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Wake Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you have wake and git installed in your path. Code sections are intended to either be copy-pasted into a terminal, or to be added to a tutorial.wake file. If you're reading the raw file, these are indicated above the code block; if the Markdown has already been rendered, it shouldn't be too difficult to guess.

Table of Contents

Invoking wake

Unlike some other build systems, wake stores data to the filesystem between runs in order to cache and optimize future builds; it therefore needs a (small) bit of setup before working.

$ mkdir ~/tutorial
$ cd ~/tutorial
$ wake --init .
$ wake -x '5 + 6'

This sequence of commands creates a new workspace managed by wake. The --init option is used to create an initial wake.db to record the state of the build in this workspace. Whenever you run wake, it searches for a wake.db in parent directories. The first wake.db found defines what wake considers to be the workspace. You can thus safely run wake in any sub-directory of tutorial and wake will be aware of all the relevant dependencies and rules.

The output of wake run on -x 'expression' is the result of evaluating that expression. In this case, 5 + 6 results in value 11. Wake will report more information when run in verbose mode: wake -v.

$ wake -vx '5 + 6'
5 + 6: Integer = 11

The verbose output is of the form expression: type = value. The above will give 5 + 6: Integer = 11. As before, 5 + 6 results in 11, which is an Integer.

Next, create a file with a .wake extension (the rest of the tutorial assumes you call it tutorial.wake) containing two lines:

export def hello =
    "Hello World"

The syntax def x = y introduces a new variable x whose value is equal to y; in this case, y is just a String. The export keyword is involved with wake's package visibility system, and doesn't do much here (beyond preempting what would be a warning), but can come into play with more complex project setups.

With that file in the current directory, you can access anything named in it.

$ wake -x 'hello'
"Hello World"

Wake processes all wake files (*.wake) which are in the workspace, so our new file tutorial.wake is available to us from the command-line; since it's the only wake file here, some additional handling happens to make it even simpler to access from, but the details about that are better described later. For now, just know that any wake code should be added to this same file.


While wake is first and foremost a build system, it's been written to gracefully handle very complex projects. In service of that goal, wake provides a full programming language for use in writing equally complex build rules. As may be expected, functions play an integral role in that language.

export def increment i =
    i + 1
$ wake -x 'increment 3'

Wake uses a syntax more closely related to ML and other functional languages. Most notably, functions in wake are applied to their arguments with simple spaces rather than parentheses, so f x y is read as "function f run on x and y"; in C that would be f(x, y). Looking at the example, def increment i = ... introduces a function increment which takes a single argument i, while increment 3 calls that function with i equal to 3.

$ wake -vx increment
increment: (i: Integer) => Integer = <tutorial.wake:5:[5-9]>

Notice that we didn't have to specify anything for wake to know what types increment accepts and returns. Wake is strongly-typed and will definitely complain if you try to pass a function the wrong type of object, but it is pretty good about guessing what things are (technically, using a Hindley-Milner type system). It's often a good practice to explicitly list types anyway -- to both help when you're reading the code and to catch any mistakes that might slip in -- but for brevity most examples in this tutorial will skip the annotations.

export def decrement (i: Integer): Integer =
    i - 1

Hopefully unsurprisingly, wake can handle more complex functions than simple addition and subtraction.

export def countHex (until: Integer): List String =
    def numbers =
        seq until
    map strHex numbers
$ wake -x 'countHex 20'
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "10", "11", "12", "13", Nil

Note that Nil represents an empty list in wake, and any values are just built on top of it; x, y, Nil is a List comprised of the two objects x and y.

In wake, the last line is always the value of the define. As countHex is a function, you could say the last line is the return value. Only one standalone expression -- that last one -- is allowed in any block; wake does not allow the imperative (C, Java, etc.) style of listing multiple statements or expressions in a single function, to be executed one after another. Even so, by gathering the intermediate calculations into a series of def blocks, wake can be just as powerful.

Beyond that, seq is a function which takes an Integer and generates a List Integer containing every number from zero to one below the argument (in other words, a List starting at zero whose length is determined by the argument). Wake uses linked lists rather than arrays for most things, which means that adding items to or taking items from the start of a List is very fast and we don't have to worry about running out of indices and having to copy memory, but also means that doing anything to the end of a List can be expensive.

Finally, map takes another function and applies it to every element in a list; in this case, strHex will render each number into a (hexadecimal) String. Functions are just another type of object in wake and can be passed around very easily, so many tasks which might typically be written as a loop are instead written using functions like map.

Anonymous functions

Generally, one should define functions with a name. This makes code more readable for other people. However, sometimes the function is really just an after-thought. For these cases wake makes it possible to define functions inline.

