This is an UNOFFICIAL bot that replies to comments that will not render correctly in old reddit. Reddit usernames cannot exceed 20 characters or else I would put "unofficial" in the name.
Copy the contents of your code block to your clipboard, run the below command, then paste your clipboard to overwrite your code block.
xclip -out -selection clipboard | sed 's/^/ /' | xclip -in -selection clipboard
Copy the contents of your code block to your clipboard, run the below command in a terminal, then paste your clipboard to overwrite your code block.
pbpaste | sed 's/^/ /' | pbcopy
If your primary browser is Safari, you can also create a Service for this:
- open Automator
- choose New Document > Service
- check "Output replaces selected text" in the header
- in the right pane, search for "shell", drag "Run Shell Script" to the right pane
- select "/bin/sh" as shell
- replace the text (
) bysed 's/^/ /'
- save as whatever you want (e.g. "indent" or "code block")
From now on, when in safari (or more generally a "Cocoa" text control) you can just select a block of text, control-click > Services > Indent to invoke the workflow on the selected block.
Please contribute similar commands or techniques!
I use old reddit and I found myself manually doing essentially what this bot does.
This is generally against reddit bottiquette since it prevents the user from deleting their comment. Additionally, duplicating large comments can make the page much noisier.
That would make sense to me.
Most differences between the new and old markdown parsers are minor. The only thing this bot currently detects is fenced code blocks since the rendering is drastically different and often makes the improperly rendered comment unreadable.