdKBXmdoQQM  | FAILED    | mathysgrapotte/stimulus    | mighty_poitras                  | evanfloden            | Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:08:52 GMT

Use the optional --filter flag to filter the list of runs returned by one or more keyword:value entries:

  • status
  • label
  • workflowId
  • runName
  • username
  • projectName
  • after
  • before
  • sessionId
  • is:starred

If no keyword is defined, the filtering is applied to the runName, projectName (the pipeline name), and username.

Note: The after and before flags require an ISO 8601 timestamp with UTC timezone (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ)

$ tw runs list --filter hello_slurm_20240530

  Pipeline runs at [seqeralabs / showcase] workspace:

     ID            | Status    | Project Name      | Run Name                             | Username   | Submit Date                   
     pZeJBOLtIvP7R | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/hello | hello_slurm_20240530_e75584566f774e7 | adamtalbot | Thu, 30 May 2024 09:12:51 GMT

Multiple filter criteria can be defined:

$ tw runs list --filter="after:2024-05-29T00:00:00.000Z before:2024-05-30T00:00:00.000Z username:mark-panganiban"

  Pipeline runs at [seqeralabs / testing] workspace:

     ID             | Status    | Project Name          | Run Name           | Username              | Submit Date                   
     xJvK95W6YUmEz  | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | ondemand2          | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 20:35:28 GMT 
     1c1ckn9a3j0xF0 | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | fargate            | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 20:28:02 GMT 
     3sYX1acJ01T7rL | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | min1vpcu-spot      | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 20:27:47 GMT 
     4ZYJGWJCttXqXq | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | min1cpu-ondemand   | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 20:25:21 GMT 
     4LCxsffTqf3ysT | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | lonely_northcutt   | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 20:09:51 GMT 
     4Y8EcyopNiYBlJ | SUCCEEDED | nextflow-io/rnaseq-nf | fargate            | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 18:53:47 GMT 
     dyKevNwxK50XX  | SUCCEEDED | mark814/nr-test       | cheeky_cuvier      | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 12:21:10 GMT 
     eS6sVB5A387aR  | SUCCEEDED | mark814/nr-test       | evil_murdock       | mark-panganiban       | Wed, 29 May 2024 12:11:08 GMT 

A leading and trailing * wildcard character is supported:

$ tw runs list --filter="*man/rnaseq-*"    

  Pipeline runs at [seqeralabs / testing] workspace:

     ID             | Status    | Project Name        | Run Name            | Username       | Submit Date                   
     5z4AMshti4g0GK | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | admiring_darwin     | rob-newman     | Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:56:29 GMT 
     62LqiS4O4FatSy | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | cheeky_yonath       | joaquim-gamero | Wed, 3 Jan 2024 12:36:09 GMT  
     3k2nu8ZmcBFSGv | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | compassionate_jones | pedro-geadas   | Tue, 2 Jan 2024 16:22:26 GMT  
     3zG2ggf5JsniNW | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | fervent_payne       | rob-newman     | Wed, 20 Dec 2023 23:55:17 GMT 
     1SNIcSXRuJMSNZ | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | curious_babbage     | rob-newman     | Thu, 28 Sep 2023 17:48:04 GMT 
     5lI2fZUZfiokBI | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | boring_heisenberg   | rob-newman     | Thu, 28 Sep 2023 12:29:27 GMT 
     5I4lsRXIHVEjNB | SUCCEEDED | robnewman/rnaseq-nf | ecstatic_ptolemy    | rob-newman     | Wed, 27 Sep 2023 22:06:19 GMT 

Relaunch run

Run tw runs relaunch -h to view all the required and optional fields for relaunching a run in a workspace.

Cancel a run

Run tw runs cancel -h to view all the required and optional fields for canceling a run in a workspace.

Manage labels for runs

Run tw runs labels -h to view all the required and optional fields for managing labels for runs in a workspace.

In the example below, we add the labels test and rnaseq-demo to the run with ID 5z4AMshti4g0GK:

$ tw runs labels -i 5z4AMshti4g0GK test,rnaseq-demo 

 'set' labels on 'run' with id '5z4AMshti4g0GK' at 34830707738561 workspace

Delete a run

Run tw runs delete -h to view all the required and optional fields for deleting a run in a workspace.

Dump all logs and details of a run

Run tw runs dump -h to view all the required and optional fields for dumping all logs and details of a run in a workspace. The supported formats are .tar.xz and .tar.gz. In the example below, we dump all the logs and details for the run with ID 5z4AMshti4g0GK to the output file file.tar.gz.