$ wake -vx '\x x^2'
\x x^2: (x: Integer) => Integer = <<command-line>:1:[12-14]>
$ wake -x 'map (\x x^2) (seq 10)'
0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, Nil

The backslash syntax is an easy-to-type stand-in for the lambda symbol, λ. While we've not talked about it, the wake language implements a "typed lambda calculus". This syntax for inline functions is wake's homage to its roots.

Multiple arguments can be used by simply prefixing all of them with \, and you can pattern-match on any of them; the following two functions are equivalent:

export def lambda x (Pair y z) =
    x + y + z
export def expression =
    lambda 1 (Pair 2 3)
$ wake -x '(\x \(Pair y z) x + y + z) 1 (Pair 2 3)'

To make inline functions even easier to define, wake also supports a syntax where one specifies the holes _ in an expression and a function is created which fills the holes from left to right.

$ wake -vx '(_ + 4)'
(_ + 4): Integer => Integer = <<command-line>:1:[10-14]>
$ wake -x 'map (_ + 4) (seq 8)'
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Nil
$ wake -x 'seq 1000 | filter (_ % 55 == 0) | map str | catWith " "'
"0 55 110 165 220 275 330 385 440 495 550 605 660 715 770 825 880 935 990"

This hole-based syntax is not as powerful as lambda expressions, because each argument can only be used once. Furthermore, the functions are created at block boundaries, which include ()s, which can limit their usefulness. Nevertheless, this syntax can be convenient.

The last example also demonstrates the syntax x | f 0 | g. This should be read like the pipe operator in a shell script, feeding the value on the left into the final argument of the function on the right. Ultimately, it will be evaluated as g (f 0 x), but when chaining together multiple transformations to data, the pipe syntax becomes more readable.

Data types and pattern matching

So far, we've gotten a lot done with primitive types (Integer, String, ...) and Lists. However, wake does allow you to define your own data types. These can then be analyzed using pattern matching.

export data Animal =
    Cat (name: String)
    Dog (age: Integer)

The data keyword introduces a new type, Animal. Types are always capitalized, and use a different namespace from variables. As defined, Animal can either be a Cat or a Dog, where Cats have names and Dogs have ages. If we want the new type available to other files, we put an export in front of the data, just like with values and functions.

$ wake -vx 'Cat'
Cat: (name: String) => Animal = <tutorial.wake:16:[5-7]>

As wake informs us, Cat is a function that takes a String and returns an Animal. However, unlike normal functions, Cat is also a type constructor. Type constructors differ from normal variables in that they are capitalized and can be used in pattern matches.

export def strAnimal a = match a
    Cat x = "a cat called {x}"
    Dog y = "a {str y}-year-old dog"
$ wake -x 'strAnimal (Dog 12)'
"a 12-year-old dog"
$ wake -x 'strAnimal (Cat "Fluffy")'
"a cat called Fluffy"

The function strAnimal is an example of pattern matching. It consists of the keyword match followed by the value to pattern match. On the following lines we indent and provide one or more patterns.

In many ways, this is similar to a switch statement in other languages, but can be used with any type by giving a constructor along with new value names corresponding to each of its arguments. In match, these values are followed by = and then an expression that is the result of when the pattern is matched. For example, in Cat x = "a cat called {x}", the x is a new variable binding corresponding to name in the declaration, thus it is a String. After = we have a String that is the result whenever strAnimal is passed a Cat.

Note that when matching, the patterns must exhaustively catch all possibilities. For example, it would be illegal to match but only provide a pattern for Cat. A useful pattern is to provide a "default" pattern with _ to match anything:

export def matchWithDefault a = match a
    Cat x = "a cat called {x}"
    _     = "not a cat!"

When, as above, we only care about a single constructor of a type, we can use the require keyword instead. If the object on the right-hand side of the = is of a different constructor, the value is passed up a level and the evaluation is returned from early (similar to a return statement in C-derived languages).

export def requireCat pet =
    require Cat x = pet
    else "not a cat!"

    "a cat called {x}"

Note that this destructor pattern (Dog y, Cat x) not only works for match and require, but also def when the type only has a single constructor/destructor.

In cases where the value returned from the surrounding block happens to be the same type as the value in the require, we can leave out the else clause and anything with a different constructor (in the case below, every Cat) will be passed up unchanged.

export def addDogYears years pet =
    require Dog age = pet
    Dog (age + years * 7)
$ wake -x 'addDogYears 3 (Dog 12)'
Dog 33
$ wake -x 'addDogYears 3 (Cat "Fluffy")'
Cat "Fluffy"

More complex types

The previous example's Animal type provides a relatively simple union tagging one of two potential values. Types can also collect multiple values together, or both.

export data Customer =
    Customer (name: String) (id: Identifier)
export data Identifier =
    Authenticated (login: String) (pass: String)
    Basic (email: String)

Note also that we can use Identifier before it has been defined. For the most part, wake allows a definition (type or variable) to happen anywhere at or above the level of its usage, though there are still a couple restrictions.

