diff --git a/getting-started/voice/respond-to-incoming-call/server/README.md b/getting-started/voice/respond-to-incoming-call/server/README.md
index 9f6c0dc..4546d0e 100644
--- a/getting-started/voice/respond-to-incoming-call/server/README.md
+++ b/getting-started/voice/respond-to-incoming-call/server/README.md
@@ -1,78 +1,5 @@
-# Backend application built using Sinch Java SDK to handle incoming webhooks
+# Sinch Getting started
-This directory contains a server application based onto [Sinch SDK java](https://github.com/sinch/sinch-sdk-java)
+Code is related to [Handle an incoming call with Java SDK](https://developers.sinch.com/docs/voice/getting-started/java-sdk/incoming-call).
-## Requirements
-- JDK 8 or later (Sinch SDK Java is requiring java 8 only but client application can use latest available version)
-- [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/)
-- [SpringBoot](https://spring.io/projects/spring-boot)
-- [Sinch account](https://dashboard.sinch.com)
-- [ngrok](https://ngrok.com/docs)
-## Configuration
-### Configure application settings
-com.mycompany.app.Application settings are using the `SpringBoot` configuration file: [`application.yaml`](src/main/resources/application.yaml) file and enable to configure:
-#### Sinch credentials
-Located in `credentials` section (*you can find all of the credentials you need on your [Sinch dashboard](https://dashboard.sinch.com)*):
-- `project-id`: YOUR_project_id
-- `key-id`: YOUR_access_key_id
-- `key-secret`: YOUR_access_key_secret
-#### Server port
-Default: 8090
-Located in `server` section:
-- port: The port to be used to listen to incoming requests. Default: 8090
-## Usage
-### Start server
-1. Edit configuration file
- See above for Configuration paragraph
-2. Start server locally.
- Compile and run the application as server locally.
- ```bash
- mvn spring-boot:run
- ```
-### EndPoints
-When server is online, declared controllers will respond to following endpoints
-| Service | Endpoint |
-| Numbers | /NumbersEvent |
-| SMS | /SmsEvent |
-| Verification | /VerificationEvent |
-| Voice | /VoiceEvent |
-## Use ngrok to forward request to local server
-Forwarding request to same `8090` port used above:
-*Note: The `8090` value is coming from default config and can be changed (see [Server port](#Server port) configuration section)*
-ngrok http 8090
-ngrok output will contains output like:
-ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit)
-Forwarding https://0e64-78-117-86-140.ngrok-free.app -> http://localhost:8090
-The line
-Forwarding https://0e64-78-117-86-140.ngrok-free.app -> http://localhost:8090
-Contains `https://0e64-78-117-86-140.ngrok-free.app` value.
-This value must be used to configure callback's URL from your [Sinch dashboard](https://dashboard.sinch.com/sms/api/services)
\ No newline at end of file
+See [Server template README](https://github.com/sinch/sinch-sdk-java-quickstart/blob/main/templates/server/README.md) for details about configuration and usage.