$ tw runs dump -i 5z4AMshti4g0GK -o file.tar.gz
- Tower info
- Workflow details
- Task details

  Pipeline run '5z4AMshti4g0GK' at [seqeralabs / testing] workspace details dump at 'file.tar.gz' 


Run tw workspaces -h to view supported workspace operations. Run tw workspaces add -h to view the required and optional fields for adding your workspace.

Workspaces provide the context in which a user launches workflow executions, defines the available resources, and manages who can access those resources. Workspaces contain pipelines, runs, actions, compute environments, credentials, datasets, data links, and secrets. Access permissions are controlled with participants, collaborators, and teams.

See User workspaces for more information.

Note: This section assumes that you already have access to an organization in Seqera Platform.

Create a workspace

In the example below, we create a shared workspace to be used for sharing pipelines with other private workspaces. See Shared workspaces for more information.

$ tw workspaces add --name=shared-workspace --full-name=shared-workspace-for-all  --org=my-tower-org --visibility=SHARED

  A 'SHARED' workspace 'shared-workspace' added for 'my-tower-org' organization

Note: By default, a workspace is set to private when created.

List workspaces

List all the workspaces in which you are a participant:

$ tw workspaces list                      

  Workspaces for abhinav user:

     Workspace ID    | Workspace Name   | Organization Name | Organization ID 
     26002603030407  | shared-workspace | my-tower-org      | 04303000612070  


Run tw participants -h to view supported participant operations. Run tw participants add -h to view the required and optional fields for adding a participant.

List participants

$ tw participants list

  Participants for 'my-tower-org/shared-workspace' workspace:

     ID             | Participant Type | Name                        | Workspace Role 
     45678460861822 | MEMBER           | abhinav ([email protected]) | owner          

Add participants

To add a new collaborator to the workspace, use the add subcommand. The default role assigned to a collaborator is Launch.

See Participant roles for more information.

$ tw participants add [email protected] --type=MEMBER                           

  User 'collaborator' was added as participant to 'shared-workspace' workspace with role 'launch'

Update participant roles

To update the role of a Collaborator to ADMIN or MAINTAIN, use the update subcommand:

$ tw  participants update [email protected] --type=COLLABORATOR --role=MAINTAIN

  Participant '[email protected]' has now role 'maintain' for workspace 'shared-workspace'

Data Links

Run tw data-links -h to view supported data link operations.

Data links allow you to work with public and private cloud storage buckets in Data Explorer in the specified workspace. See Data Explorer for more information. AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage are supported. The full list of operations are:

  • list: List data links in a workspace
  • add: Add a custom data link to a workspace
  • update: Update a custom data link in a workspace
  • delete: Delete a custom data link from a workspace
  • browse: Browse the contents of a data link in a workspace

List data links

Run tw data-links list -h to view all the optional fields for listing data links in a workspace. If a workspace is not defined, the TOWER_WORKSPACE_ID workspace is used by default. Data links can be one of two types:

  • v1-cloud-<id>: cloud data links auto-discovered using credentials attached to the workspace
  • v1-user-<id>: custom data links created by users
$ tw data-links list -w seqeralabs/showcase

  Data links at [seqeralabs / showcase] workspace:

 ID                                        | Provider | Name                           | Resource ref                                                    | Region    
 v1-cloud-833bb845bd9ec1970c4a7b0bb7b8c4ad | aws      | e2e-data-explorer-tests-aws    | s3://e2e-data-explorer-tests-aws                                | eu-west-2 
 v1-cloud-60700a33ec3fae68d424cf948fa8d10c | aws      | nf-tower-bucket                | s3://nf-tower-bucket                                            | eu-west-1 
 v1-user-09705781697816b62f9454bc4b9434b4  | aws      | vscode-analysis-demo           | s3://seqera-development-permanent-bucket/studios-demo/vscode/   | eu-west-2 
 v1-user-0dede00fabbc4b9e2610261822a2d6ae  | aws      | seqeralabs-showcase            | s3://seqeralabs-showcase                                        | eu-west-1 
 v1-user-171aa8801cabe4af71500335f193d649  | aws      | projectA-rnaseq-analysis       | s3://seqeralabs-showcase/demo/nf-core-rnaseq/                   | eu-west-1 


 v1-user-bb4fa9625a44721510c47ac1cb97905b  | aws      | genome-in-a-bottle             | s3://giab                                                       | us-east-1 
 v1-user-e7bf26921ba74032bd6ae1870df381fc  | aws      | NCBI_Sequence_Read_Archive_SRA | s3://sra-pub-src-1/                                             | us-east-1 

  Showing from 0 to 99 from a total of 16 entries. 

