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Install on Amazon EKS


Create compose namespace

Just run kubectl create namespace compose.

Deploy etcd

Compose on Kubernetes requires an etcd instance (in addition to the kube-system etcd instance). Please follow How to deploy etcd.

Deploy Compose on Kubernetes

Run installer-[darwin|linux|windows.exe] -namespace=compose -etcd-servers=http://compose-etcd-client:2379.

Note: To setup Mutual TLS with the etcd instance, you can use etcd-ca-file, etcd-key-file and etcd-cert-file flags.

Deploy a stack in the cluster

By now you should be able to Check that Compose on Kubernetes is installed and Deploy a stack.

Then when listing resources with kubectl get svc you should see something like:

NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                  PORT(S)           AGE
db              ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                       55555/TCP         4m51s
kubernetes      ClusterIP       <none>                                                                       443/TCP           27m
web             ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                       55555/TCP         4m51s
web-published   LoadBalancer   33000:30123/TCP   4m51s
words           ClusterIP      None             <none>                                                                       55555/TCP         4m51s

To access our example web application, open a browser and go to <LoadBalancer external-ip>:33000.

Optional: use kubernetes service proxy

** This step is required to run e2e tests against EKS **

Kubernetes API allows accessing a service from client over an authenticated channel by proxying communication. End-2-end tests do rely

+----------+    +---------------+                   +-----------------------+     +---------------+    +----------+
|   curl   | -> | kubectl proxy | ====[tunnel]====> | kubernetes API server | --> |  kube proxy   | -> | service  |  
| (client) |    |               |  (authenticated)  |    (control plane)    | (*) | (worker node) |    | (tcp:80) |
+----------+    +---------------+                   +-----------------------+     +---------------+    +----------+

With default setup, EKS cluster is created with network security group to block communication (*) between Kubernetes control plane and worker nodes on privileged ports (<1024)). For e2e tests to run, or rely on API server proxy for other use cases, you'll need to lower EKS network security (details here).