When destructing a multi-parameter type, the number of new variable names needs to match the number of parameters to the constructor, but _ or something starting with it can be used for anything which you don't care about using.

export def greetCustomer customer =
    def Customer name _id = customer
    "Hello, {name}!"

When a type is used for structural purposes rather than data itself, it's often better to not specify what type(s) some or all of its values have. However, this abstraction isn't as simple as just leaving off the type annotation in the constructor; wake still needs to be explicitly told everything about the type. Instead, we give a placeholder "type variable" after the type name:

export data UnsortedTree value =
    Node (left: UnsortedTree value) (right: UnsortedTree value)
    Leaf (this: value)

By not referencing any one type, UnsortedTree is able to collect literally any values, so long as they all have the same type -- note that we need to specify what inner type is used for both left and right in their annotations; we can't simply say that something is an UnsortedTree, we have to say it's an UnsortedTree String or an UnsortedTree Animal (or even an UnsortedTree someOtherTypeVariable if we want to include it within another abstract type). Additionally, the capitalization here is important. When type-checking, wake assumes that everything starting with an uppercase letter is an actual type and everything starting with a lowercase letter is a type variable, so both data UnsortedTree Value and data unsortedTree value would be invalid.

$ wake -vx filter
filter: (f: a => Boolean) => List a => List a = </usr/local/share/wake/lib/core/list.wake:577:[12-35]>

We used abstract types previously when looking at Lists. The same rules for type variables apply to functions, which allows us to work with structures we might not know everything about; wake is able to implement filter for every type of List because every a in the function's type annotation must refer to the same type. No matter how complex or simple an a might be, we know that if we pass one to f we will get either a True or a False, and we know how to deal with those.

Named accessors

As types grow larger, it can become difficult to keep track of what value is in which position; it is even more difficult to edit or replace one value among many. To aid with this, wake provides the tuple keyword as a counterpart to data.

export tuple Module =
    Name: String
    Imports: List Module
    Sources: List Path
$ wake -vx Module
Module: (Name: String) => (Imports: List Module) => (Sources: List Path) => Module = <tutorial.wake:45:[14-19]>

In this case, Name, Imports, and Sources are the fields of the type constructed by Module rather than three separate constructors of it. Notably, three functions each are created behind the scenes:

$ wake -vx getModuleName
getModuleName: Module => String = <tutorial.wake:46:[5-8]>
$ wake -vx setModuleName
setModuleName: (Name: String) => Module => Module = <tutorial.wake:46:[5-8]>
$ wake -vx editModuleName
editModuleName: (fnName: String => String) => Module => Module = <tutorial.wake:46:[5-8]>

With these, we can easily work with types collecting dozens of values, at least as far as the raw code goes. It is important to note that all objects in wake are immutable -- the so-called editModuleName does not change the existing Module, but instead creates a new object with all values but Name copied from the original. There is no way to pass-by-reference or by pointer which modifies objects in-place.

Dealing with failure

Given wake's easily parametric -- and not inheritable -- types, it's generally considered bad form to have failures be represented by "magic" values which could be confused with a success (e.g. null pointers or empty strings) or brushing them off to a side channel (e.g. exception throw/catch). Instead, they're explicitly marked in the type system through data types.


The simplest and most common way we deal with failure in wake is with the Option type:

export def firstOrZeroWhenEmpty list = match (head list)
    Some first = first
    None       = 0

As in the above, we can use pattern matching on Option to deal with the possibility of Some or None. In this case, firstOrZeroWhenEmpty accepts a List of Integers and returns the first element of the list (its "head", as opposed to the longer "tail" behind it) or 0 if the list is empty.

$ wake -vx firstOrZeroWhenEmpty
firstOrZeroWhenEmpty: (l: List Integer) => Integer = <tutorial.wake:42:[16-18]>

A rich selection of functions exists for operating on Option values. For example, a more concise way of accomplishing the same goal is to use getOrElse which will return the value in a Some or a default if the Option is None.

export def firstOrZeroWhenEmpty2 l =
    getOrElse 0 (head l)


Options are a great way to deal with things that can fail in one obvious way (eg. head fails when the List is empty), but sometimes an operation may have multiple ways of failing (eg. reading a file, it may not exist or permission may be denied). wake provides a type called Result for dealing with such cases. Result is similar to Option: it can be either a Pass p, where p represents the value of correct operation, or a Fail f, where f is a description of how an operation failed.