Add a custom data link

Run tw data-links add -h to view all the required and optional fields for adding a custom data link to a workspace. Users with the MAINTAIN role and above for a workspace can add custom data links. The data link name, uri and provider (one of aws, azure, or google) fields are required. If adding a custom data link for a private bucket, the credentials identifier field is also required. Adding a custom data link for a public bucket doesn't require credentials.

$ tw data-links add -w seqeralabs/showcase -n FOO -u az:// -p azure -c seqera_azure_credentials

  Data link created:

 ID                                       | Provider | Name | Resource ref                       | Region 
 v1-user-152116183ee325463901430bb9efb8c9 | azure    | FOO  | az:// |        

Update a custom data link

Run tw data-links update -h to view all the required and optional fields for updating a custom data link in a workspace. Users with the MAINTAIN role and above for a workspace can update custom data links.

$ tw data-links update -w seqeralabs/showcase -i v1-user-152116183ee325463901430bb9efb8c9 -n BAR

  Data link updated:

 ID                                       | Provider | Name | Resource ref                       | Region 
 v1-user-152116183ee325463901430bb9efb8c9 | azure    | BAR  | az:// |        

Delete a custom data link

Run tw data-links delete -h to view all the required and optional fields for deleting a custom data link from a workspace. Users with the MAINTAIN role and above for a workspace can delete custom data links.

$ tw data-links delete -w seqeralabs/showcase -i v1-user-152116183ee325463901430bb9efb8c9

  Data link 'v1-user-152116183ee325463901430bb9efb8c9' deleted at '138659136604200' workspace.

Browse the contents of a data link

Run tw data-links browse -h to view all the required and optional fields for browsing a data link in a workspace. Define the data link id using the required -i or --id argument, which can be found by first using the list operation for a workspace. In the example below, a name is optionally defined to only retrieve data links with names that start with the given word:

$ tw data-links list -w seqeralabs/showcase -n 1000genomes

  Data links at [seqeralabs / showcase] workspace:

 ID                                       | Provider | Name        | Resource ref     | Region    
 v1-user-6d8f44c239e2a098b3e02e918612452a | aws      | 1000genomes | s3://1000genomes | us-east-1 

  Showing from 0 to 99 from a total of 1 entries.

$ tw data-links browse -w seqeralabs/showcase -i v1-user-6d8f44c239e2a098b3e02e918612452a         

  Content of 's3://1000genomes' and path 'null':

 Type   | Name                                       | Size     
 FILE   | 20131219.populations.tsv                   | 1663     
 FILE   | 20131219.superpopulations.tsv              | 97       
 FILE   | CHANGELOG                                  | 257098   
 FILE   | README.alignment_data                      | 15977    
 FILE   | README.analysis_history                    | 5289     
 FILE   | README.complete_genomics_data              | 5967     
 FILE   | README.crams                               | 563      
 FILE   | README.ebi_aspera_info                     | 935      
 FILE   | README.ftp_structure                       | 8408     
 FILE   | README.pilot_data                          | 2082     
 FILE   | README.populations                         | 1938     
 FILE   | README.sequence_data                       | 7857     
 FILE   | README_missing_files_20150612              | 672      
 FILE   | README_phase3_alignments_sequence_20150526 | 136      
 FILE   | README_phase3_data_move_20150612           | 273      
 FILE   | alignment.index                            | 3579471  
 FILE   | analysis.sequence.index                    | 54743580 
 FILE   | exome.alignment.index                      | 3549051  
 FILE   | sequence.index                             | 67069489 
 FOLDER | 1000G_2504_high_coverage/                  | 0        
 FOLDER | alignment_indices/                         | 0        
 FOLDER | changelog_details/                         | 0        
 FOLDER | complete_genomics_indices/                 | 0        
 FOLDER | data/                                      | 0        
 FOLDER | hgsv_sv_discovery/                         | 0        
 FOLDER | phase1/                                    | 0        
 FOLDER | phase3/                                    | 0        
 FOLDER | pilot_data/                                | 0        
 FOLDER | release/                                   | 0        
 FOLDER | sequence_indices/                          | 0        
 FOLDER | technical/                                 | 0