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TGen Options (attributes)

In doc/ we provided an overview how we use a graph to configure TGen. You should read and understand that document first. In this document we specify the full set of options (attributes) that can be set on each action (vertex) in the TGen configuration graph.

Option formats

All attributes are currently stored as strings in graphml. When we specify the attributes, we use the following shorthand to describe the value formats:

  • peer: <ip>:<port>
    e.g., or
  • size: <integer> <suffix>
    e.g., "5 suffix" ("5" defaults to "5 bytes") where suffix is case in-sensitive and one of:
    b, byte, bytes,
    kb, kilobyte, kilobytes,
    kib, kibibyte, kibibytes,
    mb, megabyte, megabytes,
    mib, mebibyte, mebibytes,
    gb, gigabyte, gigabytes,
    gib, gibibyte, gibibytes,
    tb, terabyte, terabytes,
    tib, tebibyte, tebibytes
  • time: <integer> <suffix>
    e.g., "60 suffix" ("60" defaults to "60 seconds") where suffix is case in-sensitive and one of:
    nanosecond, nanoseconds, nsec, nsecs, ns,
    microsecond, microseconds, usec, usecs, us,
    millisecond, milliseconds, msec, msecs, ms,
    second, seconds, sec, secs, s,
    minute, minutes, min, mins, m,
    hour, hours, hr, hrs, h

Start options

Acceptable attributes for the start action:

Name Format Example Description
serverport <integer> 8080 The local port that will be opened to listen for other tgen connections. Set this value if your tgen instance should act as a server for other tgen client requests.
time <time> 1 second The time that tgen should delay before starting a walk through the action graph. If not given, tgen will start immediately upon process initialization.
heartbeat <time> 1 second The time between which heartbeat status messages are logged at 'message' level. A default of 1 second is used if heartbeat is not set. The heartbeat message is disabled if heartbeat is set to 0.
loglevel <string> info The level above which tgen log messages will be filtered and not shown or logged. Valid values in increasing order are: 'error', 'critical', 'message', 'info', and 'debug'. The default value if loglevel is not set is 'message'.
* * * All options for the traffic, flow, and stream actions specified below can also be set in the start action. Any such options that are specified in the start action are treated as the global default option for all such actions. You can then override this global default by also setting the option in any individual action.

Traffic options

Acceptable attributes for the traffic action:

Name Format Example Description
flowmodelpath <filepath> ~/flows.graphml The Markov model to use to generate flows. If unspecified, tgen will use a default Markov model that repeatedly generates flows in both directions at a constant rate and with no inter-flow delay.
* * * All options for the flow and stream actions specified below can also be set in the traffic action. Any flow or stream options that are specified in the traffic action will be passed through to all flows and streams generated with the flow and stream Markov models specified for this traffic action (and will therefore override options with the same name that were specified in the start action).

Flow options

Acceptable attributes for the flow action:

Name Format Example Description
streammodelpath <filepath> ~/streams.graphml The Markov model to use to generate streams in this flow. If unspecified, tgen will use a default Markov model that repeatedly generates streams in both directions at a constant rate and with no inter-stream delay.
* * * All options for the stream action specified below can also be set in the flow action. Any stream options that are specified in the flow action will be passed through to all streams generated with the stream Markov model specified for this flow (and will therefore override options with the same name that were specified in the start action).

Stream options

Acceptable attributes for the stream action:

Name Format Example Description
packetmodelpath <filepath> ~/packets.graphml The Markov model to use to generate packets in this stream. If unspecified, tgen will use an internal default Markov model with no end state that causes tgen to continously generates packets in both directions with no inter-packet delay.
packetmodelmode <string> 'path' or 'graphml' Sets the mode that tgen uses to send the packet Markov model to the server. If unset or set to 'graphml', the tgen client will load the model locally and send a string representation of the model formatted as graphml during the stream handshake. If set to 'path', the client will send the path given in the packetmodelpath attribute to the server, and the server will attempt to load the model at that same path (the server must already have a copy of the model).
markovmodelseed <integer> 12345 The seed that will be used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator (prng) that will generate seeds for all Markov models created for this action. If unspecified, tgen initializes the prng using a seed generated by a global prng that was randomly seeded.
peers <peer>,...,... Required: a comma-separated list of peers to use for this stream. The peers attribute is required unless a peers attribute is specified in the start action. A peer will be selected at random from this list, or at random from the start action list if this attribute is not specified.
socksproxy <peer>,... A comma-separated list of peers to use as proxy servers through which all connections to other tgen peers will be made. If not given, tgen will connect to the peer directly unless this option is set in the start action.
socksusername <string> myuser The SOCKS username that we should send to the SOCKS proxy during the SOCKS handshake for this stream. This option is ignored unless socksproxy is also set in either this stream action or in the start action.
sockspassword <string> mypass The SOCKS password that we should send to the SOCKS proxy during the SOCKS handshake for this stream. This option is ignored unless socksproxy is also set in either this stream action or in the start action.
socksauthseed <integer> 12345 If set, the seed that will be used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator (prng) that will generate random socksusername and sockspassword strings that we send to the SOCKS proxy during the SOCKS handshake. If set on a stream action, random strings will be generated for each stream; otherwise, random strings will be generated for each flow, and all streams generated by a flow will use the same strings as the flow that generated them. This option is ignored unless socksproxy is also set, and overrides any socksusername and sockspassword options that were set.
sendsize <size> 5 KiB The amount of payload data to send from the client to the server after completing the initial handshake. If not set, then the client will continue sending data until it reaches the end state in the Markov model. If set to a positive value, the Markov model will be reset and repeated as necessary until the sendsize is reached. If set to 0, the client will send no payload data following the handshake. To send an infinite stream, either configure a Markov model with no 'F' emissions or don't configure a Markov model (in which case an internal nonstop model will be used).
recvsize <size> 10 MiB This is analagous to the sendsize option, but for payload data received by the client from the server (i.e., payload data sent from the server to the client).
timeout <time> 2 minutes The amount of time since the stream started after which we give up on it. If specified, this stream overrides any timeout attribute that may have been set on the start action. If this is set to 0, then an absolute timeout is disabled. If this is not set and is also not set in start action, then an absolute timeout is disabled.
stallout <time> 30 seconds The amount of time since bytes were last sent or received for this stream after which we consider this a stalled stream and give up on it. If specified, this stream overrides any stallout attribute that may have been set on the start element. If this is set to 0, then a stallout is disabled. If this is not set and is also not set in start action, then an internally defined stallout is used instead (currently 30 seconds).

Pause options

Acceptable attributes for the pause action:

Name Format Example Description
time <time>,... 5 seconds,... The time or comma-separated list of times that the tgen node should pause before resuming the walk through the action graph. If a list is given, a time from the list will be chosen uniformly at random every time the pause action is encountered while walking the graph.

End options

Acceptable attributes for the end action:

Name Format Example Description
time <time> 10 minutes Stop if this amount of time has passed since tgen started.
count <integer> 10 Stop if tgen has completed (successfully or not) this number of streams.
sendsize <size> 1 GiB Stop if this amount of data was sent by the client.
recvsize <size> 1 GiB Stop if this amount of data was received by the client.