$ wake -x 'stringToRegExp ".?xp"'
Pass (RegExp `.?xp`)
$ wake -x 'stringToRegExp "*bad*"'
Fail (Error "no argument for repetition operator: *" Nil)

Don't pay too much attention to the exact strings, we're currently mainly interested in the output structure of the functions. Namely, that the first command returned a Pass containing an accurate (if verbose) representation of what we gave it, while the second returned a Fail with some Error describing what was wrong with the input. We can see those same inner types reflected in the type of the function:

$ wake -vx stringToRegExp
stringToRegExp: (str: String) => Result RegExp Error = </usr/local/share/wake/lib/core/regexp.wake:43:[12-39]>

Like any other type, we can match on Results:

export def regexOrOnlyEmpty regexString =
    match (stringToRegExp regexString)
        Pass regex = regex
        Fail _ = `^$`

This will attempt to parse a regex from an unrestricted String, and fall back on a regex representing an empty string if the parse failed for any reason. Similarly to getOrElse, there is a function getWhenFail that will return the value in a Pass or a default in the case of Fail. We can rewrite the above as simply:

export def regexOrOnlyEmpty2 regexString =
    getWhenFail `^$` (stringToRegExp regexString)

You may have noticed that the Results above contain a type called Error. Error is a type that contains a String "cause", and a List of Strings stack trace. You might also have noticed that the cause is "no argument for repetition operator: *", but the stack is just Nil. Wake does not actually maintain a call stack like traditional languages, so by default Errors will contain an empty List for the stack. If you run wake with -d (or --debug), it will simulate a stack:

$ wake -dx 'stringToRegExp "*bad*"'
Fail (Error "no argument for repetition operator: *" ("stringToRegExp@wake: /usr/local/share/wake/lib/core/regexp.wake:45:[12-16]", "top: src/optimizer/tossa.cpp:185:1", Nil))

You can construct an Error directly, or use makeError which simply takes a String cause and will record the Stack. There is even another function failWithError which takes that same String and returns a Result a Error for the very common case where you'd wrap the Error in a Fail immediately after creating it.

Executing shell jobs

In writing build instructions, we frequently want to execute arbitrary commands in the system shell. Wake provides this ability through the job system, in order to allow their execution to be cached.

from wake import _
from plan_scorer import _

export def infoH _args =
    def cmdline =
        "{which "uname"} -sr"
    def plan =
        makePlan "get kernel" Nil cmdline
    def os =
        runJob plan
    def str =
        getWhenFail "" os.getJobStdout
    def body =
        "#define OS {str}\n#define WAKE {version}\n"
    write "{@here}/info.h" body    # created with mode: rw-r--r--

This example creates a header file suitable for inclusion in some C/C++ project. To understand what's happening in this example, let's break down all the new methods being leveraged.

As before, def introduces infoH as a new function with a single argument _args, which it ignores (as before, the leading underscore silences a compiler warning). Making it a function like this even though it just discards the argument serves two purposes. First, wake evaluates objects (without arguments) as soon as they're encountered but functions only when they're fully called, so if we were to write it export def infoH = then any time we did anything with wake it would write an info.h file. The second we'll look at soon.

which is a function which searches wake's path for the named program. On most systems, which "uname" = "/bin/uname", but this may not always be the case. Using which buys us a bit of indirection and is usually good form to use with jobs.

makePlan is the main method wake uses to set up calls to external shell scripts or tools. It takes three arguments: a readable name for what the job is doing, a list of paths of legal inputs, and a string for the command-line. We will go into more detail on that and runJob (which is where the command is actually invoked) in the next section.

The values returned by runJob can be accessed in many ways. In this case, we use getJobStdout to get the standard output from the command; since an empty string is a reasonable default for our use, we use getWhenFail "" to recover in case the job failed. There is other information we can get from a Job object: getJobStatus is an Integer equal to the job's exit status, getJobOutputs returns a List of Paths created by the job, among others.

version is just a String with the current wake version, and @here is a String with the directory of the wake file. We also have an example of a comment, # ..., reminding us of the default permissions used by write.

$ wake infoH
Pass (Path "info.h")
$ cat info.h
#define OS Linux

#define WAKE 0.25.0

Next, notice that we did not use -x when invoking wake this time. The default operation of wake invokes the subcommand (in this case infoH) specified on the command-line, with any additional command-line arguments passed to that function. This is the second reason for the _args: this form of invocation requires a function which can take a List String containing any following command-line arguments. In this case, it was Nil since nothing followed the wake infoH, but if we had written wake infoH example then _args would have been "example", Nil.

As a side effect of this feature, any command-line arguments you want to pass to wake itself -- rather than to the function invoked -- must be given before the function name: wake -v infoH will increase the verbosity as expected, while wake infoH -v will not.

Each executed job -- in other words, when wake calls out to an external program -- is recorded, and we can retrieve all the information about them as desired.

$ wake --last
Job 3:
  Command-line: /bin/uname -sr

Notice that the listed environment is much simpler than the actual environment of your system; wake tries to minimize anything which might cause two runs to give different results, and that includes any local environment variables.

