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✨ create feature_selection submodule
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- add function to tokenize data, fixes #10
- add function to remove stopwords from text, fixes #11
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ZenithClown committed Aug 21, 2024
1 parent 6f495be commit f85ca01
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Showing 4 changed files with 308 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions nlpurify/
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Expand Up @@ -13,4 +13,8 @@
__version__ = "0.0.1.dev2"

# init-time options registrations
from nlpurify.feature import (
selection as feature_selection

from nlpurify.normalize import normalizeText
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions nlpurify/feature/
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

A Submodule Dedicated towards Feature Extraction/Selection Methods
Feature extraction involves extraction of informations from a text
like mobile number, email number etc., while selection is designed to
select features by recursive removal of features which may not be
useful in improving a NLP based model's performance.

from nlpurify.feature import selection # noqa: F401, F403
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions nlpurify/feature/selection/
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

Feature Selection from a Raw Text Data
A feature selection is designed to improve the performance of a NLP
module by recursive eliminations. For example, stopwords does not
contribute to improve the performance of the model and is usually
removed from a text which provides a better model accuracy.

from nlpurify.feature.selection.nltk import * # noqa: F401, F403 # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports]
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions nlpurify/feature/selection/
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@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

A Collection of Methods from the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)
NLTK is a leading suite of library designed for symbolic and
statistical natural language program in Python. This module is
designed for the English language, however, the due to continued
effort from the community other languages are being incorporated.
A set of functions are designed using the NLTK library for feature
selection methods like stop words removal, word lemmatizations etc.
A feature selection method works best when a text is normalized.
This can be achived by using :mod:`nlpurify.normalizeText()` method
and is generally internally by all the related functions defined.

import re

from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

from nlpurify.normalize import normalizeText

def tokenize_text(text : str, regexp : bool = False, vanilla : bool = False, **kwargs) -> list:
Tokenization of Text into Lists of Substrings
A word vector is one where a scentence is broken down into small
pieces (or vectors) which constitutes the features of an model.
To achieve tokenization, the most simpler approach is by using the
in-built string method ``text.split()`` which splits the string
by white characters. However, this is often in efficient and
results in an improper model development. This can be resolved by
using the :mod:`nltk.tokenize` methods.
By default, the function is tuned with the ``word_tokenize``
method which works as below:
.. code-block:: python
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
s = '''Good muffins cost $3.88\\nin New York. Please buy me
two of them.\\n\\nThanks.'''
>> ['Good', 'muffins', 'cost', '$', '3.88', 'in', 'New',
'York', '.', 'Please', 'buy', 'me', 'two', 'of', 'them',
'.', 'Thanks', '.']
The power of tokenization is appreciated even more when the text
data is cleaned and normalized as defined in the function
:type text: str
:param text: The raw text which is internally normalized using
:func:`nlpurify.normalizeText()` for feature selection. To
stop normalization of text see the keyword arguments section.
:type vanilla: bool
:param vanilla: Override the :func:`nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize`
function with Python vanilla method. Either the method allows
setting ``regexp == True`` or ``vanilla == True`` while both
are not allowed. The vanilla method uses string attributes
like ``.split()`` and other keyword arguments to control
and tokenize the data.
:type regexp: bool
:param regexp: Override the :func:`nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize`
function with a regular expressions. Either the method allows
setting ``regexp == True`` or ``vanilla == True`` while both
are not allowed.
**Keyword Arguments**
The default keyword arguments are defined for the
:func:`nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize` function.
* **preserve_line** (*bool*): A flag to decide whether to
sentence tokenize the text or not, as accepted by
the function. Defaults to False.
* **tokenize_language** (*str*): The language model name as
accepted by the Punkt corpus by NLTK. Defaults to the
"english" language, as in function.
The paramter value associated with regular expression data
control is as below:
* **expression** (*str*): The regular expression which
is used to compile the regular expression. This should
be a r-string which can be directly used. Defaults to
``r"\w+"` value, i.e. only word characters.
The paramter value associated with the Python vanilla method
control is as below:
* **split_by** (*str*): The value is passed to :func:`split()`
to control seperated terms, defaults to white space.
* **retalpha** (*bool*): If set to True (default) returns only
alphabets which is an inherent string property: ``isalpha``
method. If both ``retalpha`` and ``retalnum`` is true, then
``retalpha`` has an overriding effect.
* **retalnum** (*bool*): If set to True (default) returns only
alphabets and numeric characters from the string which uses
an inherent string property: ``isalnum`` method.
**Function Example**
The function primarily returns a list of strings which can be
used to create word vector.
.. code-block:: python
s = "this is an example string, with p()nct & n0s."
# using the default word_tokenize:
>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'string', ',', 'with', 'p', '(', ')', 'nct', '&', 'n0s', '.']
# using regular expressions, default configuration
print(nlpurify.feature_selection.tokenize_text(s, regexp = True))
>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'string', 'with', 'p', 'nct', 'n0s']
# a custom regular expressions is also accepted, feel free to experiment!
# the following expression mimics the above example r"\w+" but using custom expression
print(nlpurify.feature_selection.tokenize_text(s, regexp = True, expression = r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"))
>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'string', 'with', 'p', 'nct', 'n0s']
# this is using vanilla python string functions with default values
print(nlpurify.feature_selection.tokenize_text(s, vanilla = True))
>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'with']
# to understand the difference using retalpha == False, i.e., retalnum = True
s = "this is an example string, with p()nct & n0s. 987"
print(nlpurify.feature_selection.tokenize_text(s, vanilla = True, retalpha = False))
>> ['this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'with', '987']