Customizing job invocation

Using runJob, we run processes with the default execution plan. This means that all environment variables are removed and the job is executed in the root of the workspace. However, it is possible to customize the environment used.

from wake import _
from plan_scorer import _

export def showEnv _ =
    def plan =
        "echo $HAX $FOO"
        | makePlan "print from environment" Nil
        | editPlanEnvironment ("HAX=peanut", "FOO=bar", _)
    def output =
        runJob plan
        | getJobStdout
        | getWhenFail ""
    println output
$ wake showEnv
peanut bar

$ wake --last
Job 6 (print from environment):
  Command-line: /bin/dash -c 'echo $HAX $FOO'

The underlying job execution model of wake uses two phases. First one constructs a Plan object which describes what should be executed. The Plan is then transformed into a Job by runJob. Before one calls runJob, one can change various properties, like the environment variables in this example.

In this case, we construct the Plan using makePlan which, in addition to the command to run and the files the command may access, also asks for a string it can use to label the resulting job; we can see it show up in the first line of the --last output, which can often be easier to debug than needing to read the command line itself. Other methods of making Plan objects -- such as makeExecPlan -- may or may not ask for a label, but one can always be added with setPlanLabel.

Finally, println is very useful when debugging wake code. However, be forewarned that the execution order of wake is not sequential! This can result in print output that does not appear to follow the definition order of your build program.

Build rules with file inputs

To illustrate wake's use as a build system, we'll use a few simple programs written in C++. This is certainly not the only language which wake can be used for, but it's the only one which the wake standard library provides builtin functions to handle.

from wake import _
from gcc_wake import compileC linkO

def variant = "native-cpp11-release"
export def buildSimple _ =
    require Pass mainSrc =
        source "main.cpp"
    require Pass main =
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil mainSrc
    linkO variant Nil main "simple" Nil

Let's ignore the contents of tutorial.wake briefly and instead focus on how wake behaves.

$ git init .
$ echo 'int main() { return 0; }' > main.cpp
$ git add main.cpp
$ wake buildSimple
Pass (Path "simple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)

(The git commands are truly important; by default wake finds files through the git index. Additionally, the ./simple.native-cpp11-release the Path refers to is a complete and executable file, even if it does literally nothing at the moment.)

As the build instructions become more complex, the --last output becomes larger and harder to sort through. You can always pipe it through less or your favorite pager, or you can filter it by the specific files involved:

$ wake --input main.cpp
Job 9 (compile c++ main.native-cpp11-release.o):
$ wake --output tutorial.native-cpp11-release
Job 13 (link c++ simple):
  Command-line: /usr/bin/c++ -o simple.native-cpp11-release main.native-cpp11-release.o -std=c++11
  Directory: .

If the resulting file is removed, or main.cpp modified, then wake will, of course, rebuild the output.

$ rm simple.native-cpp11-release
$ wake buildSimple
Pass (Path "simple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake --last
Job 17 (link c++ simple):

Because of the underlying database, wake can be a bit smarter about rebuilds when the contents of the file haven't changed:

$ touch main.cpp
$ wake buildSimple
Pass (Path "simple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake -o simple.native-cpp11-release
Job 17 (link c++ simple):

Notice that wake does not rebuild the object file in this case (the job ID in my output is still 17). It checked that the hash of the input has not changed and concluded that the existing output would have been exactly reproduced by gcc.

Now let's turn our attention back to the wake file:

$ tail -n 10 tutorial.wake
from wake import _
from gcc_wake import compileC linkO

def variant = "native-cpp11-release"
export def buildSimple _args =
    require Pass mainSrc =
        source "main.cpp"
    require Pass main =
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil mainSrc
    linkO variant ("-lm", Nil) main "simple" Nil

The from ... import ... lines indicate that we want to use something from an external package. Any file which doesn't specify any imports will automatically import everything in the standard wake package, but as soon as we explicitly add an import , we need to explicitly list the wake import ourselves. The package system is described in more detail in its own documentation.

While this is not a tutorial about C/C++, it's also worth noting a few things about how the C/C++ build process works before continuing. First, you'll notice that the above code has split it into the two steps of compileC and linkO; this directly reflects the underlying process where every source file is first compiled to object code individually, and then afterward the multiple object files are linked into a single binary. GCC typically hides that complexity, but you can still see it reflected in some basic Makefiles as well:

OBJ = main.o
main: ${OBJ}
	gcc -o $@ ${OBJ}
	gcc -c $<

The def variant = "native-cpp11-release" line similarly refers to a predefined set of flags that wake provides for C++ code. Since we'll only ever access it from within functions in this file, we don't need to mark it export. The full range and implications of the variant system are outside the scope of this tutorial, but just know that the String will show up in several places through the output.

The source function verifies that a "source file" exists, returning a Result Path Error pointing to it if it does. This is also where the git commands come into play, as source only searches the git index to find files. Don't forget to add anything you create!

Since we need to use the inner value of the Result rather than the wrapper itself, we use the common destructor pattern require Pass x = ... to obtain it. If source does indeed have trouble and returns a Fail, the require will stop the rest of buildSimple from being run and instead simply return that Fail at the top level; otherwise we assign the Path to mainSrc.

Now that we have the source file, buildSimple invokes the compileC function:

$ wake --in gcc_wake -vx compileC
compileC: (variant: String) => (extraFlags: List String) => (headers: List Path) => (cfile: Path) => Result (List Path) Error = </usr/local/share/wake/lib/gcc_wake/gcc.wake:78:[12-37]>

The type of compileC is a bit more complex than others we've looked at previously, but taking one element at a time, it should be read as "a function that takes a String named variant, then a List of Strings named extraFlags, then a List of Paths named headers, another Path named cfile, and finally returns a List Path if nothing failed but an Error if something did."

Indeed, we can see in our use of compileC, we passed a String for the first argument and mainSrc -- which is indeed a Path -- for the last argument, while the second and third arguments are Lists.

This returns a Result (List Path) Error pointing to the object file, which, through the same sequence as the source file, gets passed to linkO for assembly into a binary. As this is then the last command in the def block, the output is returned as the function result.

Building targets from multiple files

Of course, most programs are going to split across several files.

export def buildMultiple _ =
    def mainResult =
        require Pass mainSrc =
            source "main.cpp"
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil mainSrc
    def helpResult =
        require Pass helpSrc =
            source "help.cpp"
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil helpSrc
    def multipleResult =
        require Pass main = mainResult
        require Pass help = helpResult
        linkO variant ("-lm", Nil) (main ++ help) "multiple" Nil
$ echo -e '#include "stdio.h"\nvoid helper() { printf("Built with wake\\n"); }' > help.cpp
$ git add help.cpp

While most of the changes are minor, the separation of mainResult and helpResult into the two steps of def followed by require is the most obvious. This may initially seem like it creates an unnecessary intermediate variable, but it is in fact very important for achieving the best performance. Namely, in order for require to define values or return early based on the exact constructor it's passed, it enforces a degree of serialization on the code. def doesn't have the same restriction, so by starting the computation in def blocks, we allow wake to compile main.cpp and help.cpp in parallel. (The require unwrapping within multipleResult ensures they're both compiled before being linked, even though each def block can be started out of order.)

$ wake buildMultiple
Pass (Path "multiple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake --last
Job 25 (compile c++ help.native-cpp11-release.o):
  Command-line: /usr/bin/c++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O2 -I. -c help.cpp -frandom-seed=help.native-cpp11-release.o -o help.native-cpp11-release.o
Job 29 (link c++ multiple):
  Command-line: /usr/bin/c++ -o multiple.native-cpp11-release main.native-cpp11-release.o help.native-cpp11-release.o -std=c++11

Note that there's no entry for compiling main.cpp. Because wake invokes the compilation and linking steps separately, it was able to recognize that main.cpp had already been compiled -- even though that compilation happened in a different function in a previous invocation.

$ rm *.o
$ wake buildMultiple
Pass (Path "multiple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake --last
Job 31 (compile c++ main.native-cpp11-release.o):
Job 32 (compile c++ help.native-cpp11-release.o):

Similarly, wake did NOT re-link the objects of the program despite needing to build them again. That's because wake remembers the hashes of the objects it gave to the linker last time. The rebuilt object files have the same hashes, so there was no need to re-link the program. Similarly, whitespace-only changes to the files will not cause a re-link.

$ echo 'int main() { return 2; }' > main.cpp
$ wake buildMultiple
Pass (Path "multiple.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake --last
Job 39 (compile c++ main.native-cpp11-release.o):
Job 43 (link c++ multiple):

Of course, if you change main.cpp meaningfully, it will be recompiled (without also recompiling help.cpp) and the program re-linked.

Map and partial function evaluation

Having to list all cpp files is cumbersome. You have probably organized your codebase so that all the files in the current directory should be linked together. This example demonstrates how to support that.

export def buildAll _ =
    def compile =
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil
    def objectsResult =
        require Pass srcFiles =
            sources @here `.*\.cpp`
        map compile srcFiles
        | findFail
    def allResult =
        require Pass objects = objectsResult
        linkO variant ("-lm", Nil) (flatten objects) "all" Nil

Notice that we've defined compile to be compileC with every argument supplied except the Path of the file to compile. This is known as "partial function evaluation" or "currying". Thus, compile is a function that takes a Path and returns a Path. We could equivalently express compile as:

def compile src =
    compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) Nil src

The argument src here is a bit more explicit, but not strictly necessary.