preserve_line = kwargs.get("preserve_line", False)
tokenize_language = kwargs.get("tokenize_language", "english")

expression = re.compile(kwargs.get("expression", r"\w+"))

split_by = kwargs.get("split_by", " ")
retalpha = kwargs.get("retalpha", True)
retalnum = kwargs.get("retalnum", True)

tokenize_method = None
# ! do not allow both `regexp` and `vanilla` as true
if all([regexp, vanilla]):
raise ValueError("Both Control are Not Allowed.")
elif any([regexp, vanilla]):
# ? if the error is not raised, execute below - else section
if regexp:
tokenize_method = "regexp"
# ? vanilla method is selected, however based
# on keyword selection - setting different index
if retalpha:
# this has an ovverriding effect thus first
tokenize_method = "vanilla-alnum"
elif retalnum:
tokenize_method = "vanilla-alpha"
tokenize_method = "vanilla-vanilla"
tokenize_method = "word-tokenize"

# select method and parameter control, and finally
# return token data value from the choice of method:
tokens = {
"regexp" : expression.findall(text),

# we've the three methods of vanilla like:
"vanilla-alnum" : [s for s in text.split(split_by) if s.isalnum()],
"vanilla-alpha" : [s for s in text.split(split_by) if s.isalpha()],
"vanilla-vanilla" : text.split(split_by), # default, no change

"word-tokenize" : word_tokenize(text, language = tokenize_language, preserve_line = preserve_line)

return tokens[tokenize_method]

def remove_stopwords(text : str, language : str = "english", **kwargs) -> str:
Function to Remove Stopwods from a Raw Text using NLTK
In a Natural Language Processing (NLP), stopwords are frequently
removed to improve the performance of the model and increase the
computational efficiency. Words like "and", "or", etc. does not
provide additional information to the model but are important for
The NLTK library hosts a lists of words that should be removed.
To find the list of supported language, check the fields:
.. code-block:: python
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
print(stopwords.fileids()) # list of supported language
Stopwords is available under :mod:`nltk.corpus` which is required
by the function. To download a corpus:
.. code-block:: python
import nltk"all") # download all the available corpus"stopwords") # only download stopwrds corpus
While it is advisable to download all the corpus, but it is
left on the discretion of the user. The function may throw an
error in case there are additional dependent corpus which needs
to be downloaded.
:type text: str
:param text: The raw text which is internally normalized using
:func:`nlpurify.normalizeText()` for feature selection. To
stop normalization of text see the keyword arguments section.
:type language: str
:param language: The name of the language which is available
under the :mod:`nltk.corpus.stopwords`. To find the list
of accepted languages check ``stopwords.fields()``. Defaults
to the "english" language.
**Keyword Arguments**
* **tokenize** (*bool*): Tokenize the text using the
:mod:`nltk.tokenize.word_tokenize()` method to extract the
tokens from the strings which returns the syllables from
a single word. Defaults to True. If false, the function
internally creates a token vector using ``text.split()``
method, which splits the words by spaces - which may
have unwanted effect when symbols are present in the text.
Check attributes of :func:`tokenize()` for more details.
* **normalize** (*bool*): Normalize the text internally.
Defaults to true, else if the data is already normalized
then pass False. Note the function may not be able to
remove all the stopwords if the data is not normalized and
the case of the words is not lower.
**Function Example**
For more control over the tokenization, all the parameters
of :func:`tokenize_text()` is accepted.
.. code-block:: python
s = "this is an example string, with p()nct & n0s."
# using defaults from tokenize_text, i.e., using word_tokenize
>> example string , p ( ) nct & n0s .
# this we can further simplify by using other features
print(nlpurify.feature_selection.remove_stopwords(s, regexp = True))
>> example string p nct n0s

tokenize = kwargs.get("tokenize", True)
normalize = kwargs.get("normalize", True)

stopwords_ = stopwords.words(language) # defaults to english

# ? normalize the text using nlpurify.normalizeText()
# else, left at user's discreations or additional functionalities
text = normalizeText(
uniform_text_case = "lower",
strip_line_breaks = True
) if normalize else text

tokens = tokenize_text(text, **kwargs) if tokenize else text
return " ".join([word for word in tokens if word not in stopwords_])

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