In either case, this allows us to write compile cppFile to compile a single cpp file, saving some typing. However, we can use the map function to save even more! We use the sources function to find all the .cpp files. That gives us a List of Paths. Recall that compile is a function that takes one argument, a Path. map applies the function supplied as its first argument to every element of the List supplied as its second argument.

$ wake buildAll
Pass (Path "all.native-cpp11-release", Nil)
$ wake --last
  60cde6e2 help.native-cpp11-release.o
  31745228 main.native-cpp11-release.o
  209de066 all.native-cpp11-release

After the map, we're left with a List (Result (List Path) Error), or several compilations which would each return some Paths if they succeed, but which may individually fail. However, require can only unwrap the outermost type, so we need to switch the List and the Result. This is exactly what findFail does: if any of the inner computations failed, then the entire thing fails, but otherwise it returns the successes as a Result (List (List Path)) Error. Once we unwrap that, we can pass the list of lists to flatten (which has type List (List a) => List a, concatenating all of the lists) to get the List Path that we need to link.

Our wake file is now both smaller and will automatically work when new .cpp files are added.

Supplemental file visibility

Recall that the third argument to compileC is a list of additional legal input files. Wake forbids jobs from reading files in the workspace that are not declared inputs. This means that if you include header files, they must be declared in the list of legal inputs passed to compileC or the compile will fail.

export def buildHeaders _ =
    require Pass headers =
        sources @here `.*\.h`
    def compile =
        compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) headers
    def objectsResult =
        require Pass srcFiles =
            sources @here `.*\.cpp`
        map compile srcFiles
        | findFail
    def headersResult =
        require Pass objects = objectsResult
        linkO variant ("-lm", Nil) (flatten objects) "headers" Nil
$ echo 'void helper();' > help.h
$ echo -e '#include "help.h"\nint main() { helper(); }' > main.cpp
$ git add help.h
$ wake buildHeaders
Pass (Path "headers.native-cpp11-release", Nil)

Indeed, we can see that failure if we try to run buildSimple or buildMultiple now that main.cpp depends on a header -- if you run into trouble with jobs missing files, checking the "Visible" list will give you a better understanding than your local filesystem:

$ wake buildSimple
main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: help.h: No such file or directory
 #include "help.h"
compilation terminated.
Fail (Error "Non-zero exit status (Exited 1) for '/usr/bin/c++ -std=c++11 -Wall -O2 -I. -c main.cpp -frandom-seed=main.native-cpp11-release.o -o main.native-cpp11-release.o'" Nil)
$ wake -v --failed
  0b10435dd8947e57cbad4f4326d65dd0909c026b8e2bcaa2f87c9e6018507451 main.cpp
  0b10435dd8947e57cbad4f4326d65dd0909c026b8e2bcaa2f87c9e6018507451 main.cpp
  main.cpp:1:10: fatal error: help.h: No such file or directory
   #include "help.h"
  compilation terminated.

In buildHeaders, we've used the sources command to find all the header files in the same directory and pass them as legal inputs to gcc -- the keyword @here expands to the directory of the .wake file. The second argument to sources is a regular expression to select which files to return. We've used ``s (backticks) here which define regular expression literals with the standard syntax. In addition, the parser verifies that regular expression literals are legal.

Note that "source files" are those files tracked by git. Wake will never return built files from a call to sources, helping repeatability. We can see this through the fact that the info.h file we generated is not listed in the visible list, despite the regex supposedly matching all .h files in the current directory. If we did want to use it, we'd need to reference the Path returned when it is created (or retrieved from the cache):

def infoResult =
    infoH Nil
def compile =
    require Pass info = infoResult
    def visible =
        info, headers
    compileC variant ("-I.", Nil) visible

In a classic Makefile it would be considered bad form to list all header files as dependencies for all cpp files. That's because make would recompile every cpp file whenever any header file changes. In wake, we don't have this problem. Wake monitors jobs to see which files they actually used and remembers this for later builds. Therefore, it's best in wake to err on the side of caution (and convenience) by just listing all the headers in directories that are interesting to the cpp files.

$ wake -o main.native-cpp11-release.o
  d2a7bfde help.h
  9d220741 main.cpp
  810e17cb main.native-cpp11-release.o

For this file, wake recorded that it needed both main.cpp and help.h.

$ wake -o help.native-cpp11-release.o
  5b8beead help.cpp
  13350319 help.native-cpp11-release.o

For this file, wake recorded that it only needed help.cpp, despite help.h being a legal input.


Wake includes a publish/subscribe interface to support accumulating information between multiple files. publish x = y adds y to the List of things which will be returned by a subscribe x expression.

topic animal: String
publish animal =
    "Cat", Nil
publish animal =
    "Dog", "Wolf", Nil
publish animal =
    replace `u` "o" "Mouse", Nil
export def animals =
    subscribe animal
$ wake -x 'animals'
"Cat", "Dog", "Wolf, "Moose", Nil

Note that animal is not a variable; it is a topic, which is in a different namespace than normal variables. Note also that y must be a List.

For example, this API can be used to accumulate all the unit tests in the workspace into a single location that runs them all at once. Keep in mind that the published List can be of any type (including functions and data types), so the types of workspace-wide information that can be accumulated this way is wide open. However, all publishes to a particular topic must agree to use the same type in the List, or the files will not type check.

Downloading and parsing files

Consider a build setup where the local project depends on the sources of some external one. Especially for security-sensitive dependencies where using the most recent version (no matter what version that may be), this is the sort of example that becomes very difficult very quickly in a system like make, but is fairly straight-forward in wake:

from wake import _
from plan_scorer import _

def curl url extension =
    def outputFile =
        # This construction is somewhat specific to GitHub's url scheme, which
        # names release tarballs according to the tag version, but doesn't
        # include the `.tar.gz` (or `.json`) extension.
        "{@here}/{basename url}.{extension}"
    def cmdline =
        "{which "curl"} -o {outputFile} {url}"
    def curl =
        makePlan "download {url}" Nil cmdline
        | runJob

export def downloadGithubRelease projectList =
    require (project, Nil) = projectList
    else failWithError "Exactly one project must be downloaded per call"
    def releasesResult =
        # Query the GitHub microservice for a structured list of releases.
        # Note that this is rate-limited, so you might want a different setup if
        # including this as part of CI for a large project.
        curl "{project}/releases" "json"
    def releaseTarballsResult =
        require Pass releases = releasesResult
        require Pass releasesData =
            parseJSONFile releases
        def releases =
            # Search through the list of all releases to retrieve the values of
            # the `tarball_url` field.  Don't spend too much time memorizing
            # this particular JSON interface; it will be replaced soon.
            releasesData // `tarball_url`
            | getJArray
            | getOrElse Nil
        Pass (mapPartial getJString releases)
    def mostRecentUrlResult =
        require Pass releaseTarballs = releaseTarballsResult
        # The returned JSON results are ordered newest-first.
        head releaseTarballs
        | getOrFail "No GitHub releases found for {project}".makeError
    def mostRecentTarballResult =
        require Pass mostRecentUrl = mostRecentUrlResult
        curl mostRecentUrl "tar.gz"
$ wake downloadGithubRelease sifive/wake
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  385k    0  385k    0     0   501k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  501k
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
Pass (Path "v0.25.2.tar.gz")

As we've covered before, job is used to launch curl to download the table. The curl function also makes use of replace with a regular expression to split the filename out of the URL. replace accepts a "replacement" String which it substitutes for every substring that matches the regular expression. We also use the simplify function which transforms paths into canonical form. In this, case simplify removes the leading "./".

The require project, Nil = line is helpful for restricting a list to contain exactly one item. We could also use head and require Some or getOrElse/getOrFail to discard any arguments after the first, but in this case we have chosen to fail loudly.

The GitHub API returns a JSON document, for which wake has built-in handling. The full library will be described elsewhere, but for a brief overview of what is used in this example, parseJSONFile does as the name suggests and reads a file (here retrieved by curl, but it could also be from source or any other call) into an internal representation which we then search through for all tarball_url keys.

By passing the resulting URL to a second call of curl, we're able to retrieve the required files determined by the output of a previous job. This ability for the complex interweaving of programming language features with build-system output caching is where the full power of wake truly shines.

Ignore wake source files

By default, wake will recursively search the entire workspace for build files (*.wake). However, there are occasions where you want it to ignore some of them: for example, during testing where you could exclude some files from regular usage, or a directory structure that includes duplicate repository checkouts, where duplicate symbol definitions would raise an error.

To allow these, wake looks for files named .wakeignore containing patterns. The pattern language is shell filename globbing. One pattern per line, each relative to the path of the .wakeignore file.

The concrete syntax is:

  • empty lines are ignored
  • lines starting with a # are comments and are ignored
  • ? matches a single non-slash character
  • * matches any number (including zero) of non-slash characters
  • [a-z] matches a single lower-case character
  • /**/ in an expression like foo/**/bar stands in for any number of directories (including zero)
  • foo/** recursively matches all contents of the directory foo
  • **/bar matches all files bar contained in this directory or any subdirectory

An example:

    ├── wake.db
    ├── repo1
    │   └── foo.wake
    └── repo2
        ├── .wakeignore
        └── repo1
            └── foo.wake

If repo1 is checked-out out twice like above, then if a .wakeignore file at path workspace/repo2 contained repo1/** then foo.wake would not be read twice.

The following patterns in workspace/repo2/.wakeignore would all match the above foo.wake:
